Neptune's Massif

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Neptune's Massif Page 25

by Ben Winston

Many of the people gathered for the meeting were upset about that and started talking. Ian simply held up his hand to stop them. "Folks, I'm not all that worried about them at this point. If they decide to show up here... well, those big monsters are what the Defense Network was designed to defend us against. I doubt more than two of them would actually arrive in the system, and both of those would be heavily damaged.

  "No, I'm more concerned with an Imperial offensive here. Their ships are small enough to evade fire from the network, although I'm sure it would cause them no end of issues, but a good portion of their fleet would arrive here ready for a battle. In that event, we need to be ready to protect our planets, but most especially the surface of Earth, not only from ground attack, but also from orbital bombardment as well. I'm sure many of you can imagine how well the cities there would survive something like that.

  "To that end, we need to plan and prepare. However, we need to do it in such a way as to prevent the governments of the planet from not only interfering, but also not capturing any of our technology. This is the reason I have asked you here today." Ian retook his seat to let them think and talk it over.

  A Marine officer Ian didn't recognize stood. "Sir, I'm Major Jeff Bradley, currently assigned to the Tiamat. Commodore Belirus promoted me in place of Major Simmons." He paused a moment in silent remembrance of his former commander. "Sir, as I'm sure you are aware, on Alliance worlds, civilian population centers are protected by massive shields as well as air defense cannons. However, on Alliance worlds, those same cities were designed with those defenses in mind. None of the cities on Earth were designed in such a manner, but if a way can be found, that would be the most ideal method of protecting at least the population centers. In more rural areas, as we've seen on New Talos, the civilians have hardened bunkers built in strategic locations that the civilians can run to in an emergency. Again, the community was planned with this in mind. Earth has several civil defense shelters however, those are mostly intended for a natural disaster and not orbital bombardment.

  "I hate to say it, Sir, but I just don't see how we could build anything like that down there without the Governments interfering or being able to steal technology. In order to construct anything, it would have to be shielded and guarded to prevent outsiders from entering the area. Even if we did that, it would slow any work we need to get done considerably. I'm not saying we shouldn't do this, I'm only trying to point out some of the most obvious obstacles in our path here."

  Ian nodded. "Well said, Major. You are also correct. In the case of a normal Alliance world, defense of the type we are considering would not only have been planned for, but have already been built and maintained for years. They had centuries, in most cases, to get everything built. We don't. Folks, at some point, someone is going to attack this sector. When they do, they are going to bring what forces they feel they will need to get the job done. To be honest, it could happen tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. That doesn't matter, we need to figure out how to get the planet defended in such a way that anyone that comes here to take the planet will not be given that opportunity."

  "Sir," one of the men from Phoenix Base spoke. "I'm Doctor Hans Schoffel, I am the lead shield technologies researcher here at the base. It would be a simple matter to design a shield generator system that would cover most, if not all, of the individual cities. However, installation of those devices would be very difficult. As the Major has said, the need to keep the curious away would hamper our efforts. There is also the fact that each installation would have to be manned and guarded to prevent the technology transfer. But, I would also like to point out, that these shields could also be used as an anti-missile defense system with reference to the nuclear arsenals of the planet. I am very much in favor of moving ahead with these installations, however it would take a great deal of manpower, even after the construction was complete."

  Commodore Belirus stood. "Admiral, ideally, there would be shields over the cities as well as the defense cannons, civil defense bunkers and fighter bases in each hemisphere, as well as a division of troops stationed at strategic points across the globe. However, none of this can be accomplished without the willing support of the planetary authorities. At this time, it simply is not possible. However, if I may propose a counter suggestion?"

  "Please do, Commodore," Ian said.

  "As at New Talos and as is being done at Atlas, we should build several orbital fortresses. For the time being, the ground forces assigned to the planet can be stationed on them. With standard Marine assault shuttles, they should have no problem reaching almost any point on the surface very quickly.

