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Shifting Too

Page 18

by Shifting Too (anth. )(Rob

  It made him jerk, made him shudder, his shaft aching, his body needing. He pushed another finger inside, just gasping as it went in, as the tightness around him increased.

  "Uhn." Darien bit him again, hips rolling so his fingers slid in and out.

  He whimpered, rubbing hard against Darien, fingers finding Darien's rhythm, moving with him. They rocked together, his fingers opening Darien's body. Finally Darien pushed him to his back, his fingers sliding free. Darien bent and sucked his prick in, just for a moment, getting it good and wet, and then... Oh, then Darien was rising up, centering his shaft and pushing down upon it.

  He shook his head, not believing it was possible, not believing that his prick was really sinking into that tight, amazing heat. It was happening though. So tight around him, so hot. Darien rose above him, then lowered, starting a rhythm that left him breathless.

  His shaft was squeezed inside Darien's body again and again and it made him cry out, made him reach for Darien's arms, needing to hold on.

  "Ropur." He could feel Darien's shaft against his belly, hot and good, leaving a wet trail. Then Darien's eyes went wide, and that body clamped down on him so tight as Darien's seed spread over his stomach.

  That heat, that tightness, the way it seemed to milk him, it made him cry out, made him buck, his own climax shaking him.

  Darien collapsed against him, breathing hard. "Oh, Ropur."

  "Yes. Oh. Darien." He had no words, so he slid hand hands on Darien's skin, trying to tell him that way.

  They curled together, Darien heavy against him, both of them relaxing as their breathing slowed. Darien said no more either, but Ropur could feel words in each touch. He rippled, nuzzling against Darien, pushing into the touches. It felt good.

  Darien's breathing evened out, sleep not far away. The scent of them was strong, deep. Darien stirred, just slightly. "Wake me before you hunt tonight."

  "Will you hunt with me?" He wasn't sure why he asked, but it felt right.

  "I will if you like. I love the hunt." Yes, he knew that, had felt the pressure of Darien's hunt. The man was relentless.

  "I think it would be... a good thing."

  "Then I would be honored." Darien smiled at him.

  He smiled back and leaned in, eyes closing as he rubbed their cheeks together and then their lips.

  "Mmm." They kissed, Darien's mouth opening under his, Darien's breath mixing with his.

  It felt good and right and if they hadn't been running all night and just spent themselves -- twice! -- he would have rolled Darien and done it again. Instead their kisses slowly settled, quieted. Darien stroked his back like he was petting the cat not the man, making low noises until finally Darien dropped off to sleep.

  Purring softly, Darien's warm skin against him and the hot sun on him, he fell asleep, too.


  Darien woke just as the change was coming upon Ropur.

  Always fascinated, he watched, as Ropur felt little need to hide from him any longer. Not since he had asked to watch. Excitement rose in his belly, making him smile as he reached for his bow. He could not wait to see how the cat hunted.

  It didn't seem to be as painful for the animal to take form as it did for the man, and it wasn't long before the big cat gave him a look and a nudge, moving them into the trees. Darien stood and moved easily, following the big cat with little trouble. He only hoped the whole of the hunt was so easy.

  Ropur loped easily, seeming to follow one trail and then catching scent of another, not appearing to be serious about any of them.

  Darien wondered if Ropur knew how human he really was. The cat seemed to know what he was looking for, and most cats were lazy ambush predators. It was beautiful to watch, though, the way Ropur's shoulders moved as he loped, the way the tail twitched at the slightest noise from the trees.

  Suddenly all the hackles went up on Ropur's ruff and his tail went straight up into the air. The big cat's rear end went into the air, shoulders going low, bunching to pounce. Ropur waited patiently, obviously having caught scent or sound of something from a long way off.

  Darien held his breath, listening, his own weaker ears detecting nothing. Still, the instinct he counted on told him that prey was near, and his own muscles went tight, his hand reaching for his bow.

  He heard it moments later, a boar by the snuffling sound of it. Bigger than a lot of game, so Ropur would not need to make more than this one kill. It was a good choice while they were on the run.

  Holding back, he let Ropur move in. He would only help if he was needed, and he might be, for boars were notoriously dangerous. His admiration for Ropur swelled, for it took great skill and nerve to take a boar.

  The boar came running into sight and Ropur pounced, snarling, mouth ripping open the back of the beast’s neck and jumping away again to keep out of the way of those tusks. The scent of blood rose strong and hot, the squeals of the boar and the growls from Ropur ringing loud in his ears. His heart raced as he watched, so glad that Ropur would share this with him.

  Ropur didn't play with his catch, going back quickly to finish the boar off. When he was done he raised his head and growled, eyes searching Darien out.

  Those eyes fairly glowed, and they caught him up, bringing him forward as if his feet moved at Ropur's will. His hand dropped to Ropur's head. "Beautiful."

  Ropur pushed up into the touch, the growl turning into a fine purr.

  There was no ritual among the lonely hunters of Darien's tribe. No sharing. This was something new, this kneeling over the fresh kill, his hand in Ropur's fur. Ropur would have to tear into the belly of the beast. Darien had the advantage of a knife, and he split the body wide, right there, offering Ropur the beast's heart as his tribute. As his due.

