Neptune's Massif

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Neptune's Massif Page 10

by Ben Winston

  Brittney found the Engineering Chief overseeing the installation of several new, larger, conversion/regulation modules.

  In nearly flawless Talosian she spoke to him; “Chief Tau, I understand I might not have explained this process very well before we began. I wish to apologize to you and your people for that failure. If you wish, I would very much like the opportunity to try again whenever it would be convenient for you.”

  “Doctor Brittney, I think that would be greatly appreciated by all of us. I, too, wish to apologize for not making it clear that we didn’t understand. I can have my people ready for you in about ten minutes. Is that acceptable?" His manner was gruff, but his tone was appreciative, even a bit respectful. It was like he was unused to the circumstance he found himself in.

  “Perfectly, Chief.” She pointed to the briefing room. “In there?”

  He nodded once in assent, a small smile threatening to break his somber facade.

  She was not aware that his eyes followed her over to the table that her team had been using. His sad eyes reflected how tired he felt and how much he regretted the ravages of time on the human body. He shook himself out of such thoughts and concentrated on the task now at hand: to gather his people for a better briefing.

  Brittney felt that this briefing had gone a lot better than the last one. The smiles on most of the faces of the people now leaving the room supported her belief. The Chief confirmed it.

  “This was much better, Scientist Brittney. Now that we can see what you are trying to do, we should be able to actually help your team instead of getting in the way all the time. Thank you for this.” He gestured back into the briefing room.

  The Chief’s addressing Brittney as ‘scientist’ instead of ‘doctor' was a fluke of translation. In Talosian, the word ‘doctor’ was strictly reserved for those practicing a medical field. Those of the same level or higher knowledge, but did research in non-medical fields were addressed differently. The title was still one of great respect in Talosian, but it was a different word.

  “There is no need to thank me, Chief. Part of my job here is to ensure you understand the changes we are making to your ship. I failed in that before we got started and it caused problems. I am thankful that you were kind enough to give me the opportunity to correct that mistake,” She smiled at the tired old man. “The Captain thought it might help to ease your mind if I pointed out that, when finished, the ship’s primary weapons, as well as the shield generators, will have an auxiliary power system. Actually, it might end up being the primary if this works the way I think it will.”

  He grinned, since no one could see him but her. Brittney thought his face might break if he held it too long. “That much was obvious when you explained the power coupling system. I would like to examine the molecular structure of your armor if I may. The idea that the armor that protects us, will also provide power to so many critical systems fascinates me.”

  “Of course, Chief. In fact, if you have any questions or suggestions, I would be very happy to hear them," Brittney replied.

  He was smiling as they parted and she was relieved that now this project could get back in track. She had been worried that the delay might cause problems for the base's already stretched schedule.

  Ascension Main Medical Complex

  Ascension, Planet Atlas

  Centauri System, Sol Sector

  “Ah, there you are Jim. I’m Doctor Eric Ashton; I’m sorry it’s taking so long. I was asked to take over your case and had to review your records. I am an orthopedic surgeon. I must say that I have never seen the kind of damage you have sustained,” the young doctor said by way of greeting.

  Jim felt his hopes rapidly falling. “It’s an old military injury; an APC ran me over. Luckily, it happened on soft sand so it only pushed me into the ground and didn’t kill me. So I guess you can’t fix me, huh?”

  “Actually, Jim, I think we can,” Eric said optimistically. “The Talosian medical database has a process where damaged tissue and bone, as well as soft tissue, can be...... re-grown, for lack of a better word. It’s a relatively slow process when compared to a lot of other procedures, and you might be uncomfortable for most of it, but I think we can rebuild your pelvic structure to its original condition.”

  “Can... do you think you will be able to fix the rest of me too?” Jim asked, hope once again building in his eyes.

  Eric looked thoughtful for a moment. “That isn't my area of expertise and there is another doctor looking at that right now. However, I am led to believe we can restore your testicles as well as penile function. However, I can’t guarantee that you will be able to father children. It is my understanding that about twenty percent of the patients that have had this done are simply sterile. There is no medical reason for it that they can find; everything’s there and everything works, except the sperm released isn’t viable for some unknown reason. We have learned a great deal in a very short amount of time, and we seem to be learning more every day. As I said, the reproductive organs are not my area, so I might be wrong about some of it, I'll have Doctor Simmons come in and speak to you once he has had a chance to read through all your information.”

  “That’d be great, Doc. At least I’d be interested in sex again. I’ve had no desire since the accident. I think maybe the woman can tell too, since I haven’t had that many offers, either. You’ve given me hope, that’s more than I had when I walked in here. When do you want to do this?”

  “Well, we can get started tomorrow if you want. The whole process will take some time, perhaps as much as two or three weeks. Of course you will need physical therapy afterward, but that can be seen to when the time comes. You will spend the first three or four days in an induced coma so we can isolate and immobilize the affected areas of your body. Then we will have to begin to reform the damaged pieces into their original configuration. Once that’s done, we’ll bring you out of the coma, and Doctor Simmons will begin on your testicles. That will take more time than the rest, since they are considerably more complex," Eric explained. "I'll have to work out the exact schedule with him."

