The Princess and the Pea (Fairy Tale Adventures Book 1)

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The Princess and the Pea (Fairy Tale Adventures Book 1) Page 8

by A. G. Marshall

  “Your Highness! Asking about my travel accommodations? Are you trying to discover where I’m from?”

  The prince leaned back in his chair. Lina swallowed a laugh. He looked terrified. If anything, he was worse at flirting than she was. Some men would enjoy an endless parade of women focused on them, but Prince Alaric did not seem to be that type.

  That was going to make the Princess Test a miserable experience for him.

  Lina leaned forward and fluttered her lashes more. If this was what it took to shut him up, she could manage it for fifteen minutes. She would flutter her eyelashes until they cramped.

  Alaric leaned further back in his chair. Lina took a deep breath so she could sigh dramatically. She choked on a bitter taste.

  “Are you wearing snowbell perfume?”

  Her lips curved into a smile in spite of everything. Maybe fashions had changed, but she doubted it. Snowbells were a decidedly feminine scent. The prince glared at her.

  “How do you know what snowbells smell like?”

  “Oh- I-”

  Blast! Of course a visiting princess wouldn’t recognize the scent. Lina’s mind churned. There had to be some reason.

  Someone tapped her shoulder. She jumped and looked up. Prince Stefan smiled at her.

  “Excuse me, Princess. Your time for conversation has passed.”

  Lina nodded. She took Stefan’s arm and walked out of the room.

  She couldn’t resist a backwards glance at Alaric. He watched her leave with far too much interest.

  She needed to have Carina give her more lessons in blending in.

  “So, is my brother being charming?” Stefan asked.

  Lina shrugged.

  “Were you this quiet during the conversation?”

  A true princess would be more interested in the prince. She would use opportunities like this to gain useful information. Lina reminded herself that she needed to play the part.

  “The conversation was-”

  She searched for the proper description, but nothing proper came to mind.

  “Is it going that badly?”

  Stefan stopped walking. Lina looked up at him. He looked concerned.

  “Is my brother really that miserable?”

  The concern in his face broke Lina’s heart. How many times had Luca looked at her that way? She patted Stefan’s hand.

  “I’m sure I’ll find your brother charming as I get to know him.”

  Stefan looked like he wanted to say more. A shrill voice interrupted him.

  “It has been well over fifteen minutes! Is the second princess still with him? I demand to know!”

  Stefan grimaced.

  “Have fun with her.”

  He showed her to the door and hurried away. Princess Fiora glared at Lina as she entered.

  “I should have known you would cause trouble. Some people are so desperate they’ll do anything to gain an advantage! What did you and the prince talk about?”

  Lina shrugged.

  “Don’t ignore me. I could report you to the Council for your behavior. What country are you from, anyway? Who had the nerve to try to rig the test?”

  “Do you really want me to tell you? We’re not supposed to reveal that. You’re the one worried about upholding rules.”

  “Don’t turn this around on me. Prince Alaric and I had a very stimulating conversation. I’m sure I impressed him.”

  Lina yawned. Last night’s shadow travel was catching up with her. Fiora’s nostrils flared.

  “How dare you!”

  She stomped to the window and stared outside.

  “Surveying your domain?” Lina asked.

  Fiora ignored her.

  Lina studied the room. It looked much like others in in the castle. The original marble structure was decorated with wooden furnishings.

  She sat in a chair in the opposite corner from Fiora and closed her eyes. She hadn’t slept well last night. A rest would do her good. Just for a few moments.

  She considered traveling to the realm of shadows to check on the seal. No, it was too risky to sink into a trance with Fiora glaring at her from across the room. And she had no power in the realm of shadows in the daytime. It would be better to wait for night. Lina pushed the shadows away as she dozed. It was far easier to resist them when the sun was up.

  The sound of a door slamming woke her. Lina sat up and glanced around. Several more princesses milled around the room. Most gathered with Fiora around the window. They all whispered and glared at Lina.

  The nap renewed Lina’s energy. She studied the room. There had to be a way to escape. She couldn’t afford to spend her day being glared at. She didn’t have time to fight over a prince she didn’t want. There were goblins breaking through the seal!

  Escape from this room would be difficult. There was one window and one door. She could have climbed out the window if she was alone, but Fiora would definitely see her. And she would definitely get her disqualified from the Princess Test.

  Stefan had led her down a hallway. If she sneaked through that, she could search the castle for gems to help her fight Nog.

  Lina stood and paced around the room. The other princesses watched her every move. She rested her hand on the doorknob and tried to turn it.


  Across the room, Fiora raised an eyebrow. Lina turned from the door and examined the fireplace.

  “This seems to be a quality castle,” she said. “I wouldn’t want to be queen in a place with shoddy workmanship.”

  Fiora crossed her arms and glared. The other princesses followed her lead. They didn’t stop watching.

  Sneaking out would not be possible. She needed another way.

  Stefan led Carina into the room. Lina fought the urge to run through the open door. That would do her no good. She needed to be a princess until tomorrow night. She needed to go to that ball.

  Carina smiled at Lina. Lina smiled back. Thank goodness at least some of the princesses were nice.

