Shifting Too

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Shifting Too Page 27

by Shifting Too (anth. )(Rob


  Sochar pulled the water off the fire and added the dried berries and mint to it and set it on the hearth to steep.

  He checked the windows and the door, guiltily latching and barring the door -- he'd totally forgotten in his worry over Gareth. His mentor and mate would scold him if he knew. He checked Gareth's wounds. They looked okay, his licking having cleaned them thoroughly, but he had no idea how much internal damage there was.

  It worried him how long Gareth was sleeping.

  He stoked the fire and poured out his tea, sitting between Gareth's legs, his mate's fur soft and good against his skin.

  Gareth chuffed softly, front paws moving, his mate dreaming, nose wrinkling, scenting. He reached out to pet his mate, fingers sliding along the dark muzzle to check Gareth's nose. Not all right, not yet, but the strange dry heat was gone and Gareth pushed into his touch, tongue lapping his palm.

  He took a deep, shuddering breath.

  Of course, now that it looked like Gareth was going to live, he was angry, pissed off. It was just like Gareth to just show up, the same way he'd gone. Just. There he was.

  The soft touches of tongue stopped, Gareth moving away from him, slowly, painfully shifting, staring at him from behind long, steel grey hair. The wounds were more obvious in the man-form, pale skin mottled with blacks and greens and purples.

  Sochar whimpered softly, hand going to stroke the abused skin.

  "What happened?"

  "Hunters. A pack of the humans had one of our own -- a girlpup -- and they were violating her. I could not let them have her." Gareth swallowed hard, but found a smile. "I also could not escape without drawing notice."

  "Did she live?" So like Gareth, to put the pack first before himself. He always had.

  "She did. I took her to the Pack. Her Pack was lost to the humans. Cerek told me where I could find you."

  "Why did you come to me?"

  "I needed to tell you goodbye."

  "Because you thought you were dying you mean." He looked away, the old pain coming back so easily. "You could have said goodbye when you left."

  "No." The word was broken, harsh. "I could not."

  "Do you have any idea how long I searched for you? How long I waited for you to come back?" Gareth might be hurting, but so was he. He had been for years. Years.

  "Yes. We were destroying one another. Better to be alone than to be despised, Mate."

  "I missed you. I've missed you every day." Oh, he'd dreamed of this moment and all the things he would say and now that Gareth was in front of him, they all flew out of his mind aside from the sadness and the pain and the need to curl up with Gareth.

  "As I have missed you. You became a great leader, ves'tacha." The word slammed against him. Ves'tacha. Beloved above all.

  He whimpered. "Gareth..."

  "You are still the most beautiful thing in my sight, Sochar. You are still the center of my soul."

  "And I have never stopped missing you, loving you, wishing I could still wrap myself in your warmth."

  "We will war again. We are both too male, too strong, not to bare our teeth." Those blue eyes stared into him, through him.

  "But here there is lots of room to run and hide and lick our wounds. There is no pack to protect, to care for." He could scarcely believe he was being given this opportunity.

  "I would stay with you. Here. I would be yours and have you as my own."

  Ves'tacha. Again Gareth's mind brushed his own, so intimate, so close.

  Ves'tacha. He pounced Gareth, unmindful of his mate's injuries, needing to touch, to taste, to know that this was real.

  Gareth's laughter poured over him, sweet and low, as those arms wrapped around him. "My Mate!"

  "Yes. Mates. Forever Gareth, no matter where you go."

  A trembling hand stroked through his hair. "Kiss me, Sochar. I need your taste on my tongue."

  He whimpered, whined, heat and need making his belly ache. Bending, he brought their lips together, stopping when they were scant millimeters apart, breathing each other's breath.

  Gareth's eyes were huge, shining, the beast just held at bay. Ves'tacha. Mate. Gareth's tongue touched his lip.

  He wanted to pushed Gareth to the ground and mount him. He wanted to throw back his head and howl. He pushed their mouths together, opening his lips, wanting Gareth inside. Gareth moved into the kiss, hungry and eager, tongue pressing deep, need raw and open as a wound, exposed for him.

  He whimpered and pushed closer, hands sliding through Gareth's hair. It was like silk, long, heavy strands of silk. The settled before the fire, Gareth moving slowly, but refusing to let their bodies part, to release the touch. Hands drew him close, rocked them with a motion that started sweet and wanton, but quickly gained hunger.

  He remembered this, his body remembered it deep inside him and he moved against Gareth, need driving him hard. Little yips and growls started, Gareth panting, hard and hot against his belly.

  He rolled onto his back, neck arched, legs spread, submitting, giving himself to Gareth. They'd fought for Alpha position constantly in the last weeks they’d been together, but now he just wanted Gareth, any way, any how. Gareth pressed against him, covering him with the lean, lanky body, Gareth's skin hot.

  He would have wrapped his legs around Gareth, but he didn't want to hurt his lover, so he just pushed up against Gareth's body, spreading his legs as wide as he could. "Take me. Make me yours."

