Never the Same

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Never the Same Page 18

by Michele L. Rivera

  “Told ya.” Lennox smiled at Paige. “This has been a great night.”

  “Is that your way of saying it’s over?”

  “No. Now we go to sleep,” Lennox said.

  “You’re asking me to stay?”

  “What I’m asking is for you to be the only girl I’ve ever dreamt beside.”

  Paige kissed Lennox’s forehead. “I’ll be that girl, but I don’t have to close my eyes. This is already my dream.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Tiredly, Lennox’s eyelids folded back. She put her hands over her face and rubbed the corners of her eyes. Her arms fell onto the blanket covering her. She squeezed the linen between her fingers, narrowed her brows, and slowly turned her head from the ceiling to her right.

  Paige lay on her left side, elbow bent and pushed into the pillow, head propped in her palm. She smiled at Lennox. “Good morning.”

  Lennox smiled back and repositioned her body to align it with Paige’s. “Good morning.”

  Paige sidled closer to Lennox, tilted her head, and kissed Lennox tenderly for a generous minute. She lazily moved her mouth from Lennox’s.

  “I like waking up next to you,” Lennox said.

  “I like being here when you wake up.”

  “You even put a blanket on me.”

  “No,” Paige said. “The quilt gnomes did that. They didn’t want you to get cold.”

  Lennox laughed. “Oh. Well, please thank them for me.”

  “I sure will.” Paige smiled. “How did you sleep?”

  “Wonderfully. Yourself?”

  “I didn’t. I was serious when I said I was staying up.”

  The color left Lennox’s face. “You watched me while I slept?”

  Paige winced. “Not in a stalker-y way.”


  “Sorry. I just didn’t want to miss it. You looked so peaceful.”

  Lennox sighed, ceding. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Keep me.”

  “Keep you?” Lennox asked.


  “What are you saying? Keep you how?”

  Paige’s fingers coasted down Lennox’s cheek. “As your girlfriend.”

  Lennox smiled and kissed Paige’s bottom lip. “Consider yourself kept.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Paige woke up to the sound of her phone’s alarm, lifted her head from the book she had been sleeping on, and wiped the spittle from the corner of her mouth. Still stooped over her desk, she blearily stared at the three, empty, paper, coffee cups resting next to the mountain of textbooks by her laptop. She groaned, pulled her cell from her pants pocket, held it in front of her face, and turned off the alert. It was 6:01 p.m. She had twenty-nine minutes to get to the florist before it closed and an hour and fifty-nine minutes until the concert. Paige sat up, rolled her shoulders back, and stood. She went to the mirror, tucked only the left side of her cashmere, regal blue, long-sleeved tee shirt into her low-rise jeans, and snapped on her wallet chain. She picked her carrier bag from the floor and left the dorm room to go watch Poser America’s gig, to go see her girlfriend.

  Paige was halfway down the corridor of her floor headed for the building’s exit when her phone rang. She picked it out of her pocket and answered while she walked. “Hello?”

  “Hey, you,” Lennox said.

  Two words from one voice and a thrill overcame Paige, her legs suddenly wobbly. She stopped to collect herself, a dopey grin on her face. “Hi. How are you?”

  “I’m pumped! The stage is set, Keira and Marissa are tuning their guitars, and Olivia is calibrating her synthesizer. I wanted to call you before the soundcheck to see how your day went.”

  Paige found her limbs and started for the door again. “Hectic, but I got everything done.”

  “Excellent. Guess what?”

  “What?” Paige asked.

  “This super hot chick asked me to be her girlfriend this morning.”

  Paige chuckled. “Yeah? And did you say yes?”

  “Are you tripping? Of course I said yes! This girl is smokin’.”

  Paige’s cheeks burned. “She would probably smile if she heard you say that.”

  “Is she smiling?” Lennox asked.

  “She is.”


  Paige stepped outside and walked towards her sedan. “I’m sorry, but I’ve gotta get going.”

  “Where to?”

  “A rock show. The band’s drummer is a freaking siren so I’m thinking about trying to pick her up,” Paige said.

  Lennox laughed. “What time will you be here?”


  “Okay. Now I’m nervous.”