  “How did it go?” Lina whispered.

  “I think I was sufficiently bland, but it was hard. He was even blander than me. How about you?”

  “Frustrating. He certainly isn’t a charming prince. Carina, what would happen if a princess sneaked away from the group?”

  Carina’s eyes widened.

  “I’m not sure. Talking to the prince outside of the tests would get you disqualified, but I’m not sure about sneaking away. Why?”

  “I need to look for something in the castle.”

  “Ooh, an adventure! What is it?”

  Lina bit her lip. She didn’t dare tell Carina the whole truth. But maybe part of it.

  “I’m looking something I lost.”

  “Can’t you ask the servants to look for it?”

  Lina shook her head.

  “I’d rather look for it myself.”

  “Hmm. What’s really going on, Lina?”

  Lina swallowed. She couldn’t afford to give away her identity before the ball. She had to keep them thinking she was a princess. But maybe Carina could help her. And right now, she needed help.

  “The Council is in danger, but no one believes me. I need to search the castle to look for threats.”

  Carina pulled Lina to a corner of the room.

  “What’s the danger?”

  “I’m not sure, but it’s definitely there. Watch this.”

  She pulled her ring from her sash and held it to her lips.

  “Check for danger.”

  Carina gasped as the diamond flashed pink.

  “Is that ring magic?”

  “Yes. I showed the prince last night, but he didn’t believe me. No one does.”

  “You showed the Crown Prince of Aeonia a magic ring? Lina, what were you thinking?”

  “What’s wrong? Aeonia is a magical country.”

  “No, Lina, they’re not. The queen- Lina, don’t you know anything about Aeonia?”

  “What’s wrong with Marta?”

  Carina’s eyes widen

  “Not Marta. The other one. Lina, keep that ring to yourself. Please. It could cause trouble.”

  “Why? What other queen?”

  Lina waited for Carina to say more, but she didn’t.

  “Carina, we’re in danger. If they won’t believe me, I need to look for myself.”

  Carina swallowed.

  “You trust that ring?”

  Lina nodded.

  “And you’re willing to risk disqualification?”

  Lina hesitated, then nodded again. If she found the danger, she’d have proof to bring the Council. If she found enchanted gems, she’d have a way to fight any creatures that came through the seal.

  Carina winked at her

  “As long as you’re sure. Follow my lead.”

  Carina grabbed Lina’s sleeve. She pulled down as hard as she could. The fabric ripped.

  “Carina, what are you doing?”

  Carina grabbed the fabric at the tear and pulled until the sleeve hung off Lina’s arm.

  Stefan entered the room with another princess. Carina grabbed Lina and pushed her towards the prince.

  “Her dress is torn,” she said. “She’s trying to stand out again. I insist she change into a new gown.”

  Fiora left her place by the window and examined the dress. Stefan stared at Lina.

  “How did that happen?” he said.

  “Does it matter?” Fiora asked. “She’s trying to cheat. She must have her dress mended or be disqualified.”

  Stefan sighed.

  “Fine. Come with me please, Princess.”

  “Don’t lead her through the prince’s room!” Fiora said. “He can’t see her a second more than the rest of us.”

  Stefan bowed.

  “I will make sure he does not see her, Princess.”

  Stefan led Lina down the hallway. He ducked through a side door and found a servant.

  “Take this Princess to Bastien, please. He should be free since Alaric is in the Princess Test all day. Keep her out of sight until the sleeve is fixed.”

  Lina followed the servant through the castle. The structure had changed since her time. Hallways had disappeared. There were more windows. Once, she had known every hiding place for enchanted gems and weapons.

  She could only hope the secret passageways were still there.

  Bastien gasped when Lina entered.

  “What in the world happened to you?”

  Lina shrugged.

  “I’m a bit clumsy. I caught it on a door.”

  Bastien examined the sleeve. He clucked the whole time.

  “Lucky for us it ripped at the seam. It won’t take much time to repair. You’ll be back with the prince in no time.”

  “Is there a place to rest while you work? I am tired from my travels. Perhaps a place with a window? I would enjoy some fresh air.”

  Bastien nodded.

  “I understand. Prince Alaric often requests a place to rest while I sew. There’s a spare fitting room through that door. It has a window and a couch. Trina will help you change.”

  A short blond maid led Lina to a small side room. Lina slipped her ring onto her finger before letting the maid help her out of the pink gown. Lina stood in her undergarment. A loose fitting white slip.

  Much more practical for sneaking around than the pink gown. She closed the fitting room door and examined the room. It would be a nice place to rest. There was a couch and several chairs.

  But what really interested her was the window.

  Perhaps respecting her request for fresh air, someone had already opened it. The window wasn’t large, but she would be able to fit through.

  It was a little unorthodox, sneaking out a window in her undergarments, but she didn’t really have a choice. Lina pulled a curtain down and tied it around her waist. She would need it to carry whatever she found.

  She climbed out the window. Thank goodness this part of the castle was stone rather than smooth plaster. It was easy enough to climb along the wall.

