Raven Walks

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Raven Walks Page 5

by Ginger Voight

  It was more than Sonja could take. Pleasure assaulted her from every angle until she lost control of her body. She had never believed in female ejaculation before that moment. Her entire body spasmed and as Constantine slipped from her mouth she screamed with the force of her climax. As she dropped to her knees, Constantine’s fangs slipped from Raven’s neck. Raven stumbled backward, weak and unfulfilled.

  Sonja could see he needed to drink, and weakly offered herself to him. “Raven,” she called, her hand reaching out to him.

  He could see her veins pumping below her skin. He groaned with his desire for the taste of her, but all he could see was the terror in Tracy Lynn’s eyes as her life started to drain away. Raven slowly shook his head as he stumbled backward, tucked himself away and fell out of the door into the darkness of the night.

  Constantine lifted Sonja up on the bed. Tenderly he kissed her. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. She was weak from her orgasm, but still had all of her blood intact. “But what about Raven?”

  He smiled at her and brushed her hair out of her face. “I’ll go make sure he’s okay. You rest here for a while.”

  She nodded and returned his smile, and within a moment she was drifting off to a sated sleep.

  Constantine covered her naked body with the satin sheet and left to find Raven.

  Raven stumbled through the bar, all the images distorted, all the sounds and scents amplified. Girls would gasp in shock at the length of his fangs, the paleness in his eyes. Constantine followed him as he tumbled out of the door into the night air.

  “Raven,” he called, but he did not turn around. Constantine trotted to follow. “Raven!”

  “Leave me alone,” Raven snarled. “Haven’t you taken enough from me?”

  Constantine caught up with him and grabbed him by the arm. “What about what I’m willing to give to you?”

  Their eyes met again and Raven swayed under the powerful stare. Constantine’s head came closer until they were a kiss apart. “Drink from me,” Constantine whispered, adding “Master,” softly as he offered his neck.

  Raven fought his instinct to feed. “No,” he whispered, but his fangs responded to his need.

  He could smell the blood on Constantine’s breath. Musk rose in the night between them. He wanted to punch him but he didn’t have the strength to make a fist.

  Constantine pulled him close. “Do it, you old fool. Do you want to die?”

  Yes, thought Raven. He closed his eyes and that was when he saw her face. Those bright green eyes. That long, red hair. She was a vision that called to him. He heard his name fall from her lips, a moment in the future, perhaps near or far, that meant more to him than blissful slumber at last. “No,” he finally answered. And without further ado he sank his teeth into Constantine’s neck, causing the young vampire to cry out.

  With a lot more force than he’d ever use on a woman or a sexual playmate, he pulled Constantine’s hair and sucked hard from his neck, satisfied with how the larger man sunk beneath him as his own strength was restored.

  As he felt his life slowly begin to fade, Constantine shoved Raven away with both hands.

  “You greedy son of a bitch! Wasn’t once enough?”

  The two vampires stared at each other, gasping for breath, rejuvenated and repulsed by their intimacy... their history.

  “More than,” Raven replied as he wiped droplets of Constantine’s blood from his mouth. His strength was restored, as was his resolve. He turned and stalked away, leaving Constantine weaving on his feet.

  Back in the dark purple room in the coven, Sonja dozed, her body still electrified by the incredible vampire sex she’d just had. Just Raven had been powerful enough. Adding that the overwhelming charisma of his younger counterpart and she hadn’t even needed them to touch her in order to dissolve into a puddle of pleasure and ecstasy.

  But they had, and her body still felt their imprint as if they had never left. Her pussy throbbed, her nipples hardened, and every nerve in her body was alive.

  When the slick, cool sheet began to slide down her body, her already heightened senses went into overload. She moaned and instinctively opened her legs, needing to be touched. Needing to be filled.

