Neptune's Massif

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Neptune's Massif Page 23

by Ben Winston

  The casualties of war never change, no matter how advanced a civilization. Ian fervently hoped Cindy would recover. Too many people had been lost in this nightmare already.

  High Council Chambers

  Central Council Building

  Elysium, Planet New Talos

  New Talos System, Carnius Sector

  This is a New Talos Broadcasting News Special Report.

  “Good evening ladies and gentlemen. As you know, I am High Councilor Noren. It is my great honor to address you this evening.

  "I am very relieved to be able to announce that the crisis is finally over. I know that a good share of you have lost faith in the ruling council and that you have been told that some of us, myself included have been lying to you and hiding information that should have been made available to you. I can only assure you that has never been the case. However, how can you trust this?" She shrugged. "I have no answers for you. Each of you will have to make your own minds up about what has happened and proceed from there. At least now you will be able to."

  She paused to collect her thoughts. "The recent crisis was the result of elements of the High Council attempting to over-throw or discredit the rest of the Council in order to secure more power for themselves. It is a tangled mess of intrigue, lies, and misinformation. We must address this issue first in order for you to decide who you can trust. All the surviving members of the Ruling Council have agreed and we will be releasing all of our records for the last five standard years. These will be open to public scrutiny for the most part. However, there are some records that deal with military issues that must remain controlled access. However, some of those records do have a bearing on what we have just gone through. So I will tell you of those to the best of my ability."

  Noren told everyone about the discovery of another tribe of humanity in a remote sector of space. She purposely withheld their location but explained that was by the request of the new humans. She went on to explain that it was these remarkable people that saved the Talosian Alliance from destruction at the hands of the rebel faction.

  "While these people are biologically our brothers and sisters, they have never been a part of our Alliance. While they wish to remain independent of us, it is my personal hope that they will eventually join our Alliance as friends and not as citizens. They will be assisting us in the rebuilding of our military forces destroyed in the recent fighting. I am sure many of you have already met some of them, as they have been providing us with much needed humanitarian assistance, as well as locating the missing and identifying the dead."

  “We have lost loved ones, and some are still missing or unaccounted for. If you don’t know the location of a loved one or a neighbor, please report it to the closest Planetary Aid or local Constabulary office as soon as you can. We are doing our best to assist in locating our lost people, but will need your help.

  “Power and essential services have been restored to most of the outlying areas, and it is safe for you to leave your homes once again. Martial law has been lifted. We are still having trouble with some services, but those should be restored to normal within a week.

  “Due to the fighting, several vacancies have been created in almost every occupation. Please look to the message system for employment requests. Also on the messaging system, you will find opportunities with our new Allies. They are critically short in almost every occupation and have asked us to make known the opportunities in their society. However, if you chose to accept one of those positions, you may retain your House affiliation here, but you will also become a citizen of their society. So consider your choices well."

  She again paused. "My friends, this has been a bad time and there is a lot of mistrust among us. We need to overcome this as we are still at war with the Empire. The Alliance of Races has taken it upon themselves to shield us while we resolved our internal crisis. However, they simply can't continue to do so without our active involvement. To that end, we will also be expanding the opportunities in our military. We need to become more active in our own defense, as well as the defense of those who have stood between us and the darkness. I am sure this news may unsettle a great many of you. In truth we are still discussing how much we should add to our military. Express your concerns to your representatives. They will pass them on to us and we can moderate our actions by your will.

  "Grand Council sessions will no longer be twice a year events, but monthly. We of the High Council lost touch with you and it almost cost us everything. We cannot afford to let that happen again.

  “Due to the high number of criminals recaptured, as well as those who instigated this attempted rebellion, the High Counsel has decided to broadcast their trials on a separate comm channel. That channel will be announced at a later time. We made it through a very dark period in our history, my friends. With your strength and support, we will continue to survive. This channel, as well as all civilian broadcast services, are free to resume their normal broadcasts. With your strength and support, we will rise from this trial. Thank you, and good night.”

  High Council Chambers

  Central Council Building

  Elysium, Planet New Talos

  New Talos System, Carnius Sector

  Ian sat facing the reconstituted High Council, as well as the surviving members of the Talosian High Command. He had discussed the report of Cindy's actions with Admiral Goya and the older man had agreed that the report should be shared with the Council.

  Currently, Cindy was sedated and restrained in Main Medical and was being guarded by an armed and armored member of her own team. Ian had not placed her under arrest; the guard was simply a safety precaution in the event Cindy got violent.

  Ian watched and waited while the High Council quietly discussed the events of the report.

  “Admiral Williams,” Noren said as the small meeting broke up, “We regret the horrible circumstances that forced your Raptor team leader into her actions, but we cannot find fault in those actions. The men in question had already been sentenced to death; by terminating the lives of those men, she simply saved the state from doing so. From our stand point, this event is not an issue we feel needs be addressed.

