Now or Never

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Now or Never Page 10

by A. J. Bennett

  When? I’m kinda busy at the moment. She was trying to play it off that she wasn’t going to jump when he called, but she was dying to see him again. Even as her chin throbbed in pain, he was all she could think about.

  I see. So I guess you don’t want to go hiking?

  She loved to be in the woods. Had she told him she liked hiking? She couldn’t remember. Actually, that sounds amazing. When?

  I’m outside your door.

  What? Give me a minute. I’m in the tub. Grayson grabbed the towel and quickly dried her legs and arms. Thankfully, she had kept her hair up in a bun so it wasn’t wet. She cupped her hands and rinsed water in her mouth to get rid of the taste of blood.

  She pushed through the door and ran into her room to get dressed. She hadn’t thought to bring her hiking boots with her, so she slipped on a pair of sneakers. With a quick glance in the mirror, her chin didn’t look swollen; she turned, grabbed her jacket and strode to the front door. Derrick was standing there with his hands in his pockets looking completely at ease with himself. She wanted to rip of his shirt and pull him into the house.

  “A little notice would have been nice.” Grayson huffed, but quickly softened when he shrugged and said with the faintest hint of a twinkle in his green eyes.

  “I was in the neighborhood.”

  “Uh. Huh.”

  Maybe he wanted to see her again as much as she wanted to see him. That thought was frightening. What the hell could the chances be that she met someone the first day in Tennessee at a coffee shop? It was completely absurd and he was already messing with her plans of being single. Going hiking felt like a date to her.


  That’s when she noticed the motorcycle. “You’ve got a motorcycle?”

  “I hope that’s ok?”

  “Of course it is. Ethan used to sneak us around the neighborhood on his when we were younger. He’d push it out of the driveway so my mom wouldn’t hear. It’s been ages since I’ve been on one.”

  “Well let’s rectify that right now.”

  Grayson looked behind her and grabbed her sunglasses off the bookshelf.

  Derrick walked her to the bike and handed her an extra helmet.

  He took a step closer and ran his hand down her arm. “When I was driving home from work I had a sudden flash of fucking you up against a tree.”

  At a loss for words, Grayson just stared at him, praying she wasn’t as red in the face as she felt. OK, so maybe he wasn’t thinking of this as a date. Finally, she recovered and managed to get out. “I’ve never had sex outside before.”

  “Well that’s even better. We’ll have to see how many ‘first’s’ we can cross of your list.”

  Grayson grinned, feeling so turned on by his words, and put the helmet on. It was too big, but she cinched it as tight as it would go. She climbed on back and wrapped her arms around his waist. Her chest pressed against his back. Did life get any better than this?

  Derrick turned the key and kicked the throttle. The bike lurched forward, and Grayson held on tighter pressing her cheek against his back. She felt free and happy with the wind on her face.

  Derrick turned down a long winding road flanked with beautiful golden trees. He pulled off to the side of the road and turned off the engine, she jumped off handing him the helmet.

  “Is this where you take all the girls?” She looked around it was beautiful and quiet.

  “Nope. Only you, Gray.”

  She wondered if they were really going to have sex, or if he was just teasing her. Either way it was nice to be outside, so she decided to just go with it. The cool crisp fall air felt wonderful against her skin. Golden leaves floated around them bringing a smile to her lips.

  There wasn’t a path so Derrick walked ahead and held the branches back so they wouldn’t smack her in the face. Twigs loudly crunched under her feet in the still air. Eventually, they reached a walking trail surround by towering oak trees. It was relatively quiet, but occasionally a runner would pass them. They walked for about a mile in comfortable silence.

  Without warning Derrick grabbed her hand and pulled her deeper off the beaten path. Her heart felt like it was going to explode in her chest. Having sex with someone she barely knew was crazy; having sex outside where people ran in the middle of the day was completely insane. If she kept this up she was going to need to be committed, that or arrested for indecent exposure.

