Bootscootin' and Cozy Cash Mysteries Boxed Set (Books 1-6)

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Bootscootin' and Cozy Cash Mysteries Boxed Set (Books 1-6) Page 51

by Scott, D. D.

  This year, though, she already had the ultimate gift, and it wasn’t wrapped in Tulip’s audacious packaging waiting under the tree.

  It was Cody wrapped around her heart.

  “Do you remember the episode in Sex and the City when Mr. Big has brunch with the girls and tells them he’s in love with Carrie?” Jules threw the concept out there for all of them to digest, trying to find a way to tell them how her life had forever changed because of their love and Cody’s.

  “Who could forget that?” Audrey took her hands off her tummy and squeezed both their arms, moving her slipper-socked feet back and forth between theirs. “Big said he knew the girls were the love of Carrie’s life and a guy would be damn lucky to come in fourth.”

  Jules laughed thinking as a cinematographer capturing this moment in life.

  Three best girlfriends having a slumber party, dishing on their favorite romantic comedies and comparing those stories to the men in their life — the ultimate way to spend girl time, Jules thought.

  She was so blessed to be approaching middle age and still have that only-in-the-movies luxury.

  And she not only had the girls — she also had the guy.

  “Who would have thought this would be us?” Roxy asked, done with her first drink and well into the second. “We’ve got each other and our cowboys.”

  “Speak for yourselves,” Audrey said with a bit of a heavy heart making itself heard in her normally optimistic tone. “I’m not quite as romantically settled as both of you.”

  “You might not be saying so out loud, but there’s something going on with you and Damian so don’t even try denying it,” Roxy said, wagging her ruby red nail tip at Audrey’s nose.

  “We’re sure not young anymore, are we? And it does feel good to settle down,” Jules said, interested to see where Audrey would take her question and comment.

  “Well, I for one still feel young and free,” Audrey said, shrugging her shoulders, picking up her glass.

  Then as if remembering she wasn’t drinking, she set it back down, the slightest but very real regret touching her face, even if for only a moment.

  “Why aren’t you drinking?” Roxy said, like a heat seeking missile locked on its target. “Is there something you’re not telling us?”

  “Easy Rox. Lighten up on her. Jesus,” Jules said putting her arm around Audrey who looked as if she’d rather be swallowed up under Jules’ protective wings than face Roxy’s well-meaning truth darts.

  “Now I know I didn’t here you spouting off blasphemous effigies on Christmas Eve,” Tulip said, joining them in front of the fire and the firing squad lining up under Roxy’s stewardship.

  “No, I’m sure you didn’t hear anything like that,” Jules said, rolling her eyes and handing Tulip Audrey’s drink.

  “We’ll talk about this later,” Jules overheard Roxy whisper to Audrey.

  At least she’d had enough sense to shut up since Tulip had joined the party.

  Jules was worried about Audrey too, but wasn’t the in-your-face, demander of answers Roxy was. Jules respected the journey to find one’s truth and thought it best to let a person arrive at those truths on their own schedule.

  Not that gentle nudges from people who loved you weren’t necessary steps along the way. And sometimes, those nudges forced you to take the path you otherwise would have ignored, if not run like hell to get away from.

  If the girls had asked her last Christmas if she’d be sitting on a rocking chair thirty years from now with a Music City Diner King who was moonlighting as a produce man she’d have thought they’d already had one too many cocktails.

  But life was all about changes and embracing them with gusto — whether they were planned or unplanned.

  • • •

  Cody slipped his arm and shoulder out from underneath Jules’ head, careful to get out of bed without waking her.

  He looked back at her while she slept, the most contented smile curving her lips.

  It still seemed surreal that something he’d done in life had been so right that he’d earned the blessing of her becoming his. And he vowed right then, that very early Christmas morning, like he hoped to do in front of God and the world very soon, to keep that smile on her face for the rest of their lives.