  "Although any further issue is not our jurisdiction, nor do we even have the right or authority to render an opinion, we are very concerned that such a highly trained and potentially dangerous person as your officer could lose control to this degree. Admiral Goya and I have assured my peers of the lengths and testing you go to in order to prevent this exact thing from occurring. We feel that the cause of her current condition was one of situational circumstance, not one of training or a flaw in her personality. In as much as we can, we wish for the speedy and full recovery of your officer, Admiral.

  "I don't know if you are aware of it, Ian, but the entire community of Crystal Falls knows who saved them. The two Marines that originally accompanied them into the area have been asked many questions about the team and how they work. The Damocles’ Team are very much heroes to those people, which makes them heroes to us as well. If there is anything the Talosian people may do to assist in the recovery of your officer, you have but to ask."

  "Thank you, Councilor Noren. Thank you, all of you. I believe we have her treatment under control, but I will make sure her doctors are made aware of your offer. I will let you know if her condition changes," Ian replied.

  Noren nodded to him, smiling sadly. "She's a strong woman, Ian. She'll make it out of this."

  Ian sighed and nodded.

  “The next item of business...” Noren glanced at her note computer. “Reports indicate a return of relative normalcy to the population. However, the high number of wounded and the restoration of destroyed vital public services has not yet been fully addressed.”

  “Madam Councilor, we have received a large number of volunteers in both the medical profession and for civil services. We are currently setting up temporary aid stations in outlying areas to assess and assist the restoration of services and to get medical treatment to those who
need it faster. In most cities we have found that, other than some looting, the hospitals are still in relatively good condition, and some have even reopened. We have been treating the more critically wounded with the assistance of the military fleet still in orbit," Admiral Goya replied. "The Terran Defense Forces have been assisting us in this effort and have even been building urgently needed equipment for the most critical need areas. We are running into a problem with deliberate sabotage in some areas. It would seem that not all the rebels are as yet in custody. Unfortunately, the Constabulary in those areas is not yet up to the task of public safety. We are working to assist them until such time as they can resume that responsibility."

  "We are aware of your efforts, Admiral. However we are curious as to why Admiral Williams will not allow Planetary Aid services into areas where his people are still working. Can you explain this, Admiral?" Noren asked.

  Ian thought for a moment, trying to compose exactly how to say this without offending anyone. “Security reasons. Please understand, I mean no offense to anyone with my words or actions, nor am I denying the fact that Planetary Aid is an outstanding organization that serves a very viable purpose in our galaxy. However, the exact location of our facilities, as well as exactly what we do there, are still not very well known. Call me paranoid, but I believe that if that information were ever to become public knowledge, the Empire would stop at nothing to destroy us.

  "On Earth, we have similar organizations. They too serve the same purpose and are very much needed for those services. But those organizations are also riddled with spies and informants of opposing governments.

  "I can only assume, based on personal experience, that this organization is the same way. I vowed to keep my sector safe, and this falls under that promise. All that aside, this is your world, not mine. If you want me to allow Planetary Aid into the areas we are still working in, I'll pull my people out so they can come in. I mean no offense, nor is that meant as a threat of any kind. I simply don't trust them," Ian explained.

  "Planetary Aid is a good organization. That being said, we cannot deny the potential for espionage. Please, keep your people in place as long as you feel they are needed. Once you remove them, we will invite Planetary Aid to survey the area," Noren said and looked to each side for the nodded agreement of the rest of the Council.

  "Now, since Admiral Williams is building a new fleet for us, can you give us a report on our defenses Admiral Goya?" Noren asked.

  "Councilors, as all of you know, the recent civil war resulted in the destruction of most of the heavier elements of our fleet. While the bulk of what we do have remaining to us is still with ARC forces, we have been greatly reduced in our defensive capabilities.

  With the offered assistance of the Terran people, we should be able to rebuild a good portion of our losses within a year," Goya said, but was interrupted by one of the other councilors.

  "Excuse me Admiral, but a year? Even before the rebellion, it would have taken our artisans the better part of a century to build the number of ships you are speaking of!"

  "With respect, Councilor, we are not speaking of work being done by our ship builders, but those of the Terrans. Do you remember seeing that large fighter-carrier the Terrans brought?" Goya asked.

  The man nodded.

  "How long do you think it took them to build that monster?" Goya asked.

  The man shook his head. "I have no idea, but I would assume at the least twenty years, if not longer."

  Ian grinned. "Councilor, my council approved her design thirteen months ago. However, we had to stop work on her because of the ARC offensive in the Rataac Sector. We resumed work on her as soon as we had the room to pull her back in. Actual construction time was seven and a half months. We should be able to move faster though, if we can get more people helping."

  "More people? You must have an army of them as it is!" the man replied.

