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Neptune's Massif

Page 7

by Ben Winston

  Hotel Henderson 'Penthouse'

  Ascension, Planet Atlas

  Centauri System, Sol Sector

  T'gan was indeed surprised by the design of the city. Several times she commented on how beautiful it was, and how well the buildings took advantage of the landscape while disturbing it as little as possible. The Hotel itself was an even greater surprise. It was a terraced affair set onto the side of a hill overlooking the city and harbor. The 'penthouse' was not actually the top floor of the building, but simply the highest terrace and included its own gardens, featuring native flora carefully tended by the hotel's staff.

  "This is a truly amazing city, Admiral. It is very beautiful, and very well designed. I could easily see this entire community on Benesia," T'gan replied. Ian noted that several of her entourage nodded agreement with her.

  "Matriarch, with your permission, I will pass on your comments to the city planners," Star replied.

  "If such could be arranged, might I meet them so I might pass along our appreciation in person? They truly have done a wonderful thing here," T'gan asked.

  "Of course, Matriarch. I believe they actually have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow anyway, would that be acceptable?" Star asked.

  "That would be perfectly acceptable, my dear." T'gan looked closely at Star. "I think I would like to get to know you a little better as well. You are very unlike any of the other artificial intelligences we have met in the past. While your origins may be mechanical in nature, you do not feel artificial. I can feel the blessings of the Goddess about you. That is something no non-naturally created life form has ever exhibited to our knowledge."

  "I am honored, Matriarch. I admit, when the Admiral and Chief Laskar, our ship's computer systems officer, declared me to be sentient, it frightened me greatly. With the help of our councilors and the support of those who are my friends, I believe I have come to terms with it," Star replied.

  "That is a very good lead-in to what I wanted to talk to you about, Matriarch," Ian began.

  She held up her hand to stop him. "If I may call you Ian, it would please me if you could call me T'gan when we are in private. Join us for our meal, and we can discuss our separate issues as companions. I would have you and Star as friends in addition to professional acquaintances."

  "Now that would be a great honor that I am very happy to accept, T'gan. You may certainly call me Ian," Ian replied. "As for lunch, I would be happy to join you, however, I am not a vegetarian. Will that offend you or your people?" Ian asked, indicating the small group of attendants that T'gan had.

  "There is an ongoing discussion in our synod over the status of replicated foods. Synthesized food has never been alive, because of this, some of our scholars believe that such food should be considered exempt from our restrictions. Others feel that it is the spirit of the restriction that must be upheld and not the wording. A decision has not been reached. Since you are not of our society, you are free to eat what you are used to. Will it offend us? I tend to believe that since no life was destroyed to provide it, the food in question is acceptable. However, I am not certain of the beliefs of my attendants," T'gan replied.

  After polling them, the young women agreed with their Matriarch that their Goddess objected to the loss of life, not the ultimate origin of the food. Ian nodded to all of them as a group. "Thank you ladies. In my turn, I would like to reassure all of you that none of the food offered you has been replicated. We do have several foods that are the products of animals, but they did not give their life in its production. I understand that is acceptable?" Ian asked.

  "Yes Admiral," One of the women replied. "The produce of an animal is acceptable under that circumstance." The young woman blushed darkly and tried very hard to fade into the background.

  T'gan chuckled. "She likes you."

  At Ian's questioning look, she grinned. "Your people find our race to be attractive, correct?"

  Ian nodded. "Yes, as a race, you are very beautiful to us. There is a... magnetism to you that we find very appealing as well as your physical appearance." While they were talking, the group took places at a large table set up outside in the garden. The hotel had provided a small serving staff for the Matriarch, since she and her party had special culinary requirements. Ian quietly placed an order for a burger and onion rings with one of the servers who nodded and hurried off to get it. The rest of the group was beginning to serve the Benesians.

  T'gan nodded. "The same can be said of your race as well. You have a greater diversity in appearance than we do, as well as having many traits we admire that our males do not. We do not know if interspecies breeding is possible, but for now, intimate contact is forbidden. The discussion has not been debated for thousands of years, since contact with humans has been so limited. It is one of the issues I will be reintroducing to our synod upon my return."

  "T'gan, when you were speaking to Star about her sentience, it reminded me to tell you that she was present when your colony here was destroyed. Since her crew had evacuated to that area, she had maintained surveillance of the area. She recorded the entire event and admitted to me that it was the first time she remembered feeling an emotion," Ian explained.

  From her place, Star nodded her agreement. “Even had our races known of each other at the time, Matriarch, I was still incapable of action at that time. It was very disturbing to have to witness the event and not be able to take action to assist. Even though, until that event, I was unaware the colony existed. I would be happy to provide you with copies of all the records I have of that event."

  "That would be greatly appreciated. We have long wondered what had occurred to have destroyed the colony. I take it then that you are aware that we have been monitoring your planet for some time?" T'gan asked.

  "I was informed shortly after assuming command of the ship. We had no records in which to base a relationship with you, so we kept our distance and avoided contact. Besides, at the time, we had other issues troubling us, Ian admitted.

  T'gan nodded. "Yes, the Caldarians. As I understand it, you still have that issue, do you not?"

