Reach For the Spy

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Reach For the Spy Page 13

by Diane Henders

  Instead, I smoked the tires in a short but satisfying brakestand. Then I drove sedately past Kane, who had pulled up about half a block further on. I tossed him an innocent wave and rumbled on down the street toward Up & Coming.

  As I parked, he pulled in behind me and swung off his bike. “That the best you’ve got?” he kidded as he strode over.

  “You’re just sorry you don’t have a sexy car like mine.”

  “I’ve got a sexy bike.”

  I grinned up at him. “Yeah, but you can’t beat the sound of a muscle-car. Your little sewing machine engine just can’t compete with that.”

  “True. That’s not the stock cam, is it?”

  “Hell, no.”

  We leaned comfortably over the open hood, discussing tuning and trading good-natured insults until I spied Lola crossing the street. She waved and appraised Kane’s black riding chaps and broad, leather-clad shoulders with frank appreciation as she drew up to us.

  “Nice!” she commented, looking him up and down.

  The corner of his mouth quirked up. “Thanks.” The sexy laugh lines around his eyes crinkled as he regarded her vivid purple hair and stiletto heels.

  I hastened to introduce them. “Lola, this is John Kane. He’s one of my clients. John, this is Lola Ives. She runs Up & Coming along with Linda Burton, her granddaughter.”

  Kane stooped slightly to engulf her tiny hand in his. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “You, too, Big John.” She winked.

  I used the excuse of closing the hood to turn away and hide my grin at the reference. The way those riding chaps focused attention on the good stuff, I definitely knew where she was coming from. I’d been trying not to look. Really trying.

  Well, maybe not really.

  I herded my mind out of the gutter as Lola turned to me. “Come on, Aydan. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  “Okay.” I turned to Kane. “Enjoy your ride.”

  “I will. Oh, do you want me to swing by and pick you up Monday morning so you can take your car home Monday night? Your other, boring car.”

  “Watch your mouth. I love that car!”

  He laughed. “I know.”

  “I’d appreciate the ride. Thanks. See you then.” I waved and followed Lola’s diminutive figure toward the shop.

  Close to midnight I staggered away exhausted, my sides aching from an evening of laughter. I’d come in for my fair share of teasing about Big John the Wonder Horse, but I’d given as good as I’d gotten. The party was still in full swing behind me, and I wondered when they’d finally pack it in. It had been fun, but I was definitely ready for some silence, solitude, and my bed.

  I was humming the last tune from the movie we’d watched when the scrape of a footfall made me jerk around to look behind me. A man in a red plaid shirt stood a few yards behind me, weaving slightly as he stared. With chagrin, I recognized the man who’d peeked in and caught me vamping in the sex shop wearing the thigh-high boots.


  As I wheeled to head for the car, Bill Harks stepped out from between the buildings. I recoiled and backpedalled a couple of steps before realizing the first man was closing in from behind. Before I could even formulate the idea of running, they had executed a pincer movement that left me with my back to one of the buildings, all escape routes cut off.

  Chapter 23

  My mind frantically sorted and discarded options while I eyed them, my heart pounding. The streets were deserted. The music was still blaring at Lola’s party. Nobody would hear me if I screamed. They were both big men with long arms. The way they’d closed me in, I likely wouldn’t be able to dodge past them.

  “Hey, you hot bitch,” Red-shirt slurred. “Let’s party. How much?”

  “Fuck off,” I snarled.

  He frowned and staggered. “What, I got money. How much for half an hour?”

  “I’m not a hooker.”

  Harks sneered down at me. “Oh, yeah? Saw you night before last using my hotel for one of your johns.”

  I drew myself up. “I was visiting my boyfriend. He was staying there.”

  Harks laughed. “Yeah, and you were in and out of there in half an hour, putting your clothes on and looking at your watch. What, your boyfriend couldn’t get it up?” I glared at him as he continued. “Yeah, and my buddy saw you later with your next boyfriend after you fucked him in the park.”

  Red-shirt chimed in. “All sweaty and covered with grass. You like it kinky, don’t you? What’s it cost to be your boyfriend for half an hour?” He grinned and staggered. “I want you to wear those whore boots while I fuck you.”