  "Secondly, we preselect the sites where shield units will need to be installed, in order to protect the population centers of the planet. I am told that, with the detection system you currently have, we should have at least a week advanced warning of any inbound hostile forces. We could assemble and set aside the required materials and equipment to rapidly install or set-up the facilities we will need in the worst case event. I know it isn't the best plan in the galaxy, but it should give us what we need while still maintaining security," Belirus said and retook his seat.

  "Do you propose we assemble something like a 'kit' for each location?" Ian asked.

  "Yes, exactly that Admiral," Belirus replied. "An installation kit for each site. I am still having difficulties with the language and couldn't think of the correct word."

  Ian thought for a moment. Such a method could work for larger weapons installations as well, but not for the needed fighter bases.

  "I can see how that would work for the shield units and the weapons systems, but what about the bases we'd need?" Ian asked.

  "Drones," Commodore Hawkins replied. "There is nothing we have that we can build faster or more accurately. In each of the kits for the shield and weapons sites, we include drones preprogrammed with what they need for their location. The same can be done for the bases, only on a larger scale. We prebuild construction drones, program them with the plans for the base as designed for the area we select and box them up for delivery at a later date. Hell, we could even build several extra drones to be dropped near rural areas that could build multiple shelters, then call in for pick-up. Those shelters don't need to have any of our tech in them, just load them up with supplies and leave them be. If we really need to have some form of security with them, we could always drop a FROG in with them. The pilot could keep the people back and trigger a new design download into the drone once it's finished. Hell, a construction drone is almost as large as a FROG anyway."

  "But the rural shelters will have a small reactor to power the shield generators and replicators. I know you said to stock them with supplies, thus eliminating the need for the replicator, but do you propose we leave out the shield generators too?" Commander Serena asked.

  "Yes, Commander, we only have the drone make the shelters deeper underground. We could actually include a few items in the construction, but we seal them in plasticrete, and rig them to melt down in the event the unit is opened." Isaak replied. "Like the communicator the Admiral first gave me when I was still on Earth."

  "The shield generator couldn't be sealed in the plasticrete, but we could rig it to melt down if opened..." Schoffel replied, thoughtfully.

  "Okay, it sounds like we have the makings for a plan," Ian said, standing. He looked at one of his other guests. "Folks, I would like to introduce Lt. Commander Alan Carlson of the Raptor Poseidon. I'm dropping this on him right out of the blue, so please be gentle with him. Commander Carlson will be taking charge of the only real base we have on Earth currently and with it will be the coordination for the defense of the planet.

  "I'm really sorry to do this to you, Alan, but I need you to take control of this project and get it moving. Contact who you think you might need to contact, but figure out the locations and get the kits built. If you need anything just ask. Do you think you and your team can handle this?"

  Alan was floored. "Uh, yes Sir. But, uh, Sir, the base

  "Alan, a shuttle with one heavy construction drone and five medium drones will be departing Phoenix base within the hour. Your AI will be sent the design specs for the new base they will build there. When they finish, no trace of the hell it was turned into will remain," Ian replied. "That will be your base, Commander. Yes, you are a Raptor team, but you will also be in charge of planetary security. We'll get you more resources as we can, but for now, it's just your team and a company of Marines."

  "Yes Sir, what is our Chain of Command?" Alan asked, still a little confused.

  Ian grinned. "Me."

  Raptor Poseidon

  Neptune's Massif Base

  Mid-Atlantic Ocean, Planet Earth

  Sol System, Sol Sector

  After dismissing the meeting, Ian asked Alan to remain on the comm so he could speak to him. Alan waited patiently and nervously. The truth was that he really hated the base they were in. He felt like it was haunted by the souls of those he had not been able to save. Regardless if it was haunted or not, it gave him the willies.

  A couple of minutes later, Ian came back on the comm. "Alan, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for dumping all of this on you like I did. I wanted to discuss it with you beforehand, but shit came up and then the meeting happened and bang; here we are."

