Shifting Too

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by Shifting Too (anth. )(Rob

  Rocks were very still.

  And mostly silent.

  The still and silent was something Malik did very well. Even he could hardly hear Malik breathe.

  Of course, if he was still and silent and like a Rock much longer? It was going to be nap time again...

  Just about the time he dozed off Malik exploded into action, the grasses parting, the Big One almost a blur. A terrified noise sounded, and a harsh growl from Malik, and then he smelled blood, strong and hot.

  Malik had killed them a Long Legged Runner.

  Oh. Oh!

  Oh! Oh! OH!

  Rishi roared and bounced and roared again. Oh! Such a Strong Hunter! So Big! So Brave! Look! Food! So Good Malik!

  Once the runner stopped struggling Malik dragged it away from the water, toward their Rock. So strong. Then Malik stopped and growled, telling him to come and eat, standing back to let him eat first.

  He crept up, watching Malik carefully. Even Malani would growl and bite if he ate first. Soon enough, the scent of blood overwhelmed him and he pounced, tearing into the kill.

  Low purrs praised him, letting him know that he was right and good, and Malik waited for him to eat a lot before nudging him out of the way and taking a share.

  His belly was full and he groomed and washed, watching the fineness that was Malik with sleepy eyes.

  When Malik was done, the carcass got dragged into the bush and hidden so they would have it later. Then Malik came to him, letting him groom those fine whiskers and cheeks.

  He purred as hard as he could, so careful around those Sky Eyes.

  So Good.

  So Good Malik.

  So Great Hunter.

  They curled together on their Rock to nap again, Malik rumbling, reminding him to wake Malik up if he ran off again.

  He lapped one of Malik's paws, head bobbing. Yes. Yes. He would not Worry Malik again.

  If he could help it.


  Malik was happy. His belly was full, he had napped and swum and played.

  It had been so long. So long.

  Now it was up to him to teach the young one what he was, what he could be. There was much hope in him that Rishi would become more than a student and he more than a mentor, but if that was not to be he could at least have someone. Someone to nap and eat and play with.

  Of course, if Rishi kept snoring loud enough to make the birds startle into flight, Malik would smother him and that would be that.

  The kit was laid out flat on his back, running in his dreams, legs pumping, snores reverberating.

  Malik was not sure whether to bite him or pounce on him and... well, he could not do that. Not yet. Even though he wanted to.

  So instead he jumped down off the rock he had claimed as his and went around to find the end of Rishi's tail, nibbling it gently.

  Rishi made a waking up noise, rolling over quickly to protect that white belly and shaking his head. Then golden eyes saw him, pleasure and joy lighting them up. Oh, the young one woke so well, always happy and glad to see him. It was almost worth the snoring.


  They rubbed cheeks, his own quiet joy at finding Rishi overflowing into purrs like a waterfall. He cared for the young one so much already that it frightened him deep inside, for even his last human lover who he had lived with for many seasons had not made him feel so.

  Rishi chirruped and rumbled and called, telling him of the Dream Fields where they had hunted together, running and splashing and jumping.


  He licked Rishi's whiskers, praising and loving. So open and wonderful his young one. His. He was already thinking of Rishi as his.

  Happy purrs filled the air, Rishi vibrating with them, the infectious joy spilling into the air. Then, suddenly, they stopped, those eyes fastening onto something in the grasses, nostrils twitching violently.

  Malik looked, saw the tell-tale signs of a snake sliding through the tall grasses, heading toward the water.

  Rishi tensed, slowly stalking.

  Malik let Rishi go, knowing his young one needed to do this, needed for Malik to believe that Rishi could protect their home.

  The actions were clumsy and ill-taught, but the instinct was there, fine and sure. Rishi tracked and pounced and stomped and snarled and quite mangled the serpent, careful to avoid the sharp fangs and quick strikes. When the motions stopped, Rishi threw back his head and roared, warning that this was their Home.

  Malik joined in the roar, his one of pride, telling Rishi how Good he was once more, praising. Malik wondered what had happened to Rishi's dam, to leave him so untrained. But willing. So willing.

  Rishi came back to sit with him, cleaning the pretty face, those fine paws, the only remainder of the killing fury a sometime twitch of that long tail.

  Malik leaned on Rishi, not pushing, just resting, letting his rumbles vibrate through to Rishi's body.

  Rishi began grooming him, tongue hot and careful on his fur. The young one listened to his song, to his sounds and his heartbeat and his purrs, answering with a simple call.

  So much better than the snores.

  His Rishi was responsive, so very much so. Perhaps he would not have to wait so long as he feared. He would have to be careful, though, to make sure that he did not push his own desires on Rishi if they were not met and returned.