  Grabbing her by the arm Derrick turned her around. His closed the distance until his chest was pressed against hers and she could feel his heart beating strong and steady. He seemed as nervous and excited as she was. His cool hand wandered under her shirt and unclasped her bra; his thumb brushed her nipple as his mouth found her neck making her weak in the knees. It was overwhelming, the touch of his warm mouth against her skin combined with the chilly air. He pushed her shirt to the side to expose her bare shoulder, and his lips trailed to her collar bone as he unbuttoned her pants. Grayson sighed.

  “I love the sounds you make.” Derrick murmured.

  Grayson reached down, unzipped his pants and wrapped her hand around his thick, long cock gliding her hand up and down. Her whole body quivered with urgency.

  Derrick groaned, as he turned her around her hand dropped away from his hard cock. His hand ran down the curves of her body stopping at her waist. She wanted him so badly; any senses of inhibitions were thrown out the window. Smiling, she reached out and grabbed the tree, bending herself over. She heard his pants drop to the ground, and another moan escaped her mouth. There was something almost magical about having sex in the middle of nature. It was truly exhilarating, and one of the most exciting things she has ever done—so far.

  He reached around and put his fingers in her mouth. His breath upon her neck sent shivers down her spine. She rolled her tongue around his fingers, and sucked on them as if she were sucking on his cock. He grunted and pulled his hand away from her mouth, immediately reaching down, rubbing her clit. Slowly, he slid his cock into her, and she leaned back wanting all of him. His fingers dug into her hips as his pace became almost frantic. He plunged deep into her over and over again. When he felt her body shudder with an orgasm, he came quickly after, and pulled out before collapsing against her.

  “Wow. That was—different.” Grayson reached down to pull up her pants even though she wanted to collapse onto the ground. Her legs were shaking, hell her entire body was shaking.

  “Wait.” He pulled out a sanitary wipe from his jacket.

  Grayson laughed. “Well, aren’t you quite the boy scout.”

  “Something like that.” He wiped her clean and then she pulled up her jeans.

  Derrick was already dressed, his face flushed. The sex had been fast, but it was absolutely incredible. Just then, a runner pased by with a dog, causing them to look at each other and laugh; one minute earlier, the runner and his dog would have gotten to see a show. They were off the path, but if the runner had looked up, he would have been able to see the entire thing. For a reason unknown to her, Grayson found herself excited thinking that they almost got caught.

  Taking her hand, he threaded his fingers through hers and led her back to the trail. Once they got back to the trail, he dropped her hand, and she looked over at him puzzled. She wanted to wrap her arm around his waist and pull him next to her, but that wasn’t their relationship. She was surprised by how much it bothered her that he had dropped her hand. Get a grip.

  She forced a smile and pretended it didn’t hurt.

  As they walked down the trail, Derrick glanced over at her.

  “Tell me about your ex.”

  Random much? That was an odd thing for him to bring up. “Not much to tell. He was a jackass. It took a while for me to wake up to it, but I finally left him.”

  “And he just let you go?”

  “He didn’t know I left.”


  “Not really. What about you? Any serious relationships or are you really just a man whore?” Grayson asked and could
n’t keep the smile off her face.

  Derrick glanced over at her and shook his head with a smile. “I had a serious relationship once. Thought she was the one, and then she cheated on me with one of my buddies.”


  “Yeah, ouch is right. So, never again.”

  “So, a broken heart led you to become the cold heartless womanizer that you are today?”

  “I guess you could say that,” he said with a laugh. “I’ve never given it much thought.”

  “It looks like we’re the ideal pair of dysfunction.”

  “Seems so,” he grinned and once again she felt like a schoolgirl.


  Grayson’s body tensed when they turned down the road. A red mustang was parked in her mom’s driveway. “Oh shit.” Grayson groaned and banged her head against his back. “This cannot be happening right now.”

  “What’s wrong?” Derrick asked turning slightly.

  “My ex!” Grayson yelled and pointed. “He’s at my mom’s house.”

