Neptune's Massif

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Neptune's Massif Page 4

by Ben Winston

  "I'll be handling their arrangements for the time being," Andreya replied. "We recruited them for a specific purpose, so they are our responsibility for the time being."

  While they had been talking, six floating drones came from the rear of the Raptor carrying the luggage brought by the Smarts as well as that of Michi and Mulan. They stopped by the small group so they could follow people to their new quarters.

  "Ah, so this is good-bye for now?" Alice asked.

  "Nothing is truly ever good-bye, Mrs. Smart. Our lives have touched now; it is entirely possible they will touch again when we least expect it," Michi replied with a slight bow. "It has been my honor to have made your acquaintance."

  "The honor has been ours, Master Nokisuno," Will said and bowed formally to Michi and Mulan. Remembering her manners, Alice quickly copied him. Both Michi and Mulan returned the bow.

  Before leading the Smart's away, Gene also bowed to Michi.

  "Well, let's go find a place for you to stay until we can get everything together and get to work. There should be just enough time for both of you to get a good understanding of what is going on up here," Alan said. "Mulan, once we get to where we are going, the psionic department would appreciate a call so they can record your abilities. It's not mandatory and the information is only used for research purposes."

  "I have secured quarters close to yours, Alan. Elias granted us a housing exception since they will be assisting us and it's only for a short time," Andreya said.

  "Great! Let's go!" Alan said and began leading his guests away.

  "Commander Carlson, would it be permitted for me to learn more about the ships and how this bay works? How we can even breathe here, when I can clearly see that the landing bay doors are still open is fascinating. Obviously, there is a shield of some kind, but I would like to know more about it," Mulan asked.

  "Please call me Alan, Mulan. You are free to pursue any education you wish. There is no charge for it, and the only restrictions are course prerequisites and security issues. The shield covering the bay doors is called an ‘airskin’ because, like our skin retains moisture within our bodies, it retains the air and pressure within the bay. One of the main tenets of this society is the respect for the individual and their rights. No one will ever tell you where or how to live, who to love, or what religion to follow. I'll let the teaching system fill you in, but it's pretty neat."

  "You mentioned a physical examination as well," Michi said. "When will we go through that?"

  "The physical exams will be shortly after we show you to your quarters, Master. However, it can be delayed for a day or two if you wish?" Andreya asked.

  "No, I was only wondering that it would be easy for a contagious disease to infiltrate this facility. It would seem to me that visitors should be taken to the medical area immediately," Michi said.

  Andreya smiled. "Not true, Master. This hallway we are in is a biological scanner among other things. Everyone entering or leaving the bay must pass through either this device, or a similar one. If there was a biological hazard detected, the doors at each end of the hall would close until medical personal could be summoned and the pathogen neutralized."

  "Ah, it seems I am a victim of television. I expected a bright light bar and a mysterious mist being sprayed all over us." Michi replied.

  "You'll still get the bright light bar in medical, but no mists that I know of," Alan grinned.

  "You said 'among other things' Andreya. May I ask what other things this hall is?" Mulan asked.

  This hallway is the main entrance and exit for the civilian travel lounge here at the base. As such, it also scans for other hazards such as weapons and explosives. It can also function as an airlock in the case the airskin fails in the bay. Another purpose is to isolate the bay from the lounge area in the event of a military emergency such as an attack by a hostile force," Andreya explained.

  "Such a facility installed at Earth airports would certainly ease a lot of the inconveniences of current travel, Michi commented.

  "Yes it would, but it would also displace a lot of hard working people that depend on that job to live," Alan agreed. "Advances in technology are only good if thought and care are given to their use."

  Michi looked at him proudly. "It is good to know that you paid attention to more than my actions, Alan-san. I am proud of you."

  Phoenix Base

  Selene, Earth's Moon

  Sol System

  Sol Sector

  While Alan and Andreya helped Michi and Mulan through the transition, other things were happening in the universe. The battle of Beta Hydri was short and went very well for Alliance forces. Mostly due to the efforts of the Terran Defense Forces and the listening posts they installed.