  “Lennox, you’ll be great because that’s what you are.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  As more people swarmed to the front of the stage at Juice where Paige was standing, she clutched the bouquet of purple lilacs in her hand tighter to preserve them.

  “Are those for me?” Justin pointed to the flowers.

  Paige’s face brightened. “Justin!”

  Justin nodded. “Hello, Paige.”

  “You’re here.”

  “Where else would I be?” Justin asked.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t seen you around campus.”

  “I went home. I just needed to think.”


  “I’m still mad at you,” Justin said.

  Paige frowned. “Right.”

  “But I’ll get over it.”

  “You will?”

  “Paigey, we’ve been friends for ten years, so, yeah. You messed up. I’m not gonna hold a grudge forever. Maybe another week or two.” Justin smirked a little at Paige. “And I’d like to believe that you wouldn’t do that to me. Would you?”

  “No,” Paige said.

  “Okay. Good.” Justin scratched his neck. “Did you dispose of my bracelet?”

  Paige smiled, embedded the flowers under her arm, and rolled back the sleeves of her shirt. Paige raised her left wrist, bedecked with both of their bracelets, to Justin. “When you’re ready, say the word and we’ll tie it on you again.”

  Justin shook his head, chuckling. “Schmaltzy goon.”

  “Hey! So are you.”

  Justin grinned, shrugging. “Anyways, I saw your blog. What happened to Callie?”


  Justin cringed. “Uh oh.”

  “Yeah, but Marissa’s, well, Marissa. She’s dealing.” Paige checked the time on her phone. 8:01 p.m. She placed the lilacs in the side pocket of her bag.

  “How’s Lennox?” Justin asked.

  Paige turned her stare from Justin and pulled her sleeves down, covertly blushing. “She’s fine.”

  “Puh-leez! You can’t do blasé, Paige! You’re smitten with her.”

  Paige smiled up at Justin. “That I am.”

  “Good. I’m happy for you guys.”

  “Thanks, buddy.”

  The club’s kaleidoscopic lights shut off and the large crowd began to cheer. A spotlight shined down on the band’s set, their instruments, amplifiers, microphones. Another uproar. Paige and Justin faced the stage and clapped. One by one, Marissa, Keira, Lennox, and Olivia stepped out onto the platform, met with a loud, festive approbation from the onlookers. Olivia stood at her keyboard, Keira and Marissa strapped their guitars over their shoulders, and Lennox sat behind her drumset.

  Marissa gripped the microphone in front of her and put it up to her mouth. “Hey, everyone! We’re Poser America,” Marissa said. More cheers. Marissa grinned. “And we’re here to rock your mother fucking world!” she shouted. Droves of college students screamed enthusiastically.

  Paige threw her arms in the air. “Wahoo! Poser America!”

  “This first song is called ‘Plump Lips,’” Marissa said.

  The audience hurrahed again.

  Lennox clacked her drumsticks together three times and the music started. A cattle of the band’s fans began to gambol and dance on the fl
oor below the stage. After four minutes, Marissa strummed a final power chord, ending the song. Everybody in the club clapped. Then Lennox executed an immaculate drum roll to begin the second song. Keira joined in, plucking the strings of her bass.

  “Yeah Lennox!” Paige put her forefinger and thumb in her mouth and whistled.

  Justin nudged Paige’s left shoulder with his fist and snickered. “Haha! You dweeb.”

  Paige laughed. “What? Did you see that roll? She’s awesome!”

  Soon the song closed with a solo by Olivia.

  “Wow,” Justin gasped, gaping at Olivia’s fingers on the keyboard.

  “No shit,” Paige agreed.

  Paige and Justin applauded along with the crowd.

  Marissa glimpsed out at all the faces in the club and smiled. “Woo! Okay, so this next ditty was written by our drummer, Lennox,” Marissa said. “It’s called ‘At Bay.’”

  There was another round of yahoos and clapping hands. Paige’s chest locked. She stared at Lennox, whose gaze was already on her. Lennox winked at Paige and the song, Paige’s song, began. Marissa crooned Lennox’s lyrics into the microphone. Each word of the three verses swished between Paige’s ears, swam through her veins, wetted her eyes. And when it was over, Lennox pointed one of her drumsticks at Paige and smiled. Paige smiled back. It was the only thing she could remember how to do.