  “Go fuck yourself! I’m not a hooker!” He made a grab for me, and I dodged his hand. Fear and anger made me reckless. “And even if I was, there’s not enough money in the world to make me screw a sack of shit like you.”

  Harks and Red-shirt closed in a pace. “You’re gonna learn some respect,” Harks snarled. “And you’re gonna drop those assault charges, too.”

  “Not a fucking chance in hell. You’re going to rot in jail, along with your bum-buddy here. Which one of you is the wide receiver?”

  Jesus, I’m a moron. Start with two dangerous guys. Piss them off thoroughly. Mix lightly and bake in hell. My heart pounded so hard I could feel the front of my T-shirt vibrating.

  Harks’s face contorted with rage. “You won’t be so fuckin’ mouthy with my cock shoved down your throat.”

  I bared my teeth at him. “You’re going to look really fucking stupid without a dick.”

  He lunged and I sidestepped barely in time. His knuckles connected with the wall behind me as I dove under his outstretched arm. He caught me with a glancing blow on my back, and I hit the pavement hard and rolled.

  I scrambled to my feet to run, but Red-shirt tripped me. I sprawled on the pavement, twisting frantically. Thank God, he didn’t try to kick me. Instead, he launched himself at me, trying to pin me to the ground. In pure panicked reflex, I drew up my knee at the last second.

  There was an unpleasant crunch as the immovable object met his balls with irresistible force. He let out a high-pitched squeak and collapsed on top of me. His forehead smashed against my mouth as his weight crushed me.

  The pain galvanized me into berserk terror and rage. A wild roar ripped from my throat as I bucked his limp body off and lurched to my feet.

  Harks was already lunging at me, his hand reaching. I grabbed his wrist and yanked with all my strength, using the momentum to propel myself past him.

  Run like hell. It was my only hope. If he connected with even one solid hit, it’d be all over for me.

  I had only managed a couple of steps when my head snapped back. Harks yanked me toward him by my hair. I dimly realized I was roaring and shrieking like a wild animal as I spun under his grip.

  I aimed a knee at his crotch, but he was too fast. My attack thudded into his thigh instead. I swung a fist in a hammer-blow at his nose and felt a solid crack. My head wrenched sideways as he jerked my hair, and I had to let my body follow or have my neck broken.

  I sprawled on the sidewalk again, rolling wildly. At least he’d let go of my hair. Gasping, I scuffled my feet under me for another attempt at flight.

  Too slow. Harks bellowed and swung like a windmill. I ducked and dodged frantically, and the blow aimed at my head connected with my shoulder instead.

  God, he was strong. Pain and cold fear shot through me as the glancing blow drove me back against the side of the building. My breath slammed out of me. I was saved from a punch to the face simply because my knees buckled and I dropped like a stone.

  Harks yelled again when his fist hit the wall where my head had been seconds before. I managed to suck a breath into my lungs and took another shot up at his nuts. It was a bad angle and there wasn’t much strength in my blow, but it slowed him down. I floundered away on hands and knees while he gasped.

  My chest and back were crushed in thorny bands of agony. I panted hysterically, dragging myself to my feet f
or another try at running. I hadn’t even managed a step before a tremendous blow to my back flung me to the ground again. I barely managed to get my hands in front of my face before the pavement rushed up and smacked my forehead.

  Time stopped.

  Slow despair coursed through me while lights exploded behind my eyes. I tried to roll, but my body wouldn’t cooperate. I managed to flop over onto my back, but I could only lie helplessly gasping.

  So this is how it ends. Beaten to death by some brainless monster. Shit. I’d been hoping for a bullet to the brain. Tidier.

  Harks’s foot drew back languidly, a freeze-frame of his bruised, bloodied face grinning down at me.

  Kick me when I’m down. Really fucking brave, Harks.

  This was going to hurt. My heart drummed slowly in my ears.

  I heard a shout that sounded like “Melee!” An elf leaped on Harks’s back just before his foot hit my ribs. The blow didn’t have as much force as it could have, but it still folded me into a ball. My tortured breath wailed in my throat.

