Shifting Too

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Shifting Too Page 29

by Shifting Too (anth. )(Rob

  "I like how that sounds, Gareth. I need you and I want you." He looked right back at Gareth, letting his mate see in.

  "Yes." Gareth's fingers stroked his face, his jaw.

  He nuzzled into the touches and then pushed their mouths together for a kiss. It was soft, sharing rather than taking. Gareth moaned, eyes closed, body arched into his own.

  He whimpered, hands sliding along Gareth’s back, body rubbing. "I want to take you," he whispered. "I want to feel you tight around me." The first frantic couplings had not been enough, never enough.

  "Yes. Want to feel you fill me, love me." Oh. Oh, yes.

  He walked them back to the pile of blankets by the fire, pulling Gareth down with him. Gareth went easily, their bodies rocking together.

  They kissed and touched each other, relearning their bodies, what felt good, what felt incredible. Before it had been about coming together after so long without seeing each other, now it was about rediscovering each other.

  Eventually, Sochar slipped around to spoon up behind Gareth. They would do it like this, so he wasn't mounting his mate, just coupling. He refused to give into the urge that demanded he show he was stronger, Alpha. Because here it didn't matter -- it shouldn't matter.

  Gareth brought one of his hands up to those soft lips, nibbling and nipping. He moaned softly, his own lips pushing past Gareth's hair to lick at the smooth skin of Gareth's neck.

  "Love..." The passion was rich, sweet, just a lush heat that surrounded them.

  "My own," he whispered before adding, "yours," the word coming naturally, not being forced.

  He nudged Gareth's leg forward with his own, his cock sliding along Gareth's ass.

  "Yes. Your own. My ves'tacha. Mate." Gareth almost purred, stretching beneath him.

  His fingers stroked across Gareth's belly, swept up to tease the little flat nipples as he continued to rock, prick sliding, bumping against Gareth's opening again and again. Gareth was relaxed, easy, heated against him.

  On one of the passes, the head of his shaft slid into Gareth's body, just like that and he moaned, pushing in deeper, taking Gareth in a single, long stroke.

  "Sochar..." His name was a moan, deep and low.

  "Gareth," he whispered back, mouth sliding along one shoulder. His mouth, lips and tongue were all that moved as he stayed still, buried inside Gareth's heat. He whimpered. It was wonderful.

  It was... more than he could have imagined. He felt Gareth's heart, beating around him, Gareth's breath coming in slow, deep pants. He closed his eyes and started to move, slowly to start, just living in each second, enjoying it. Gareth's fingers were twined with his, holding tight, squeezing.

  They moved together, feeling so good, wrapped around each other, within each other. Sochar whined softly, pressing himself even closer against Gareth's back, wanting to sink into his mate completely.

  "So good. So full of you." Gareth moaned, leaning back against him.

  "I can feel you everywhere," he told Gareth. "Feel you all around me and in my heart."

  "I am everywhere. I am yours." Gareth kissed his wrist.

  Whimpering, he started to move faster, eager to make Gareth feel good.

  Gareth pushed back against him, groaning low. "More."

  He pushed harder, his hand dropping from Gareth's to wrap around Gareth's hot, silky shaft.

  "Oh. Love..." The words were barked out, Gareth jerking and groaning.

  He whined, moved faster. "My own heart."

  "Yes. Yes. For life. Faster." Demanding beast.

  Laughing, he did what Gareth wanted, pushing in faster, tugging harder on his mate's hard heat. Gareth squeezed him, hips jerking and rocking. It felt so good and he couldn't hold back any longer as the pleasure grew and grew inside him. He cried out, pushing deep, his seed spilling into Gareth.

  "Ves'tacha!" Gareth shook, heat pouring over his hands.

  He moaned, plastered against Gareth's back, holding onto his mate. Gareth held him, shaking.

  "Mine," he whispered. "Mine. Mine. Mine." He would hold on forever and not ever let go.

  "Yes. Yes, Mate. Yours." Gareth nodded. "Your own."

  "Ours. Our own." He nodded. He thought that was right.

  Gareth chuffed. "I like that."

  Oh, he loved that sound. He'd missed that sound. He pressed their mouths together again, the kiss slow and languid. Gareth wrapped around him, fingers petting his hair.

  "Love you, Mate," he whispered. And that was why it didn't matter if it was confusing or hard or strange -- he wasn't letting Gareth go again.


  "He's acting like the Alpha, Gareth." Greta had him cornered, her eyes flashing. "Strutting around, acting as if he answers to no one. You have to stop it."

  "He's a male, strong. You can't expect him to..."

  Greta snapped. "If he's going to challenge you, let it happen. You're confusing the Pack."

  He growled, snapped back. "I am Alpha."

  Sochar came running up, rubbing against his legs, growling at Greta, snapping at her with wolf's teeth. He reached down, hand in Sochar's ruff, restraining the pup.

  "Enough. Greta, you have heard me on this."

  Sochar barked sharply, adding his voice. Gareth had to fight himself not to growl back, snap. He had to protect the power of the Alpha, the place.

  "Get him in line, Gareth. Before it's too late." She growled at them both and turned, stalking off.

