Wherever You Go

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Wherever You Go Page 2

by Amanda Torrey

  “I can’t drive that thing. It’ll fall apart. I can’t believe I believed that you might actually be able to help me!”

  Giving him the most rageful look she could muster, she yanked her cell out of her purse and started dialing as she stormed off down the sidewalk. She’d have to cancel her appointment. She’d have to live with uncertainty even longer.

  “Hold up, Paisley. She runs better than anything you’ve ever driven, guaranteed. She’s got a—”

  She paused mid-stride and whipped around, pointing her cell phone at him. “I swear to all that is holy, if you start rattling off all that car collector number shit about your precious piece of ancient garbage, I’ll take a baseball bat to the headlights.”

  She hadn’t meant to lash out, but her fury at being given false hope about being able to make her appointment had turned her into a lunatic.

  The insanely strong sexual pull further fanned her flames.

  His face tightened and reddened.

  “I’ve got work to do. I’ll go ahead and call a truck to tow you away to a shop of your choosing.”

  “You’re really lousy at the follow-through, you know.”

  She couldn’t remember a time when she had felt so out of control of her temper.

  She blamed stress.

  “Maybe if you weren’t so cold, following through would be easier.”

  “Are you saying it’s my fault that you couldn’t keep it up? Wait one second!”

  “I’m saying that helping you with anything would be more enticing if you didn’t act like an entitled, stuck up piece of machinery.”

  With a hard glare to punctuate his hurtful words, he stormed past her.

  “Stop right there.” Paisley’s hands went to her hips. “Don’t you dare walk away from me.”

  Chapter Two

  Asher didn’t stop.

  Paisley swore under her breath as she watched his long legs carrying him away from her.

  He barely spared a glance over his shoulder as he called out, “I’m my own boss, cutie. Take the truck or leave it. Your choice.”

  He paused at the door and turned to direct his full make-her-knees-knock-together-and-burn-her-panties-off gaze toward her.

  He took several long-legged strides in her direction. She worked hard to keep her cool, but she still found herself pulling at the neckline of her blouse.

  Thank goodness he wasn’t an opposing attorney.

  He didn’t stop until he was nearly toe-to-toe with her. She had to look up to maintain eye contact. He lowered his voice as he leaned forward slightly and said, “But before you go, let me give you a tip. When someone’s being nice to you, don’t insult them.”

  “I didn’t mean to insult you. I meant to insult your truck.”

  “Same thing.”

  A chuckle snuck out of her throat, surprising her. Surprised him, too, if the sudden twinkle in his eye was any indication.

  “Please accept my most sincere apology for my rudeness.” Paisley swiped the back of her hand against her sweaty forehead. “It’s been a tough morning, and I’m stressed over my car trouble. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

  As she had assumed would happen, he opened and closed his mouth a few times without allowing any words to pass through. She suppressed the smile that threatened to reveal her manipulation as she watched the wave of muscles stiffening in his face as he tried to make sense of how she had so abruptly changed the game.

  “Do you accept my apology?”

  He hesitated, crossing his arms over his chest as if to protect himself from her unpredictability.

  “If the offer still stands, I will attempt to drive your truck. It will be tough to maneuver through city traffic, especially with all of the narrow streets, but it will get me there, which is all that matters at the moment.”

  He nodded slightly, probably thinking her kind tone was a trap. Maybe it was. Or maybe he disarmed her enough to make maintaining her usual attitude too difficult.

  She’d never tell.

  “Thank you. I’ll hopefully have it back to you by early evening. If you have a chance to fix my car and I’m not back before you have to get home, please take my car.” She picked up her phone and went to her contacts, preparing to add him. “Cell number?”

  “I don’t have one of those.”

  She paused with her finger lingering above the keys.

  “You’re kidding, right?”


  “Why ever not?”

  “No need. People know how to find me. And if they don’t, I have no use for them.”

  “You’re a business owner.”

  “I have a landline.”

  “How do you access your email when you’re out of the office? How do you stay in touch with suppliers? Customers? What if someone needs you when you’re out of landline range?”

  “I don’t do email. I work from my desk, and when I’m done with work, I live my life. Simple. Customers come into the shop or call the landline to make an appointment. When I need to order something, I pick up the phone and call. I’ve never had an issue.”

  A chill ran down her spine at the idea of not having access to information around the clock. Her phone rarely left her hand, and it certainly never left her side.

  “Give me your address, then, and I’ll bring the truck to your house.” She reddened immediately as his I’m-so-hot swagger returned at what he clearly assumed was a come-on. “In case I don’t make it back to town before you close.”

  His voice was husky and low as he grinned and said, “You sure that’s the only reason you want to know where I live?”

  “Of course. Don’t be ridiculous. Never mind. I’ll leave it here when I’m done and I’ll have my sister bring me home. I’ll pick up my car in the morning when you open up.”

  He didn’t reply, but she watched the battle in his flexing forearms and his restless fingers as he seemed to fight the urge to reach out to touch her.

  Or maybe her hormones were screwed up and she was incapable of reading situations the way she always had in the past.

  She’d have to mention this symptom to her doctor. If she ever made it there.