  Alliance forces lost four destroyers and two cruisers to Imperial forces. Before making a successful escape, Imperial forces lost eight destroyers, four light cruisers, two heavy cruisers and another battleship. The destruction of the battleship was credited to the Terran Raptor teams alone. The mining facility was captured along with the beginnings of the new shipyard that they had begun to build. Since neither facility could fight back, nor did they have the time to escape, they were left for the Alliance to capture.

  The Alliance of Races kept the prisoners like normal, but offered the captured facilities to the Terran Defense Forces since they had been taken while in 'Terran' space. Technically it was Benesian space, but the Benesian Coalition had no use for either facility so they had been escorted back to the Sol Sector and left in stable orbit of the sixth planet of Centauri A.

  The Terran Council had already asked for volunteers to investigate the mining facility with an eye to putting it back into production. The ship yard, which was little more than a frame with a few habitat modules attached for workers, was left alone for the time being. It was decided that it would eventually become one of the civilian ship yards, but for the time being, all other projects were further along so the newly captured facility would wait.

  The mining facility, though, couldn't have come at a better time. The giant mining and refining ship with its small fleet of mining ships was far more productive than current methods, even though it was less efficient due to its lack of automation. As with most Imperial technology captured so far, there seemed to be a pronounced lack of automation in all areas of endeavor. The reason for this lack was not apparent, as that same technology also showed that automation was possible, it was simply not being used. It was surmised that there was some kind of a racial prejudice against automation of any kind.

  With the Caldarian race, automation had been possible, but had been set aside for the use of slaves. Which, to the Caldarians, was a far more acceptable and pleasing use of resources. Caldarians really had a superiority complex and truly enjoyed seeing the 'lesser races' performing menial tasks and serving their 'rightful masters'. Modern Caldarians, those that had become a part of the Alliance of Races, had shed that superiority, but the free Caldarians, those that had the mid-Atlantic base and had sent the Super Nova to Earth, still maintained that view, which Alan discovered when he received a message from the Caldarian Ambassador to the Alliance of Races.

  "Commander, first, I must apologize for the delay in getting this reply back to you. I had to consult a great many people to be sure of our answer to you. I am afraid it is not good news. While we all appreciate your attempt to take the base with the minimum of casualties, we are all agreed that such an attempt is only wasted effort. What we can tell you is that the base itself is most likely not manned by the warrior caste. The supervision of slaves was considered too far below their station, so the task would be given to the overseer class. Basically, you should be dealing with poorly trained beings who are more concerned with production than defense. In addition to the theft of your planet's petroleum, it is very possible they are also involved in gathering slaves. If there are mineral deposits in the area, they would also have a mine with human slave workers.

  "Our historians are certain that the members
of our race in that base will not believe that any of our race, save themselves, survived the destruction of our homeworld. Even if they did, they would not believe we have made peace with the Alliance and now have a place on its Council. We appreciate your position in this, and to those ends I have included a recorded message you may send to the occupants of this base. Your attempts at a peaceful resolution to this issue will be well received by the rest of this Council, and we will certainly make sure they know of it. However, we recommend that you do not send that message until you are ready to attack the base. It was not unheard of to build antimatter self-destruct mechanisms into our facilities, and these beings would not hesitate to use it. If at all possible, when you make the assault, Commander, do it with all haste. If the base commander has the time to activate the self-destruct mechanism, he will do it. I am truly sorry I could not be of more assistance Commander. Good luck."

  Andreya told him that there was indeed another recorded message attached to this one.

  "Thanks Andreya. I was hoping that they could step in and order these guys to simply surrender, and we would repatriate them back to the Caldarians in the Alliance. I guess I should have known better. Nothing like this is ever easy," Alan replied.

  "Maybe not, but it was worth a try wasn't it?" she asked.

