Shifting Too

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Shifting Too Page 23

by Shifting Too (anth. )(Rob

  Nothing makes sense while Matt tells me stories about bears and shamans and hunters and spirits and half breeds and changing. Nothing makes sense, not the words and not the bits of biology my memory throws at me. Nor that Matt is moving against me, around me, and I'm sweating in my jackets and he's somehow naked under my hands.

  He's worked round in front of me again, and there are pine needles digging into my knees and sharpening the scents in my nose, and his mouth brushes over mine.

  Nothing makes sense, and maybe it's not Matt who's the madman.

  Kissing him, breathing him, is the only thing in this darkness that I can understand, and then that too goes away, and there are just my hands in his, and he turns and then presses them, one to his hip, where the fat lies over the bone, and one high on his chest, where his pulse runs strong in the hollow of his neck.

  He moves and I follow, leaning forward, almost lying on him, and the backs of my hands are buried in the harsh-soft fur, caught between my lover and a bear. It feels like passing out, the way that reality slides and slips away and the salt taste in my mouth must be tears, because somehow Matt is gone and there is only bear, fur musk against my face.

  Here Kitty, Kitty: Perpetual Motion

  BA Tortuga

  Jax loved winter.

  He could go out! Because he could wear a hoodie and a scarf, just in case he sprouted extra stuff. Like ears. Or a kitty nose. These days it happened so easily, and until they found a way for him to control it... well. Yeah.

  So while Adam was off meeting with an editor, he'd gone out. He'd gotten groceries. Tuna steaks and fancy mushroom things that Adam liked and fresh cream and a cake. A real, honest to goodness carrot cake with cream cheese icing. Cream cheese.

  Jax figured that was like, proof of God.

  He had it all set up when Adam got home, the tuna just seared and crusted with pepper and sesame seeds, and the mushrooms in a vinaigrette.

  He could be good when he needed to. Especially for his babe.

  "Oh, man. Something smells so, so good." Adam sounded happy, relaxed, muffled under ten tons of winter clothes.

  "I made supper." Grinning, he wandered over and poked a claw into Adam's scarf, slowly unwrapping his prize to take a kiss. "Hey, babe."

  "Oh, I love when you cook us a feast." Adam licked his lips, teeth teasing just a little, nose cold where it touched his cheek.

  "Oh! Cold." Laughing, he unwound the rest of the way, pouncing on Adam to kiss him silly. "Tuna steaks. And those weird mushrooms in a salad."

  "Mmm... mushrooms." Adam's hand slipped under his shirt, teased his belly with icy fingers. "MMMMMMmmmm... warm Jax!"

  "Shit!" He squeaked, fur popping out on his belly, trying to protect him. Soft, thick belly fur.

  Adam started laughing, fingers petting him, eyes just dancing. "Oh. Oh, Pretty. That's so handy."

  He purred, his eyes half closing. So not fair. That felt goooood. "Glad you find me useful, Adam."

  "Useful. Good company. Fabulous in bed. Beautiful. Uh... what am I missing?"

  "I shed." He chuckled, blowing on that still cold nose. "Supper'll get cold. Come on, babe. Let me feed you."

  "Mmm. Okay. Oh! I found you something today." Adam shuffled around, coming up with a little metal perpetual motion machine, the parts just shiny and swinging, the shapes fascinating.

  He watched it sway back and forth, eyes following it, hands twitching. "You're too good to me, babe. We'll play..."

  "Mmhmm. I saw it and it called your name." Adam's fingers twined with his, tugging. "Come on. Feed me."

  "'Kay." He went, looking back at the little toy where Adam had set it on the table. Just for a moment. Just a little. Then he snapped out of it and served, beaming as Adam oohed and aahed.

  Adam ate well, proving that he’d done it right, that it was good. That Adam loved him. It was silly to feel all good kitty over that smile, but damned if he didn't. He'd even do the dishes...

  "Oh! There's cake."