  Ian shook his head. "The ship was built mostly by AI controlled drones. Once we finished the station, we were able to shift the workers over to that project and get her finished. Currently, those workers are building the next station in the series we have planned. I did receive a status report from Commodore Hawkins this morning. He reports that your first four battle cruisers should be ready by the end of next month.

  "Several of the smaller ships will be ready before that, but for the most part, we are focusing on replacing your lost cruisers. We probably should think about sending your crews back so they can begin training on the new systems. Remember, the fighters they'll carry will also need pilots. The new flight academy is also nearing completion and has in fact, already begun classes.

  "There are several new types of craft available to you. We have been able to engineer a new variant of your Hornet fighter that includes an improved armor and flight system. The Shadow fighters are completely new, but not so different that your pilots should have difficulties in cross training for them. The venerable Centurions have been replaced with a craft we call a Condor. There are several variants of that ship your people will also need training on if you would like to use them. There are mine layers, torpedo boats, destroyers; almost every class of ship, all the way up to the fighter-carriers like the Tiamat. We are also sending you a new gadget our smart folks designed, called a defense network assembler that, once in place and functioning, will require about a dozen people to run, but give any invading force serious issues before they ever arrive in the system."

  Noren smiled as she saw the reaction of her fellow councilors. "This is what I was trying to tell you when we got back from our trip."

  "With respect Admiral, but... why would you be willing to do all of this for us? Not even a month ago, most of us thought you were rebels yourselves!" the same councilor that spoke earlier asked.

  Ian grinned. "Not so long ago, a group of friends and I struggled to rebuild a crashed heavy cruiser in order to defend our planet. At the time, we believed you all had been destroyed, and that it was doubtful we could find anyone willing to help us defend ourselves and our home. We instead looked for as many like-minded people as we could find in the shortest possible amount of time, in order to turn an impossible situation into something survivable.

  "It worked. With a lot of luck and hard work, we defeated a Caldarian Super Nova that had come to enslave our home. In the process, we discovered that your people had indeed survived, but we also discovered that there was a new, more powerful enemy out there. At the time we were still a small group of people operating independently of our planet. As a group, we decided that we would do everything in our power to help in the defense and protection of our galaxy. We found more people that could help, but we also learned that there were problems in the alliances that had formed. The races had only banded together because of this enemy. None of you really trusted the others and as a result, you maintained a form of nationalism.

  "There is nothing wrong with nationalism until it begins to create rifts between races that should be working together. A few of the most badly damaged ARC ships had to be left at our station because ARC didn't have the resources available to take them back to one of their repair facilities. We had no idea they had even been considering it, we had already scheduled them for refit and upgrades. When they were finished, and I let them know they could retrieve them, Admiral H’joles asked me why we had not only repaired the ships but did what we could to improve them. I at first didn't understand his question. I mean, he is working to defend us, so why wouldn't we do it?"

  "The answer to your question, Councilor, is simple; why are we willing to do all of this for you? Because you need it." Ian said. "We are building more of our stations and will be building more of the ships we've designed. We simply don’t have the people to crew them, so why are we building them? Because the ARC needs them. Those ships, after we have rebuilt your fleet, will be given to ARC. Of course we will modify them for the specific species that will be crewing them, but those ships are needed to defend us, so they will get built. Who crews them is
irrelevant. That they are needed is what is important." Ian looked at each of the Council members. "We already consider ourselves a part of ARC simply because they are fighting and dying for our freedom, not just their own. Nationalism shouldn't even be a consideration. We all fight together, or we will all die apart; it really is that simple."

  Mercy Medical Center Complex

  Psychological Trauma Ward

  Ascension, Planet Atlas

  Centauri System, Sol Sector

  “Cindy? Honey we’re home,” Shannon told the mute woman. Cindy hadn’t spoken since the fight on New Talos. In fact she had yet to express any emotion. It was like she was gone, and her body was acting on automatic. She would follow instructions, but nothing else. She had to be told to eat, she wouldn’t do it on her own. The only thing Cindy did on her own was use the restroom. For all intents, she was catatonic.

  Ian and family followed the medical shuttle down to the Medical Center where Cindy would be treated. Beth and Shannon had ridden with Cindy. Beth to monitor Cindy's physical health, while Shannon continued trying to reach her friend mentally. Also on the shuttle were Colonel Ty Anders and a fully armed and armored Major Corvis.

  Ian and Jenny held their children back while Cindy was taken from the shuttle in a hover chair. Major Corvis remained within two steps of her at all times. When the medical interns accepting Cindy tried to block Major Corvis from following, Ty stopped them.

  "This is a security issue. Raptor Command Authority. A Raptor team member will remain with the patient at all times. No exceptions."

  "That is against hospital policy, Sir," the orderly replied.

  "I will accompany you and explain it to your administrator. If the officer gives you an order follow it, he is trying to keep you alive, do you understand me?" Ty said.

  The orderly was about to argue the point but changed his mind and nodded. "Yes Sir, but you will have to clear it with the administration."


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