  “That'll work for me, Doc. Uh, I don’t have any next ‘a kin, so could I ask that you let Luke and Lara Belden know how I am doin'? They’s about as close to relatives as I got anymore.”

  “Sure,” Eric said, nodding and making an entry into his notepad. As he turned and walked to the door, he continued. "Just stop in tomorrow morning, anytime; I’ll inform the nurse to admit you.”

  “Thanks, Doc. You have no idea what this means to me,” Jim replied.

  “You’re welcome, Jim. I'll see you again just before we start the procedure, so if you think of any questions for me, be sure to bring them along. I'll see you tomorrow morning." With that, the busy doctor left the examination room.

  Bradbury Orbital Facility

  High Orbit, Planet Mars

  Sol System, Sol Sector

  Since it wasn't as heavily armored as the military facilities, the first civilian facility capable of building ships was completed in Mars orbit. After it was christened to honor Ray Bradbury, a Terran author who wrote many stories about the red planet below it, three ships had been authorized to be built; one medium freighter and two small 'light' freighters. The plans left one entire gantry open for emergencies, while beginning work on a commercial civilian fleet. All three ships will have small passenger areas that should be able to take the strain off the military shuttle fleet. After the three freighters were built, a new design for a long distance passenger liner had been approved for construction.

  The freighters themselves were a bit misleading as to their titles. The 'light' freighters would actually have roughly the same capacity as the largest Earth 'wet' cargo ships. While the 'medium' freighter would actually be able to carry both its smaller kin inside its cavernous bays. Since they were little more than frames floating in the dock, no crew has been assigned to them, nor have they been named.

  As a civilian facility, it would forever be the property of th
e Terran Council, however, the ships it built would be 'sold' to whoever wanted to buy them. There had already been several inquiries for the two smaller freighters, but the lack of interest in the medium was making the Council wonder if the project was worth completing. The problem was, they would need the larger freighters when trade with other races began, and the medium was one of the smallest of that class.

  Palace of Imperial Enlightenment

  Onalau City

  Planet Proferus Three

  Orgatan System, Gar Sector

  Glamia had known of the mandatory bonding. Indeed, she had been forced into such a dalliance with the last Imperial Overlord sent here. The event had been brutal and very painful for her. Although such an event need only be performed once a year, the previous Lord had insisted on weekly renewals. At least he had allowed for them to take place at the end of the work week so she had time to recover from the beating before resuming her duties.

  This new Overlord, however, had not beaten her. Although it was obvious this event repulsed him as much as her, he was surprisingly gentle. She had almost enjoyed the act. Once again she wondered what kind of leader this Shalo was going to be. As she felt the chemical bonding take control of her, she blushed as it stimulated her pleasure centers and cemented itself into her psyche. She was his now, and through her all the clans of the Tal-Glare she commanded.

  "Do you wish refreshment, Master?" Glamia asked softly. "I can draw a hot bath for you, while you replenish yourself."

  "That won't be necessary. However, you may retire for twenty minutes to recompose yourself. Return here at that time and give me a break down on what is happening here. Dismissed," Shalo commanded.

  Glamia bowed to him before redressing herself for the trip back to her quarters. He took little notice of her as she once again bowed and quietly left the office.

  Shalo had in fact been watching her very closely. Although it had been an Imperial order that he perform with her, in his mind it had been little more than rape. Neither party had been willing; although, he had to admit, she had begun responding to him after they had gotten started. Once again he shuddered remembering the event. He would much rather have a willing partner for such acts. Now that the initial Imperial decreed act had been performed, he would ensure that the renewal that must be performed every year would be done by the medics. After all she only needed to have his essence inside of her, how it got there was irrelevant.

  Although she was a half breed, she was not as repulsive as the rest of Tal-Glare race. He remembered feeling the powerful muscles under her skin; the legacy of her Tal-Glare lineage. She could have easily prevented him from doing anything to her. With her superior strength, she could have easily killed him and not even broken a sweat.

  With a sigh, he gave himself a mental shake and asked the computer for a detailed map of fleet actions currently taking place in this galaxy. He also asked it for all information on the mysterious ships that had been encountered in the Rataac sector debacle.

  He was deeply involved reading a report by the ranking officer that had escaped the Rataac sector when Glamia returned. She stood quietly beside her desk until he had finished reading and noticed her.

  "What is your opinion of the human actions in the Rataac sector?" Shalo asked.

  "Master, at first we did not know what to make of them as the actions and tactics did not match what is known of the Talosian Military. We have our spies there searching for any and all information they can find about the ships or the officer in command of them. So far, little information has been discovered, but the possibility has arisen that they are not, in fact, Talosian," Glamia replied.

  "Explain," Shalo ordered.

  "Our Talosian spies have uncovered two separate explanations. The first is that the heavy cruiser first encountered in the Rataac sector was the product of a secret Talosian weapons research facility created by one of their Houses. This facility is supposedly in rebellion and attempting to claim independence of the Talosian leadership.