  Either way, he had found his place, and would stay.

  And not mind the snoring.


  Cold. Shiver. Growl. Shiver. Cold.



  Rishi shook his head and growled as a wind blew across him, making him shake.


  He shook again, his Rock Hard and Rough on his belly.

  His Bare Belly.


  Rishi opened his eyes, roaring and jumping. Someone had stolen his fur!

  His Claws!

  He Roared.

  And spun, searching for his Tail.

  His Beautiful, long Tail.

  The spinning sent him tumbling off his Rock, landing hard on the ground and stealing his breath right away.

  By the time his ears stopped ringing, he was him again. Fur.



  Belly fur.


  Bad Nasty Mean Mean Mean Dream Lies!

  Malik came bounding up, sniffing him, making inquiring noises. Malik was very wet.

  Rishi stomped and roared, telling his very own Malik what he had Dreamed. That it was Mean and Bad! That he had thought his TAIL was gone!

  His TAIL!

  Soothing him with deep purrs, Malik told him how Very Fine his tail was, how soft and fluffy and striped, assuring him it was still there.

  Yes. Yes. His tail was Very Fine and he did Not want it to be gone. It was a good tail. A long tail. His very own tail for Malik to nibble and chase and...

  He Pouted, sitting and licking the tip carefully.

  Poor Tail.

  Malik sat beside him, rumbling softly, nuzzling his cheek. When he finally looked up from his tail, after it didn't go away for a long time, he thought maybe Malik looked sad.

  He chirruped and butted Malik gently. No. No, Malik. Your Rishi is Good. See? My Tail is here.

  Chuffing, Malik nodded, head bobbing, and licked his whiskers. Malik purred and licked and licked and purred and told him he was So Good Rishi.

  Yes. So Good Rishi. He let the Dream Lie fade away. Instead he nipped Malik's ear and went bouncing down toward the water, tail held high.

  Come! Play!

  Following more slowly, Malik came, not bouncing at all. Walking. But coming.

  Rishi chased some of the buzzy bugs and then pounced a baby Long-Nose from the water. Then he backed into the water, eyes closed tight.

  A huge splash, bigger than any splash ever, got him all wet, his ears and his nose and his back and his tail. Malik's roar sounded, echoing off the water, strong and loud and happy.

  Rishi shook and shook and then stoo
d up on his back legs, being So Tall and Scary before splashing back down with a happy Roar. They romped and played, and Malik jumped on him and was more Scary because Malik did not close his eyes in the water and could see better.

  Oh. Oh, how Good it was with Malik home and here. He had been waiting and wanting and he had not even known.

  Malik had known and come.

  His Malik was So Brave and So Smart.

  Maybe Malik had been waiting and wanting too, and just needing a Rishi to make him happy again and that was why he came.

  Rishi nodded. Yes. Yes, that was it. Malik needed a So Good Rishi and Here one was!

  He pounced Malik and licked that fine nose happily before bounding off again, his happiness too big to be still.

  His tail followed him, and so did Malik, growling Very Large and chasing him like he was prey, which was a very good game.

  Rishi ran as hard as he could, claws tearing into the ground, heart pounding.

  He was far ahead when he realized that Malik was not chasing him anymore. Malik was not there at all when he looked, and he could not hear the One's breathing. Had he run So Fast that Malik could not catch him?

  Oh. Oh. He turned and put his nose up, sniffing Hard. He knew how Malik smelled now. Malik smelled like Home.

  He followed his sniffs and found Malik, sitting in the grass, licking the sore paw that would not heal.

  Oh. Oh, Poor his Malik!

  He nudged the big head out of the way, licking and lapping and loving on that paw, growling at the soreness to scare it. Malik let him lick and growl, chirriping at him, nuzzling him softly. Thanking him for his care.

  Soon, though, Malik rose and limped back to their rocks, crawling up and stretching out, sky eyes closing, panting gently.

  Rishi paced and paced, growling and worrying and fretting and guarding his Malik's naps so the paw would heal.

  Until Malik growled at him, asking him to come and keep Malik warm. Oh! That he could do.

  He leapt up and nuzzled up against the strong body, rubbing and curling his tail -- his So Good Tail that he STILL HAD, nasty Dream Lies -- over Mailk's flank.

  They would nap and in his Dream World this time he would not lose his tail. He would protect his Malik.

  So there.



  The paw was not going to heal.

  There was something in there. It was not just a cut.

  Malik growled low, trying not to wake Rishi. There was no way to get the thing out of his paw as a tiger. If he was simply a cat he would probably have gnawed the thing off by now and either it would start healing or he would get infected and die.

