Cowboys Don't Ride Unicorns

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Cowboys Don't Ride Unicorns Page 9

by Tara Lain


  LAURIE STARED in the mirror above the sink. No obvious evidence of damage from the fight—if you didn’t count the incipient bruise on the top of his foot from kicking the asshole in the nuts. I should frame it as a badge of honor.

  Images of Danny Boone rolling in the dirt, long legs thrashing and fists flying, flashed in his mind. My own knight in shining armor. Well, his belt buckle’s shiny, anyway. Danny’d rescued him. No other way to describe it. He could so easily have just walked away or figured someone else would handle it. No. He found me and fought for me. Real hero shit. He stared into his own wide eyes. Better get out of here before hero worship wins.

  He reached for the peignoir hanging over the chair beside the tub—and stopped. Fuck it! I beat up attempted rapists—with a lot of help from my friends. Grabbing a pair of pajama bottoms from the drawer in the chest, he pulled them on and walked out into the bedroom.

  Grove shoved clothes into his suitcase. Laurie stopped. “What’s happening?”

  “Didn’t you hear the phone ring?”

  “No. I was showering.”

  “I have to get going really early tomorrow.”

  “Oh, okay.” He walked to the closet and hauled out his smaller suitcase.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Packing. I’m coming with you, remember?”

  A frown flitted across his face. “Oh, sweetie, I’m going to be moving so fast tomorrow, it’s not the best time.”

  “Just drop me off at my place and move on. No big.”

  “Yeah, well, just pack your little bag. You can get everything else when we come back. It’s not like you don’t have plenty of shit to wear.” He just kept packing.

  If I pick up this fucking suitcase and throw it at him, do you think he might notice? “Okay, I’ll pack a minimum—unless you don’t want to come back at all.”

  Grove sighed loudly. “Laurie, I thought you liked this place. You certainly seem to since you’re obviously John-fucking-Wayne. Plus, I don’t have time to wait while you load up a year’s worth of wardrobe.”

  “Okay, okay. What time are you leaving? I’ll get up early and finish packing.” Who put the hot poker up his ass?

  “Uh, about seven, I think.”

  “Okay.” Laurie grabbed his phone and set the alarm for six.

  “I hate for you to have to get up so early.” Grove closed his bag.

  What the hell? “I always get up early, as you well know. It’s you who likes to sleep until noon.”

  He grinned. “So true. Sorry. Let’s get some rest.”

  Laurie slid onto the cool sheets, flopped his head on the pillow, and stared at the ceiling. Grove lay down and turned off the lights.

  Take a deep breath. This is important. “Uh, honey, will you work on my dad’s takeover while you’re in the office?”

  Silence. “Hm? Oh, right. Yes, I’ll try.”

  “Mom’s kind of frantic. You know how much it means to him. She’s afraid losing that company will kill him.”

  “That might be a bit too much drama even for your mother. Like I said, I’ll try.”

  “Thanks.” For nothing! Laurie flipped on his side, his back to Grove. Maybe if I get home, I can find another lawyer to help Dad, and then Grove won’t feel like I’m trading on his expertise. He closed his eyes and started relaxing at his toes.

  WHY AM I awake? Laurie fluttered his eyelids and glanced toward the phone on the bedside table. No alarm. But something woke me. It’s flaming dark.

  Oh, hmm. An erection the size of Montana pressed against the sheet and light blanket over him. That must be the culprit. Was I dreaming? Flashes lit up on his brain screen of Danny fighting—in the nude, cock erect and pointing at the sky. That’ll do the job. He slid a hand down and gripped the savage beast. I sure could pee if this thing would go down. He gripped harder. Shh. Don’t wake Grove. He’ll want to fuck and—well, that just doesn’t sound appealing.

  He glanced to his left in the dark. No breathing.

  Did Grove wake up? He stretched out an arm. Sheets warmish—but blankets thrown back.

  Must be in the bathroom. He took a deep breath and slid out from the covers. Cool the beast off a bit. He stood and felt for his silk robe, getting the pajama bottoms instead. Oh, right. His masculine persona. He slipped them on, then walked around the corner to the bathroom door. It stood open with no light on inside and definitely no water running. What the hell? What time is it?

