Shifting Too

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Shifting Too Page 8

by Shifting Too (anth. )(Rob

  Syl's mouth pressed against his own, along with the long body, golden hair falling around them as Syl leaned over him.

  Oh. Hot. Good.

  He arched up, rubbing, belly moving against Syl's. Syl's hands started moving with purpose, fingers sliding down along his spine, rubbing his ass. He nodded, twisting, demanding more. Harder. Deeper.

  Syl growled softly, fingers starting to dig in, encouraging his blood to warm, to rise to the surface.

  The last of the dream slipped away, his hunger replacing fear. "Syl. So good." He licked and nuzzled, filling himself with the scent, the flavor of their lover.

  "Want you," Syl told him. "By my fur, I always seem to want you and Nat."

  "Mmhmm. You smell so good. So right." Like theirs.

  "Yes, like home." Syl buried his face in Cris' neck scenting and licking, teeth scraping.

  "Yes..." He purred, chin lifting, offering Syl his skin.

  Syl's teeth bit down, not as sharp as the Beast's, but sharp enough to sting, to just break the skin. He jerked, cry echoing, balls drawing up tight. Syl shook his head a little, setting the mark in deep.

  "I want you." Syl’s voice was low, sexy.

  "Yes. Yes. Please. I need. Please." He arched, spreading and offering himself.

  Syl's cock pressed against him, the head pushing in and pulling out again, the movements repeated, teasing him.

  "Oh. Oh." He panted, eyes rolling. His body burned, ached, needed.

  "Now, Cris? Do you want it now?" Syl's voice growled through him.

  "Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Please. Please, Syl. Need..."

  Syl pushed in all the way, long and slow, the thick heat spreading him wide. Everything stilled, only pleasure and pressure and heat registering. Then Syl began to move, pushing into him over and over again, those black eyes staring into him.

  It eased him, soothed him, made him shiver and ache. "So good. So much."

  "Tight, hot, perfect."

  "Yes..." He moaned, reached up and held Syl, petted the smooth skin.

  Syl growled and moved harder, faster, filling him again and again. His hand wrapped around his cock, stroking it, showing off for Syl.

  Syl's growls got louder, thrusts stronger. "Sexy kitty."

  "For you and him. Only. Yes? Only yours."

  "Yes. Mine. Nat's. No one else's." Deeper, more, Syl thrust as if proving that, marking him from within.

  He nodded, arching as he came, entire body convulsing.

  "Yes!" Syl threw back his head, a low roar sounding as heat pushed up inside him.

  Just melting, Cris purred, rubbed against Syl, mingling their scents. Syl pulled out of him and shifted, tongue lapping at the mark Syl had left on his neck. Syl's purrs just vibrated the solid chest against him.

  "Home..." Every inch of him felt good, warm.

  Syl heatbutted his chest and began to lick him. He stretched, morphing back into his true form, his tail twining with Syl's.

  They groomed each other for awhile before settling back down for another nap.


  Syl loped through the forest, stopping to rub his scent onto the trees, checking out each smell that didn't belong. His territory smelled of himself and game and the twins. All was right.

  He went as far as the river and then turned, heading home.

  Home where the twins whose scents filled his nose were waiting. He was growing used to their presence, growing to need it. He went in through the swinging door and bounded up to the pillows, eager to join the warm pile in front of the fire.

  Cris was grooming Nat, one paw holding Nat down, pink tongue bathing black fur.

  He growled, feeling his prick begin to respond to the sight. They were each sexy on their own, but together they were something else altogether.

  Nat's eyes flashed open, the look at once welcoming and long-suffering.

  Nat hated bath day.

  He chuffed with laughter and stuck his nose in Nat's belly, letting the hot beast warm him up. Nat purred for him, stretching out, fur so soft, silken. He started to lick as well, helping Cris groom and bathe the dark fur. Okay, he was more just enjoying himself, but it was the thought that counted.

  Nat tensed, then simply melted, purrs echoing, claws coming in and out.

  Every now and then Syl’s muzzle met Cris' and they licked each other, their purrs loud. Tails and paws tangled, batted, all of them playful and relaxed, soft sounds filling the air, warming them. He'd not had this kind of companionship before, he only met up with others to fulfill the urges to mate that drove him. This was... different. It comforted parts of his soul he hadn't known were lost, aching.

  Soon, it came to a point where they would nap or they would fuck and he found he would be happy with whichever outcome. He let the twins decide, taking the cue from them. It was Cris that decided, pouncing Nat's tail, making his twin yowl, pounce back.

  Syl chuffed with laughter, feeling like the old man among them. And then they both pounced his tail and suddenly he was as young again, rolling and pouncing and playing as hard as they did.

  They ended with Nat beneath him, Cris atop him, rubbing and riding him. He put his head back and howled, pleasure going through him.