  He tiptoed out of her bedroom, making his way to the kitchen. He looked at the clock on the stove. He had a lot of work to do in the next hour. She’d be in the kitchen at 3 a.m.

  But this morning, he was making the coffee and a breakfast he hoped to tell their children about for many, many Christmas morning’s to come.

  Maybe, in fact, they’d make it a tradition to make Mom breakfast every Christmas morning. Yeah. He liked that idea. He liked it a lot.

  He turned on the tree and rekindled the fire then popped in Jules’ favorite Christmas CD.

  Letting Amy Grant’s angelic voice fill the kitchen and great room, Cody went to work.

  Going back to the tree, he lifted the small Godiva chocolate-style box from under the back left, lowest bow. Tulip had helped him stow it there the night before when Jules was busy with the girls opening their gifts.

  Careful to make sure he could get the bow and tissue back to exactly the way the jeweler had wrapped it, he stole a quick peak at his gift.

  Nestled in the bottom of the box, like a truffle, was a three-carat aquamarine princess cut ring surrounded by a square of white diamonds then a square of chocolate diamonds.

  All told, he’d chosen five-carats he hoped she’d wear and hoped she’d agree to the promises eternally symbolized by the finger on which he planned to place the gorgeous gems.

  Never more sure of anything in his life, Cody couldn’t wait to slide the ring onto her finger. Just like he was looking forward to the day in the near future when the band he’d bought to match would be added to today’s gift.

  Tucking the ring back into the box, he closed the lid then set the box on the breakfast bar next to her coffee cup.

  She always had a piece of chocolate with her last cup of coffee after breakfast, saying it reminded her of the sweetness of life.

  Cody had gone for chocolate diamonds in place of a chocolatier variety.

  He thought she’d approve.

  With Jules, it was all about quirky mixed with chic. He’d covered the chic with the five carats. The chocolate diamond connection provided the necessary quirk.

  And chocolate was an aphrodisiac.

  As if they needed help in that department.

  The latest Love Box and Weekender Kit Tulip had given Jules was still unopened and unnecessary.

  Cody didn’t need any potions, feather applicators, oils, or for that matter, any fruits, vegetables or evergreen trees to want and/or please Jules.

  His body had never buzzed with such an electrified desire as when he was around her. Like the frying pan now on her stove, his insides sizzled just thinking about her. Hearing her voice or watching her come towards him heated his world to full broil.

  And it wasn’t just the physical pleasure he found with her. To Cody, they were making love from the moment he began undressing her, touching her, clear through to when they’d both been spent and lay wrapped up in each others’ arms.

  Talking the rest of the night about their hopes and dreams and future together, they gave each other everything and received as much if not more.

  They couldn’t be any closer, he’d think then prove himself wrong the very next day by building an even stronger bond with her.

  His body shuttered thinking about making love to her with his ring on her finger, cementing their future with promises straight from their hearts.

  She’d given him the freedom, safety and security to live his truth. And he wanted to give her back the same but a million fold.

  Finishing making their cheese omelets, he put two chocolate chip bagels in the toaster and got the coffee going. Setting out her favorite honey nut & soy cream cheese and putting the dark chocolate truffle she’d normally have away until after she’d op
ened the treat for her finger, he surveyed what he’d done.

  Not a nervous twitch anywhere in him, his body still swirled with expectancy.

  Once he saw her smile, he’d be good to go. Nothing bolstered him like her happiness.

  Just as the bagels popped up out of the toaster, he heard her coming down the hall.

  His stomach tightened, waiting to take in her gorgeous just-out-of-bed look. Seeing her yawn and pad down the hallway in her sexy little t-shirt, sleep pants and fuzzy pink flip-flop-like slippers, he couldn’t keep the smile from his lips.

  Noticing the toothpaste smeared across her shirt right over one of her nipples, his smile got even bigger along with another part of him.

