Beyond the Shroud of the Universe

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Beyond the Shroud of the Universe Page 31

by Chris Kennedy

  “We do not know,” the ambassador replied. “Certainly, their home world is not on that planet in this universe, or we would have known about it much sooner. We mapped the system a long time ago, hundreds of years ago, in fact, but it wasn’t on our list for colonization. Although life might be possible on the planet, there isn’t enough ‘normal’ light for anyone to want to go and settle there. Even at noon, the planet would never be brighter than what you would have at late-twilight here.”

  “Although the planet wasn’t marked for colonization,” the sub-ambassador added, “the system has a second stargate, so we had a small observation post there, in order to watch for alien invasion. The outpost was unprepared for having the enemy appear alongside it, and the station was destroyed. A ship underway at the time made it out of the system and brought back word of the attack. Since then, the enemy has appeared more and more frequently, and in greater numbers. It is like trying to hold back the water from a dam that has burst.”

  “So…if the Dark Planet is the home of the Shaitans, it is in the other universe, not ours,” Calvin said.

  “That is correct,” the ambassador agreed. “We can’t confirm their home world is the Dark Planet; it may be somewhere else, but that is where the enemy appeared. We know the Shaitans didn’t arrive through one of the stargates; they just appeared there.”

  “So that is where we must go,” Captain Sheppard said.

  “It seems so,” Calvin said. “Another desperate mission against incredible odds. At least we have an advantage in that we’re already familiar with their technology.”

  “Unless they’ve changed it,” Night said.

  “Yes,” Calvin agreed, “unless they’ve changed it.”

  “I only have one more question,” Captain Sheppard said. “How do you intend to reimburse us for our efforts?”

  The ambassador hissed in dismay. “You would charge us in our hour of need?”

  “Your civilization still owes us for damage you did to our ships in the Tau Ceti system. There is also the matter of the war with the Mrowry that the emperor asked me to remind you of. How is it that you expect us to risk our lives and equipment for you, on a task you cannot do yourself, without expecting to reimburse us for our efforts? I’m afraid that just doesn’t seem very equitable, especially since it is quite likely we will be killed in the attempt.”

  “We will cease all offensive operations against the Mrowry, as soon as I can get the word to my commanders,” replied the ambassador. “Unfortunately, we have no money to repay either you or the Mrowry; the war has bled us dry.”

  “We would accept a battleship-sized replicator or better as repayment,” Captain Sheppard said, “especially if it came complete with all of the latest technology.”

  “I would like to do that, but I can’t promise it without speaking to my superiors,” the ambassador said.

  “What can you promise without speaking to your superiors?” Captain Sheppard asked.

  “Not much, unfortunately,” replied the ambassador. “At the moment, we have very little we could give you. We are almost to the point of eating our young or conducting an all-out final attack on the Mrowry. If you will attempt this mission for us, I will promise not to attack the Mrowry. If we are forced to attack them, it is likely our civilization will be destroyed, and theirs will be unprepared for the Shaitans when they shortly arrive.” He paused, then added, “It is the best I can do. Even then, we will still probably be forced to eat our young.”

  “I understand,” Captain Sheppard said, “and I hope it will not come to that for you. I will take your offer back to Emperor Yazhak and see what he has to say while you discuss our requests with your superiors.”

  “We have one final request then, if you are to leave,” the ambassador said.

  “What is that?” Captain Sheppard asked.

  “While you are gone, we would like to have the services of your hero.”

  “What? You want us to just leave him here with you? Why? As some sort of hostage?”

  “You can view him as a hossstage if you would like,” the ambassador hissed, “but you have seen our defenses, and I’m sure you realize we could not stop a determined assault by the Mrowry if it should occur. I would prefer you not urge them to make that assault, and I would like to keep your hero as insurance you won’t. From a more practical perspective, our admiral would like to have him inspect our defenses. Perhaps he will identify something we missed. Our situation is so grim we are willing to try anything, even listening to a Terran’s advice.”

  Officers’ Mess, TSS Vella Gulf, Kepler 62 System, December 2, 2021

  “What did they offer in return for helping them?” Lieutenant Rrower asked.

  “We got a whole lot of ‘Would like to’ and ‘We can’t promise that,” Calvin said. “They were very evasive about what they would do for us if we helped them. They told us the war was going poorly for them, but they may not have told us how badly. I wonder if it’s even worse than they indicated.”

  “It is possible,” Lieutenant Rrower said. “I don’t think they would have come asking for assistance if there had been any way for them to do it themselves. They may no longer be in control of the replicators or technology you asked them for. What information did they have for you on the Shaitans?”