  Forty-five more minutes of music had passed when a cymbal crashed. The sounds of drums, bass, and keyboard broke off while Marissa’s guitar solo ebbed, bringing Poser America’s concert to completion. A thundering ovation shook the room. Paige and Justin raised their hands high, applauding, screaming in exaltation.

  Marissa held her arms out. “Thank you!” she crowed into the microphone. The band members took to the front of the stage, waved to the audience, and exited the spotlight the same way they entered it, one by one.

  Paige grabbed Justin by his sweatshirt and pulled him towards the small staircase at the side of the platform from which the girls were stepping down. When they reached the floor, Justin and Paige wrapped Marissa and Keira in a hug. Paige released her friends as Lennox approached her, radiating. Paige grinned and swung her arms around Lennox. She kissed Lennox on the cheek.

  “You were fantastic,” Paige whispered against Lennox’s sticky face.

  “Thanks,” Lennox said.

  Paige moved away a few inches to take in Lennox. “And you’re sweaty.”

  Lennox winced. “Sorry.”

  Paige shook her head. “Don’t be sorry.”

  “Ah.” Lennox smirked. “Is it turning you on?”


  “Good.” Lennox came closer to Paige, kissed her softly on the mouth, then gazed up at her. “Did you like your song?”

  Paige smiled. “It was perfection.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  Paige put her hands on Lennox’s shoulders and pushed her back a little. She pulled the flowers from her bag and gave them to Lennox. “These are for you.”

  “Aww lilacs!” Lennox took the flowers, smelled them, and hugged Paige. “Thank you! They’re perfection.”

  “Hi,” Marissa said to Paige and Lennox. “Excuse the intrusion, but this is Olivia, our kick-ass keyboardist. Olivia, this is Paige.”

  Olivia smiled and shook the hand Paige had offered to her. “Nice to meet you. I’m a follower of yours.”

  Paige grinned, Marissa rolled her eyes, and Lennox chuckled.

  “Excellent! And I’m a fan of yours,” Paige said to Olivia. “Well, I’m a fan of the band as a whole, but now you’re in it so…welcome.”

  “And this”—Keira moseyed up to the group, motioning to Justin, who was under her right arm—“is Justin. Olivia, Justin. Justin, Olivia.”

  Justin smiled at Olivia. “Hi.” He stuck his arm out to her.

  Olivia nodded, pursed her lips, and kittenishly folded her fingers around Justin’s. “Hi, Justin.”

  Justin stared at Olivia. Paige put her head down and laughed to herself.

  “I’m going to get some water,” Marissa said. “I’m fucking dehydrated. Keira, Paige, Lennox, come with me. Olivia, Justin, you stay here. Chat.”

  “What? Why?” Justin asked Marissa.

  “You guys already have something in common,” Marissa said to Justin and Olivia.

  “We do?” Justin asked, looking at Olivia then Marissa.

  “Sure. You’re the only straight, single people here.” Marissa winked at Justin. “You should talk about that.” Marissa linked arms with Keira and they headed for the bar.

  Paige held Lennox’s hand and started after her friends, but Lennox pulled her back. “Wait.”

  Paige stopped and turned to Lennox. “What?”

  “You go. I want to put the flowers in my truck. I’ll catch up.”

  “I’ll walk you outside,” Paige said.

  “No. It’s okay.” Lennox kissed Paige’s hand and relinquished it. “Ten minutes and I’ll return to you,” she said and left the club.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Paige glared at the entrance of Juice, her back against the bar, waiting for Lennox.

  “Where’s your girl?” Marissa asked Paige.

  Paige shrugged. “She went out to her truck.”

  “And you didn’t go with her? Rude.”

  Paige sneered at Marissa. “She didn’t want me to.”

  “Huh. Was she okay?”

  “I think,” Paige said as her phone vibrated in her pocket. She quickly pulled it from her pants and read the text Lennox sent her.

  Hey. Can you come to the bathroom? I need your help.

  “That her?” Marissa gestured to the cell in Paige’s hand.