  Ropur's purrs got louder and his hand was licked for a moment before Ropur ate the heart and then tore into the beast’s belly, taking the and the guts, the body steaming. Darien watched. He would clean what he needed when Ropur had his fill. His careful cut would make sure the meat was not contaminated and he could dry some for them to eat on their nightly treks.

  Ropur ate a good portion of the meat and then went to him, purring before settling some feet away from the kill and starting to clean himself.

  After petting Ropur's head for a moment, Darien moved to clean the rest of the carcass, wanting to move on before the scavengers came, as they did. He cut away meat for them, wiping it down and wrapping it in skins he carried with his quiver.

  He looked up to find Ropur watching him, tongue lolling from his mouth as if laughing.

  "Oh, surely, you can laugh. But I must eat as well."

  Ropur growled softly, eyes bright in the moonlight, and then Ropur got up and came over, licking the blood from his fingers. Darien smiled, tingles running up his arm as the rough tongue scraped over his skin. He leaned against Ropur's strength for a moment. Ropur let him lean, supporting his weight, purring again, rubbing against him.

  Rubbing back, Darien hummed, feeling good. "We should go. Before the ferals come."

  Ropur rubbed for a moment longer and then headed off, fur blending into the forest. Hefting his pack, he followed, heading back toward their camp. His feet would no doubt leave bloody tracks, and he hurried to catch Ropur. "We should circle around a few times, let our tracks wear.

  Ropur slowed and joined him, fur rubbing against his leg as Ropur let him lead the way.

  The looped about in large circles, ever changing, until finally he was sure that they could not be traced back to their camp from the carcass. He sank a hand into Ropur's ruff, turning them toward their stream and their trees. Ropur moved to lope ahead of him, muscles moving beneath his fur, a thing of beauty.

  Following more slowly, Darien listened carefully, noting every detail of the land about him, checking to make sure they were safe. He wanted Ropur this coming day, and did not want to be interrupted.

  Ropur was waiting for him, lying on the furs they shared during the day, that tongue hanging out again, laughing at him aga

  "I wish I knew what was so funny, you." Grinning, he set his wrapped meat down, preparing strips for drying, hanging it so it couldn't be gotten by animals.

  When he'd settled again, the cat's heavy head rested on his thigh, low purrs vibrating his skin. He rested. It seemed odd to rest at night, the darkness hiding too much in the quiet. Ropur had the softest ears. They twitched beneath his fingers and Ropur sneezed.

  Now it was his turn to laugh, scratching Ropur's neck and shoulders hard. Ropur pushed into the scratches, a low warning growl sounding for a moment.

  Oh. They couldn't have that. He jumped on the big cat, rolling him over and over in the dust and grass. Ropur's paws batted at him, that big mouth opening on his skin, but neither tooth nor claw touched him. Laughing, feeling Ropur's incredible strength against him, he used his own momentum to push and pull and wrestle.

  They played hard for awhile and then Ropur rolled off him, panting, one big paw on his chest as if to say "I win."

  He capitulated, but only because when he tried to move he had the most impressive view of Ropur's sharp white teeth. Darien laughed, stroking the big paw on his chest, the claws not in evidence at all. "Yes, yes, all right. You are a fine fighter, my Ropur."

  Ropur put his head up and made a nice loud noise and then settled next to him, rumbling happily.

  They had little to do but sleep, and Darien found that so appealing that he immediately curled along Ropur's side, one arm on the cat's back, hand in the soft fur. He rested his head against Ropur's shoulder, sighing, enjoying this night that was free of traveling, of frantic running.

  That rough tongue dragged across his face. It seemed Ropur felt the same enjoyment.

  The affectionate touch surprised a laugh out of him, and he patted Ropur, letting his hand wander, letting his mind wander as well. His breathing evened out, his mind sinking into sleep. It was so much better to hunt with someone to share it with.

  And he hadn't thought anything would be better than hunting alone.


  Ropur ran and ran, letting Darien push him, keep them moving.

  He could feel what was driving Darien now, an itch at the back of his neck as he ran, spurring him onward. Something out there was after them.

  He only slowed as the sun started to come up, going to Darien and growling softly. He had to stop, let the change have him.

  Darien nodded, hands on his knees, breathing deeply. Darien wasn't laboring, really, but Ropur could tell he was having a harder time this night keeping the pace. Their night of rest had done perhaps more harm than good. Or perhaps it was just the punishing pace they'd kept.

  Ruffling his ears, Darien nodded toward the far side of the small clearing, then went to sit, pulling out his water skin to drink and to watch.

  He went with Darien and stopped a couple of feet from the man and lay down, already vibrating with the change. He always hoped that one day it would get easier, that the pain would fade, but it was always the same, the feeling of his bones stretching and contracting, changing.

  He lay there, panting, shivering a little without his fur to keep him warm.

  "Ropur." Darien's voice warmed him, as did the hand that took his, pulling him up and into Darien's arms. "Would you like water?"