  “I’ll walk you to the truck.”

  “That’s really not necessary.”

  But if he wanted to slip his hand on her lower back to guide her there as if leading her toward the dance floor at the ball…

  She shook her head at the atrocious thoughts. Who was she? Simplicity? Living in a fairy tale dream world?

  That scenario had never been part of her fantasies.

  Her fantasies were made up of hard work. Winning. Persevering.

  Asher’s tongue.


  “It is necessary. She’s my girl. I’ve got to look out for her.”

  Paisley closed her eyes, grateful he was slightly behind her and couldn’t see the war raging across her face.

  Grateful he couldn’t see that for the first time in her life, she wished she were the girl being looked out for.

  Ludicrous thoughts.

  Her list of symptoms grew longer by the second.

  “And by the way,” he cleared his throat. “I’m sorry for saying you were, you know, cold. I didn’t mean it.”

  “Apology accepted.”

  “It wasn’t you. Truly. I just had a lot on my mind, and when I got that phone call, it threw me off my game. I promise I’ll do better next time.”

  She was about to respond to the next time remark when she passed the most beautiful thing she had seen in a while.

  “Now there’s a car I could stand to borrow.” Paisley stopped in front of the shiny red sports car. “Whose is this? Maybe they’ll let me rent it for the day.”

  “They won’t. Here.” The rusty door of the pickup creaked as he opened it for her. “Better hit the road.”

  She ran a finger over the bright paint on the retro vehicle.

  “The color is outstanding. I’ve never seen a red so clear. So bright. So… energetic.” S
he paused to admire the work of art. “This baby looks old. Yet it manages to maintain its beauty.”

  “Watch the fingernails. You have no idea what it has taken to restore that finish.”

  “You’ve worked on this car?”

  Asher closed his eyes and nodded. “Don’t you have to hurry?”

  “I could go so much faster in a car like this.”


  “Well, well. Someone is touchy… I’m thinking you have more of a personal connection to this vehicle than you’re letting on.”

  She waited for the telltale sign of his non-verbal admission.

  “It’s yours!” She had caught the way he averted her gaze and sucked in his breath. “How the heck did you afford something like this? Don’t answer. I don’t want to know.”

  He narrowed his eyes.

  “If you’re insinuating…”

  “I’m not insinuating a thing.” True, her thoughts had gone to his court visit. Perhaps this had been acquired before the law caught up with him.

  She straightened her shoulders, not willing to entertain any further thoughts about his potential criminal behavior.

  “Let me use it.”


  “I’ll pay you a higher-than-reasonable rate for each mile driven.”

  “You’re not taking the Ferrari. And the offer for the pickup is about to expire.”

  She struggled to come up with a winning argument that would help her get on the road within the next five minutes. She had shut down an entire defense in less time than that.

  “I’m an attorney.”

  “Good for you.”

  “Maybe I can help you with your…situation. I’ll pay for the rental, and in addition, I’ll grant you one hour of my time in which you can use my brain as you see fit. Help you make sense of the legalese you’ll encounter.”

  “Wow! A whole hour?”

  Asher slammed the truck door shut and stalked toward her. She fought the urge to step back. How was it that this man who had turned her world upside down so passionately could intimidate her to this level?

  She’d never let him see it.

  “Trust me, Paisley. Your brain is not what I want to use.”

  “You’re sick, you know that?” She scratched the back of her neck, hoping she hadn’t broken out in hives.

  She hadn’t been this nervous since law school. That had been the last time she had been afflicted with hives, too.

  “I don’t need your help—legal or otherwise. You’re the one in need right now, princess, and you’re keeping me from my work.”

  “I didn’t intend to insult you.”

  His body stiffened as her apology washed over his hard shoulders. Shoulders she had licked, nibbled, scratched, bit.

  Shoulders she had clung to as his body made promises he had been unable to keep.

  “Fine, if the offer still stands, I’ll drive the truck. I can’t miss this appointment.”

  He stared at her the way opposing counsel might—studying her in an effort to see through the shield of her words to find her intent.

  She knew she was letting him see her vulnerability, but she was too worn out to keep the mask in place. If she didn’t hit the road soon, she’d dissolve in a puddle of defeat. She needed to be in motion—keeping busy was her only therapy. And if denied therapy too long, she wouldn’t recognize herself in the emotional upheaval she knew was brewing.

  He must have sensed that she was on the edge of despair, because as he studied her, something changed in him, too.

  Eyebrows drawn lower, his body moved closer—probably subconsciously. The average person wouldn’t notice, but she was highly trained in reading body language. He slowly began to nod, and she knew she had won the battle before he even uttered the words.

  Asher went from nodding slightly to shaking his head as he reached into his pocket and withdrew a single key on an ornamental keychain.

  A smile burst past her defenses and hurt her cheeks.

  “I promise to bring her home safely.”

  He muttered something under his breath. She didn’t bother to ask him to repeat. Some things were better left misunderstood.

  “Whoa, this is lower than I expected.”

  He clenched his jaw. She smiled and turned the key, buzzing with excitement as the sports car revved to life, vibrating beneath her thighs and purring in her ear.