  "You were born mine." Gareth scooted closer, then whimpered, winced, shifting to find a comfortable spot.

  He whined softly, hands sliding down Gareth's back. "Are you okay?"

  "I hurt. I want you." Gareth tossed his head, growled. "Hate being old."

  He licked Gareth's neck and then moved beneath his mate, going to all fours. It would be easier for Gareth this way. "You have me."

  Gareth groaned, resting against him, letting him support the scant weight. He felt the brush of Gareth's cock against his hole, wet-tipped and heavy, the brush of Gareth's lips on his shoulder.

  He shuddered, pushing back, panting. "Gareth... "


  "Yes. Mine." His body was spread, stretched and opened as Gareth pressed inside, teeth sharp on his shoulder.

  He put his head back and howled, taking Gareth deep.

  Ves'tacha. My soul. Mate. Love. Sochar. The words poured over him, overwhelming the feeling of Gareth within him.

  He lost himself to Gareth, gave himself over to his lover's need and emotions. They became his own, were his own.

  The motions inside him were rough, clumsy, Gareth’s innate grace lost to need and pain. It was enough though, it was the deep, hard penetration he needed, it was Gareth, his ves'tacha, inside him.

  "Soon. Soon, Mate." The growls were deep, fierce.

  He nodded and barked sharply, one hand going to his cock, tugging hard. Gareth bit into his shoulder, jerking, howling around his skin, heat filling him. That bite was all he needed, familiar and sharp, marking him as Gareth's.

  He howled again, coming hard.

  His mate slumped against him, hot tears dropping on his skin. "Ves'tacha."

  He slowly lowered himself and Gareth to the ground. "Ves'tacha."

  "Forgive me."

  "If you'll stay. I will." Though the proviso was unnecessary, he already had. He'd forgiven Gareth the moment he'd seen him again.

  "I cannot leave you again."

  "Good." The word was fierce, hard.

  He moved, Gareth's softening cock slipping from him. Turning, he wrapped his arms around Gareth. "Good."

  Those icy eyes watched him, oddly vulnerable, then the thin throat was exposed to him. "Yours."

  Whimpering, he leaned up, lips and teeth closing around his skin. Gareth growled, rubbing against him, pressing close. His whimpers turned to growls and he wished Gareth wasn't hurt -- he wanted to lay his claim as surely as Gareth had laid his.

  "Do it, Mate. Claim me and then rest with me."

  He rolled them
, gently spreading Gareth's legs and entering his mate. Tight, gripping, low yelps filling the air, his mate was beautiful, made for him and him alone. He poured himself into Gareth, entering his mate's body over and over again.

  His mate's mind opened to him, wrapped around him, and he sank into sensation.


  They were each other's.

  With that thought he came, marking his mate deep inside. Gareth sighed, the sound filled with a deep satisfaction, a healing.

  Sochar bent and kissed the mark he'd left on Gareth's neck. A low rumble filled the air, Gareth relaxing, eyes closing.

  He pulled out, shifting and curling around his mate, growling low and soft. In a single breath, Gareth was resting against him, tail twined with his, muzzle on his paws. He licked at Gareth's muzzle, rumbling happily.

  Love. Mate. Gareth yawned, snuggling, chuffing softy. Sleep.

  He barked softly in agreement.


  Because now he was ready for winter.


  Gareth wandered the pack, looking, searching, making sure his people were healthy, happy, fed.

  It was what he did.

  Touched noses, chuffed, licked, saw.

  It was what an Alpha did.

  Sochar padded along at his side, offering greetings of his own to everyone. Rubbing noses, wrestling a little with his agemates and the generation that had come after. It made Gareth proud, that his mate was so attentive, so strong, so involved.

  Every time Sochar bounded back to him, the pup, well hardly a pup anymore, Sochar was fully grown now, his mate for four seasons, but Sochar still had the enthusiasm of a pup, leaping at him and nipping his haunches or rubbing against him.

  He leaned into Sochar on the next pass, enjoying the strength, the solid presence. Beautiful pup. Ves'tacha. Sochar licked his muzzle, growled low, the sound happy, possessive. He growled back, nuzzling, panting. How he loved this pup.

  He could see the sudden need in Sochar's eyes, could smell the way his musk sharpened. Sochar whined softly, need clear. He moaned low, looking toward their house. Yes. Want. Mate.

  Sochar nodded and barked once and then shot ahead, racing toward the building. He followed, hot of Sochar's heels, but not quite able to catch up. Sochar went through the swinging door and when Gareth followed he was pounced, the two of them rolling across the floor.

  He fastened onto Sochar's throat, teeth on the fur, holding on. Sochar fought his grip a moment or two and then went still beneath him, panting, whining softly. He nuzzled in, panting, their bodies rubbing together.

  His beautiful Sochar was always so eager to prove his love, to share his need. Soft whimpers and needy whines filled the air. He nodded, pushing harder, loving the soft fur, the heat.

  Sochar put his head back and howled, exposing the lovely throat for him again, submitting to him. It made him ache, made him snarl and his fur ruffle. Sochar whimpered again and wriggled beneath him, bucking him off before turning and offering his rump up high.