  She gasped as she felt an actual mouth make contact with her sensitive skin. Her eyes opened but she didn’t see anyone else in the darkness. All she could feel was a tongue skating up her leg and on her inner thigh. Soft kisses landed higher and higher where her cunt pulsated with need, wet and aching. She thrust her hips upward. “Yes,” she encouraged her phantom lover, and she felt the mouth respond by burying itself into her waiting pussy. The warmth covered her painfully erect clit and latched on it. Sonja’s thighs clamped together, capturing the lover she still couldn’t see. But she didn’t care who it was. She needed to come so badly it nearly hurt.

  The mouth responded with its own need to taste her. A tongue flattened over her clit as it sucked her over the edge. Sonja blasted off yet again, screaming loudly as she bucked against the unrelenting mouth.

  Her lover crawled up her body, and that was when Sonja realized her lover was a woman, with full, heavy breasts and soft, soft skin. A breast swung against her stomach and Sonja was quick to capture a hard nipple in her hand, guiding it to her mouth. As she flicked her tongue over the sensitive peak, her lover cried out and gyrated her hips against her.

  Sonja ran her hand along her waist and over her hip. Her lover opened her legs to her, and so Sonja threaded two fingers together and slid them easily into this stranger’s hot cunt. This caused her playmate to groan and grab her for a passionate kiss. Using her thumb to toy with her clit, Sonja continued to fuck her partner with her fingers as her tongue danced in and around the mouth of this stranger in the dark.

  Similarly, her partner followed her lead. She slipped a hand between Sonja’s thighs and finger fucked her in response, and both women were lost to their passion as the smell of their sex rose in the air. Sonja reached for another kiss only to find tiny fangs beginning to grow. As she tried to pull away, her lover reached deep inside of her and touched that special place that sent her over the edge into a mind-blowing, conscious-altering orgasm.

  “Oh God,” Sonja groaned, knowing that she was lost to this female vampire; her own lust betrayed her. When she felt the fangs pierce her neck, her blood spilled willingly into this stranger’s mouth. It created a sexual high she didn’t know even existed, and she didn’t resist as her partner suckled hungrily from her neck.

  Her last conscious thought was how it felt to come all around magical fingers, breasts pressed into hers, the smell of a woman’s lust overtaking her senses.

  She hoped that when she rose, she’d experience it again.

  Because Sonja knew the score. This was not the end. It was a beginning. With yet another magical orgasm, she knew she was ready to rise anew.

  Chapter Six: Abigail

  Raven returned to the coven with roses for Sonja. He felt somewhat vindicated that he didn’t drink from her at all, and neither did Constantine, but he still wanted to acknowledge their passionate tryst. She was a strong woman to handle two vampires at once, especially two vampires such as himself and Constantine. That she made it through without a scratch was a testament to that strength.

  She needed to be treated with the respect and admiration she had earned.

  Who knew, he thought to himself as he caressed the silken rose petals. Perhaps she was the one. Quiet, unassuming, yet a woman of indeterminable strength and grace. He found himself wanting to see her again, to touch her blacker than black hair and stare into those cat-like eyes. He throbbed with the memory of her all around him. He had never really gone back for seconds with a human before, but she certainly had been worth the attempt.

  He actually could thank Constantine for that. That was the biggest shocker of all. He’d intervened to spare her life. In the end, she might have saved his.

  He wore a rare smile as he entered the club and headed purposefully toward the
bar. He was surprised to find another bartender there, a male, with spiked blue/black hair, a pierced ear and dark Gothic makeup.

  “Hey, man,” the new bartender said. “What’s your pleasure?”

  “Where’s Sonja?” Raven asked immediately.

  He just shrugged as he cleaned out a glass. “Dunno. She never came back to work last night. Didn’t call in tonight either. Surprised the hell outta me. You could set your watch by that girl.”

  “She never came back?”

  “Yep. Abandoned her shift. We figured something must have come up but she never called. Sebastian finally broke down and called the police this evening when she didn’t show up for her next shift.”

