Neptune's Massif

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Neptune's Massif Page 6

by Ben Winston

  Janet knew of the pending attack by the Special Operations teams of the American Government by her ability and had spoken to Ty Anders about it. He gave her the use of the Samurai in order to protect her and her people while getting set up. The woman, Gail, looked up when Janet approached them.

  "Mrs. Laskar, I was about to call you over, the Samurai has reported that the American troops are almost in position for their assault. I would like for you and Miss Gail to board the shuttle for your safety," Major Hiro said. "The rest of your people are already secured."

  "If I don't remain visible, won't that tip our hand?" Janet asked the man. "I do have a personal shield generator on, all I need do is activate it."

  He nodded. "That is the reason we issued them to you and your people, Ma'am. I would just feel better about it if you were not in the line of fire at all."

  "Major Hiro, we are in no danger from bullets," Gail said softly. "I can read the team leader, they are all armed with tranquilizer darts. Their orders are to capture all of us alive."

  The Major stiffened. "How close is this man?"

  "She is behind the door to our left, watching us through a small scope. The device is supposed to allow her to hear us as well, but our jammers are preventing it. It is frustrating her." Gail replied, grinning.

  "How many troops does she have with her?" Hiro asked. "And please activate your personal shields. They could attack at any minute." He turned to Janet but spoke over his com. "Samurai, attack is imminent. Be advised, enemy is armed with non-lethal weaponry and has been ordered not to harm their targets. All units, stand by."

  "I assume the service hanger is already secure, Major? I am speaking to appear to answer the question you just asked me," Janet replied for the watching team leader as she casually reached down and pushed the button on the small shield generator at her waist. Gail appeared to be checking her cell phone while activating her shield. She also brought up the video feed from the monitor on the other side of the door she had indicated.

  Hiro nodded as if understanding her answer when he saw the three armed, black-clad people on the monitor. "That is another trap, as we planned. Our technicians appear to be openly working on the cargo shuttle holding the Samurai. All of the American troops set to assault them have been located and will be stunned as soon as they begin the assault."

  Janet leaned over and was starting to point to something on the podium when Gail spoke once again. "Five count!"

  Hiro looked at her but again spoke on his open comm. "Samurai, three seconds!"

  The door to the right burst open and several darts bounced off Janet and her two companions as the three commandos fired and spread out. Seeing the darts had no effect on the three now grinning people, the team leader spoke to them. "Don't move! Why didn't the darts hit any of you?"

  "Because we are shielded, Captain. I would suggest you lower your weapons before any of your people get hurt though," Major Hiro replied.

  "How are you going to hurt us? Harsh language?" she asked getting chuckles from her two companions.

  Hiro stepped around Janet and dropped the holographic cover he had masking his armor. Behind the three commandos another member of Hiro's team dropped the cloaking field that had been covering him. "Captain, I think that perhaps your intelligence services did not adequately prepare you for this assault. Again, please lower your weapons and no harm will come to you."

  The Captain narrowed her eyes. "You're going to let us walk away?"

  "Not exactly, no. We are arresting you for violating our security. We will simply hand you over to the United Nations with a full report of your actions here," he shrugged. "I doubt anything will come of it, which is a good thing since no one was harmed."

  "May I ask who you are?" the Captain replied.

  "Major Hiro of the Raptor Samurai, I am afraid we had to stun a few of your troops, Captain. But they have been otherwise unharmed. They will regain conciseness in a few minutes. We are holding the rest of your people in our hanger. If you would, please come with us and we will take you to them," Hiro replied.

  "You knew we were coming! This was a trap!" the Captain said accusingly. "How did you know?"

  Major Hiro nodded to her question. "Yes, we knew you were coming. In fact, we were watching you watch us just before you opened that door. As for how we knew, we have greatly advanced technology, Captain. It should not be much of a stretch for you to find the answer to your question," Hiro replied.

  She snorted. "Our orders were to capture all of you and confiscate as much of your stuff as we could. No one told us how advanced you actually were. At least you’re not gonna kill any of us for trying."