  “Be very careful. I don’t usually let her leave the state…”

  “Aww, I’m flattered that you’re concerned about my safety.” Warmth poured through her—not because she actually misunderstood whose safety he was concerned about, but because though she was on her way to her execution, at least she was going in style.

  She took a moment to familiarize herself with the car’s control panels—so different, yet so the same compared to her modern car. Taking a deep breath and summoning the spirit of her mom who had taught her how to drive a clutch way back when, she released the emergency brake and smiled when she didn’t immediately stall out.

  “Wait, hold on. I think I—”

  She didn’t wait for him to rescind his offer. She let her feet take over as they effortlessly found the magical balance between the gas and the clutch as she drove away from Asher. She laughed as he jumped back. Was it ungrateful of her to nearly run over his feet? She smiled and waved, surprised at how strongly she wanted to kiss away the wrinkles in his forehead and help him relax his tight-lipped expression.

  She’d take good care of his car. And she’d keep the fantasies of how well she wanted him to take care of her to herself.

  Chapter Three

  As soon as Paisley flew out of the parking lot with his most cherished possession, the reality of what Asher had allowed to happen settled in, lodging a Ferrari-sized cannonball in his throat.

  He had been thrown for a loop when she came storming into the shop like she owned the world. Since their steamy encounter, he had warred with himself. He wanted to track her down to finish what he hadn’t been able to finish. He wanted to hide under a rock so he would never have to face the shame of losing the ability to man up. He wanted to find her and lose himself in her. He wanted to pretend the ending never happened.

  He figured he’d never have to worry about any of it. She had made it clear that their affair was a one-time thing and that she wasn’t looking for anything more than what they offered each other for those hours.

  He couldn’t take care of one more person in his life, so her offer was too good to refuse.

  Though he wasn’t one to pick up women in coffee shops, there had been something about her posture that screamed out to him. Not victim-like screaming, but a strong invitation he couldn’t refuse. At one glance, he could tell she was someone who didn’t need anyone to look after her. She oozed self-confidence and independence, and he had to admit that it made him hot beyond belief.

  So hot that he had lost the ability to perform.

  He had been humiliated plenty of times in his life, but that was a new low.

  Every single woman he had ever dated had turned into a damsel-in-distress. He hated to admit that he had a “type,” but he couldn’t keep lying to himself.

  So when Paisley the self-assured goddess reentered his shop, he couldn’t help but be attracted to the fact that she needed him.

  And that’s how she ended up with his Ferrari.

  He kicked an empty box out of his way as he returned to the shop. He would stay busy enough to not worry about what was happening to his car.

  Though the Ferrari had never left Healing Springs, Asher had to tell himself that Paisley was a responsible adult—hell, she was a lawyer—she’d take good care of his baby.

  He put the Accord he had been working on back together and brought Paisley’s car into the shop. He’d get her fixed up.

  As he worked, he realized his cheeks were hurting.

  He couldn’t stop smiling.

  The woman had cast a spell on him. And he hated the realization that he was in no
rush to break it.

  Fantasies of what he wanted to do with Paisley next time he could get her alone had him so distracted that he hit his head on the lifted hood when bells chimed wildly from the whipped open door.

  Rubbing his head—frigging rookie mistake—he scowled as his brother frantically bounced into the shop.

  “What are you doing here?” Asher didn’t have time to deal with his younger brother’s dramatics. “You’re supposed to be making phone calls.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m good. I mean, I’m making calls.” Ricky pinched his nose with his fingers, then swiped it repeatedly. “I need money.”

  “Go back and finish those calls.”

  Asher turned back to the car, hoping his brother would disappear.

  “Ash, come on. I’ll find a place. But I need money now.”

  Asher turned and folded his arms over his chest. He had to stay strong this time. He had covered for his brother enough—he was ready to stop enabling.

  “What could you possibly need money for? I’m paying your bills. I’m buying you food.”

  “I’ve got people looking for money from me.”

  “Get out.”

  “Man, I need you to help me out. I’m not using. I swear.” Ricky looked to the ground before locking his eyes on Asher’s. “It’s from before. They’re pissed that I had to dump the stash when the cops were after me. I’ve gotta pay them back.”

  Asher moved toward his brother. Ricky maintained eye contact.

  “I will not be giving your junkie friends a penny. You got yourself into this mess. You need to go to the police if you need help.”

  “Fuck that! You know what would happen then?” His hazel eyes blazed brighter than Asher had seen them for a while. “Just give me what you can. I promise I won’t ask again.”

  “Forgive me if I find it hard to buy into your promises.”

  “This is different. I’m different, Ash. I swear.”

  “When am I delivering you to rehab?”

  “I’m gonna find a place. It’s hard, you know.”

  Ricky’s whine went straight to the part of Ash that wanted to pummel the hell out of his little brother.

  “You know what’s hard? Working my ass off to support a brother who keeps throwing his life to the hellhounds. You know what else is hard? Being responsible for said brother’s teenaged daughter when I have no frigging clue how to raise a kid. You’ve got to get your shit together and man up the way you should!”


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