  “Morning, Sweet Man,” she said, a sleepy smile taking over her face, as she came up and wrapped her body around his, the vanilla mint of her toothpaste still on her tongue. “Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas to you, JuJuBee.”

  He finished hugging her, unable to ignore the hard surge hitting his groin as he pressed up against her body.

  He led her to her barstool and pulled it out for her. “Sit. Let me do this for you this morning.”

  She looked at him, acting as if she wanted to jump in and help like she always did without being asked. But meeting the plea in his eyes, she gave in, sat and smiled.

  He loved that look when she wasn’t quite sure what he was up to but trusted him to take care of her.

  Serving her coffee just the way she liked it with a ton of raw sugar, he then dished up her omelet, added the bagel and set the plate in front of her. After slathering both bagel halves with cream cheese, he fixed his plate and joined her at the bar.

  “You even got me special chocolate,” Jules said, picking up the ring box and holding it up, smiling as she examined the beautiful packaging. “You thought of everything. Thank you for this.”

  The idea of surprising her with something special to begin every Christmas morning exhilarated him, although he knew he’d set the standard damn high this first time out of the box.

  Oh well, she deserved it.

  “Just enjoy it, Honey. And know I’m making this a tradition for all of our Christmases from now on.”

  “Whatever you say, Sweet Man. You’re the boss,” Jules said, tossing her head back and laughing at her own nonsense.

  “Glad you finally got that straight,” he said, thinking he’d like nothing better than bantering with her at breakfast for the rest of his life.

  After eating and talking with her about everything and nothing, finding all of it fulfilling and wonderful, Cody cleared their plates and refilled their coffee cups, hardly able to stand it until she opened the box.

  “Where’d you get this chocolate? I don’t think I’ve ever seen this box. And you know I know my chocolatiers,” she said, once more picking up the box and twirling it around her beautiful fingers.

  “I can’t remember. Maybe the name’s inside the box. Open it and see,” he said, the suspense about to unravel his gut.

  He watched her open the lid, wanting her to tear into it at the same time he wanted her to slow down, so he could drink in as much of the moment as he could. He never wanted to forget how he felt right now, with all his dreams open on the table.

  She separated the tissue then gasped, almost dropping the box as she turned her eyes from the contents to him.

  “Ohhh, Cody. It’s beautiful,” she said, tears not even building in her eyes before starting to slide down her cheeks, smearing the make-up left over from the night before.

  He wiped her damp cheeks, thinking she’d never looked more beautiful than right now.

  “Here, let me help you.”

  He took the box and pulled out the ring, watching it glitter, reflecting the million gazillion lights he’d put on their Christmas tree. And he couldn’t wait to see how it looked sparkling in the morning sun when the full-light of Christmas day finally ushered-in.

  Jules held out her left hand, her fingers shaking so badly while waiting for him to do the honors. Giving up on doing it with one hand, she used her other hand to hold her ring-finger steady.

  “Cody, I’ve never seen anything like it. They’re chocolate diamonds, aren’t they? You’re amazing.”

  She gave up waiting on him to put the ring on her finger, throwing her arms around his neck instead, squeezing him so tight, he thought he’d burst, not from the pressure of her hold but from the joy radiating from her heart to his.

  “Hold out your hand again, Honey. I want to do this right.”

  She moved back onto her stool and held out her hand, again holding it steady with her right hand.

  Cody got down on his knees and slid the ring onto her finger, loving the way it felt to move full force into their future.

  “Will you marry me, JuJuBee?”

  “Yes. Sweet Man. Oh, yes.”

  She turned her hand in the light, moving it into the multi-colored lights of the Christmas tree.

  “Look at that,” she whispered, her beautiful smile firmly in place across her trembling lips.

  Cody couldn’t take his eyes off what he saw either. And it wasn’t the way the ring erupted into prisms of color from the colored lights bouncing from facet to facet. It was the light of joy and happiness coming from the love of his life. She was what took his breath away. At the same time, she was the reason he had so much life to give and so much life to live for.