  “The only thing they gave us for now, until we agreed to help them, was this chart.” Calvin unrolled the chart on a table. “There isn’t a lot of information; it’s just a chart showing a chain of 10 star systems. It goes from where we are now,” he pointed at one end, “to where they say they first discovered the Shaitan.” He pointed to the other end. “They also said they only hold the end system, plus the next two in line.”

  Lieutenant Rrower looked at the chart. “I see why they are negotiating with you,” he said. “To use one of your sayings, ‘they’re fucked.’”

  “Why?” Calvin asked. “What do you mean?”

  “You said they only hold the three systems closest to the end?”

  “Yeah,” Calvin said with the nod.

  “I’ve heard of the fourth system. I haven’t been there, but I know its name. It’s the Ssselipsssiss home world. The negotiators here? They’re fucked. They’ve lost their capital. They may not even be in contact with any of their leaders any more…if they even exist.” Lieutenant Rrower shook his head. “The reason they can’t promise you anything for helping? They’ve just about lost it all…and if we don’t help them, the Shaitans will be into our systems next.”


  Keppler 62 ‘e’ (Previously “Typhon”), Kepler 62 System, December 14, 2021

  The shuttle touched down gently, and the ramp started down. With a sigh, Calvin picked up his sea bag and smaller duffle bag.

  “You don’t have to go,” Captain Sheppard said. “Say the word, and we’ll go back to the ship. I doubt they can jump to the other universe so we could probably make it out of here with only minimal damage.”

  “No sir, it’s okay,” Calvin replied. “I’ll be fine. Just…um…don’t take too long getting back, okay?”

  “Hee, hee, we’re going to have lots of fun with the, what did you call them? Lizzies?” asked Farhome. “We’re going to have lots of fun with the lizzies. I can just tell!”

  “You don’t have to come,” Calvin said; “they only asked for me.”

  “If you think you’re going without me, you’re crazier than I am,” Farhome said. “I thought you’d be safe on your own home planet, and look at all the trouble you got into. Here? The universe is the limit! You’d probably fall into a super nova or something. At least I’ll be here to see it! I’ve never been close to a super nova, so that will at least be a new experience for me, hee, hee. No. If you’re going, I’m going with you.” He picked up a bag smaller than Calvin’s duffle bag. “I’m ready.”

  “That’s all you’ve got?” Calvin asked. “We may be there for a while.”

  “It’s all I ever need.” Farhome smiled.

  “I’ve got my
bags, too,” Night said. “I really think you ought to reconsider and let me come. You know they’re just using you. When it goes bad, which it will, you’d be able to kill a lot more of them with me there than if I’m with the Gulf.”

  “I know,” Calvin said, “and while I’d love to have you, I need you to reconstitute the platoon. We took a lot of casualties, and we’re going to need reinforcements. I need you to get them up to speed and ready for combat because I know there’s going to be more. A lot more. We have to be ready, and I know you’re the man to prepare the unit.”

  “If you say so, sir,” Night said. “I still think you’re making a mistake not taking me along.”

  “I may be,” Calvin said. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”

  “Just don’t get dead, okay?”

  “I promise,” Calvin replied. He turned to Farhome. “All right, let’s go.”

  Calvin and Farhome walked out of the shuttle and over to where the ambassador stood. Calvin turned and watched as the ramp went up and the shuttle lifted off. Within seconds, it disappeared into the turquoise sky. There was no way home until the Terrans came back. If they ever made it back. And if he was still alive to greet them. Calvin turned to the ambassador.

  “So? What’s next?”

  # # # # #

  1st Platoon, Alpha Company, 1st Battalion of the 1st Regiment

  Terran Space Force (Prior to Anti-Domus Operations)