  "I suppose, now we just need to get the rest of our team together and get busy on this. Those Caldarians have to know we're on to them. The freighters know we're tracking them when they come and go. There is no way in hell they haven't seen our patrols; Intel believes that's what drew the Super Nova here to begin with. The longer we leave this alone, the higher the chances are that the Caldarians will simply evacuate and detonate that self-destruct."

  "If that were really an option for them, why haven't they done so already?" Andreya asked. "Intel also believes that this base is their only source of the petroleum they need as sustenance. The freighter we tagged prior to the arrival of the Super Nova has made a second trip. We believe we know the location of the main Caldarian base in the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy. I will grant that it is a very long hyperspace journey but would not the rogue Caldarian leader attempt to defend this base to ensure their food supply?"

  "Yes, they think they know the main Caldarian base’s location. They did act to defend the base; they sent that big honkin' ship to protect it. I doubt they believed it would fail its mission. However, by now they have to know it failed, since those same freighters witnessed the fight and the destruction of their ship.

  "Now, a few possibilities exist. One; the Caldarian leadership knows of the mission failure and is still analyzing the information before committing more assets to Earth; remember, they still think the Alliance is their enemy so they would have to be careful in their planning or they would lose their entire force. Which is probably the reason a Caldarian counter-offensive hasn't yet materialized.

  "Two, they finished their analysis and a new assault force is already on its way to Earth. Three, they have finished their analysis and have decided to wait to see if we leave the base alone. Lastly number four, they actually do have another source of petroleum and are not willing to risk their few remaining military assets defending this base," Alan finished. "There is simply no way for us to know for certain."

  Chapter 3

  Celestial Throne

  Palace of Universal Wisdom

  Planet Shapprel

  Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy

  "Bring us Baron Hortes, the prisoner he had arrested and his two daughters, I would speak to the proprietress of the pleasure house in question as well," the figure on the throne ordered. He was not alone in the throne room as there were silent sentinels standing watch at each pillar. However, they were only there to prevent harm to him and nothing else. However, he knew that his words were being acted on.

  Two days ago, he had been given a very troubling report from the galaxy his forces were conquering. A single human warship had delayed an operation that should have secured the entire Benesian race without a shot ever being fired. As a result, the operation not only failed, but it had cost the Empire several warships and the opportunity to subdue that very important race.

  As a satellite sub-galaxy of the main galaxy the humans called the Milky Way, The Canis Major Overdensity was in the perfect position to conquer its parent. The dwarf galaxy had spawned an unusually large number of sentient races in relatively close proximity to one another. The Imperial race had reached technological supremacy first and had quickly taken control of the other races in the small galaxy through the development of the spatial transit gates.

  These gates used an artificial worm hole to travel extreme distances in seconds. The gates allowed the Empire to wage a war in the other galaxy even though it was roughly forty-thousand light years distant. The hard part had been the long jump to get the far gate installed.

  However, such thoughts were for the past, and the regal being had to deal with the future at present. It took the Imperial Guard nearly two hours to comply with his orders. The Captain in charge of the shift explained that the prisoner had to be cleaned up and treated for multiple broken bones and other issues before he could be presented. There had also been an issue in locating the twin daughters of the noble in question.

  The Emperor thanked the Guard Captain and asked for the group to be shown in.

  Caleb et Shalo was a son of a minor noble in the Emperor's own family. Upon graduating from the Academy, he chose to celebrate by rewarding himself with a visit to a licensed pleasure house. All in all it was a very normal and accepted method of relaxation after such a feat. In itself, there was nothing illegal or wrong with it at all. Shalo had not knowingly, or through his actions, broken any law.

  The twin daughters of Baron Hortes had, in an effort to embarrass their father, taken temporary employment at the pleasure house. Temporary employment of this type was widely practiced in the empire. Although not professionals, temporary employees had fewer restrictions on them, and as such, underwent lighter background checks. In this instance, the two girls had simply bullied the temporary permit out of a local clerk and used it to gain employment.