  He tossed his head, the urge to howl, run, fight huge, red-edged in his sight. Sochar barked and nipped at his fingers, demanding his attention.

  "What, Sochar?" He looked down, panting. "What do you need?"

  Sochar ran a few steps and then bounced back to him, gave another sharp bark. He followed, distracted, fighting the urge to morph and growl. Every now and then Sochar would come over and lick him, bark and bound and then continue on toward the forest.

  He did morph finally, running idly, thoughts swirling through his head. Sochar's happy yips sounded as soon as he'd morphed, his mate running through the woods. The happy sounds soothed him, made his frustration ease, and he followed, feeling younger, more free.

  Sochar stopped for a moment to howl and then turned to pounce him, sending them both rolling. He landed on top, blinking, the forest spinning.

  Sochar chuffed happily, licking and nipping at his muzzle. He huffed, shaking his head. Silly pup. He nipped the long, soft throat. Sochar whined softly, neck going back for him.

  Yes. Mine. My own. He licked, nuzzled, lapping the soft fur. Sochar rubbed and wriggled against him, so eager and wanton. He pushed down, rubbing back, growling soft and low. Sochar wriggled harder, pushing his pace.

  He forced himself to keep his pace, to move slowly, steadily. Sochar kept pushing against him, growling a little, teeth snapping together. He growled back, refusing to speed.

  Sochar settled, whimpered, whined and licked at his muzzle. Yes. That's right. Mine. He rubbed, rewarding Sochar with low sounds, licks. Sochar whimpered again, body shivering. The scent of his mate's need was sharp and strong, good.

  He bit down, teeth scraping, threatening. Sochar barked and whined, musk growing stronger.

  He morphed, shaft sliding along Sochar's belly fur. Following his lead, Sochar morphed as well, mouth meeting his in an eager clash of teeth. Their tongues slid together, hot and wet, needy. He needed.

  Sochar's arms and legs wrapped around him, tugging him in close, his mate's need hot and urgent against his belly. His fingers tangled in Sochar's hair, baring that long throat to his mouth.

  Sochar whined, back arching, the long line of his mate's body rubbing beneath him. "Please."

  He nodded, teeth scraping Sochar's throat, cock rubbing furiously. Sochar bucked against him, heat spraying between their bodies. Yes. Yes, he'd needed this. Needed Sochar.

  One of Sochar's hands pushed in between them, taking his prick in hand and tugging. "Want to smell you, Gareth. Want to taste you."

  "Love..." His head snapped back, hips rocking

  Sochar's free hand landed on his ass, tugging him up, his Sochar's mouth open, tongue licking Sochar's lips.

  "Hungry pup." His cock throbbed, balls tight and aching.

  "Not a pup," countered Sochar. "But I'm hungry."

  "My pup." He was needing that mouth, that heat.

  Sochar's eyes met his, full of heat as his mate's mouth wrapped around his cock.

  "Sochar..." Heat poured through him, his toes curling with the pleasure.

  His mate whimpered around his shaft, making it vibrate, suction fierce, matching the look in Sochar's eyes.

  He shook, moving faster, needing more. He pushed in deep, heart just pounding furiously. "Mate."

  Sochar swallowed around his cock, hands landing on his ass, squeezing. He shot, the light sparkling in his eyes, his howl echoing in the trees. Sochar was still sucking him as he came down, eyes watching his face, intent, hot. Sochar's face was soft, smooth, warm under his fingers. Beautiful boy.

  "Love you," whispered Sochar fiercely as he pulled out of the pup's mouth.

  "Yes. Love you, Mate." He rubbed their cheeks together. "Never doubt that."

  "Mate. Mine." Sochar made a purring noise and rubbed back, nuzzling into his neck.

  He nipped Sochar's ear. "Mine."

  Sochar chuckled and rubbed beneath him. "Yes, Gareth."

  Yes. He nodded, lips brushing Sochar's jaw. This was why it was worth it. Just this.


  Sochar was pleased to be out on the hunt. He'd been restless lately, pushy and growly, unhappy in ways he couldn't understand, couldn't figure out. Out here he could run by Gareth's side, run ahead as he moved to flank one of the deer. He hardly even noticed that Gareth hadn't given the signal yet, hadn't chosen. Sochar already had.

  He ran playing his part in the machine the pack made.

  They took the deer down, the big buck's antlers tossing and slashing at them.

  He put his head back and howled, mouth full of warm, thick blood from the buck's throat.

  It took long moments before he realized Gareth wasn't feeding with the rest of them, was sitting in the lee of a tree, licking his side. Sochar growled and snarled at Teyeth and Randor, grabbed some of the soft innards and brought them over to Gareth, giving him his due.

  Gareth snapped at him, teeth bared, lip curled. He snarled back and then stepped back and whimpered, head going down. Gareth stared him down until he looked away, then turned the grey back to him, dismissing him.

  He whimpered and then turned, snarling at anyone daring to stare at him. Everyone looked away, then started to get the kill ready to take home, the tension in the air palpable.

  As soon as they started back toward home, Sochar turned tail and ran into the forest, as fast as he could.