  Have to get up. Have to run.

  I forced myself to uncurl.

  Harks was overrun by elves.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my pounding head violently. This wasn’t a sim. I was sure of it. If it had been, I would have conjured up something a lot more lethal than elves to attack him.

  I looked again.

  Pointy ears. Elvish costumes. Little hats. Six of them. Or maybe seven. Hard to say.

  I groaned and swiped my hand across my face. The elves bore Harks to the ground, uttering yells of triumph.

  I collapsed slowly to the hard sidewalk and closed my eyes. I must have sustained a massive brain injury. Please God, don’t let me hallucinate elves for the rest of my life.

  “Aydan! Oh my God, Aydan!” I cracked an eye open. One of the elves was kneeling beside me. I squeezed my eye shut again and groaned. Please, not elves.

  “Aydan!” The voice sounded familiar. My brain slowly engaged.

  “Spider?” I mumbled.

  “Aydan, hang on! The police and ambulance are coming!”

  I groaned. Not another friggin’ ambulance ride. I opened my eyes. “Spider, please tell me you’re dressed like an elf.”


  “Oh, God. I’m so fucked.”

  “What? No! I mean, yeah, I’m dressed like an elf.”

  I let out a whimper of relief. “I’m not even going to ask why. Cancel the ambulance, Spider, I’m fine.”

  “No, I don’t think you are,” he quavered.

  I rolled over and sat up painfully despite Spider’s attempts to convince me to lie still. The remaining elves had distributed themselves between sitting on Bill Harks and his still-moaning buddy. They were doing a pretty good job of restraining them. Considering they were elves...

  Two of the elves were texting furiously. Another stood apart from the group, holding his phone at arms’ length while he apparently recorded the scene on video.

  “Okay, no; I have to know. Why are you dressed like an elf?” I demanded.

  The skidding of tires on asphalt interrupted his reply as Kane’s black Expedition rocked to a halt beside us. I recognized Kane’s smooth, fast combat mode as he bailed out and reached my side in a few quick steps. He spared a brief, incredulous glance at Spider’s costume before focusing on me.

  “What happened.” Flat, expressionless cop voice.

  I sighed and leaned over to dribble a bit of blood from the cut inside my mouth. “Harks and his buddy decided to tune me up a bit.” I surveyed the bloodstains and ground-in dirt on the torn remains of one of my nicer blouses. “I’m never fucking dressing up again,” I mumbled.

  The elf who’d been recording the video bounded up to Spider. “Dude, this is mad cool! I got just about the whole fight scene! Watch this... She ducks, she nuts him, bam! Sweet! And then our guys come in. Swarm the troll! AWESOME!”

  Kane’s large hand closed around the elf’s phone.

  “Hey, dude, that’s my phone,” the elf protested.

  “No, it’s evidence.” Kane’s flat stare and expressionless voice made the kid step back a pace.

  “But, dude...” He subsided and trailed away disconsolately as Spider made shooing motions.

  The ambulance pulled up, sirens blaring. The rest of the women from Lola’s party tumbled out of the building to form a gasping, exclaiming ring around the scene. Elves chattered, Harks swore and blustered, and Red-shirt threw up.

  “Get me out of here,” I muttered to Kane.

  “Right.” He picked me up and carried me to the ambulance.

  “You’re showing off again.”

  “Stay at the hospital until I come for you. That’s an order.”

  “Roger that.” I sighed and let the stretcher roll me into the ambulance for the second time in two days.

  Chapter 24

  This time, the doctor on call was a hard-looking middle-aged man. He eyed me with barely concealed resignation as I was wheeled in. “What happened?”

  “A couple of guys attacked me. It’s just minor scrapes and bruises. I just have to wait here until Kane collects me. Sorry.”

  His eyebrows went up. “A couple of guys? Who?”

  “Bill Harks and one of his buddies.”

  “And you have minor scrapes and bruises.” He shook his head. “Now I’ve seen everything.”

  The paramedic grinned. “You should see the other guys.”