  "There would be no point in that. You might want to call your backup and let them know that they can retrieve your vehicles and weapons in about twenty minutes," Major Hiro informed her. "We would like to thank you for helping us test our security, although I am sure you will test it again as much as you can in the future."

  The Captain laughed. "I'm pretty sure you can count on that, Major. I'm sure my bosses would love to get their hands on the tech you folks are using."

  "Of that we are very aware, Captain. However, if you would make very clear to them that, like this assault, force will be answered with force. If you had carried lethal weapons, this assault would have turned out much differently. I would much rather return live prisoners than I would dead bodies," Hiro said.

  "They'll take that as a threat, Major."

  "It is not a threat, Captain. It is simply the truth. The precautions we take for our security would be no different, however, bullets tend to bounce much more than darts. You could do considerable damage to your own people without us ever firing a shot; we are protected against your weapons, you are not. That is not a threat." Hiro replied as he led the three commandos back through the door they had entered through.

  "Isn't this supposed to be a civilian operation?" one of the other commandos asked.

  Hiro nodded. "It is a civilian operation. I would not normally be here if not for your assault this day. Your presence here is proof that our precautions are needed. Rest assured that while here on Earth, none of our people will be without protection of some kind, as it is obvious what will happen to them if steps are not taken."

  After Major Hiro and his teammate escorted the American troops away, Gail looked at Janet. "I think the Captain will be returning as a recruit. She was really impressed with all of this. As it is now, she, like her other team members, is really curious about us."

  "If she comes to us as a recruit and she is sincere, I'm sure she will be welcomed. But until then, we will have to be careful. Today's little excitement might not be an everyday occurrence, but that won't stop them from trying something else. We will need to be careful, and we will need to take the precautions Major Hiro recommended," Janet replied. "Now, let's get the rest of the people out of the shuttle and back to work. We have people arriving tomorrow, and there is still some things left to do."

  Chapter 4

  Mount Olympus Star Port

  Ascension, Planet Atlas

  Centauri System, Sol Sector

  Ian and Star jogged up just as the large passenger liner settled to the pad outside the main terminal building. Luke turned and grinned at him.

  "You're cutting it pretty close, Ian. I was starting to wonder what I was going to tell the dignitaries about your absence!"

  "I'm really sorry, Luke. I had to stop by Main Medical on the ship before coming down, Talena needed me for something," Ian replied slightly out of breath.

  "Is Talena sick? Why would she be in medical?" Luke asked with concern.

  "Uh, no, she isn't sick, but... uh, it was a personal favor for her that required a stop by the medical section," Ian replied, blushing.

  Luke smiled and chuckled. "Okay, I'll butt out." He turned to look out the huge windows at the sleek looking liner. "I'm told that the Benesians are a heavily matriarchal society, and that most of the women are extremely beautiful. They are also peaceful
, which is why ARC uses them for treaty negotiations."

  "Close, they are matriarchal because of the low birth rate of males in their society. Males are also smaller and more fragile on the average. Beth tells me that seeing a male Benesian off-planet is a very rare occurrence, so it is unlikely we will ever meet one. From what Goya told me about them, the Benesians volunteered to be the primary negotiators for the Alliance of Races since they abhor violence, and it would give them a way to contribute in a manner that did not offend their Goddess. They are very religious too, or so I'm told," Ian said. "But that could be rumor."

  "That actually fits with what I could find on them. The Matriarch of the race is also the High Priestess. However, they are very tolerant of other religions and eager to learn what they can about them so as not to offend others. I'm actually kind of looking forward to this," Luke replied.

  "I think we all are, Luke," Laura Johnson added. She was one of the four other Councilors present to greet the dignitaries. "Although I am learning to hate all the pomp and shit."

  Zebadiah Gabriel snorted. "I don't think any of us like that part of this, Laura. But I do have to admit to being curious about their belief system and how it differs from ours. All in all, this should be an interesting meeting."

