by Shawn Levy
martial history of
in Miss Hungary contest
Ramfis Trujillo hosted by
Ramfis Trujillo’s gifts to
real first name of
wit of
see also Rubirosa-Gabor relationship; Sanders-Gabor relationship
Galfndez, Jesús de
Gandhi, Mahatma
García, Enrique
García, Suso
Gardner, Ava
Geisler, Jerry
George VI, King of England
Gerassi, Fernando
Gerassi, John
Darrieux in
1936 Olympics in
in World War I
see also Nazis
Giancana, Sam
Gilbert, Lewis
Goebbels, Joseph
Goldfinger parody
Good Neighbor Policy
Göring, Hermann
Govoni, A. P.
Graham, Sheila
Grand Prix auto races
Granger, Stewart
Grant, Cary
Gregoire, Jean Albert
Griffin, Merv
Guernica (Picasso)
Guevara, Che
Guinle, Jorge
Guterma, Alexander
Dominican border of
Trujillo’s genocidal attack on
Hal Roach Studios
Harper’s Bazaar
Haugwitz-Reventlow, Count Court
Hawthorne, Mike
Hayes, Hal
Hays, Wayne L.
Hayworth, Rita
Hearst, William Randolph, Jr.
Hefner, Hugh
Heller, Joseph
Henie, Sonja
Henriquez, Gustavo J.
Her First Affair
Herman, Alexander
Heureaux, Ulises
Heybum, Lynn
Higgs, Carmen
Hill, Phil
Hilton, Conrad
Hilton, Francesca
Hilton, Nicky
Hitchcock, Peggy
Hitler, Adolf
Hogan, Frank
Hohenlohe, Princess (Patricia “Honeychile” Wilder)
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hope, Bob
Hopper, Hedda
Horan, James D.
Horne, Lena
Hosford, Mary Lou
Howard, Ted
Hudson, Rock
Hudson, William H.
Hughes, Howard
Hughes, Langston
Huston, John
Hutton, Barbara
appearance of
background of
death of
dieting by
Doris Duke vs.
first wedding of
full name of
ill health of
later life of
marital history of
personality of
press coverage of
romantic affairs of
self-destructive behavior of
social debut of
son of, see Reventlow, Lance
wealth of
see also Rubirosa-Hutton relationship
Hutton, Edna Woolworth
Hutton, Edward Francis
Hutton, Franklyn
hydroelectric power
Igor Cassini Show, The
Ile de Re
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Inman, William Henry
inspector of embassies
Institut Maintenon
Inter-American Company
International News Service (INS)
Ireland, John
Isabella I, Queen
Jamail, Jimmy
Janson-de-Sailly lycée
jazz music
Jessel, George
Jimmy’s nightclub
Johansson, Ingemar
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnson, Nunnally
Joyce, Cornelius
Justice Department, U.S.
Kahanamoku, Duke
Kalt, Cathy
Karpathula, Maharaja of
Kempton, Murray
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier
Kennedy, Joe
Kennedy, John F.
Rubi’s friendship with
Trujillo regime and
Kennedy, Robert
Igor Cassini prosecuted by
Rubi’s FBI dossier requested by
Kennedy family
at Rubi’s funeral
Rubi’s relationship with
widowed Rodin hosted by
Kid GoGo
Kitt, Eartha
Kohane, Johnny
Kohn, Michael
Korganoff, Alexandre
Kosinski, Jerzy
Koster, Henry (Henri Decoin)
Kosterlitz, Hermann
La Ganza (B–25 airplane)
Lake, Veronica
Lamarr, Hedy
Lamour, Dorothy
Lancia Company
Landon, Herman R.
Latin men
Lawford,, Patricia Kennedy
Lawford, Peter
Leary, Timothy
Lebrun, Alfred
Lehar, Franz
Le Mans auto race
LeRoy, Mervyn
Lewis, Jerry
Leygonie, Pierre
Lindbergh, Karal
Listín Diario
Rubi’s fame in
Rubi’s interview in
Litvak, Anatole
Lloyd, Bill
Lloyds of London
Dominican legation in
Lost Generation
Lovatón, Lina
Lovely to Look At
Lumumba, Patrice
MacArthur, Charles
MacArthur, Mrs. Douglas
McCarthy, Joseph
McCrary, Tex
McEvoy Freddy
McGlincy, James
Machado y Morales, Gerardo
Marinho, Paulo
Marita, Countess
Marnes-la-Coquette residence
Marquand, Serge
Martial & Company, Inc.