  Frowning, he felt his way back to the bed and grabbed his phone. Five-fifteen. “Grove?” No answer. Laurie flipped on the bedside light.

  Grove’s sheets were pulled back like he’d just left. Maybe he went to get coffee for us? At five fifteen? Would Felicia even be up yet?

  Wandering into the suite’s living room, Laurie spread the blinds and peered out. The soft property lights cast low illumination on the parking lot. Wait. What the fuck? He hurried to the door and opened it. The car’s gone. He looked around like someone might have hidden the Spyder in his living room.

  The car wasn’t the only thing gone. Grove’s bag—vanished.

  He turned and scanned the room. There on the maple coffee table lay a piece of lined paper. The fucking pain-in-my-ass rat bastard. He walked over, sat, and picked it up.

  Sorry. Emergency. Think how fast you can ride without me. LOL. I’ll call and let you know when I’ll pick you up. Love—Grove

  “Fuck!” He leaped up, stalked to the front door he’d left open, and slammed it so hard he probably woke people in Utah. Grabbing the first thing he could reach, he raised a piece of Mexican pottery over his head to throw, thought better of it, and carefully set it down.

  What exactly is so fucking important he couldn’t wake me to go with him?

  He grabbed his phone and dialed. One ring. Two. Three.

  “Hey, Laurie.”

  “Goddammit all to hell, Grover Chilcott. Why did you do this?”

  “You were sleeping so soundly.”

  “Bullshit. My sound sleep never stopped you from turning me over to fuck me.”

  “Look. I tried to tell you, I just don’t have time for baggage on this trip.”

  Laurie froze. Baggage? He practically broke his finger pushing the End button.

  Grover Asshole Chilcott just left me here with no car, no plane reservations, and no fighting chance against a cowboy ass so mouthwatering, I could make him my total diet. Maybe this is a test? Maybe he wants to see if I’ll become a Dannytarian.

  Laurie walked into the bedroom, threw the phone on the bed, ignored Grove’s ring tone as it echoed through the room, and opened the closet door. “I’ll fucking show him baggage.”

  If this was a test of Laurie’s fidelity, he was about to fail it.

  OH MAN, what a dream. Danny’s hips bobbed, and moans vibrated from his chest. The smell of sex filled his whole head like musky smoke and—what the fuck? His eyes flew open, consciousness rushed back like the coldest wave ever, and he was scooting toward the wall before he even registered the scene in front of his blinking eyes. “What the fucking hell are you doing here?”

  In the soft fuzz of morning light, Laurie gazed at him from his kneeling position on the bed, his brilliant blue eyes shining even in the soft light and his wet lips slightly parted. “Hi.”

  Danny glanced at his own very erect cock that matched an equally prominent appendage in Laurie’s blue silk pajama bottoms. Also matching was the saliva on his cockhead and the glisten of spit next to Laurie’s lips. That was no dream! Desire? Pounce? Intelligent response? Think! “Uh, shouldn’t you be snuggled up with Grove right now, getting comforted or something?” Shit, why are you looking this gift horse in the mouth? Literally.

  Who knew Laurie could produce that deep a crease between those arched brows? “I might be, except the rat bastard took off and left me here with no car and no consideration for the fact that I asked to accompany him back to San Francisco.”

  Through a buzz of desire that should have lit up hal
f of California, two facts registered: (a) Laurie embodied pissed off, and (b) Laurie wanted to leave the ranch. Both fucking terrible reasons to have sex—no matter how badly Danny wanted it. “So, uh, you decided to get even with Grove by crawling in the sack with me?” Which hurt more? His cock or his chest?


  Danny sighed. “Looks like that.”

  Laurie stared at his hand resting against the sheet. “It’s not like that.”

  Danny slid his legs off the side of the bed, reached for his jeans on the straight-backed chair, stood, and pulled them on. Not like Laurie hadn’t already just seen everything he had. Shit, he’d tasted it. Don’t think about that! “So if it’s not like that, how is it?”

  Laurie looked up, seemed to register Danny was half-dressed, and frowned even deeper. “I… I really like you.”

  “I really like you too, but come on. We don’t even live in the same world, and you’ve got a boyfriend. A fiancé for all I know. You don’t want to do this really.”