  Star sucking in a breath caught Ian's attention, and he turned to look at her. "Sir, the first person off that ramp is going to be the Benesian Matriarch, not a diplomat from the ARC!"

  "Luke! The Matriarch is in the lead. She came here in person!" Ian whispered.

  "Fuck, we're not set up for a state visit!" Luke replied.

  "Since it was not announced, it is not official, Councilor. Greet her formally, but just be yourself otherwise. Nothing more should be expected," Star offered.

  Luke nodded thanks to her as the Benesian Elder stepped clear of the passageway.

  Everyone bowed to her. "Matriarch, you honor us with this visit. Had we known you were coming we could have prepared a more fitting reception for you," Luke spoke.

  "There is no need to bow, Councilor Belden. I am not here officially; this is more on the lines of a personal visit. I simply took advantage of the free ride," the older, yet still very striking woman said and smiled brightly. "I am T'gan M'orel of Benesia. Besides, all the fravirish of formality gets so tiring!"

  "That it does, Matriarch. Please, allow me to introduce my fellow councilors," Luke replied and performed the necessary introductions. Since it had been a political event, Ian was introduced last.

  "Finally, let me introduce to you our military commander and the man most responsible for our current situation, Admiral Ian Williams," He turned to Ian. "Admiral, it is my honor to make known to you T'gan M'orel, Matriarch and High Priestess to the Benesian People," Luke finished.

  Ian bowed his head to her. "It is an honor beyond measure to meet you in person, Matriarch," Ian said by way of greeting.

  "The honor is mine, Admiral. Thank you for your actions in the Rataac sector." She paused. "Admiral, I told my council I needed to come and meet the people that saved our transport so I may thank them in person. However, in addition to that, I have come to speak to you about a more private matter," T'gan said, quietly.

  The admission took Ian by complete surprise. Why would the leader of the Benesian people need to speak to him privately? "Uh, of course, Matriarch. I’ll make sure to arrange a meeting between you and the team that destroyed the light cruiser in Rataac. As for the other, we can speak right after this reception is over if you wish?"

  T'gan smiled at him. "Thank you, Admiral, but there is no rush. This has been an issue for almost fifteen years already, I doubt it will become critical in the next few hours." She glanced at the patiently waiting Luke. "I am unclear on one thing; do I address you as Councilor, or as Governor?"

  Luke shrugged. "Either will do, Matriarch. However most people refer to me as Councilor."

  "Before the others disembark, can you tell me why your Councilor Gabriel seemed so awe struck at meeting me? I did not get the feeling it was because of my appearance," T'gan asked.

  "Councilor Gabriel is a man of very strong faith. However, he has come to learn a new respect for other belief systems and has expressed a strong curiosity about other, non-terrestrial religions. To him, you represent a level of devotion he believed he would never have the opportunity to meet," Luke replied. "Of course it may be something else entirely, but that is what I think has him so awe-struck."

  T'gan nodded. "I think I understand; it would be like a common Catholic unexpectedly meeting the Pope."

  "Exactly like that, yes," Luke replied, briefly he wondered how she knew about Catholicism and the Pope.

  "I will tell the rest that they may disembark now. I would have had them come with me, but protocol will not allow it. Admiral, if you will excuse me, I would introduce the dignitaries," T'gan replied.

  "Matriarch, why do I get the feeling that you thwart every protocol you possibly can?" Luke replied, grinning.

  Without missing a beat, T'gan looked at him with a playful glint in her eyes. "Because you are very perceptive for a male, Councilor."

  As soon as T'gan and Luke walked away, Ian turned to Star. "Please have the Damocles team dispatched with all haste to the Star Port for guard detail. I'll brief them on site."

  "Alert issued. Four members of the team are already on planet for a three day pass. Officer Lissa is with the ship at Phoenix Base. Major Swift will be on her way to the landing bay shortly." Star replied. "The four members on planet will report to you, here, as soon as they can return to their hotel and gear up."