  Nat's teeth were sharp on his throat, digging in, marking him. He never would have thought he wanted that, but he did, with these two. He howled again, letting them know.

  Nat purred, lapped at him, tasted him. Then Cris' mouth was on his throat, tasting him, too. He jerked; one was arousing, both devastating. He growled and let them mark and taste him.

  They marked him, took him in, then as he watched, they both lay back, throats exposed, offering themselves to him. He pounced, and took first one and then the other in his mouth, teeth breaking the skin. He lapped up the blood, growling, tail high.


  They growled in unison, the sound low and deep, sliding down his spine.

  He settled on them, rubbing against one and then the other, his cock sliding on their so soft fur, theirs rubbing against him. The scent of all three of them was so strong, so good.

  They morphed, one then the other, hands petting him, adoring him. Nat leaned over, lapped at Cris' throat, eyes closed in bliss. He morphed as well, drawn to be skin on skin on skin. Things were different like this, but still good, still hard and necessary.

  "Love." The word was whispered in his ear, the low voice sincere.

  He growled softly. He'd never been loved before, never wanted it or cared for it and now it was his and he wouldn't give it up.

  "Yes. Our love." His other lover agreed, kissing his jaw.

  "Yes." He hissed the word, kissing one and then the other, wanting to take them both at once.

  They rubbed and arched, purring for him, two hard pricks wet tipped and hot for him. He couldn't take them both, but they could take him together.

  He rolled, going to his hands and knees. "Both of you," he muttered.

  Nat groaned, slipping behind him, lean body brushing against his back.

  "Yes." He turned to look into the golden eyes and then looked forward again, searching for Cris'.

  Cris moved closer, leaned down to kiss him, tongue pushing in deep. Groaning, he opened wide and then closed his lips around Cris' tongue, sucking.

  Nat pushed inside him, moan ringing through the room as he was spread, taken. He loved the burn, the stretch, the way it gave way to a warm tingly feeling and he pushed his ass back, wanting more. Nat took him, pushing hard and deep, soft words of need and love pouring over him.

  He growled into Cris' mouth, sucking hard on his tongue, making it a promise of what was to come. Cris' fingers tangled in his hair, tugging him closer, a low cry pushing into his lips.

  He broke off the kiss and looked into those golden eyes so like the twin's. "Cock. Now."

  "P...pushy." Cris smiled, nuzzled, the tease easy and relaxed.

  "Yes. For you. For him." He needed. It was a little scary if he let himself think about, so he didn't. "Now," he insisted.

" Cris knelt up, cock pressing against his lips. "Love."

  He purred, mouth opening wide, taking Cris' cock in. Filled, he was filled by them.

  "Ours. Ours, Syl." Nat kept touching, kept taking him.

  He moaned around Cris' cock and rocked back into Nat's thrusts and then forward again, taking Cris deep once more. They moved, the rhythm getting sharper, harder. He took it, took them and begged for more with his body.

  They gave him what he asked again and again, adoring him, loving him. He was going to come, the feelings huge, wonderful, all his.

  Cris cried out, fingers tightening in his hair. "Soon! Love! Soon!"

  He growled. Not soon, now.

  Cris arched, cock pulsing, filling his lips. He swallowed convulsively, taking it all in.

  Nat reached down, pumping him, stroking his cock, making him buck. "Come for me."

  He did, responding to the command without even thinking about it. Nat roared, hips slamming into him a few more times before heat filled him. Marked him.

  He kept sucking at Cris, squeezed his ass to hold Nat tight inside. They were all he could taste, feel, smell. It was heady, good. Right. Soft purrs filled the air, low and deep and raw.

  He finally let them go, falling to the ground and morphing, the Beast in him not to be denied. They joined him, licking and lapping, loving on him, joining their scents together. He purred, feeling more at home than he ever had in his space alone.





  He just purred and rubbed. His. Theirs. It didn't matter, they were all together.


  Nat caught the scent of Pride in town while they were picking up supplies, threatening and wild and wrong, just tickling at his nose. Cris' eyes met his, rolling, the scent of terror sudden and sharp.

  He grabbed Cris' hand, dragging his twin close. "Stop it."

  "But, Nat."

  "No. Stop it." He whispered low, one eye on Syl who was looking at oranges and grapefruits. Syl didn't know he was a murderer, didn't need to. "You need to take Syl home, I'll lead them away and be home later."

  "No. Nat. You can't."

  "I have to. I can't lead them home, love. They'll only see me. They can't tell us apart."

  Syl frowned suddenly, nose twitching. "Others," he hissed. "Pride."

  "You have to take Cris and go." Nat pushed Cris toward Syl, starting to vibrate.

  Syl growled, one hand wrapped around Cris' arm, the other around his. "You're both coming back to the house with me. Pride in town is bad for all of us -- we need them in the forest."

  "They're here for me. I'll lead them out, away from the house. They don't want you."

