Movie Merger (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #2)

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Movie Merger (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #2) Page 12

by Angel, Rachel

  With that, Brandon walked toward the door and I made my way to the bedroom. My inner voice was starting to win over and I was beginning to realize just what a damaging idea a physical reunion with Brandon would be in the end. I stood there and then I heard a loud voice coming from the door. I knew whose voice that was too.

  I walked out and saw Marshall bolting past Brandon. He stopped and froze in his tracks when he saw me…just like I’d done when I saw him with her yesterday.

  “What are you doing dressed like that?” Marshall spat. He turned to look at Brandon and paused a moment. I looked at Brandon and saw a flicker of recognition come over his face.

  Brandon looked back to Marshall and began to extend his hand, as if he was going to introduce himself and Marshall shoved him forcefully out of the way and charged over toward me.

  I couldn’t move, not even caring that I was only in my bra and panties, with my clasp undone too. The sight of two men being so riled up about me considering they’d both rejected me was absolutely ridiculous. I didn’t get it.

  “Becca, are you going to give in to someone that hurt you so much that easily?”

  “I don’t think that it’s any of your business.”

  “Go into your room now and I’ll be right there,” Marshall ordered. I don’t know why I listened, but I did. Suddenly I was feeling crimson and my face was starting to match the rosy shade of my panties and bra.

  From the bedroom I heard Marshall say, “Take your coat and get the hell out of here—and stay away from Becca!”

  The door slammed and Marshall was back in the bedroom. I had hooked the clasp on my bra again and was sitting on the edge of the bed, not really sure what to do. My bathrobe was still out in the living room.

  “Becca, I’m going to try and be patient here, although I don’t understand what you were possibly thinking. You leave the studio without saying goodbye, don’t answer my calls, and won’t answer your door. Then I come over and see that you are with him…that Brandon…the one that devastated you. Is your self-confidence really that low?”

  “Why would you care, Marshall? Do you think that my self-confidence will be soaring when I have to stand there and watch you and your little friend fucking away so merrily and enjoying the shock I get from it? Is that what good self-esteem leads to? Because if it is I think I’ll keep my lower self-confidence and respect. You have no right to lecture or be mad at me. I was your flavor of the week and you’ve moved on.”

  Marshall’s eyes softened and he sat down on the bed next to me. “I’m sorry if that’s what you saw. It wasn’t exactly what happened. Jennifer and I…we have been physical for a while, and well, she thought it was still going on so she barged into my house, surprising me, and well… she started undressing me, but I didn’t want to have sex with her any longer. Then you were there, and I know what you saw…but it didn’t happen that way. I am very protective of you and like I’d told you, you’re a great friend.”

  “About that. I’m not so sure we can be friends anymore, Marshall. It’s clearly too hard for me. Maybe someday, but not today.”

  “That’s really what you want?”

  “Maybe not what I want, but it is what I need,” I said. My hands were trembling from saying those words aloud. It made me realize that I really did love Marshall and that although it was a one way street I would have to go through a recovery time from our relationship, just like I’d had to do with Brandon.

  “I respect your wishes and want the best for you,” Marshall said. He leaned in and hugged me and added, “I’ll be leaving now.”

  I nodded, not able to say another word. Marshall got up and walked out of the apartment. When I heard the door close the tears began to flow once again. Apparently my well wasn’t quite dry yet.

  Chapter 23

  I sat down on my couch, trying to process what had just happened. I was thankful that I hadn’t ended up sleeping with Brandon. That would have been a very regrettable mistake and likely opened me up to being his occasional booty call. Plus, what future was there when he didn’t even live in the same area anymore. I had no plans of leaving my father’s firm and relocating.

  Now I was all alone, once again, and didn’t really know what to do. I had lost any incentive to watch a movie and in a way I felt like I’d just lived out a movie scene myself. It made sense. Marshall had a flair for the dramatic and was a heck of an actor before becoming a heck of a billionaire movie mogul.

  I got up and got the ice cream, justifying that it’d help me think better and clear my thoughts. I opened the cover and looked at the tasty ice cream, which had long been my favorite indulgence. I slowly put my spoon into it and took a scoop. As I put the spoon in my mouth and enjoyed its creamy goodness I wished that all relationships were as simple as the one I had with my ice cream. It never disappointed me—ever!

  As the second spoonful was about to enter my lips there was another knock at my door. I sighed, getting up to see who it was. I looked through my peep hole and saw no one there. Yet, there was still a knock on the door. I slowly opened the door, keeping my safety latch in place and a single red rose presented itself through the small opening.

  “Who is it?”

  “Promise you won’t shut the door on me?” the voice asked.

  I smiled. It was Marshall. “I won’t slam the door on you. What do you want?”