  Ian nodded. "No need for a full suit. This is a VIP Guard mission with a low threat assessment. Personal shields and side arms should suffice until Cindy can get here to evaluate the situation."

  "Orders replayed," Star replied.

  Ian chuckled softly. "She looked like an elf from one of Tolkien's stories. They all do, really."

  Star studied the visitors critically. "Indeed they do. Perhaps Mr. Tolkien crossed paths with one on Earth. Records show that the Benesian people have been visiting your home world for many centuries as observers. At one time, there was even a rather large Benesian colony on planet."

  "Really? How long ago was that?" Ian asked, surprised.

  "It was present on the planet when I arrived to be stranded on the moon. At that time, the Benesian and Talosian people had not yet met and I had no information on them. In fact, I did not even recognize the colony for what it was until it was destroyed. I could not assist the survivors, but could only stand apart and record the incident. It was... disturbing to witness," Star said sadly. "I think that event was one of the first times I felt an emotion, but at the time I did not recognize it."

  "They must have been very good a blending in to avoid being recorded in history. Although I will admit, our histories from that long ago are spotty at best," Ian replied.

  "It did not escape your histories, Admiral. Several myths and legends have been created about it. I never knew the name by which it was known at the time, but in more modern records it is most often referred to as Atlantis," Star replied in her matter of fact manner. "The Benesians did send a ship to investigate, but again I could not contact them as they were an unknown race to me. Perhaps now, I can give them an accurate record of the fate of their colony."

  "I find it strange they would have a colony on Earth. Benesian has only one other colony that I know of. Which means they are not a very expansionistic race," Ian replied. "We can talk more about this later, the dignitaries are almost here."

  That conversation did not get continued. After Ian met the dignitaries, the Raptor team members on planet arrived and he had to quickly brief them and introduce them to their charge. He had no more than finished with that, when Cindy arrived.

  Cindy was completely taken aback when T'gan gave her a warm hug. "Major Swift, words alone cannot express my personal gratitude, nor that of my people, for your actions in the Rataac sector on our behalf. I admit that for a time we fear
ed that you had been destroyed, and my companions and I grieved for you. Once we were told of your survival, the celebration lasted the rest of the trip. An accounting of your team’s efforts on our behalf has been recorded in our histories."

  "Matriarch, on behalf of my team, we are honored. However, it was simply our duty; a ship was in distress and we responded," Cindy replied, blushing and attempting to down-play the event. "It was really the Star Dancer and her crew that provided the most assistance, we only removed the threat; getting ourselves knocked out of commission in the process."

  T'gan smiled at the young woman. "You are truly a credit to your people, Major. I will not embarrass you further."

  Cindy smiled at the older woman then turned to her Commander. "What's next Admiral?"

  "Star has arranged for quarters for the Matriarch and her entourage in the city. I am sure she would like to rest after her journey. There is also a somewhat private matter I would like to discuss with her in a more intimate setting." Ian replied.

  Cindy nodded and directed her team to form up as an escort. "Where are we going?"

  "The top floor of the Henderson, Major." Ian turned to T'gan. "Matriarch, I am told your mid-day meal should be ready for service when we arrive. I have been asked to assure you that all dietary customs have been adhered to, and will be for the duration of your stay with us. Although I do not have the schedule yet, several rural excursions are being planned for your pleasure. I am certain that the city planning committee would love to hear your opinion as well as your suggestions for their design of the city. They have gone to great lengths to try to leave it as natural as possible while retaining functionality. I imagine it is not how your people would have done it, but I feel they have done a remarkable job in retaining the natural beauty of the landscape."

  "If such will assist the preservation of nature in its symbiosis with your people, I would be honored to offer my opinions," T'gan replied.

  Cindy and her team led the small group to the elevated mag-rail that would carry them back to the city. Behind them, the ARC dignitaries and the members of the Terran Council awaited the departure of the Matriarch. They had a different destination, and would be taking the next transport module.


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