  His crease got a crease—but his lips quivered. “Yes, I do.”

  Well, fuck, when did the universe make me the strong one? Danny reached for his shirt and slowly pulled it on. God have mercy. “Why don’t you go back to your cabin, put on some clothes, and we’ll go get breakfast?”

  Laurie’s pretty face screwed up, water burst from his eyes, and he sobbed. “Fu-fuck off!” With that, he leaped from the bed and raced out the door.

  Sweet Jesus, how many people would see Laurie fleeing from the bunkhouse in tears—and in pajamas? Rand? Kai? The guests?

  Danny collapsed on the bed and ran a hand through his hair. I’m so screwed—with none of the accompanying benefits.

  DANNY FORCED a smile and passed the cinnamon rolls. Since Rand and Kai had noticed him acting weird, he needed to suck it up and do his fucking job. If his lower parts would just quit vibrating. That man must have a brand in his mouth, because I think his name’s permanently emblazoned on my cock. “Would you like some butter to go with those, Nora?”

  “If I pass on butter, can I have two more cinnamon rolls?” She chewed happily.

  “I’m sure it works like that.” He grinned. See. This isn’t so hard. So far no one had said anything about seeing Laurie running from the bunkhouse in his pajamas. Fingers crossed it stayed that way.

  Andy said, “Hey Danny, I hear you’re a bull rider.”

  “No bull?” Laurie stood in the open door to the dining room, looking more delicious than the rolls. Danny swallowed and coughed.

  Laurie ducked his head and glanced at Danny uneasily. “Sorry I’m late.” He slid into the open chair next to Aliki, who flashed his best grin and passed the rolls.


  “You’re gonna love ’em.” Aliki eyed the remaining pile of dough covetously.

  “I know.”

  Andy drilled back to his subject. “So is it true about the bull riding?”

  Aliki shoved a piece of roll into his mouth. “Tell ’em, Danny.”

  Danny nodded and stared at his coffee so he wouldn’t stare at Laurie. “Yep. I’ve been known to ride a bull or two.”

  Andy fell back in his chair. “Oh man, I want to see that. Can I see that?”

  “I don’t think we keep any nasty Brahmas in the stables.” Danny grinned.

  Andy turned to Lani. “Have you ever seen him ride?”

  She shook her head. “No. But I sure would like to.”

  “Are you good?”

  Danny shrugged and chewed. “I’m okay.”

  “He’s way more than okay.” Aliki bounced. “He won last weekend against one of the biggest bull riders in the whole world!”

  Danny glanced at Manolo, who tried to look innocent.

  “Wow.” Andy definitely didn’t want to give up. “Did you get a trophy?”

  “Nope. Just a check.” Danny chuckled, but his cheeks got hot. Must be from the feel of Laurie’s big blue eyes.

  “Isn’t there someplace we can see you ride before we go?”

  “Yayyyy. Rodeo.” Aliki punched the air. “Rad.”

  Danny shook his head. “The rodeo I went to is over.” He would not mention the PRCA event on the other side of town. No way, man. Way too close to home.

  “Aww.” Andy really looked disappointed.

  Rand leaned in. “Maybe we can set up a demonstration of some fancy horse riding while you’re here, Andy.”

  He smiled, but it wasn’t pure enthusiasm. “Thanks, Rand. That’d be great.” He sighed. “Sure would love to see Danny ride a bull.”

  Rand pushed back his chair. “Take your time with the OJ and cinnamon rolls, then come on out, and we’ll work some more on trotting.”

  Danny crammed an extra bite in his mouth, poured some coffee into his own mug, splashed the milk, and went to follow Rand.

  Laurie pushed back his chair just in time to stop Danny from walking by. He looked up with his big wide eyes. “Sorry.”

  Danny nodded and tried to keep his face neutral.

  “Could I talk to you for a few minutes?”

  Danny glanced up. Nora gazed at them with a little smile, but no one else seemed to pay much attention. “Sure.”

  Laurie stood and scooted the chair back in so Danny could keep walking out into the bright sun. Laurie stepped up beside him. With a nod, Danny waved toward a tree outside the bunkhouse. “That okay?”