  Normally, this whole business would not even make it to his ears, but the Baron had taken one of the Imperial family as a wife, making the two girls in question Imperial princesses. Shalo, not knowing their true identity, had chosen them for his evening of relaxation. Mid-way through the evening, the Baron caught up with his daughters at the pleasure house while in bed with Shalo. He had Shalo arrested and thrown in the palace detention area pending punishment. From the sound of it, the Baron had been punishing Shalo quite a bit without even so much as a hearing.

  The small group of people were escorted into the huge room by the armed Imperial Guards. The Baron and the woman that owned the pleasure house in question were noticeably nervous. The girls, however, seemed bored and rebellious. They were obviously irritated by something as trivial as an Imperial summons.

  The Baron, possibly hoping to win the Emperor's support, began speaking as soon as the group knelt "Imperial Majesty, this case was never supposed to intrude upon your time. My house was handling..."

  "Shut up, Baron," the Emperor said, stopping the whining rant the man was beginning. "Caleb et Shalo, we would pardon you of your crimes had you actually committed any. However, since you have not, all we can do is put an end to your current situation. That being said, this event has brought your name to my attention. I have need of you and your skills. I'll go into that in a few moments."

  Shalo again bowed in gratitude to his Emperor. The Emperor chuckled. "Don't thank me yet, Shalo; when you hear what I need you for, you may wish I had executed you instead.

  “Baron Hortes, it has become clear to the Empire that you have failed in your duty as parent and guide to these two girls. As members of the Imperial family, the actions you have allowed have not only brought shame to you and your family, but to the entire Imperial house. Punishment must be assigned.

  "Madam Galtries," the Emperor tu
rned to the business woman. "We wish to thank you for attending us this morning as we have a very large favor to ask of you. Would you be willing to take the two girls into your house and train them as you would any other apprentice, save for the primary duties of servicing clients? That enjoyment will be for their husband alone once they have completed their training. For your loss of revenue due to supporting two that are not producing, you will be compensated by Baron Hortes, as if they had been working every night equal to your top producers. We will assign to you two guards to provide security and to assist you in controlling your new charges."

  "I would be honored, Majesty. However, how am I to train them? They are princesses are they not?" The madam asked.

  "They are, however, for you this will not be a consideration. You will treat them no differently than you would any common women that have contracted with you for employment. Just remember, they are not allowed to service anyone without their husband's permission. Since they are still underage and cannot be taken as wives, they do not have a husband as yet. Once they reach their majority, their husband may decide how they will serve him. Upon reaching majority, both girls will be given to Caleb et Shalo as compensation for the torture endured by him from the Baron. It will be up to him if they are to remain in the pleasure house, this time as working girls earning him more income, or if they will join him at his estate for more personal duties."

  Baron Hortes had paled at the Emperor's decree and feared for his treasured daughters. "Majesty! They were only acting out as adolescents sometimes do! Is not this punishment overly harsh for such a minor indiscretion?"

  The Emperor stood. "Look around you Baron! Do you think we deal with minor indiscretions? You have allowed these two far too much freedom, you have spoiled them and allowed them to become jaded and resentful of authority. Unfortunately, you are not the only member of the court that has done this, but you are the first one to get our attention. So we are setting a precedent with you. The Empire has no need for spoiled brats for nobles. You daughters are now the property of the man you had condemned for assuming that they were what they portrayed themselves to be. Yes, they will retain their titles as princesses, but they will be members of house Caleb from this time forward. We are tired of hearing of the follies of noble children running amok among the populations. This ends now. The noble children of this Empire will learn their place, and they will learn respect, or they will no longer be nobles, regardless of whose house they hail from! Now after you make arrangements to pay Madam Galtries, you are dismissed." He turned to the lead Guard. "Make sure the Madam is assigned two reliable guards for the duties I have outlined."


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