Martin, Dean
Martínez, María, see Trujillo, María Martínez
Marx, Groucho
Matos, Hubencio
Maugham, Somerset
Mauvaise Graine
Maxwell, Elsa
Mdivani, Prince Alexis
Mdivani, Prince David
Mdivani, Prince Serge
Mdivani, Roussie
Mehle, Aileen (Suzy)
Mic Mac perfume
Milan, Lita
Military Assistance Treaty
Mille Miglia auto race
Miss Universe pageant
Môme Moineau, La (Gaby Montbre)
Monroe, Marilyn
Moon and Sixpence, The (Maugham)
Morales, Dr. Angel
Mora y Aragon, Don Jaime de
Morel, Emilio A.
Morel, Pancho
Mosk, Judge Stanley
Moss, Stirling
Moulin Rouge
Murphy, Gerald Lester
Murphy, Robert D.
Murray, Mae
Mussolini, Benito
Mutual Broadcasting System
Mysteries of New York, The
anti-Semitism of
disinformation campaigns of
in Paris
Rubi as supposed agent of
Rubi’s hatred of
Neal, Bob
Negri, Pola
emirovsky, Irene
Neuilly-sur-Seine residence
Neury, Yvonne
New Jersey
New York, N.Y.
district attorney’s office of
Dominican consulate in
Dominican dissidents in
Duke mansion in
El Morocco in
Midston House bar in
Rubirosa—Flor Trujillo relationship in
Rubirosa-Gabor relationship in
Rubirosa-Hutton relationship in
Rubi’s cousins in
Rubi’s jewelry stolen in
New York Film Critics Circle
New York Times
Ngo Dinh Diem
Niarchos, Stavros
Nicola-Gambi, Contessa
Nizer, Louis
Nouri, Michael
Novak, Kim
Ramfis Trujillo’s gifts to
Nuestra Señora de la Concepción
O’Brien, Marianne
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
O’Hara, Barrett
Olympic Games of 1936
Onassis, Christina
Or dans la Rue, L’
Organization of American States (OAS)
Paget, Debra
Pagnol, Marcel
Pan-American auto race
Paradas, Salvador
Paradise, Roger
Allied liberation of
Dominicans in
gigolos in
global modernity exposition in
Hospital Marmottan in
Latin men in
Nazis in
night life of
in 1920’s
polo tournaments in
racism as absent in
Rubirosa-Gabor relationship in
Rubi’s attempted assassination in
Rubi’s financial stratagems in
Trujillo’s visit to
Wimille sporting center in
women of
in World War I
see also Rue de Bellechasse residence
Paris, Dominican legation in
postage stamp affair in
Rubirosa-Duke wedding at
Rubi’s diplomatic passport from
Rubi’s dismissals from
Trujillo’s requests of
war refugee visas sold by
World War II relocation of
Parsons, Louella
Pastoriza, Manuel
Patino, Jaime Ortiz
Patterson, Floyd
Patton, George S.
Paul, King of the Hellenes
Paul, Maury
Pauley, Jim
Pega Palo elixir (funde)
Perón, Eva Duarte “Evita,”
Rubi’s donation to
Perón, Juan
downfall of
Perona, John
Phips, William
Piaf, Edith
Picasso, Pablo
Piccadilly bar
Pico Duarte
Pierre-Louis (Pierre Amourdedieu)
Pignatari, Francisco “Baby,”
Pink Panther, The
Playboy of the Western World, The (Synge)
gangsters as
historical equivalents of
Latin men as
qualities of
Rubi’s rivals as
as term
“Playboys” (Hughes)
in Argentina
in Dominican Republic
handicap system of
pato vs.
play in
Ramfis Trujillo’s playing of
tournaments of
Porphyry of Gaza, Saint
Porphyry of Tyre
Portago, Fon de
auto racing of
death of
full name of
Porter, Charles 0.
Porter, Cole
Post, Marjorie Merriwether
Powell, Adam Clayton
Premier Rendezvous
Pucci, Emilio
Puig, Jose
“¿Qué Es El Tuyo, Rubirosa?” (Saborit)
Rage of Paris, The
Ray, Elizabeth
refugees, European
Reilly, Bishop Thomas
Reinhardt, Django
Republic Pictures
Requena, Andrés
Reventlow, Count Court Haugwitz-
Reventlow, Lance
auto racing of
death of
personality of
Rubi’s relationship with
Reynolds, Debbie
Reynolds, Marianne O’Brien
Reynolds, R. J., Jr.