  “I’d love to.” The doctor’s savage smile made me think perhaps the Hippocratic Oath wasn’t uppermost in his mind. He turned to me. “Let’s get those abrasions cleaned up. Where did you get hit?”

  I slouched against the wall while the doctor picked the last of the gravel out of the road rash on my shoulder. My entire body throbbed slowly.

  Kane’s voice broke my dull reverie. “How’s it going?”


  The doctor taped on the last dressing. “You’re done. Next time you’re going to roll around on gravel, try wearing riding leathers.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” I groaned my way off the examining table and turned to Kane. “Please tell me I can go home now.”

  He eyed me with sympathy. “Soon. Come on out to the truck. I need to get your statement.”

  I plodded beside him. “Aren’t you going to carry me?”

  He chuckled. “I wouldn’t want to show off.”

  “Yeah, now you get all modest.”

  He paused in the lobby. “You sit here. I’ll bring the truck around.”

  “No, it’s okay. I’m just bitching because I can. I’d rather walk so I don’t stiffen up so much.”

  We made our way out to the Expedition, and I hoisted myself into the passenger’s seat with a grunt. I really hadn’t taken that many hits. I hated to think what would have happened if not for the onslaught of elves. Come to think of it, I never did find out about the elves. Maybe I didn’t want to know.


  I jerked upright and managed to muffle my yelp of pain. “Sorry. Did you ask me something?”

  “Tell me what happened. Start to finish.”

  I explained the whole sordid story while we drove back to where I’d left the Corvette. Kane parked and raised an eyebrow at me. “You’re just a magnet for trouble, aren’t you?”

  “Tell me about it. I lived forty-five years without the slightest hint of trouble. Then I move out to the country to live the quiet life, and I turn into a punching bag for the entire friggin’ universe.”

  “Well, you won’t need to worry about Harks for a while. He won’t be released again before his trial. Thanks to that stupid kid, there’s a video record of most of the fight. At least he called the police right away, but it’s too bad he didn’t have the brains to help you sooner.”

  I shrugged. “He’s an elf. What can you do?” I glanced over at his profile in the dark. “Dare I ask why Spider was dressed up as an elf?”

  Kane lifted a shoulder. “It’s some World of W
arcraft thing. They were over at the internet cafe, gaming.”

  “Thank God. I took a hit and when I opened my eyes, I saw elves. I thought I had a head injury for sure.”

  “If not for those elves, you’d have more than a head injury.”

  I sighed. “Yeah. Oh, did they arrest Red-shirt, too?”


  “Good. I’m pretty sure he was the one who was harassing me with the phone calls.”

  Kane took my abraded hand gently in his. “Go home. Get some sleep. Drive carefully.”

  “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t take a chance on cracking up my baby.”

  He chuckled. “Whatever keeps you safe.”

  I rumbled home without enjoying the ride as much as I could have under other circumstances. I took a couple of ibuprofens and eased myself carefully into bed. It took a long time to fall asleep.

  The peal of the phone made me moan and squint blearily at the clock. Three forty-five. I’d slept for less than two hours. The phone rang again.

  “Noooo.” I buried my face in the pillow.

  On the third ring, I fumbled the phone off the hook. “What.”

  Silence on the other end.

  I groaned and hung up. Guess I’d been screaming again. I briefly considered dragging myself out to the garage, but the effort was too much for me. I pulled the covers over my head.

  Morning came too early, so I ignored it. By eleven, the aching stiffness of lying in bed outweighed my apathy, and I crept painfully into the shower. The hot water seared my raw skin but soothed the sore muscles underneath. By the time I stepped out, I could almost turn my head without whimpering.

  I eased myself into shorts and a tank top, preferring to leave my damaged skin uncovered in the open air instead of replacing the dressings with their itchy adhesive. Then I shuffled into the kitchen and ate a bowl of cereal. It wasn’t much of a lunch, but I was out of leftovers and I didn’t feel like making anything.

  The warm breeze beckoned through the open window, and I answered the invitation. Out of range of the exterior cameras, I sank into my chair in the warm shade and slowly stretched out my legs.


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