  He nodded, pushing against Darien's warmth. The change itself hadn't become any easier, but this had. After, with Darien to hold and help.

  Holding the skin to his lips with one hand, Darien stroked his hair back with the other. "It gets more difficult, Ropur. And more urgent."

  He swallowed several mouthfuls of water down and then nodded. "I feel it, too. I don't know how long we can stay ahead of it."

  "Yes." They sat for long moments, and he listened to the thump of Darien's heart as it slowed. "I feel... I wish I knew what it was I felt. I feel as if I know this thing."

  A shiver went through him. "Should we find somewhere to face it, Darien? I fear it attacking us from behind."

  Darien squeezed him, quiet for so long that he feared Darien had fallen asleep. Then Darien stirred. "Yes. Yes, that is a good idea. A den. Someplace defensible."

  "The beast would search better -- do we have the time to rest and wait for nightfall?" He wanted to lie with Darien, to forget their worries and touch, love.

  "We do." Darien's lashes brushed his cheek as Darien turned to kiss him, lips soft, damp with the man's sweat.

  He whimpered softly and pushed closer, so eager to enjoy these touches again.

  Strong hands slid up his bare back, massaging the muscles on either side of his spine, just as Darien would do for the cat. It felt good. Different, but good. He stretched against Darien and reached for the bottom of Darien's tunic, wanting to rub skin against skin.

  He got help, Darien leaning away, raising his arms. As soon as the tunic slid away, Darien came to him again, holding him close. His mouth went to one of Darien's nipples, teeth biting at it, loving the way it went hard for him.

  "Oh. Ropur." Short nails scratching, Darien pulled him even closer, legs opening for him as Darien lay back and pulled him on top.

  He growled, full of need and want, rubbing as his hands tore at Darien's leggings.

  Darien arched beneath him, dark skin stark against the growing day, the long black braid whipping about them as Darien thrashed against him. "Want."

  "Can I be in you again, Darien?" Ropur asked, voicing his own want.

  Darien looked at him, eyes wide, and nodded. "Yes. Yes, please. I want you, my Ropur." He could feel the tremors that shook Darien's body, the need.

  "Fingers first, yes, Darien?" He was eager and wanted so much, was so hard for Darien. They had not done this but the once, had barely had time to do more than run and rest for days.

  "Yes. Start with only one or two."

  He put his fingers at Darien's mouth. "You will make them wet."

  Darien licked and sucked at his fingers, getting them good and wet with strong pulls of those hot lips. It made his eyes roll and his stomach go hard and he tugged his fingers away, almost trembling as he slid them down between Darien's legs.

  "Shhhh." Darien stroked his chest. "Breathe, my Ropur. Relax a moment."

  Yes. Yes, he should. He would not hurt Darien.

  He rested his forehead against Darien's shoulder, breathing heavily, like he'd just been running.

  Darien stroked his hair, his shoulder. "Yes. That's it. Breathe with me, my Ropur." They both calmed enough to go on, though Darien's skin against his was so, so hot.

  He slid his fingers back behind Darien's balls, stopping a moment to stroke and cup them. Then he tentatively pushed on finger against Darien's opening. Last time they had done this, Darien had asked, had led them.

  "Oh." Legs sliding apart even more, Darien arched into his touch, making sweet noises against his skin. "Yes, please."

  He pushed and his finger slid right in and it was so hot and silky inside, making him cry out. He had forgotten how hot it was. Darien cried out as well, just rolling his hips right up, rippling around him.

  "Oh, Darien. I'm inside you." He pushed a second finger in beside the first.

  "Inside. My... oh." Looking dazed, Darien began moving rhythmically, his chest heaving and skin dark. "Yes."

  "Oh. Oh." He moved his fingers, pushing them deep and pulling them almost out again and it felt so good, so amazing. He rubbed his shaft against Darien's thigh.

  His Darien looked so good in his passion, his cheeks heated, teeth worrying his lower lip. "More, Ropur."

  He licked at that lower lip, at Darien's teeth and pushed another finger in, eyes widening at the way Darien just stretched for him.

  Wide-eyed as well, Darien stared at him, breath slowing, muscles jumping. "So big. The feeling is so much."

  "Is it good?" He didn't want to do this if it wasn't good for Darien as well.

  "Very good. Very. I..." Darien shook, gasping as he loosened, warmed, rippled again. "Yes."

  "My hardness now, Darien?"

  "Now, Ropur.
Please." Panting, Darien nodded, raising his hips.

  He looked down at himself, hand guiding his shaft to Darien's entrance. He could hardly believe his eyes, or even the tighthot feeling around him as he pushed in. So different from when Darien had ridden him, this active taking.

  Just as he had for the fingers, Darien opened for his shaft, the heat and pressure more than he'd ever expected.

  His eyes rolled and he dropped his head forward, panting. "Darien. Oh. I..." He didn't have any words, it was just huge and all-encompassing.

  Those hands, rough with scars, clutched at his back as Darien rose to meet him, teeth sinking into his shoulders as if he were in his cat... as if Darien was a cat as well. It shot sensation through him, meeting with the heat and pleasure coming from his prick and he whimpered, beginning to move.


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