  Derrick pulled over to the side of the road and cut the engine. “Do you think he’ll cause trouble?”

  Grayson shrugged and looked down at her hands. She felt very exposed under his concerned gaze. “He’s got a temper, and thinks I belong to him.”

  “Is that so?” Derrick gripped the handle bars tighter causing his knuckles to turn white.

  “So I have no idea who we will meet, Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde.”

  “I’m coming in with you.” He said firmly.

  “No, you don’t have to, it’s not your problem. He’s already going to freak out that I’m with a guy.”

  “Well, In that case I’m definitely coming in.”

  “You don’t know him, Derrick. He’s an asshole.” She said softly.

  He smiled and squeezed her thigh. “Hey, I’m a Green Beret. Remember?”

  Grayson nodded her head once, and tried to force a smile. She knew he was trying to lighten the mood, but her stomach was in knots. “Thanks.” As much as she hated to admit it she was glad Derrick was there. Why did Josh have to show up? Couldn’t he just leave her alone and let her get on with her life? Grayson felt like she was going to throw up; it went from the perfect day to the perfect storm in less than half an hour.

  Derrick eased the bike back on the road, and towards Grayson’s mother’s house. Once he pulled onto the side of the road Grayson jumped off the motorcycle and pulled off the helmet. Derrick took it from her and latched it onto the back, and set his helmet on the seat. Adrenaline and fear fueled her every step.

  As they walked forward Josh stepped out of his car. His eyes darted from Grayson to Derrick and his face turned a dark shade of red, almost purple. She knew this was not going to end well, and braced herself for the confrontation.

  “What the fuck Grayson?” Josh glared at her through narrowed eyes, his nostrils flared.

  Ignoring his question, Grayson met his eyes. “I told you not to bother coming here. You wasted your money and time.”

  “Who the fuck is he?” Josh jerked his head towards Derrick. Grayson just rolled her eyes at his question, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “I said who the fuck is he?” Josh practically screamed.

  Derrick stood silently beside her his body relaxed. She felt somewhat comforted by his presence. Josh and Derrick were such a contrast to each other. She would never know what she had seen in Josh.

  Josh’s body was tense, and he looked like he was ready to explode. She should have known he would show up. It was too good to be true that he would just let her go so easily. He was crazy and obsessive, she felt stupid thinking he gave up just like that.

  “I need to talk to you,” Josh said through clenched teeth. “ Alone.”

  Grace shook her head. “Not going to happen. I told you we are done. Whatever you have to say, say it now, and then go.”

  Josh’s fingers sunk into her arm with an iron grip, and he yanked her forward. She nearly stumbled on her face but managed to stay upright.

  “Get your fucking hands off of her,” Derrick said with an edge to his voice that made Grayson turn to look at him. His jaw was clenched and his stance had changed, gone was the relaxed posture, now he looked like he was ready to tear off Josh’s head. His muscles were tense, and his weight had transferred to the balls of his feet. He looked like a wild animal awoken from a lazy nap, ready to pounce. For the first time, she saw the underlying danger Derrick kept quietly concealed.

  Josh dropped his hand and took a step towards Derrick. Josh was not one to back down from a fight.

  “You need to mind your own fucking business,” Josh spat his icy blue eyes wild.

  “I think you need to leave asshole. Gray has made it painfully obvious she doesn’t want you here.”

  “Gray? He calls you fucking Gray?” Josh turned to look at Grayson. “You’re fucking this asshole? You moved on quickly didn’t you? I knew it! I knew you were nothing more than a fucking slut.”

  “You need to go,” Grayson glared at him and moved a step closer to Derrick.

  “You heard her.”

  Josh let out a primal growl and lunged forward dropping his shoulder before he barreled into Derrick’s midsection knocking him to the ground. What happened next was a blur of arms flying and the two of them rolling on the ground. Eventually, Derrick sprung to his feet, and Josh stumbled to stand. Derrick’s lip looked swollen and Josh had blood pouring out of his nose.