  Cris whimpered. "Don't go. Nat. Please. You can't. They'll tear you into pieces."

  Syl growled again, dragging them down the street, leaving their bags behind. "I thought you said Pride didn't follow you."

  "I did. I didn't think... I hoped they wouldn't."

  "Nat killed the Alpha, Syl. The one who... hurt me. Nat killed him and we ran."

  Nat stopped, stared at Cris. "You swore not to tell."

  Syl tugged him on. "Come on. I don't want to get trapped on the streets with god knows how many." Syl was glaring, growling, anger coming off him in waves. "You killed the Alpha and hoped they wouldn't follow... what are you using for brains?"

  "I wasn't. I was scared. He was killing Cris." His head dropped, He hadn't meant to kill Reddick; the blow had just been too hard.

  "Don't snarl at him. He did it for me." Cris bristled, teeth bared a little.

  Syl rolled his eyes. "It doesn't matter now. It's done and they're here. We need to get to the forest where we know the territory, where we can defend ourselves." Syl raised his head again, sniffing hard. "Can you make out how many?"

  "Four. His lieutenants." Nat looked at Syl, whispering low. "I'll go. I'll keep them away from you and Cris. They'll chase me."

  "Four? They'll kill you." Syl shook his head. "If you leave Cris with me how will that be different than leaving him with the Alpha you killed? We do this together." Syl gave him a hard look. "We have a chance that way."

  "I love you. You love him. It's completely different." He held Syl's gaze. "You're ours."

  "Yes. Which is why you're not doing something stupid like sacrificing yourself for him. Besides, you don't really believe they won't be able to smell us here? To know there's more than just you? They won't stop until we're all gone. The only way to deal with them is to send them home with their tails between their legs or in boxes." Syl still looked angry, but it was clear he loved them, had no intention of losing them.

  Cris nodded, meeting his eyes. "Yes. Please, Nat. This is our home, our life now." Our lover. Our Syl. Our own place.

  Nat nodded. "What do you want me to do?"

  "I'll take Cris into the woods. You scout and find out for sure just how many are out there and lead them back to us. We'll be waiting to trap them in the glen. Hopefully the fact we know the territory and they aren't expecting me will give us the advantage."

  "I can do that." He nodded, moving back into the shadows, the urge to morph strong. "Go. I'll be there soon."

  "Don't get caught," Syl growled, eyes on him. And then Syl was tugging on Cris' arm again, leading him toward the forest at the edge of town.

  It didn't take long to find them, the quartet hunting through the stores, the streets. He watched them, led them, scenting walls and door frames, hands leaving the barest trace behind.

  Once they caught his trail, they moved faster and the urge to morph grew stronger. Almost, he was almost at the forest's edge where he would have the privacy to change.

  He considered leading them away from the house, away from Cris and Syl, but something in him knew Syl was right. They were stronger together.

  As soon as he hit the woods he morphed, running in the general direction of the glen, but zigging and zagging, making his trail look as if he were just running all out, trying to get away, to mess up his trail.

  The trees were coming quick, the winds beginning to blow and he couldn't misstep, couldn't slip. He could feel the hunters coming up on him, chasing him hard through the late spring snows.

  His body screamed, wanting to slow, but no. NO.




  They were on his heels by the time he broke into the glen, and one of them caught his haunches, sending him rolling in the snow. Pain zinged up his leg and he attacked, defending lovers and home with a passion he'd never known before.

  He heard the howls from the Pride as Cris and Syl attacked from the south; he could smell the blood, smell death as they took the biggest lieutenant down. He took two, teeth buried in a throat as claws raked his belly, his own claws sinking into flesh. They would not have his home.

  The snows were soon red with blood, howls and growls filling the air along with yelps and whimpers as claws and teeth sank into flesh and fur.

  When the blood stopped pouring, the two bodies around him still, Nat tried to stand, to roar, but he had no breath left.


  Then Syl was licking at him, growling softly, nose trying to get him off the ground. He moaned, so sorry he'd brought them, so sorry.

  Syl morphed then, panting, fingers digging into his skin. "Get up," Syl rasped. "You're scaring Cris and we need to get back to the house and get cleaned up."




  He could do up.

  Cris nudged him hard, headbutting him, insisting that he move.

  Nat had never been able to deny Cris anything.

  As soon as he was up Syl morphed back and the two beasts flanked him, moving him forward and keeping his momentum going whenever he would have faltered.

  The way back to the house had never seemed so long.

  Still, the scent of Pride?


  Replaced with death.

  As soon as they were
safely inside, Syl guided them to the blankets and pillows, started to clean him and Cris, tongue lapping away at his fur, removing snow and dirt and blood. Cris morphed back and forth, licking one minute, cleaning wounds with clever fingers the next. Syl stayed as the Beast, tongue working his fur clean, leaving Syl's scent behind.


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