  As it was, it was swollen and painful, only Rishi's good care making it bearable.

  Quietly, as easily as he could, Malik slipped off the rock, heading for the water hole. He would need a sharp reed and water and light.

  Once he got far enough away from Rishi, who was undoubtedly guarding their tails in his dream, Malik thought hard about a man's body, about his own taking the shape of one, just as poor Rishi's had earlier. Poor Rishi, who had no idea what had happened to him.

  Malik was surprised at how much effort it took. He had not been a man in a long time, and his body had trouble shrinking to fit. Finally it worked, and he felt the tiger slide away, the man coming out, making him swallow a gasp as his hand throbbed and ached.

  A prickly pig's needle. With the thin skin of a man on his hand he could see it, the tip broke off and wedged beneath his hide. If he could dig that out he would start to heal.

  A sharp reed was easy enough to break off and clean, and soon enough he had the spine out of his hand and water in his eyes from the pain and blood running down his arm.

  A snarl split the air, low and harsh and buzzing with fury, a clear warning. He turned his head and saw the young one, eyes flashing, voice calling for him.

  Stumbling back, Malik tripped over his stupid man feet and landed hard on his bottom, making him cry out.

  Rishi sniffed the air, brows lowering in confusion. One step, another. Then Rishi sniffed the air again, growling low.

  Tiger. Think tiger. Malik tried to become himself, but between the pain and Rishi's confusion he could not make his body listen. He growled his frustration, because he could smell his own blood, and worried that it would bring night predators.

  Rishi took a step backward, eyes wide, nose sniffing hard enough to wrinkle the young one's muzzle. Those long teeth were bared, Rishi's upset visible.

  If he could only just... Malik thought very hard, finally feeling his body shift and change, sinking back into his best form, into his tiger.

  Rishi went perfectly still, eyes fastened on him. Not a motion. Not a sound.

  Poor kit. Poor Rishi. Malik began to purr, not moving any more than it took to get his paws under him, keeping the sound low and soothing. Rishi shuddered and backed up, a scared whine just sounding as the young one watched him.

  He rumbled low, telling Rishi it was all well, that Malik would not hurt him, that Rishi was So Good and that Malik would never, ever harm him.

  Soft confused cries filled the air, yowls and broken noises sounding as Rishi shivered.

  He could not hold back any longer. Malik went to Rishi, purring deep.

  Rishi moved away, then close, then away, crying out his confusion, his worry.

  Growling loud, Malik pushed Rishi down, covering the young one, teeth closing gently on Rishi's neck. Establishing dominance. Rishi offered only the barest resistance before making a soft sound and relaxing beneath him, panting, offering him that soft belly fur.

  There. That was his Rishi. Malik purred louder, licking and nuzzling. Poor thing. A surprise like that could not be easy.

  Finally. Finally, Rishi buried that soft nose into his ruff and started purring, calling for him. Poor Rishi. It would take time to make up for this, and he would have to take it slowly, the telling Rishi that he was the same. For now, they would snuggle.

  Rishi nudged his paw, licking the blood away, the instinct to lap and care for him stronger than the fear.

  So Good. His purrs changed from comfort to praise, his claws sliding in and out without pain for the first time in too long.

  That tongue cleaned him well, his Rishi -- and the young one was his, he knew it down through to his tail -- watched him closely. Rumbling about prickly pigs and spines and sore paws, he stretched out close, letting Rishi scent him, let his kit know he was Malik, Rishi's Malik.

  Rishi groomed him thoroughly, exploring his body, assuring that all was well, then Rishi curled up with him, purring loudly, apologizing for snarling and growling.

  They would work the rest out later. For now he would just be happy that his paw was rid of the sharp, and that Rishi accepted him again.

  And that Rishi didn't eat him. Everything else could wait.


  Rishi was never sleeping again.

  First? He sleeps and his tail is gone.


  Malik was... Not Real.

  Bare. Pale.

  No tail.

  No claws.

  No teeth.

  No. No more napping.

  No more.

  Because he Liked his tail.

  And Malik's tail.

  A lot.

  So Rishi pounced and bounced and walked and swam and blinked and blinked and blinked and blinked.

  Not Sleeping?

  Was hard.

  Malik slept a lot. Slept long and hard and made sleep noises that tried to drag Rishi into sleep with him. And he wanted to go with Malik. Malik had been... Real, sleeping and waking. He had been Real.

  Everything was Good.

  And he was so Sleepy...

  Malik slept and then woke up and then slept. Finally Malik growled, pushing him down and sitting on him, licking and nuzzling.


  Oh, so good.


  Rishi Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred and stretched, claws digging into the dirt.
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