  Grayson stood watching in shock as they stalked each other in a circle. She should stop it, but part of her was enjoying seeing Josh getting some of his own medicine. She knew Derrick could hold his own, and then some. Two violent men—one wanted to hurt her and the other wanted to protect her.

  Josh’s fist came forward in a wild roundhouse punch which Derrick easily ducked.

  “You’re fucking pathetic,” Derrick said in a low voice.

  That just pissed off Josh even more. “I’m going to kill you,” He growled, his face was contoured in rage.

  Derrick laughed.

  Josh advanced again and Derrick grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him forward slamming his knee into his sternum twice and then released him. Josh staggered backwards, and dropped to his knees gasping for air.

  Grayson covered her mouth. “Enough,” she screamed.

  Derrick looked over at her and stepped back.

  Josh was still kneeling on the ground his head bent. When he looked up, Grayson’s eyes widened. He was a mess. His face was swollen his nose was clearly broken, and he was having trouble breathing.

  “Derrick, maybe you should go.”

  “Not a chance. I’m not leaving here until he’s gone.” Derrick’s chest heaved up and down. His green eyes met hers, and he winked. Grayson had to hide her smile. One small movement from Derrick in a horrible situation calmed her.

  Grayson walked over to Josh and knelt down next to him. “Please leave, Joshua. We’re done, and you need to get on with your life. You should probably go to the hospital.”

  “Fuck you,” he snapped and tried to stand, but fell forward. “You were my life you bitch.” Tears glistened in his eyes.

  “I’ll get you some ice,” Grace stood up and brushed off her pants.

  “I don’t want your ice or anything else from you. I don’t know why I wasted my time on you.” He wiped blood off his face with the back of his sleeve. “You can go to hell for all I care. Both of you go to fucking hell!”

  Josh spit blood onto the grass. “She’s a good fuck isn’t she? She’s got that sweet, tight pussy, and she’s always ready to go.”

  Grace looked over at Derrick to see his reaction. His face was still. “Your loss is my gain. Now get your ass out of here before I call the cops.”

  Josh was able to get to his feet this time and stumbled to his car without looking back. The door was still open, and he fell into the seat and leaned his head on the steering wheel. He sat like that for at least ten minutes, before he shut the door and drove o
ff. Grayson hoped it was the last time she would see him.

  What a disaster.

  When the car was out of site Grayson threw her arms around Derrick. “I’m sorry you had to get involved, but I am so glad you were here with me.”

  He brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I despise guys like that. Only a coward would lay a hand on a woman.”

  She hated how vulnerable she felt, and she knew Derrick could see through her facade.

  Leaning down he brushed his lips across her forehead. “You don’t deserve that.” He whispered and smoothed down her hair before his lips found hers. His kiss was soft and tender she could feel the tension leaving her body. When he winced Grayson pulled away and grabbed his hand. “Let’s get you some ice. Your poor lip is swollen as hell.”

  “You should have seen the other guy.” Derrick gave her a crooked grin that made her heart skip a few beats.


  Six days had passed since she heard from Derrick. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she missed him—a lot. Not hearing from him was driving her completely insane. She was an addict, and Derrick was her drug of choice. It was as if she was going through withdrawals with no word from him.


  She thought for sure after the incident with Josh that they had passed some invisible barrier—obviously not—if anything, he pulled away more. She was so confused by her feelings for him. She felt like a complete fool for thinking it could be something more. He was constantly on her mind, and she ached to see him again. However, the logical part of her mind screamed at her to not get too deeply involved. Not that he was even giving her a chance to anyway. Nothing was going to come out of this relationship besides heartache. She just hadn’t realized it would be her own.

  Falsely, she’d thought they would make their sexual outings daily or at least every other day, but no, not as much as a phone call or a text. What the hell? She’d obviously read him completely wrong. When they walked to the door together, hand in hand, and he kissed her good-bye she felt like there had been more than just a sexual connection. She was even willing to toss aside her no relationship rule to give him a chance. A fool, that’s what she was.


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