  Ian nodded. "Yes, they are stealing a large amount of crude oil from our planet every month. They have a base deep in the Atlantic Ocean that loads their freighters. We are getting set up to shut down that base and stop the freighters. However, before we do that, we must prepare for their retaliation. If we stop this source of sustenance for them, we are certain they will retaliate in order to re-establish the base."

  "Ian, they have been taking more than just the oil. They have been kidnapping your citizens as slaves for as long as they have been on your planet. Unfortunately, we have been unable to locate their remote base so that you may retrieve your people," T'gan replied.

  "We suspected as much. Fortunately we have discovered their remote base, however, it is too far away for us to stage a strike against it. We also have no information about it in order to plan such a strike. I agree we'll have to do something to retrieve our people, but to do so now would leave this sector defenseless for too long of a period," Ian replied, sadly.

  "Would you entertain a strike that did not leave you defenseless for a long period?" T'gan asked "One that would earn you a great deal of admiration from Benesia as well as the Alliance of Races Council?"

  Ian cocked his head at her. "This is what you wanted to speak to me about?"

  She nodded. "Before I begin, I will admit that I have a personal reason for asking you this. My Granddaughter is involved, and I am feeling an urgency that she be rescued soon."

  "So, where is she?" Ian asked.

  T'gan smiled warmly. "The planet Hyperion, in the star system you know as Aurigae, forty light years from here. The planet fell to the Empire fifteen years ago. She was posted there as a diplomatic liaison to our agricultural mission. I would like you to go there and rescue our people if you can."

  Phoenix Base

  Transient Officer’s Quarters

  Selene, Earth's Moon

  Sol System, Sol Sector
/>   Alan winced as he stretched the sore deltoid muscle. He had forgotten how much working with Sensei could hurt. He was quickly remembering. In the years since leaving the Agency, Alan had let his hand to hand skills lapse; an oversight he was now paying for dearly. Getting a warm cup of tea, Alan sat down to go over the latest report from the Shark development team.

  He had only just started reading when Andreya let him know that Ty Anders was on the comm for him. He opened the comm for his old friend. "TY, please tell me I can come get the other members of my team?"

  "Nope, I can't tell you that," Ty replied. "However, you can come and choose from the trainees I have now. Most of them are ready for their next level of training and you said you had some special stuff in mind. I've heard you did some recruiting of your own."

  Alan nodded. "I contacted my old Sensei from the Agency. He agreed to join and train us in hand to hand combat. Since he learned what we would be fighting, he's changed his training," Alan replied grunting and once again stretching the strained muscle groups.

  Ty chuckled. "Don't feel too bad, our hand to hand guys are pretty hard on the troops too. If it helps, try remembering that having to face one of these critters without this knowledge would hurt much worse. I'll send you the files on the folks I have ready. Like I said, there isn't much to choose from, but they are good people."

  "Okay, I appreciate it. I'll go over the files and call you back with the folks I want to look at. Please include the psych reports too, we're going to be doing some pretty different stuff," Alan replied.

  "I can only imagine. Ian did tell me that these folks needed to be pretty well rounded in skills and education. Just try not to get too specialized or it will limit your effectiveness as a team," Ty suggested. "Speaking of which, I still need to get you certified as a Raptor Commander. When you show up, plan on spending the night."

  Alan sighed, but nodded. "Will do. Talk to you tomorrow, Ty."

  "Take it easy, my brother," Ty replied and broke the connection.

  "Andreya, would you please ask Sensei if he can spare me some time today? I would like the both of you to assist me in making my choices," Alan asked his friend over the comm.

  "Certainly Alan. What time would you want us there?" she asked.

  "As soon as is convenient. We need to get this going quickly," Alan replied.

  "Okay, I'll speak to him as soon as I finish this task," Andreya asked.

  "How are the upgrades going?"

  "Pretty good. We are having some difficulty adapting the discharge system to work underwater. We are certain it can be done, we are just having difficulty finding the right method to employ," Andreya replied.

  "Will the ship be ready to go by tomorrow?" Alan asked.

  "That soon?" Andreya asked. "Possibly, with your permission I will send you a holographic avatar so I can remain here."

  "I understand. Whatever it takes to get it ready is fine, we'll be going to Raptor Command." Alan said.

  "We'll be ready, Sir."

  "Okay, see ya when you get here," Alan replied and closed the connection. He then called the Shark team.

  "Lieutenant Commander Carlson! How are you doing? Did you get the latest report?" Doctor Juno asked.

  "I have received it, but haven't had a chance to read through it yet. I'm calling to let you know we will be leaving Phoenix Base tomorrow for Raptor Command. I have been informed that the rest of my team is ready to begin our next stage of training. If all goes well, we will be heading down to Earth in four or five days. Will you be ready?"

  "For the trials, yes, we will be ready. However, please do not forget we will need to install the carrier racks into your Raptor so you can carry and deploy the sharks without the need for a second craft. Do you want me to send the techs over now to do that, or should we wait until we arrive on the planet?" Doctor Juno asked.