  "That's not a problem, Sir, I'm not afraid of a little work, and this project is going to have a lot of challenges, I'm sure. But, it's this base, Sir... I don't mean to sound like a flake, but this place just gives me the creeps, Sir," Alan admitted. "It’s not just me either. Hell, even the Marines refuse to wander around alone."

  "Damn, it must really be creepy down there. But, like I said, there is a shuttle leaving the moon right now. By this time next week, it'll be a completely different place. I mean that literally. About the only thing not getting destroyed and rebuilt is the bay you're sitting in right now. However, due to the fact that you've been sitting there cooling your heels for the last few days, and that all the cryo-pods are finally out of there, I am hereby ordering you and your Marines back to the Hawaiian research station. I really need you to get going on this defense stuff, but there is no reason you need to do it right there. Go to Hawaii, let the drones do their thing, and when you come back, it'll be a new base."

  Alan nodded. "I hope so, Sir, 'cause this one ain't fit for man nor beast!"

  Ian started chuckling. "Where did that come from?"

  Alan nodded off to one side. "Gunny Sergent Holace; I think he's a bit superstitious." He paused, "Sir, I had another suggestion for the planet defenses. We could build floating missile platforms and anchor them to the bottom of the ocean until we need them. Pop 'em loose and fire as soon as they break the surface. Hell, we could do that with just about any weapon we'd want to build really."

  Ian nodded his agreement with the suggestion. "Yeah, we could. I would recommend not placing them very close to the base location though, I'd like to keep that location secret from any attackers for as long as possible. Hell, if we can keep you hidden completely it wouldn't hurt my feelings any."

  "I'll keep that in mind, Sir, is there anything else I should consider?" Alan asked.

  Ian looked thoughtful for a moment. "Just try to plan a layout that will protect as many people as you think you can in the time we'll have. If the Caldarians attack us, they'll want slaves, so they would mostly target the larger population centers and hit the rural areas with conventional weapons and ground troops. If the Empire attacks... well, to be honest, I have no idea what they'll do, so we should try to plan for the worst."

  "So, basically, just plan for the worst," Alan replied. "I'll do my best, Sir. I'll try to have an initial report to you by the end of the week."

  "That would be excellent, Alan," Ian replied, but grinned. "But, if you need until Monday, I'll understand."

  "Sir?" Alan asked not getting the joke.

  "Alan, this is going to be a massive project. I'm well aware of the mess I'm dropping on you here. I'd think it would take at least a couple weeks to get a handle on this. If you can get a report to me by the weekend, fine, but don't worry if you can't. Trust me here, I'll understand."

  Alan nodded. "Sir, about the base, from the sound of it, you’re going to make it the main planetary control center, correct?"

  Ian nodded. "That's the plan, is there a problem with that?"

  "No Sir, I was just clarifying it. Do you want me to include staffing as part of my planning?" Alan asked. "This is going to be a rather large base just with that."

  Ian nodded his agreement. "Yeah, it is. I got a look at the design. For all intents and purposes, Andreya is going to become the planetary controller. Another AI is already being built, and yet another is being designed as air traffic control as well as communications and data coordinator. For now, neither of those new AI will be as advanced as Andreya, since neither one will have personality programming. Basically, they will be 'simple' AI purpose-built for their tasks. After installation, both new machines will remain dormant until Andreya needs them. She'll have the authority to activate them at any time. We really don't foresee the need for more than just her until either the planet decides to grow up and become an active member of the Alliance, or we get attacked. The way I see it, the attack will happen first." Ian paused. "As for staffing, you can handle it if you want, but we have a general idea of what you're going to need down there and will send you what applicants we can. You can accept or reject them as you want. They're going to be your people, so you should get the final say on them. If you would like to do any domestic recruiting, please give Janet Laskar a call. She should be able to assist you."