  He groaned, covering Sochar immediately, shaking with need. Sochar gave several short barks. Yours. Mate. Ves'tacha.

  Yes. Mine. My own. For life.

  His eyes rolled, heat spreading between them.

  Sochar barked sharply again, head going back in a howl as the scent of him grew strong.

  He ached, burned, needed, his pleasure running up along his spine.

  Sochar suddenly morphed, the soft, warm human skin rubbing against him. "Gareth... please, I need you."

  He nodded, sliding into his human skin without a thought, pushing right into Sochar's tight heat. Sochar moaned, body rippling around him. He jerked, pushing hard and fast, driving into his lover, his mate. Sochar met his thrusts, pushing the hard bottom against him again and again.

  "Love you. Need." He groaned low, arching and he pushed in.

  Sochar howled again, the sound ragged in his human throat, tinged with Sochar's wanton need.

  "Come for me. Show me."

  "Gareth!" Sochar shouted his name, seed shooting from his cock.

  He jerked, his own pleasure filling him.

  Sochar collapsed beneath him, panting. "Oh, I love you, Gareth."

  "You do. My ves'tacha." He nuzzled, nibbled Sochar's nape.

  Sochar hummed softly, the sound almost a purr. "Yes, yours."

  "Yes, my own." He loved the way Sochar vibrated beneath him.

  Sochar's hand found his, fingers twining.

  "It's still as intense," Sochar murmured.

  "It is. I thought it would fade."

  "I'm glad it hasn't," Sochar said, wriggling a moment beneath him.

  He chuckled. "We should go hunting. Go to the forests."

  Sochar nodded. "Oh, yes. Near the lake?"

  "Mmm... yes." They loved the water, the pastures there.

  "We should check on the route the deer are taking this year, too. Make sure they're staying in our territory."

  He nodded, "They have not changed their patterns in a generation."

  "There's a lot to think of as Alpha, isn't there?"

  "Yes. Some days it seems endless."

  Sochar rubbed back against him. "But you're so good at it!"

  "It is what I was born for." He chuckled, nuzzled at Sochar, allowing the pup to roll over.

  Sochar's arms immediately went around him, fingers stroking his skin. "What was I born for, Gareth?"

  "Me." He winked, took another kiss.

  Sochar laughed and pushed close, mouth opening for him. Their tongues slid together, so hot, so right. Necessary. Sochar's moans and whimpers were muffled by his mouth, fed right into him by his always eager pup. He met each moan, each bit of passion, answering it with his own.

  Sochar rolled them, lying on top of him and kissing him strongly.

  Oh. A challenge. He pushed up, not quite fighting, just pushing against his mate. Sochar growled a little in the back of his throat and ground down against him, rubbing hard. His eager pup's cock was hard again already, need scenting the air.

  He fought down the instinct to snarl, letting Sochar have a taste of dominance.

  Sochar kept moving against him, hands sliding on his skin. It felt good, the deep, sure touch. Sochar's kisses grew stronger, bolder, as did the touches. He ached, pushing up into the touch, shaft hard and full again.

  Sochar's hand wrapped around his shaft, holding tight and stroking him as sharp bites shocked his lips, his chin and cheeks. His hands scraped down Sochar's spine, tugging them tighter together, fire building inside him. Sochar whimpered and pressed hard against him, cock leaking on his belly, so hot and hard, like burning silk.

  He arched, feet thrumming on the floor, wanting, needing. Sochar's hand left his cock and slid beneath him, grabbing his ass and tugging him up into each push down against him. His cock met Sochar's, heat sliding on heat, the leaking tips making the glide easy.

  "Close. Love. Mate. Close."

  "Yes. Want to smell you, feel you, hear you. Gareth. My mate." The words were breathless, husky, almost all growl.

  He did growl, hips pumping as he shot hard. Sochar's eyes were wide, his nostrils flaring and then his ves'tacha howled, heat splashing against Gareth's belly.

  "Mmm... Hot." He growled low, rocking nice and slow.

  Sochar whimpered again, nose sliding along his neck, breath panting in his ear.

  "Love. Mate. Ves'tacha." He was melted, goo.

  "Mine," murmured Sochar. "You are mine."

  "Mmm... as you are mine."

  Sochar stopped a moment and then nodded. "Yes. Yes, Gareth. Yours."

  Morphing, Sochar licked at his neck. He chuckled, the long tongue tickling. Sochar moved slowly down his body, tongue lapping at his skin, whining starting as Sochar began to clean the come from his belly.

  "Oh. Oh..." Had he not just come, he'd be hard again.

  Sochar was careful, loving, tongue cleaning his belly and then his cock and his balls, tickling between his thighs as soft whimpers adored him. Hi
s own sounds were deep, rough, muscles clenching and relaxing.

  Sochar's nose pushed between his legs, his mate's tongue licking at his hole, tasting the strongest part of him.

  His breath huffed from him, entire body shaking, shuddering. "Sochar. Love."


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