  "Cake? Like cake-cake? With frosting and all?"

  "Yeah. I got one of those gourmet carrot cakes. With cream cheese, babe." Adam liked that as much as he did. He knew it. He'd seen Adam lick the pan.

  "Uhn. Pretty." Adam's eyes got all blissed out and eager. "You spoil me."

  "We're even." He bounced to the fridge, tail waving. Tail. He looked behind him. Huh. Must be too much with new toys and tuna and mmmm yummy cake. "You want milk?"

  "Uh-huh. Cold milk. Cake." He heard the click of the toy on the table, the whoosh-whoosh-whoosh sound it made.

  His tail twitched, the very end just curling. Oh. Playplayplay. He got the cream and the 2% milk stuff Adam liked and the cake and plates and... argh. Clickclick.

  Adam got up, grabbing some forks and licking at his lips, just teasing. "Come on, pretty. Play."

  He skidded to a stop in front of the little table with the toy, putting everything down nice and safe before batting at it. Oh. Cool.

  Adam stood behind him, chuckling. "I knew you'd like it."

  "Like it?" He tapped it again, head just swinging back and forth as he watched. Ticktack.

  "Mmhmm." Hands were working his shirt open, tugging it off.

  "There's... there's cake." He waved vaguely at the cake, trying nudging the toy with his nose.

  "I like cake." His pants were next, Adam's cheek rubbing the base of his tail.

  "Mmhmmmnnnn." Cake, toy or Adam? He turned, cradling Adam as he pounced, pushing him down to the floor and straddling his body. "Hi."

  "Hi." Oh, yeah. Those hands stroked right up his body, knowing every little spot. "Here, kitty, kitty."

  Purring, he rubbed cheeks with Adam, just loving how different their skin was, how Adam smelled. Clothes. Not good. "You have too many clothes on. Wool is scratchy."

  Adam's laugh tickled all through him, and the wriggling while Adam was fighting the clothes? Worse.

  Finally he got Adam naked and had a serious thought. Adam and cake. Or at least icing. Oh. Yes. He reached over and got some, spreading it on Adam's lips before licking it off. Woo.

  "Oh, now aren't you clever?" Adam dipped long fingers in the cream, tracing pale wet circles around his own nipples, painting them for Jax's mouth.

  "Not as clever as that. That's the best idea all night." Jax bent and licked and sucked, those sensitive little bits of flesh drawing up for him. The taste was so good he just kept worrying Adam's nipples until it was all gone.

  He looked at Adam, those eyes just wide, teeth deep in Adam's bottom lip, breath panting. "Oh. Jax. I. Oh."

  "Uh-huh." He kissed Adam hard, sharing the taste before going back for more icing, spreading it down Adam's belly. Licking it off just made him purr like a lawnmower motor.

  "Hun...hungry thing." Adam's legs were still half-caught in his pants, cock so hard and leaking, bobbing like the toy on the table.

  He batted at it with his chin, laughing as it swayed. "Always hungry for you, babe." He got rid of those pesky pants first, then sat back to decide. Thighs? Balls? Nah. He was an eye on the prize cat. One more dollop of frosting got scooped off the cake and plopped right on Adam's cock so he could suck it off.

  Adam's laughter filled the air. "Cream cheese cock!"

  "It would sell, I bet." Jax laughed, his breath huffing over the wet tip of Adam's cock. "We could market it."

  "Oh, Lord. No marketing schemes. None. You're dangerous with those." Adam twisted a little, getting close enough to stroke his side, his hip.

  "I have to have something to do all day." The taste of Adam au natural was just as good, and even more addictive. Jax licked and sucked, pushing all the way down to Adam's pubes.

  The sounds that Adam made were amazing -- all deep and needy and growly and good where they settled deep in his balls, in the base of his tail. His hips rotated, his own cock aching as he sucked. So good. Adam wasn't cold at all anymore. Nope, he was hot, skin flushed and a little sweaty, which just tasted so yummy.