  Commanding Officer Lieutenant Commander Shawn ‘Calvin’ Hobbs

  Executive Officer Captain Paul ‘Night’ Train

  Space Force

  Space Force Leader Sergeant Major ‘Master Chief’ Ryan O’Leary

  Squad ‘A’ Leader Gunnery Sergeant Patrick ‘The Wall’ Dantone, Cyborg

  Fire Team ‘1’ Leader Staff Sergeant Park ‘Wraith’ Ji-woo

  Laserman Sergeant Marcus ‘Spud’ Murphy

  Laserman Sergeant Margaret ‘Witch’ Andrews

  Laserman Sergeant Dan ‘Giseman’ Geisenhof

  Laserman Corporal Calvin ‘Bossman’ Davis

  Fire Team ‘2’ Leader Staff Sergeant John ‘Mr.’ Jones

  Laserman Sergeant Jamal ‘Bad Twin’ Gordon

  Laserman Sergeant Austin ‘Good Twin’ Gordon

  Laserman Corporal Irina ‘Spook’ Rozhkov

  Laserman Sergeant Anne ‘Fox’ Stasik

  Fire Team ‘3’ Leader Staff Sergeant Eric “Willie” Williamson

  Laserman Sergeant Ismail “Mailman” Al-Sabani

  Laserman Sergeant Jacob ‘Chaos’ Braig, Cyborg

  Laserman Corporal Dan ‘Danny Boy’ Anderson

  Medic Corporal Shaun ‘Lucky’ Evertson

  Ground Force

  Ground Force Leader Master Gunnery Sergeant Bill Hendrick

  Squad ‘B’ Leader Gunnery Sergeant Jerry ‘Wolf’ Stasik

  Fire Team ‘1’ Leader Staff Sergeant Alka ‘Z-Man’ Zoromski

  Laserman Sergeant Richard ‘Shipwreck’ Shipley

  Laserman Corporal Robert ‘Fury’ Scott, Cyborg

  Laserman Corporal Donald ‘Triple D’ Drake

  Laserman Corporal Rus ‘Overkill’ Rogers

  Fire Team ‘2’ Leader Staff Sergeant David ‘Market’ Hirt

  Laserman Sergeant Rajesh ‘Mouse’ Patel

  Laserman Corporal ‘Bob’ Bobellisssissolliss

  Laserman Corporal ‘Doug’ Dugelllisssollisssesss

  Laserman Corporal Brenton ‘Butcher’ Davis

  Fire Team ‘3’ Leader Staff Sergeant Ryan “The Big Gurn” Gurney

  Laserman Sergeant Milan ‘Gunner’ Vranjesevic

  Laserman Sergeant Pierce ‘Big Sky’ Tomas, Cyborg

  Ninja Sergeant Hattori ‘Yokaze’ Hanzo

  Medic Sergeant John ‘Gags’ Russert

  1st Platoon, Alpha Company, 1st Battalion of the 1st Regiment

  Terran Space Force (Anti-Domus Operations and Beyond)