  “The police?” he echoed again. Raven was shocked. Sebastian Crane, owner of their little hangout and a vampire even older than himself, was not one to rely on the aid of humans.

  The new bartender nodded. “Normally he wouldn’t have. You know how it is around here. People come, people go. It comes with the territory, especially with the help. But she’d been here a long time. Sebastian thought for sure she’d never get lost. Add to that some guy looking for his wife. Some woman named Tracy, I think.”

  Raven sank on the bar stool. Married? She’d been married? He felt sick.

  “Tracy Lynn Macer,” a female voice confirmed. Raven turned to see Abigail standing next to him, dressed normally, complete with a notepad. “Disappeared two days ago, leaving behind a husband and three small children.”

  “Kids?” It came out as a hoarse whisper.

  “Three,” she confirmed as she leveled her green eyes on him. “And if I remember correctly, you were last seen fucking her in the hallway.”

  His jaw clenched, but he remained silent. She indicated to his flowers. “Nice roses.” Again he did not respond. Finally, “Is there somewhere we can go and talk?”

  He placed the flowers on the bar and stood. He motioned with his hand and led her back into the back part of the bar.

  “Can I trust you to take me back here?” she asked as she raced to keep up. “Seems like when girls come back here with you they don’t come back.”

  “You tell me,” he bit out. “You know what I am. You know what I want. Yet you’re still here.”

  “I’m not afraid,” she told him with all the confidence she could muster, but Raven knew it was complete bullshit.

  He just smiled as he pushed open a door to a darkened room. “Famous last words,” he said in a soft, low voice.

  She gulped but kept her head high. He lit a huge candelabra. He motioned to the big bed. “Make yourself at home.”

  She darted a look his direction. “No, thanks.”

  He smirked. “Suit yourself.”

  He took off his coat and loosened his shirt before plopping down on the middle of the bed. She stood off to the side, and opened her notepad. “What do you remember about the last time you saw Sonja?”

  “Let me think. Oh yes. I was making her come all over my cock.” With smug satisfaction he watched her eyes widen. “Try putting that in print.”

  “I’m being serious.”

  “You’re being nosy. That’s a dangerous vocation around a place like this.”

  “So they keep telling me.”

  Raven leaned back with his hands behind his head. “And yet you keep coming back. What does that say about you?”

  Her eyebrow arched. “That I don’t intimidate easily.”

  He chuckled. “Or that you’re easy to tempt,” he countered. His eyes locked in with hers and instantly she could feel his mouth on hers, slow open-mouthed kisses to tantalize, to drive her crazy. She cleared her throat and shook the images away.

  “Not as easy as you might think,” she managed, but her voice cracked. Yet another lie.

  “No?” he asked, and then sent her penetrative mental images of his hand on her breast as he thrust his tongue into her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss that managed to make him as weak-kneed as it did her.

  She crossed her arms across her chest and backed up. “Where would you be without all your mystical powers, I wonder.”

  “In a grave,” he answered as he sprang to his feet. “I prefer this.”

  He came to stand next to her, keeping her rooted to the spot with his eyes.

  “Is that why you murdered Tracy Lynn and Sonja?”

  “I murdered no one,” he told her firmly, but softly.

  “Isn’t that part of your mystique? To turn mere mortals into vampires like yourself?”

  He invaded her thoughts easily. She was the moth drawn to the flame, even if she wouldn’t admit that to herself. He reached up to touch her hair. “What answer would reward me a kiss?”

  “There’s nothing you could say,” she told him, but even as she said it sounded like a bluff.

  “No?” he asked softly as he stepped closer. His head tilted toward hers and his hot breath danced along her slightly parted lips. She saw his desire to kiss her in his dark and clouded eyes, and as much as she didn’t want to admit it, the thought excited her.

  “No,” she told him firmly, willing herself to be strong.

  He moved away. “That’s a shame.”

  “Sex is your weapon, isn’t it?” she queried, both relieved and frustrated he walked away. “How you bait victims into your lair?”