  "More. Oh, Jax. Pretty. Want more of you.
" Adam pushed up, rocking into his mouth, thighs spread and tight, balls swinging.

  "Yeah?" He popped off Adam's cock, licking his lips and looking up. "What do you want, hon? Huh?"

  "You. I just want you." Adam gave him a wild grin, eyes just glowing.

  "I can't use icing for that, babe." He looked around, a little frantic. What could he use? Not the milk, because ew. Uh... "I'll have to improvise."

  He lifted Adam's hips, bending to lick at that hot little hole.

  "Oh! Good. Good plan. Jax." Adam pushed against the floor, giving it up.

  "Mmmhmmmm." It came out as a loud loud purr against Adam's skin. How come he always forgot this was his favorite thing. Not cake or cream or even little clacky toys.

  Just Adam.

  Adam moaned, all sorts of filthy, wonderful promises pouring out. He just kept on and kept on until Adam was slick and open from his tongue and his fingers and then he squirmed up to cover Adam's body, cock against Adam's entrance. "Ready, hon?"

  "Born ready, pretty. Come in." Adam's eyes danced over him, loving on him.

  "Oh, good." He tried not to hurry too much, but oh he wanted. His cock slid in, just a little, and Jax panted, pushing his hips just so. In. Out. More in. Out.

  Adam rocked back, meeting his rhythm, drawing him in deeper and deeper. They just moved like they were meant for each other, and Jax really didn't know what it said about Adam that he was made for a mangy cat man who couldn't control his own body, but he really didn't care either. He was just grateful he had his Adam. His. Jax rumbled, tail waving madly as he snapped his hips. He bent to kiss Adam's open mouth, licking and loving.

  "Love you, pretty. Feels so good." Adam's fingers worked his nipples, teasing them, tugging them.

  "Feels like nothing else, babe. Ever." It so did. He bit a little, Adam's shoulder the perfect place to anchor while he rocked and rocked.

  Adam's lips found his ear, whispering to him, telling him about how happy Adam was, how good their life was, how right it was to be here, with him. He knew it. Oh, he knew it. Yeah. He just loved Adam so much. He loved him tuna and cake much. Jax arched back, hands on Adam's chest, then his cock, really going to town and stroking at the same time.

  Oh. Oh, close. He could feel it in Adam's muscles, see it in the red flush on Adam's belly. "Jax!"

  "Babe!" That sent him right over, yowling so loud that one of the neighbors banged on the floor.

  Adam cuddled in, chuckling, seed sticky and warm between their bellies. "Oh, man. That? Was a good one."

  "That was really good." Really really. He cuddled up, flicking his tail back to set the little perpetual motion toy to swinging. "Love you."

  "Mmhmm. Love." Adam chuckled, ass squeezing his cock.

  "Mmrrrr." It had been totally worth going out today for this. "Want some cake?"

  "Mmhmm. I do. Cake and you and tonight we'll go to the roof and have a snowball fight."

  "Promise?" He loved snowballs. He chased them and ate them and... he was the luckiest damned cat... man. Whatever. In the world.

  "I swear, pretty. It'll be a blast."

  "Good." He curled, a little boneless. They'd play, but first they needed a rest. Just a bit. "It's always fun with you."

  Adam yawned, nudged the little machine, the whooshwhoosh sound filling the air again. He let it lull him, right on down into a nap. The best part about playing was the snuggling after.

  He couldn't wait to do it again.



  Sean Michael

  Sochar ran at the edge of the pack, wheeling and turning, flying through the woods, careful to stay near the outside, not to get hedged in. He was running with the big dogs now. Puphood was behind him and he had a thing or two to prove.

  Like how he could keep up with them, for a start.

  How he was an asset rather than the burden every pup was before they could take their place in the pack and help bring down the food.

  He avoided barking, his voice still a little high, not the low, deep sound of the older wolves like Teyeth and Randor. Not the loud, authoritative growl of Gareth.