  Commanding Officer First Lieutenant Ryan O’Leary

  Executive Officer Second Lieutenant Cristobal Contreras

  Space Force

  Space Force Leader Gunnery Sergeant Patrick ‘The Wall’ Dantone, Cyborg

  Squad ‘A’ Leader Staff Sergeant Park ‘Wraith’ Ji-woo

  Fire Team ‘1’ Leader Sergeant Marcus ‘Spud’ Murphy

  Laserman Sergeant Margaret ‘Witch’ Andrews

  Laserman Sergeant Dan ‘Giseman’ Geisenhof

  Laserman Corporal Calvin ‘Bossman’ Davis

  Laserman Corporal Jonny ‘Dark’ Minion

  Fire Team ‘2’ Leader Staff Sergeant John ‘Mr.’ Jones

  Laserman Sergeant Jamal ‘Bad Twin’ Gordon

  Laserman Sergeant Austin ‘Good Twin’ Gordon

  Laserman Corporal Irina ‘Spook’ Rozhkov

  Laserman Sergeant Anne ‘Fox’ Stasik

  Fire Team ‘3’ Leader Staff Sergeant Eric “Willie” Williamson

  Laserman Sergeant Jacob ‘Chaos’ Braig, Cyborg

  Laserman Corporal ‘Bill’ Obillossilllolis

  Laserman Corporal ‘Skank’ Misssollossissos

  Medic Corporal Shaun ‘Lucky’ Evertson

  Ground Force

  Ground Force Leader Gunnery Sergeant Jerry ‘Wolf’ Stasik

  Squad ‘B’ Leader Staff Sergeant Alka ‘Z-Man’ Zoromski

  Fire Team ‘1’ Leader Sergeant Richard ‘Shipwreck’ Shipley

  Laserman Corporal Sam ‘Mental’ Ward

  Laserman Corporal Joshua ‘Prince’ King

  Laserman Corporal ‘Sal’ Sallissollosiss

  Laserman Corporal ‘Phil’ Fillississolliss

  Fire Team ‘2’ Leader Staff Sergeant David ‘Market’ Hirt

  Laserman Sergeant Rajesh ‘Mouse’ Patel

  Laserman Corporal ‘Bob’ Bobellisssissolliss

  Laserman Corporal ‘Doug’ Dugelllisssollisssesss

  Laserman Sergeant Declan ‘Ducky’ Jones, Cyborg

  Fire Team ‘3’ Leader Staff Sergeant Ryan ‘The Big Gurn’ Gurney

  Laserman Sergeant Milan ‘Gunner’ Vranjesevic

  Laserman Sergeant Pierce ‘Big Sky’ Tomas, Cyborg

  Ninja Sergeant Hattori ‘Yokaze’ Hanzo

  Medic Sergeant Simon ‘Dougie’ Douglas

  Space Fighter Squadron-1

  CO Lieutenant Commander Shawn ‘Calvin’ Hobbs

  XO Lieutenant Commander Sarah ‘Lights’ Brighton

  Pilot Lieutenant Carl ‘Guns’ Simpson

  Pilot Lieutenant Kenyon ‘Bucket’ Salo

  Pilot Lieutenant Samuel ‘Sammy’ Jakande

  Pilot Lieutenant Hans ‘Schnitzel’ Hohenstaufen

  Pilot Lieutenant ‘Tex’ Teksssellisssiniss

  Pilot Lieutenant Jim ‘Sweets’ Sweeny

  Pilot Lieutenant Jerry ‘Brick’ Johnson

  Pilot Lieutenant Jiang ‘Tooth’ Fang

  Pilot Lieutenant Simon ‘Straw’ Berry

  Pilot Lieutenant Pablo ‘Bob’ Acosta

  Pilot Lieutenant Jeff ‘Canuck’ Canada

  Pilot Lieutenant Tatyana ‘Khan’ Khanilov

  Pilot Lieutenant James ‘Speedy’ Swift

  Pilot Lieutenant Denise ‘Frenchie’ Michel

  Pilot Lieutenant Miguel ‘Ghost’ Carvalho

  Pilot Lieutenant Steve ‘Heartbreak’ Ehrhardt

  Pilot Lieutenant Phil ‘Oscar’ Meyer

  NFO Lieutenant Tobias ‘Toby’ Eppler

  NFO Lieutenant Neil ‘Trouble’ Watson

  NFO Lieutenant James Alfred ‘Jamming’ Miles

  NFO Lieutenant Dan ‘K-Mart’ Knaus

  NFO Lieutenant ‘Olly’ Ollisssellissess

  NFO Lieutenant Faith ‘Bore’ Ibori

  NFO Lieutenant Erika ‘Jones’ Smith

  NFO Lieutenant Jim “Ozzy” Osbourne

  NFO Lieutenant Sasaki ‘Supidi’ Akio

  NFO Lieutenant Gwon ‘Happy’ Min-jun

  NFO Lieutenant Brian ‘Sherri’ Bouchez

  NFO Lieutenant John ‘Trudy’ Douglass

  NFO Lieutenant Thomas ‘Mays’ Yilm

  NFO Lieutenant Poon ‘Harpoon’ Yee

  NFO Lieutenant Ali Ahmed ‘Sandy’ Al-Amri

  NFO Lieutenant Reyne ‘Rafe’ Rafaeli

  NFO Lieutenant Aharsi ‘Swammi’ Goswami

  The following is an

  Excerpt from Book 3 of the Codex Regius:

  The Dark Star War


  Chris Kennedy

  Available from Chris Kennedy Publishing

  Winter 2016

  eBook, Paperback and Audio

  Excerpt from “The Dark Star War:”

  Sssellississ System, November 9, 2021

  “The enemy approaches,” Sal said, pushing himself back from the lip.

  Calvin let the lizard slide past him and took his place in the narrow opening of the cave mouth. He slid forward until he could look down on the procession below. The creatures looked like the centaur-like beings you’d get if you crossed a longhorn steer with a four-armed man and then added on an extra pair of eyes on antennas. They were creatures out of his nightmares.


  They herded along three of Sal’s Ssselipsssiss countrymen with some sort of electric prod, laughing to themselves as they used it on the helpless lizards.

  He pushed himself backward before one of the Shaitans could look up and see him.

  “Yeah, that’s our enemy too,” he whispered. “Those are Shaitans, and it looks like they have captured three of your people. We’ve got to find a way to free them.”

  “They are as good as dead,” Sal said, “just like the rest of this planet. It is more important to find a way off this planet and take word back to my people.”

  “What are they going to do with the information?” Calvin asked. “Just knowing the name of the race fighting you isn’t going to help defeat them.”

  Sal hissed, his annoyance evident.

  “It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not,” Calvin said; “it’s the truth. We have the same problem. We know who we’re fighting, but we don’t know where their home planet is, or anything else about them. All we know is they have at least a limited mastery over time because they use it as a weapon. If they can do other things with it…more powerful things…then we are well and truly screwed.”


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