  He wasn't sure what hurt more -- that Gareth snarled at him or that Gareth didn't follow.

  He ran and ran, heading for the lake without even realizing it. By the time he got there he was exhausted and he ran right into the water, cooling off, washing the blood from his fur.

  After a long bath, he heard a rustling in the bush, Darren padding over. The lean, strong male lapped the water, blue eyes watching him. He watched back, wary, and slowly came out of the water. What was this?

  Darren morphed, looking over at him, lean as he washed the smooth skin.

  Sochar morphed himself and stood there, hands across his chest. "What?"

  "The hunters asked me to come." Darren and he had been age mates. "We want to know if you will challenge Gareth."

  He snarled. "Gareth is my mate."

  "Yes. The pack needs a strong Alpha."

  "It has one." He snarled again, furious. Furious at Darren. At the hunters. At himself for wanting it.

  Darren growled low. "You run the hunters, you took down the deer. You look to him no longer. It is time for Gareth to step down."

  He growled, pacing faster. "He's my mate."

  "Yes. You're stronger. We need you."

  "I stand by him." Gareth was strong. Especially with him at Gareth's side.

  "Even if he falls?" Darren shook his head. "You cannot fight the wolf, Sochar."

  He wouldn't betray Gareth. He wouldn't. "I'll be there when the time comes."

  Gareth would step down before it was too late. They would make this work -- he would be Alpha and Gareth would be his and it would be okay.

  "You are meant to be Alpha. You want it." Darren stepped closer. "You have the support of the hunters. The females will follow."

  "So the hunters have taken to politics?" Gareth walked out of the trees, a long scratch along one side. "To deciding who is Alpha?"

  "Gareth!" His heart leapt -- Gareth had followed him after all. He all but bounded over to Gareth's side. "I told him I stand by you."

  Gareth looked at him, eyes still and quiet. "I heard it all."

  "Then you heard me tell him I stand by you. You're my mate."

  The look in Gareth's eyes, he'd never seen it before, not directed at him.

  "I did." Gareth nodded, eyes on Darren. "You speak for the hunters?"

  "We're agemates," Sochar told Gareth. "We played together once."

  "You cannot stop time. You are old, Gareth. You need to step down. You have chosen a successor."

  Sochar turned and snarled at Darren. "You had my answer. Leave us."

  Gareth moved, glared at him. "You are not Alpha yet."

  Sochar backed off, head lowered. "I meant no offence." His heart was pounding so hard, his heart and his mind and his instincts warring with each other.

  "He is young, strong. You swore to do the best for the pack."

  "I am not so ancient as all that. I have much to offer the pack."

  "You're not old at all, Gareth! You're strong. A wonderful Alpha!" Sochar dared take a step toward Gareth's side.

  "He was. The hunters will speak to Greta, Gareth. We all believe it is time. You will always be honored, but you are no longer strongest."

  "Then challenge him yourself, Darren." Sochar knew Darren wouldn't. None of the others would because the only one who could come close to Gareth was him.

  "Go home, Darren. Tell the Hunters I have heard their voices and I will address them.

  Sochar glared at Darren until the man morphed and the last of his tail was seen disappearing behind the trees. "That's telling him, Gareth."

  Gareth didn't answer, simply morphed and padded out to the water, drinking deep. He whined softly and morphed, too, following, rubbing along Gareth's haunches. Please and I love you and I'm yours.

  Gareth was stiff for a moment, then leaned into him, accepted him. He whimpered, more relieved than he'd expected and he licked eagerly at Gareth's muzzled, wanting to play or to love, just wanting to be with Gareth.

  Gareth chuffed softly, eyes watching him closely, every move. He panted happily and kept licking, getting his scent all over his mate. The blood from the wound was sharp, metallic. He followed the scent of it, licking down along Gareth's side until he hit the wound. He cleaned it with his tongue, whimpering softly. He hadn't even realized Gareth had been hurt in the hunt.

  Gareth groaned, stretching for him, tension eased. He kept licking, long after the wound had been cleaned, slowly nudging Gareth toward the shore. Gareth followed, head down, panting softly.

  Sochar licked Gareth's paws and his muzzle, his back and his hindquarters, loving on his mate, pushing everything but the need away. Gareth moved, shifting and sliding, low sounds escaping into the air.

  He kept licking, growling softly, letting Gareth know how much he loved and adored his mate. Gareth's voice responded, the love there strong, but somehow sad.

  He whimpered softly and started to move against Gareth, moving to mount his mate. Gareth shifted away, growling low, head shaking.

  Sochar felt as if he'd been slapped. Then he figured he must have misunderstood and he pushed forward, again trying to mount Gareth.

  Gareth turned, snapping, eyes glowing with a mixture of pain and anger. No.

>   He backed away with a whimper, head down. No? He didn't understand. He whimpered again and moved slowly around so he was approaching Gareth from the front. He went to lick Gareth's muzzle.

  Gareth met his eyes, the look in them unlike any he'd ever seen. Gareth licked his nose, his chin, grooming him. Sochar just stood there, whimpering every now and then, whining, not understanding what was going on at all. Gareth was his mate. His.


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