  “Can I please come in?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. Why not let him in. Nothing else could possibly get crazier than it had been this past week. I opened the door and he came in, smiling at me sweetly and handing me a few dozen roses to go with the one that he’d slid through the door.

  “They’re beautiful, but you didn’t need to do that,” I commented.

  “I didn’t need to, but I wanted to. I really need to talk to you, Becca, and I’m hoping you’ll give me a chance to get out what I have to say. Trust me, it isn’t easy for me, but I want to do my best to say what’s on my mind. Will you allow me?”

  I gestured toward the couch and we went to sit down. I sat at an angle so I could look at Marshall and he sat down looking at me. I couldn’t help but notice that he seemed nervous, even rubbing his palms on his pants.

  “Becca, I’m so sorry for what you saw. I was a jackass to even have Jennifer get through my door when we no longer have a physical relationship and was just being a scared coward. It is unacceptable and I realize that.” I began to move my lips, but Marshall put his hand up, reminding me that he just wanted me to listen.

  “I know that I’ve called you a friend and that is true. I value you greatly and consider your opinion golden, something that I don’t often do. These past weeks I’ve been really freaked out, wondering why I respond to you the way I do. I’m not used to it and everyone who knows me understands that I’ve committed to being a bachelor, a single guy—no tie downs or people to report to. It’s worked well for me too…until you came for the interview that day.”

  “What changed then?” I asked.

  Marshall grabbed my hand and squeezed it, but continued to talk. “Everything changed that day. I saw a beautiful and bright woman who actually didn’t want anything from me—not even a job. I’d never experienced such a response to being told off and stormed out on in my life before. I wasn’t able to get you out of my mind. That’s why I called Sophia to find out more about you and made sure that you came to Vegas with me. I thought I’d find something to dislike in you on that trip actually and make it easier to separate my emotions from what my brain dictates as the best thing for me to do. Unfortunately it didn’t work and I didn’t want to risk anything because I had no idea how you felt.”

  “How do you think I feel?” I asked. I knew that was a tricky question, but I just wanted to gauge how well Marshall really had a grasp on me and what I was about on a personal level, not a sexual one.

  “I could tell you had a heart of gold and wanted to help me in some way, make me your project. Truthfully, I didn’t think you’d give up on me and that gave me
comfort since I was too cowardly to just tell you what I was feeling. When you quit and left yesterday it just rattled me, blew my mind. I couldn’t get anything done the rest of the day and I was beside myself. I haven’t felt such devastation in a long time…ever. It was as though a part of me had left me. It was in those moments when I realized that you were more to me than a lover and a friend.”

  My heart started racing, wondering if Marshall was about to say what I thought he might. It sounded that way, but I wasn’t sure.”

  “What am I to you exactly?”

  “You represent the possibility of what I might have, assuming I don’t goof it up.”

  “If that’s the case why did you leave earlier?”

  “I clammed up and that’s why I came back. I have been out in my car for a few hours, only taking a break to go get the roses. I have never bought roses for anyone before, you know. You’re the first.”

  “So, do you want me to be your girlfriend?” I asked. Marshall was pouring his heart out, but still beating around the bush. I couldn’t afford to be indirect or cowardly anymore myself.

  “I’m afraid that term will freak me out and build up walls. What I want is for us to spend time together, explore each other’s minds and bodies, and see where the whole thing takes us. What do you say?”

  “I can’t handle knowing that you could be with another woman at any given time. That’s not good for me,” I replied.

  “It’ll be just you. I give my word. And, if I don’t think I can do that you’ll know before I do anything. That would only be right.”

  I paused, thinking about what Marshall said. It actually made good sense, allowing us to see what we had without any expectations other than getting to know each other better. I was fully aware that I had my own obstacles and hurdles to overcome as well. Maybe we could do it together.

  “Mr. Kent, I do believe that we have come to an agreement with our negotiations,” I said. I leaned in and gave Marshall a warm hug, glad to feel him in my arms again.

  “Excellent, Ms. Rowland. Did I ever tell you how brilliant you are?”

  “You’ve mentioned it,” I said.

  “And I’ve meant every word of it,” Marshall said.

  That night Marshall and I sat there talking, laughing, and having fun. It was a wonderful night and when he left that night I didn’t feel all alone. I felt like I’d opened up a new and exciting door in my life. I couldn’t wait to see where it took me.


  I was sitting at a small café in Malibu waiting for Marshall to arrive. He was running late again and I smiled, knowing that he was taking care of some business before we met for lunch. I couldn’t help but wonder what he wanted to talk about and why he’d made me drive all the way to Malibu to do it. It seemed odd, but despite Marshall and me getting along so great there was still no denying just how quirky he was.