  Laurie walked quickly over to the tree and sat on the grass. Danny followed and sat beside him.

  Nobody said anything for a second. Danny glanced over. “Yer nickel.”

  Laurie snorted. “I can’t believe you said anything that totally cowboy.”

  “Sorry. It’s a habit.” He glanced again at the beautiful face. Even in western clothes, Laurie sported a little extra color on the lips. “Besides, I am a cowboy, born and raised, so don’t give me shit.” He grinned to show he was kidding and then sobered. “What did you want to talk about?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Danny nodded and let his breath out long, slow, and noisy. “Yep. I figured you were.”

  “How do you feel?”

  “Well, I’m certainly not complaining about the experience.” He shifted the straw in his mouth from one side to the other. “But I don’t like cheating.”

  He stared at the ground. “It’s not like I gave you any choice, so you didn’t really cheat on your boyfriend.”

  “Frank’s not my boyfriend. Me and Frank are friends with benefits, although if somebody’s gotta be a gay cowboy, Frank fits the pictures of what a proper boyfriend might be like.” He spat out the straw and looked for another. “No, I mean you and Grove. I gathered from your conversation with your mom that it’s not just a casual relationship.”

  “It’s complicated.”

  Danny looked over with his brows drawn together. “But complicated serious, right?”


  “I don’t want to be a guy who causes another guy to cheat. Or even tempts them.”

  Laurie shook his head vehemently. “No, this is all on me. It wasn’t up to you to remind me I’m attached. Obviously, I’m really attracted to you, and like I say, my relationship with Grove is, I guess, multifaceted.” He sighed. “The problem—or at least one of them—is that so many people want the relationship for me, it’s hard to remember I originally chose it myself.” He smiled, but it looked kind of sad. “Please forgive me for being weak and thoughtless and selfish.”

  Whoa. That made his heart hurt. “Nothing to forgive. We all lose our temper sometimes.”

  Laurie’s lips curved. “Thanks for saying that, at least. Grove says I have a nasty temper and am way too bossy.”

  “A little bossy never hurt anybody.” Danny stared at the angle of the sun and concentrated on keeping his cock from rising.

  “I tend to be that way.”

  Danny took a breath and rolled up to squatting. He looked over his arm at Laurie. “You better not tell me any more about that.”

  “So we can
be friends?”

  “Sure.” He crooked half a smile, rose, and walked back toward where Rand was teaching the group the fine points of trotting. Nope. He didn’t want to think any more about Laurie’s bossiness at all.

  OH GOD, what a butt. Laurie watched Danny walk away. He could still taste that big muscular cock between his lips—the saltiness, the musk, the sweetness. Why am I mooning over a cowboy? Yes, the guy’s devastating, but I see handsome men all the time.

  He dragged himself onto his feet, still squatting in the dirt, grabbed a stick, and made patterns in the dust. Maybe I just like Danny because I know everyone else would hate him—Mom, Dad, Grove. Okay, that’s sick, but I just hate doing what’s expected. Still, throwing away my family’s future isn’t a vacation game.

  He jabbed the stick into the ground once, twice, harder and harder. I fucking hate this. Trapped. Trapped by my father’s business and my mother’s fucking expectations and Grove’s goddamned sensitive ego.

  Oh fuck. He threw the stick as far as he could—which still only got him a few feet of satisfaction. Suddenly heat filled his head like someone had turned on a heater in his brain. He squeezed his eyes shut to keep the tears in. The words whispered out in a litany. “I’m beautiful, I’m desirable, and anyone would be lucky to have me. I’m beautiful, I’m desirable, and—” One drop escaped and slithered down his cheek. If that’s true, why did Grove leave and Danny run from me? Why doesn’t anyone want me?

  With a long sigh, he wiped his cheeks, stood, and walked over to get his ass in the saddle—not the place he’d wanted that ass to be this morning.


  MAN, HE felt every minute of this day in every muscle and bone of his body, starting with the head of his cock that still throbbed from the suction of Laurie’s lips. Maybe I’ll feel it for the rest of my life.

  Going to dinner counted as number one million on his list of things he most wanted to do. Move your ass.

  Breathing in the cool evening air for energy, he walked by the front porch of the ranch house on his way to the dining room.


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