  "The second explanation is that a separate tribe of humans, not previously connected to the Talosian race, has been discovered to have evolved in a previously uncharted sector. These new humans discovered a crashed Talosian heavy cruiser and rebuilt it with knowledge learned from the restored AI. It is said that the humans, with this ship, defeated a rogue Caldarian Super Nova class ship that had been raiding their planet. Since that time they have been building defenses and shipyard facilities.

  "I would add that our intelligence analysts do not give the second half of that explanation much credit. A Talosian heavy cruiser could not destroy a Super Nova by itself even if the larger ship had an incompetent crew. However, the first part of this is at least as likely as the first explanation," Glamia finished.

  "Are not the Caldarians also a puppet race under the control of the Alliance of Races?" Shalo asked. "They no longer have warships."

  "I believe that was also a determining factor, Master," she replied. "Although on Alliance worlds, there is a myth about several Caldarian ships that may have escaped destruction and fled. If the tale of the Caldarians raiding the new human world can be believed, that would provide such a group with a foundation of slaves and other supplies. Although the probability of such a thing is very low, it is somewhat possible. However, there is still the reality of an inexperienced crew on a patched together heavy cruiser actually defeating one of those super ships. It is simply not possible."

  "So, where is this new race of humans supposed to be located?" Shalo asked.

  "We don't know, Master," Glamia replied. "There is a great deal of misinformation involved, and we are still sifting through it. Several survey probes have been sent out, but none have as yet found anything."

  "What is the favored explanation? Are these ships part of a new human faction, or are they a splinter group of Talosians?" Shalo asked. "Has our new... ally... given us any information on them?"

  "Because of the strategies and tactics observed, it is believed that they are in fact a new group of humans. Further, the ARC military forces involved in the main battle in the Rataac sector have returned to their former positions far sooner than expected and in much better condition. We believe that the new race of humans not only provided support of their operation, but also had the facilities and knowledge to repair and refit the ships that had been involved in the battle. This has also helped us to limit the area we are searching for their base.

  "As for our ally, he claims not to know the exact location of this group. He is lying. His closest ally is the House that originally sponsored the supposed research facility. We believe that he is going to use that facility to construct his own weapons after he takes control of the Talosian Alliance. He does still profess his willingness to comply with the non-hostilities pact once his revolution has occurred. Once he withdraws from the Alliance of Races, we will have few issues eliminating him and taking the entire sector. This will also give us a better position to expand into the Benesian areas as well," Glamia finished.

  "Backtrack a moment," Shalo said. "You believe that the new humans helped repair the ARC vessels as well as taking part in the battle? So their base has to be somewhat near that area, correct?"

  "That is the thought, Master. However, there is a great deal of uncharted and unexplored space in that quadrant. Not even the Alliance of Races have explored it yet. However, given the timing of events based on the Battle in Rataac Sector, we have limited our search areas to these ten sectors," Glamia said and used her own terminal to highlight the sectors in question on the holographic map Shalo had displayed in the room. "Based on what we know and can verify, the new humans have to be in this area."

  "That is still too large of an area, we need to find them, Glamia. Our Emperor has decreed this. We must seek them out and burn their worlds down around them," Shalo said as he studied the big map.

  "It will be as you say, Master. But these are humans, will they not be needed?" she asked quietly.

  Shalo looked at her sh
arply. How could she know of something so secret only a select few had been told?

  "You do not know of what you speak, Glamia. If you did, I would kill you where you stand. Do not mention it in my presence again."

  She bowed her head in shame. "As you command, Master."

  Grand Council Chambers

  Elysium, Planet New Talos

  New Talos System, Carnius Sector

  The situation on New Talos was far worse than even Noren had been aware of. Grand Council meetings, meetings that included all the family leaders, were usually only held every six standard months. The last one had been canceled for an emergency, so this was the first time in a year that the Grand Council had met. Even before the meeting, Noren knew there would be serious trouble. Almost everywhere she looked there were hostile faces, low, angry conversations, and a lot of hostile looks at her.

  To be fair, they weren't just for her; the few people on the ruling council she had counted as allies were also getting hostile looks. When Admiral Goya and his aide arrived, most of the conversations stopped completely. No, this was not a good sign; this was going to be a very difficult Grand Council meeting.

  When the appointed time arrived, Noren stood and called the meeting to order. She had no more than gotten everyone to quiet down when a minor house leader stood. "Before we begin, I would call for the immediate recall and arrest of the Chairwoman, Councilor Noren. I would also call for the immediate recall and arrest of the Councilors Juntsie and Kentis. I would call for the immediate arrest of the entire leadership of our military for the crimes of treason and deception with intent to force their own agenda on us!"

  Amid cries seconding the motion, Noren pounded on the gavel to quiet the now shouting people. "I would hear on what grounds you are accusing us of treason Patriarch Borge. What evidence do you have?"

  "Evidence does not need to be presented at this time Noren. A call for expulsion has been made and seconded. From the response of the peerage here in the chamber, I hardly think a vote is required. Guards!" Councilor Anewl replied.


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