  "Do I make provisions to secure the safety of the world’s leaders, Sir?" Alan asked.

  Ian shook his head. "The ultimate decision on that is yours, Alan. However, if it were me, I might consider something to protect the UN General assembly or at least the Security Council. But I wouldn't do anything for the rest of the leaders that we are not doing for the general population. If the shit hits the fan, they're all equally deserving of protection. Besides, most of them already have their own hardened bunkers they can retreat into."

  "That's true, I believe the UN also has a bunker, but I don't think it's nearly as elaborate as the one under the White House," Alan replied thoughtfully. "Would you object if I had them brought here in an emergency?"

  Ian shook his head. "It's your base Alan. Planetary Security is your baby. You basically have a blank check on how you want to handle it. I only ask that you let us know what you have planned, so we can prepare or adjust our strategies to work with it. Basically, I'm putting you in complete charge of the defenses of the planet. What most would call the military governor, but without all the pomp."

  "Commander, I have just received a rather large data transfer from Phoenix Base," Andreya said, sticking her head into the cockpit of the Raptor where Alan was speaking to Ian.

  Alan nodded to her. "So I've been informed. Please notify the team and the Marines to prepare to leave. We're going back to Hawaii for a few days. Also, there is a shuttle en-route for this base, grant them landing permission and guide them in, once they arrive and unload, we'll get out of here."

  Andreya nodded and closed the door.

  "Looks like you're getting busy, Commander," Ian replied smiling. "Unless you have more questions, I'll let you get to it."

  "I can't think of anything else at the moment, Sir. I'll call or just send you a message for anything else," Alan replied.

  Ian nodded. "Good luck, Alan."

  "You too, Sir." Alan replied as the channel closed. Alan sighed and stood. Well, at least they were getting out of this fucking haunted house.

  Chapter 15

  'Grand Mall'

  Civilian Section

  Phoenix Base

  Selene, Earth's Moon

  Sol System, Sol Sector

  Jim Beacher smiled as he looked at his new crew. He marveled at how quickly the whole process had taken once he made his decision about what to
do with himself. Being friends with the Head of the Terran Council certainly had its perks. When Jim had expressed an interest in taking command of a freighter, Luke Belden had arranged for him to be given the very first Terran-built civilian freighter.

  While still in treatment to repair the damage that had been done to his body, he had begun the learning process. Commander Serena had taken him aboard the Prometheus for the practical training he would need to command the big ship and two weeks later she had pronounced him proficient and ready for his own command, according to the regulations governing civilian commercial transportation. Since the Terrans actually didn't have those regulations in place yet, they used the Talosian guidelines.

  Jim's next hurdle had been to find a crew. He'd begun to think that might not be possible, but was assisted in his search by the Phoenix Base AI, Elias.

  Elias had made public the positions available on Jim's new ship, and within a week, Jim had been able to fill most of the positions. Of the missing positions, most notably the chief engineer and the executive officer, Jim had been 'loaned' two very capable officers that he had befriended during his stay on the Prometheus. He did have applicants for those positions, but the candidates lacked the qualifications required to fill them. So, until the positions could be filled by civilians, Jim would have two Talosian Naval officers under his command.

  Currently, his entire crew was having lunch together at one of the cafes in the Great Mall of Phoenix Base. He felt it would be a good way to meet everyone and for them to meet each other. Now would be the time to see if any personalities clashed, and better for it here than once they began making long trips together. Which, in fact, Jim had already been hired by the Terran military to deliver passengers and cargo to Benesia and New Talos. Once at New Talos, he would be picking up passengers, as well as a portable habitat module for them to live in during the trip back to Sol Sector. Where another load would be awaiting him for return to New Talos. The business was already taking off. They just had to christen the ship, make the shakedown cruise around the system, jump out to Pleiades I, then back to Earth. If there were no problems with the ship, they could load up and be off. Jim was excited.


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