  Lina climbed sideways around the castle. The breeze pulled her hair loose and rustled the curtain around her waist. There had been a secret storage place for enchanted gems in the tallest tower. No one went up there without a reason. Too many stairs. It seemed the most likely place to have remained undisturbed. She froze every time someone walked by on the ground, but no one saw her.

  Finally she reached the tower. Lina climbed in the window. The tower was empty except for a pile of spinning wheels in the corner. She pushed them aside and felt for the indentation in the rock. There.

  Lina pushed her ring into the hole and turned her hand. The latch in the wall clicked. A trap door in the floor fell open.

  Lina fell against the rock wall with relief. The room was still there!

  She climbed into the trap door. The room smelled musty. She held her ring to her lips.

  “Light. Illuminate.”

  The diamond glowed white. Lina gasped.

  The room was empty. Absolutely empty. Even the shelves had been removed. Lina sank to her knees.

  “Oh, Luca.”

  She searched the floor, checked every crack, but it was no use. Everything was gone.


  Alaric smiled at the princess across from him. She smiled back.


  “Do you-”

  “I’m sorry-”

  “No, what were you saying-”

  They had been interrupting each other like this for the whole conversation. Alaric took the high road and waited. So did the princess. They sat in silence and stared at each other.

  “Do you like horses?” the princess blurted out.


  Silence. Alaric picked at the fabric on his chair. The princess did the same. Was she Brigitta? The parchment had said Brigitta liked horses.

  “Did you have a pleasant journey?” he asked.


  He waited for her to say more. She didn’t. Alaric bit back a sigh of relief when Stefan opened the door and escorted the princess out.

  His legs were stiff from sitting so long. He walked to the window and stuck his head outside. Maybe fresh air would clear his head. The conversations hadn’t helped him figure out the princess’s identities at all. They ran together more than ever.

  Except for Fiora with her militant flirting. And the late princess. It bothered him that he didn’t know her name.

  Alaric turned his head in a stretch and nearly fell out the window. A lone figure clung to the highest castle tower. Someone was climbing the wall!

  Stefan joined Alaric at the window.

  “That was the last princess. You don’t have to climb out the window to escape. Do you have a favorite yet?”

  “Stefan, do you see that?”

  Stefan looked.

  “The girl climbing the tower wall in her undergarments? Yes. Yes, I do.”

  “Should we call the guards?”

  “If she’s trying to rob us, she picked the wrong tower. I think that one is used to store junk. No one ever goes up there.”

  “But she’s breaking and entering. Besides, she might fall.”

  The girl reached the top of the tower and pulled herself inside. They caught a glimpse of her face as she turned.

  “Stefan, that’s one of the princesses! The one who came late!”

  The princess disappeared into the tower. When she didn’t reappear, Stefan shrugged and sank into one a chair. Alaric paced around the room.

  “We can’t call the guards,” he said. “It could cause an international incident if we arrested a princess for robbery during the Princess Test.”

  “There isn’t anything to steal in that tower. Maybe she just wanted some fresh air.”

  Alaric could understand that. He’d considered jumping out a window more than once that day.

  “How did she get out of the room? Aren’t they supposed to stay together?”

  Stefan rubbed his chin.

  “Right. She tore her dress. I sent her to Ba
stien to have it fixed.”

  “She tore her dress? She’s been sitting in a chair all day.”

  “I think she got in a fight with one of the other princesses.”

  “What? What in the world happened in there?”

  Stefan winked.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Stefan, this is serious.”

  “Fine. Maybe she’s just scouting out the castle. Trying to decide if you’re rich enough to marry. She’ll be disappointed if she does manage to find the treasury. I’m not sure there’s a jewel left there.”

  He gestured to the array of gems pinned to Alaric’s chest.

  “Shut up.”

  “You look nice.”

  “Stop smirking, Stefan.”

  “I’m not smirking.”

  “Yes you are.”

  “I can’t help it. My brother just looks so handsome!”

  Alaric caught his reflection in the mirror and groaned. He looked more ridiculous than he remembered.

  “Why don’t you have to wear jewels?” he asked. “You’re a prince. Maybe I should speak with Heinrich. I can’t have my brother being dressed below his station.”

  Stefan bristled.

  “Leave my tailor out of this! He understands my simple taste perfectly.”

  Alaric compared Stefan’s short hair and non-jeweled outfit to his own ringlets and brooches.

  “Want to trade? I’m sure Bastien would enjoy a challenge.”

  Stefan snorted.

  “Definitely not. I’m sticking with Heinrich. You’ve got bigger problems than your hair, Alaric.”

  Alaric glanced out the window again. The princess was still in the tower. Should he tell someone?

  He decided against it. If she was trying to cause trouble, she wouldn’t be able to cause much up there. Hopefully she could find her way back to wherever she was supposed to be without causing problems.

  He left the window and turned to Stefan.

  “So, what test is next?”

  “You’re on break for a few hours. The princesses are having lunch in their rooms and preparing for the next test. You’re having lunch with the kings.”


  Alaric tried to ignore his father’s amused expression when he entered the dining room. He didn’t need a reminder that he looked ridiculous.

  “Your son is very handsome,” the King of Darluna said.


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