  “Um. Yeah.” Paige put her phone away. “She’s here. How did I not see her? I’m looking right at the door.”

  “There’s an opening in the rear.” Marissa gave Paige a caricatural wink and laughed.

  Paige shook her head. “You’re a pervert.”

  Marissa coughed. “Sorry. I couldn’t pass that one up.”

  “I’m going to check on her,” Paige said. “She needs me for something.”

  Marissa raised an eyebrow. “She needs you?”


  “Uh huh.”

  “What?” Paige asked.

  “Whereabouts is she?”

  “The restroom.”

  Marissa nodded, grinning. “Mmm hmm.”

  “Dude, what?”

  “Nothing,” Marissa said. “You should go, though. It sounds urgent.”

  “Watch my drink?”

  Marissa smiled. “Absolutely.”

  “Thanks,” Paige said and walked towards the lavatory, winding through various crowds of people mingling, dancing.

  Finally Paige reached the bathroom and went inside. “Lennox?” She neared the first stall and its door suddenly opened. Paige jumped. “Christ!” she yelled, and then she just stared.

  Lennox was poised in the booth, her left shoulder resting on the wall, arms crossed, a smirk on her face. “Oops. Did I scare you?”

  “As a matter of fact, yes.” Paige smiled. “Is this a game?”

  “No. This is very real.”

  Paige pursed her lips. “What are we doing?”


  Paige took a step closer to Lennox. “Now what?”


  Paige looked askance at Lennox. “Why?”

  Without warning, Lennox grabbed Paige’s wallet chain and pulled Paige into the stall by it.

  Paige gaped.

  “I said come here.” Lennox spoke in a low voice.

  “Uh hi,” Paige managed.

  Lennox pressed her back against the paneling and used her grasp on the silver cord attached to Paige to steer Paige in front of her. She smiled. “Hi.”

  “Um. Do bathrooms do it for you?” Paige asked.

  “Nope.” With her gaze still on Paige’s, Lennox lifted her right arm and shut the door. “But you do.”

�That’s a good thing.”

  “So, you asked what we’re doing?”

  “Yes,” Paige said.

  “We’re not doing anything. All you’re going to do is close your eyes.” Lennox let Paige’s chain drop from her hand and she unbuttoned her own jeans.

  Paige gasped and looked down at Lennox’s fingers. “What are you…what?”

  “I’m reciprocating.” Lennox kissed Paige’s chin. “Close your eyes,” she whispered.

  Paige swallowed and the lids of her eyes shut. Lennox kissed her hungrily, lightly sweeping her tongue over Paige’s lips to coax them apart, and when she did, Lennox gracefully rested her moist index finger on Paige’s bottom lip. Paige inhaled and opened her eyes. Lennox was staring back at her. Paige held onto Lennox’s hand and took Lennox’s finger in her mouth. Paige ran her tongue around Lennox’s finger, then slowly pulled it out of her mouth.

  Lennox’s breathing was ragged. “I felt that everywhere.”

  Paige laid her palm on Lennox’s left cheek, dipped her head down, and smoothed her lips over Lennox’s transiently. “I feel you everywhere. I can’t stop it. Lennox, I’ve fallen…for you. I love you.”

  There was a pregnant pause.

  Lennox looked at Paige with wide, sodden eyes. “What?”

  “Do you need me to tell you again?” Paige asked.


  Paige smiled, her gaze watering. “I’m in love with you. I know it’s soon, but I’m sure of it.”

  Lennox took Paige’s hands in hers. “I think time is irrelevant, because…” She shook her head. “Just listen. Please don’t be afraid.”

  Paige rubbed Lennox’s knuckles with her thumbs. “I’m not.”

  Lennox nodded. “I started falling for you two years ago when I found you, your blog, your words. Then I met you, and you were—you are—who I thought you would be.” Lennox exhaled. “Paige, I’ve been in love with you.”

  Paige stared. “You what? Why did you not say anything?”

  Lennox smiled. “I wanted to wait for you.”

  Paige blew out a short breath, almost a laugh, and wrapped Lennox in her arms. “You don’t have to wait anymore.” She kissed the side of Lennox’s forehead. “I’m right here.”


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