Ricourt, Yves
Ripley, Robert L.
Roach, Hal, Jr.
Robbins, Harold
Robin, Dany
Rochas, Helene
Roche, Jeffrey
Rodin, Odile
career of
Jackie Kennedy’s aversion to
later life of
see also Rubirosa-Rodin relationship
Rodrigo, Chago
Rodrigues, Amelia
Romanoff, Mike
Roosevelt, Franklin
Roselli, Johnny
Rosenberg, S. Leland
Rossellini, Roberto
Roth, Philip
Rothschild, Baron and Baroness Guy de
Rothschild, Baron Elie de
Rowe, Nicholas
Rubirosa, Ana, see Sánchez, Ana Rubirosa
Rubirosa, Ana Ariza Almanzar
father of
Rubi’s relationship with
Trujillo confronted by
Rubirosa, Cesar
Greek imprisonment of
Rubirosa, Flor de Oro Trujillo
appearance of
birth of
childlessness of
death of
French education of
life history of
personality of
Trujillo’s correspondence with
Trujillo’s relationship with
see also Rubirosa—Flor Trujillo relationship
Rubirosa, Pedro Maria “Don Pedro,”
birth of
death of
diplomatic career of
ill health of
as lover of women
marital infidelity of
as military general
Rubi’s relationship with
studies of
tíguerismo of
Trujillo and
Rubirosa Ariza, Porfirio “Rubi”:
appearance of
attempted assassination of
attentive attitude of
auto accidents of
baccalaureate failed by
birth of
bourgeois lifestyle enjoyed by
boxing skills of
business ventures of
charm of
childhood of
childlessness of
clothing style of
comic book biography of
courting technique of
Creole heritage of
death of
diplomatic career of
as divorce correspondent
in Dominican army
education of
extended family of
fame of
in fiction
financial resources of
fortune-teller’s prediction for
funeral of
genital endowment of
golf attempted by
government investigations of
height of
homosexuals’ attraction to
knee injury of
last words of
legal studies ofr />
as legendary lover
memoirs of
movie biographies of
naming of
obituaries of
parrandas of
pato played by
perfume scheme of
personality of
playboy qualities of
pleasure pursued by
reading habits of
sexual compulsiveness of
sexual prowess of
soccer played by
suicide attributed to
tíguerismo of
todo líquido celebrations of
ukulele played by
valet of
women’s fashion expertise of
yoga of
young men mentored by
Rubirosa-Darrieux relationship
anti-Nazi activities in
courtship in
divorce in
first meeting in
honeymoon in
jealous husband’s challenge in
Rubi’s attempted assassination in
Rubi’s Bad Nauheim internment in
Septeuil farm sojourn in
wedding in
Rubirosa-Duke relationship
in Argentina
courtship in
divorce in
Duke wealth in
financial settlement in
first meeting in
gifts exchanged in
honeymoon in
marital problems in
mutual interests in
Paris residence in
prenuptial agreement in
Rubi’s devotion in
Rubi’s infidelity in
sex life of
U.S. State Department’s interest in
wedding in
Rubirosa–Flor Trujillo relationship
Bencosme murder and
in Berlin
courtship in
divorce in
domestic violence in
Dominican lifestyle in
first meeting in
Flor’s cousin’s interference in
honeymoon in
in New York City
in Paris
Rubi’s infidelity in
separation in
sex life of
wedding in
Rubirosa-Gabor relationship
ambivalence toward marriage in
first meeting in
Phoenix rendezvous in
physical abuse in
press coverage of
proposed western movie in
Rodin and
Rubi’s code names in
Rubi’s infidelity in
Rubi’s jealousy in
Sanders’s Christmas Eve raid in
Zsa Zsa’s black eye in
Zsa Zsa’s press conferences in
Rubirosa-Hutton relationship
B-25 airplane in
Barbara’s broken ankle in
courtship in
divorce in
first meeting in
gifts in
honeymoon in
prenuptial agreement in
press coverage of
public interest in
Rubi’s clothes shopping in
Rubi’s financial problems in
Rubi’s infidelity in
Rubi’s profits from
Rubi’s valedictory comments on
separation in
sex life of
wedding in
Rubirosa-Rodin relationship
courtship in
in Cuba
financial problems in
honeymoon in
New York jewel theft in
Odile’s self-assertion in
Odile’s widowhood and
Rubi’s authority in