  He laughed out loud. “A lair? You give me far too much credit.” He turned back to face her. “I’m the wind, Abigail. Nothing can contain me. I take what is freely given and I move on to the next donor. It’s really quite harmless.”

  “You call sucking someone’s blood harmless?”

  “It can be,” he replied. “You just have to know where to stop.”

  It was her turn to laugh. “You’re the ultimate hedonist. Like you would know when to stop.”

  His eyes turned cold. “I know exactly when to stop,” he told her. He grabbed his coat and headed toward the door. She wanted to call out to him but she fought it. He wanted her to follow, and she knew if she did she no longer had any power.

  She could imagine nothing worse. Almost nothing, she amended as she watched him disappear down the hallway.

  She waited for a long time before she reemerged from the mysterious back rooms back into the club. Her eyes scanned the crowd, desperate to see him again. Finally she spotted him, sharing a close dance with a young Gothic girl, whose jet black hair was striped with bright red. She wore a leather and chained halter top, short skirt, fish net stockings and leather boots, and was plastered against him like a second skin.

  Abigail tipped her head in defiance as she leaned against the bar. Raven responded by sliding his hands down his dance partner’s back and over the soft curve of her ass, lifting her up to grind against him to the thundering, erotic beat of the music. His eyes remained on Abigail as he began to kiss his way along the young girl’s neck, his fangs noticeably growing.

  He then kissed his new date, making sure Abigail saw the exchange of their tongues and the prowess of his kiss. Abigail’s heart began to race, and she was sure that he could hear her heart beat thunder from across the room, because she was sure she heard his moan in her ear.

  She was tempted to grab a nearby man to dance with as erotically as possible to punish him in the same way he was punishing her. But that came with even more complications, such as finding herself in the arms of another vampire who could be far more dangerous.

  She’d barely fended of Constantine as it was.

  So she opted to stand off to the side, head held high, making him wish it were her instead.

  Even though he knew that was her game, want her he did. He felt the other girl in his arms, her body responding to his, everything she had his to possess at his will, but it was Abigail he wanted. She, who had denied him her kiss. She, who had insulted him and doubted him.

  It was a game to her, he knew that now. Merely a dance around the flames, to see how close she could get before she got burned. If he were a different person, her consent would not have been necessary. He’d m
ake her pay for her curiosity much like Tracy Lynn before her. But because he wanted something from her he could never take by force, he would wait.

  She’d be in control. For now.

  But there was no sense wasting a perfectly good erection.

  Walking backward he pulled the young girl into a dark booth. Abigail watched as he pulled his date across his lap. She ground against him and Abigail could tell that their sex act was no longer simulated. His passion was too raw on his face, her cries were too authentic. Abi knew he had penetrated her.

  Her own pussy responded to the thought of him being buried deep inside. It was a hunger foreign to her. Especially when he bared his fangs and she wondered what it would feel like to have them sink into the soft hollow of her neck.

  The girl on his lap didn’t have to wonder. She jumped as he bit into her, and then slumped against him as he drank. Abi was so thrown by her body’s response to the erotic nature of his feeding off of another human that she had to wrench herself from his gaze and bolt for the door.

  Outside Abi gulped big mouthfuls of fresh air. What was happening to her? It was a story, one she hadn’t even wanted when it was first presented. She had no real interest in dangerous individuals and the deadly fascination from human groupies. But the minutes she walked into the club she understood the appeal – the intoxicating, dangerous appeal. She hadn’t been able to stop her feet when they propelled her to darken the coven’s doors once more. It was a bittersweet longing that as compelling as Raven Crowe was, she knew she had to resist him no matter what. She’d made the mistake of forbidden fruit before and it had cost her dearly.

  She didn’t want to make that mistake again.

  When she felt a little steadier she began to make her way down the dark alley. Her shoes clattered against the cobblestone. The moon filtered through the buildings while the wind whistled through the trees.


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