  Speaking of the Alpha...

  Big and silver and he could run like the wind, Gareth was actually holding back as he led the pack, so they could keep up with him.

  Sochar did his best to excel at everything he did so the Alpha would notice him. He didn't boast or bark a lot like some of the other wolves. Instead he let his actions speak for him, catching small game and bringing it to the pack, laying it at Gareth's feet. Keeping up with the big dogs as they ran.

  Unlike the other wolves, Sochar wasn't preening for shemate. It was Gareth's look he wanted to catch.

  The running felt good, like he could do it forever, his legs carrying him easily over the ground.

  Gareth's ears pricked up, nose twitching. Then a series of short, sharp commands were handed out. Big game up ahead. An ox. A male.

  The older males spread out, moving instinctively into formation.

  This is where it got tricky. Sochar wanted to be in on the kill, needed to do his part, but where did he fit? There was a bit of a hole to the right of Gareth, left there by Ben's death. A hole no one had filled. Did he dare take it?

  He put on a burst of speed and took the position, eyes and ears wide open so he didn't miss a cue. He couldn't be anything but noticed here and if he screwed up, that would be what Gareth remembered.

  Those icy blue eyes looked at him, Gareth nodding once, then crouching low, putting on a burst of speed. The ox was in the tall grasses on the edge of their territory, eating, head down. They circled, closing ranks so that when the beast noticed them it would be too late.

  He stayed close to Gareth. Not close enough to get in the way, but close enough to follow the Alpha's lead. Adrenaline flooded him and he had to fight not to throw his head back and howl, had to fight to channel it into the hunt, the kill.

  Teyeth led the rush from the side, Gareth growling and crouching to leap, to take the throat from the ox. Sochar’s job was to help hold it down, grab a cheek with his muzzle and drag it to the ground. He leapt right after Gareth did, teeth sinking in. He pulled with his entire body, hanging on as the ox fought for its life. Gareth's body bumped against his, the splash of blood from the ox pouring everywhere, wet and rich.

  He fought his desire to lap at the blood, he needed to keep hold of the ox's cheek, needed to do his part or the ox would escape and they'd be searching for big game that was scarce, scared off by the scent of the ox's blood.

  It seemed like hours, seconds, days, heartbeats, and the ox fell, the pack falling on the meat with a unison howl. He threw his own head back and howled, blood on his muzzle, in his mouth.

  It was good to be alive.

  Gareth's voice joined his, those eyes watching him, approving, proud.

  Joy filled him at being noticed and he howled again, daring a quick lick to Gareth's muzzle before lowering his head for his Alpha. The Alpha actually leaned in, nuzzled him -- just quickly, but it was a nuzzle, a touch -- before going back to feed.

  He quivered, excited and happy at being noticed, at Gareth's touch. The fresh meat was good and he ate his fill, knowing he could, they all could, and still have enough to drag home to the females and pups.

  After he was finished eating, Gareth stretched out, watching them, licking his lips and cleaning his paws. Sochar dared to stay near, sitting down close enough to lean over and lick, but not actually touching, cleaning himself just as Gareth did.

  The Alpha allowed him to stay, not backing him away like he was a puppy. From here he could see the multiple colors that made up Gareth's pelt, the clear shine of Gareth's eyes. Gareth was so beautiful. Handsome and strong, the best Alpha anywhere ever, Sochar was sure of it. He rested his muzzle on his front paws, watching, gazing at his hero, his Alpha, his heart's desire.

  Gareth turned to look at him, muzzle leaning down to slide along his own, tongue swiping his lip. Oh. He whimpered softly, lifting his muzzle, tail
thumping twice. Another lick, a brush of that cool nose against his. Gareth smelled of approval, of peace. Sochar thumped his tail again, belly full, heart happy.

  It wasn't long before Gareth stood, rumbling orders, getting them moving again, back into the safety of the trees. Those eyes kept coming back to him, though. Watching him.


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