  "The Raptor is getting some last minute work done to it right now, so if possible, we should wait until we get to the planet. I've been told that our drones have been very busy getting your family’s resort ready for us. I do hope that the improvements are to your satisfaction," Alan said smiling.

  "I am sure it will be just fine, Commander. After all, I was planning on simply destroying the buildings and building a research laboratory in its place. I do have to admit to being rather excited! The whole team is! When I spoke to them about the need for our prototypes, they became very inspired. The Shark we have now is much improved over the one I showed you on your first visit. I am certain you will be pleased with the result," Juno replied, excitedly.

  Alan nodded to the man. "I have no doubt I will be as well, Doctor. You and your team have been doing great work. If you would, could you bring that anti-pollution design with you as well. If we have the time, we may as well plan on seeing that project through to fruition as well."

  "We will most certainly do that, Lieutenant Commander. Thank you very much for making several of my dreams come true," Juno replied, smiling broadly. "We will be ready when you call for us."

  "Unless I have a question when I read your report, I'll give you a call as soon as we arrive back from the Centauri system, Doctor. Until then, be well," Alan said.

  When the excited scientist replied in kind, Alan broke the connection and reopened the report. Perhaps he could get it finished before the others arrived.

  TDF Raptor Poseidon

  Deceleration vector

  Destination: Earth

  Sol System, Sol Sector

  It had been a very difficult and trying four days for Alan. The Raptor certification Ty had spoken of was far more intense and involved that Alan had been led to believe. Like rushing through collage by only taking the final exams, Ty had Alan submit to the evaluations of the team trainers in order for him to be considered an Officer in the Special Operations Group. Although Ty had confided to him before the evaluations had begun that he knew Alan would pass, he still had not warned Alan of the ordeal that had been a Raptor Commando's final evaluation.

  Sensei Michi Nokisuno had accompanied Alan in order to advise him in selecting his team. Ty and the rest of the instructors treated the middle-aged Asian man with the greatest of respect and allowed him to observe Alan's trials in order for him to evaluate the Command's physical as well as psychological training methods.

  With only a few minor suggestions, Sensei Nokisuno nodded approval of the training base. Ty, as well as the instructors, thanked the man for his expertise before Alan and Michi departed with not four, but six new team members.

  Ty originally objected to Alan choosing six officers, but Alan countered with the fact that Ty had tagged two of his primary choices as possible trainers for specialty missions. Since Alan's entire job would be a 'specialty mission', Ty reluctantly agreed and assigned the extra officers to Alan.

  True to his word, Alan called Doctor Juno as soon as they returned to normal space just inside the orbit of Saturn.

  "Lieutenant Commander! You are very punctual! All of our equipment is loaded and we are ready to go. The entire team is very excited about our new base and has been looking forward to this move. The moon is nice, but it has no oceans," Juno replied.

  "No, it doesn't. Not real ones anyway. We have just dropped out of hyperspace and are still four hours out. I was calling so you could notify your people, and get them ready to launch. We'll meet up with you as we get closer and head to the island together. I was going to ask you, Atlas has oceans; why haven't you considered moving there?"

  Juno smiled. "Yes it does have oceans, very beautiful ones. Eventually, we would like to be part of the teams that explore those areas, but for now, all undersea work is restricted there. The preliminary survey of the oceans is still being conducted and not even the mapping has been finished. It is a very exciting prospect, but there is still much we can learn on our own planet. Perhaps the experience we glean on Earth will assist us in the exploration of the oceans of Atlas."

  Alan nodded his understanding. "May I ask how many prototypes you managed to
get built?"

  "Well, we still had the models we were using for our own testing, and we had two extra built as research test craft, so the total number we have built is fifteen," Juno held up his hands before Alan could object. "I know that is more than you requested, Commander, but having the spares available can only be a benefit to us."

  Alan laughed. "I wouldn't object to extra craft, Doctor. I was only concerned that too few had gotten built because of the short amount of time. As it turns out, I have two extra team members as well. So we will be training with six of the craft if that is possible."

  Juno's ever-present smile returned full force. "That is very possible, Commander. We have plenty of craft available. Have you had a chance to create a schedule, so we may better work with you?"

  "Actually, I haven't had the time as yet. However, I will get it to you as soon as I am able to get it completed, Doctor. I did want to tell you that two of the people on my team are already certified divers. One of them is deep water certified and has experience in high pressure atmospheres. Both are Talosian, but are very excited about working in Earth's oceans."

  "That is so exciting!" Juno replied. "It will be very interesting to speak to him about what it is like in deep water. That is something we are not actually capable of on Earth yet."

  "What do you mean? I thought we had deep water divers as well as deep water equipment available on Earth?" Alan asked.

  "As with some other things, it is the definition that is misleading in this case. What is classified as 'deep water' on Earth is still well within the range of 'normal' for Talosians. When they say 'deep water certified' they are speaking of depths our current DSRVs have difficulty going. They are speaking of dives so deep that military grade shields have to be used to protect the diver from being crushed by the weight of the water and the temperatures which are far below freezing," Juno explained.

  "Oh! I had no idea the two types of certification systems were so different," Alan admitted. "Yes, well, this will be an interesting adventure, if nothing else."


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