  My phone buzzed and I saw a text message from Marshall. I hoped he hadn’t cancelled on me because I’d cancelled some other plans myself to meet him. He’d made it sound so urgent.

  The text asked where I was and I responded that I was waiting at the café, but running low on patience for him to show up. I hit send and there was no response. A voice came from behind me, saying, “I better not keep you waiting any longer then.”

  I snapped my head around and saw Marshall standing there. The sun was shining behind him and he looked absolutely scrumptious in his jeans and t-shirt.

  “You startled me,” I said.

  “I couldn’t help it. You’ve looked so beautiful sitting there.”

  “You were watching me?”

  “I was. Thanks for meeting me here. There’s something that I need to talk to you about.”

  “Well sit down then,” I said. I had a bad feeling in my stomach. Marshall looked very serious, not at all the light-hearted and casual guy he’d been around me the past few weeks.

  “Becca, this arrangement just isn’t working out for me,” he said rather bluntly.

  I’ll admit, his words surprised me but I was determined to keep my composure. “Oh, I see. Is it too hard to be monogamous?”

  “No, that’s rather easy. It’s just that…I don’t like having you as simply a lover and a friend. I want more of you…a lot more of you than I’ve a right to. Becca, I think I’d much prefer to have you for a wife above all things, if you’ll have me for a husband.” He got down on one knee, and said, “I want to have you by my side always and forever. I can’t imagine a life without you, Becca. You are the better part of me, the part that is my everything. Please say you will marry me.”

  My jaw dropped and I couldn’t even talk. I was literally shocked by what he’d just said. He didn’t take his eyes off me and somehow he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, opening it up.

  “I see I’ve left you speechless and while I do find that amusing, I’d really like to know if you are interested in being Mrs. Marshall Kent?”

  I didn’t know what to say and the words that came out of my mouth were logical, but unexpected by me. “You’ve never even told me you loved me,” I blurted.

  “Point well taken. Have no doubts about it, Miss Rebecca Rowland, I love you so much that it’s maddening. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you to keep you happy and see that beautiful smile every day of my life.”

  Tears began to stream down my face and I lunged toward Marshall. “I love you so much too and the answer is yes. Yes to it all.”

  “Fantastic. A no would have frankly sucked,” Marshall said. He pulled the ring out of the box; a beautiful solitaire surrounded by small diamonds and set in a platinum band, and slid it onto my finger. It fit perfectly.

  “It’s perfect,” I commented.

  “As are you, Baby.”

  “I cannot wait to tell my dad.”

  “He knows. I contacted him to ask about it, trying to be a proper gentleman and get in his good graces. I’m not quite there, but I’m getting closer.”

  “You’re in mine,” I said, laughing. I realized that I was shaking and my belly was doing flip flops. This was definitely unexpected and a genuine surprise, shock, and a million other emotions rolled into one. “So, what now, Marshall?

  “I happen to have access to a lovely little beach house for the next few days. What do you say about a little adventure?”

  “That would be fantastic. I’ve been thinking up some new things since my last visit there.”

  Marshall and I left, not bothering to eat at the café and making our way to the Malibu coastline and the beach house, where we went for a bigger and better repeat performance of our previous mini vacation there.


  BBBBC Books from Rachel Angel:

  Bidding on the Billionaire (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #1)

  Available Now!

  Movie Merger (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #2)

  Available Now!

  Buying the Billionaire (Bad Boy Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #3)

  Coming Soon!

  Broken (Bad Boy Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #4)

  Coming Soon!

  Sign Up for News of the BBBBC and for announcements of the other books from Rachel Angel at:

  [email protected]

  About Rachel Angel

  Rachel Angel lives on the West Coast where she dreams of princes, billionaires, and alpha males meeting their match in a strong, sassy woman. She loves to travel and explore new places, try new foods, and read other author’s books.

  But most of all, she loves to hear from her readers.

  Want to know what other books Rachel Angel has and upcoming titles, sign up for her email at:

  [email protected]


  Thank you readers for taking a chance on this new book and series. I had written this last year, and was too chicken to try to get it published.

  I’ve always had a fascination with strong women who challeng
e strong men and believe when you put them together, hot passion and undeniable sexy chemistry happens.

  I sincerely hoped you’ve enjoyed the first book in the Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club Series.

  If you want a taste of the next books, email me at: [email protected]

  Because I’m just starting out, I’m giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card every 1000 new subscribers I have joining my newsletter. The faster I get there, the more the faster, I will have this giveaway. The more subscribers I get, the more $25 Gift Cards I will give out. So tell your friends!

  And You can Join me on Facebook to talk about Bad Boys, Books, Naughty Billionaires, and more!

  THANK YOU!!!!!

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  About Rachel Angel





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