  “Jules, I want to be your right now and all your tomorrows. I want to grow old with you. I want to share every night and every morning with you.”

  He placed his hands on each side of her face, drawing her to him for a kiss.

  “You are my everything. I need you, and I love you more than life itself.”

  “I love you too, Sweet Man, with all that I am. And yes, I need you,” she said, a sweet laugh of acknowledgement tickling her voice.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Walking into the 1900s Prairie-style farmhouse, classically restored with Douglas fir wood floors and Asian furnishings, Jules had indeed escaped the outside world.

  And although her world was pretty damn terrific, chocolate diamonds included, she looked forward to the annual get-away she, Roxy and Audrey always pampered themselves with shortly after ushering in each new year. And this time, they’d added to their group, bringing along The Moms and Aunt Tulip as well as Midge and Grams.

  A true retreat weekend in fifty acres of deep woodlands should get them all rested and renewed for the new year.

  Jules counted on the holistically-inspired philosophies of the spas they chose to help her achieve balance in her lifestyle before tackling another year. And she couldn’t wait to introduce the spa’s services to the new members of her entourage.

  Cody had warned her that the whole idea of body wraps, salt glows, therapeutic massages and renewing facials might be a little much for Grams, but Jules and the girls thought she’d get a kick out of it. And so would they experiencing it with her.

  The woman was non-stop entertainment, especially now that Tulip had her immersed in the world of aphrodisiacs. Hell, with those two sex-crazed lunatics, Jules almost felt sorry for the masseuses, hoping for big strong women instead of drop-dead-should-have-been-cabana boys.

  “What the hell’s an Ayurvedic Udwartan Ritual treatment? That sounds kind of kinky to me. Sign me up for that one,” Grams said, studying the brochure the spa proprietor had given to each of them upon their arrival.

  “It’s a ritual beginning with an invigorating foot soak followed by a tea infusion body scrub including a blend of herbs and aromatic oils,” Jules said, only imagining what thoughts were going wild in Grams’ head after the explanation. “When that’s done, you take a gentle rain shower and receive an hour-long massage.”

  “Damn, Tulip. We’ll have to check some of those herb and oils out for the market,” Grams said, looking forward to retiring from the diner to help Tulip run the produce market.

  “I still can’t imagine Grams, Tulip and aphrod
isiacs,” Roxy said, claiming one of the antique beds in the sleeper dorm she, Jules and Audrey would be sharing. “You think Tulip’s going to be okay without all her patients?”

  “Heck, she has all of us to work on. What’s there to miss?” Audrey asked.

  “Damn, you’re right. I didn’t think of that. Shit. Good thing we’re being revitalized and rejuvenated,” Roxy said, rolling her eyes and dragging her luggage to her bed. “And damn if these aren’t one hundred percent Italian linens. Good choice, Jules.”

  “I thought you’d be pleased,” Jules said, more than ready to indulge in the healing massage and renewing facial she’d booked for herself, Roxy and Audrey.

  The three of them needed the together time, and they’d probably need more than one weekend a year with Tulip as a new Music City local.

  Lucky for Jules’ sanity, Tulip had finally found the perfect house and moved out of her and Cody’s home. Jules loved her so much and so did Cody, but they could only take the Rosalind Focker thing for so long.

  And besides, Tulip had their prosthetic-eared mailman to keep her occupied. And the lucky devil couldn’t hear her half the time, making Jules fairly confident their relationship was Nirvana for all of them.

  “Get your stuff put away and into those robes, chicks, we’ve got some A-list pampering ahead of us,” Jules commanded.

  Less than a half hour later, they were face down on massage tables, masseuses working their bodies with sensationally fragrant oils and scrubs. Jules breathed in deep, letting the massage and heady scents restore her energy and revitalize her spirit.

  “So when’s that party you’re doing for Sienna for Evan’s new album release?” Roxy asked Jules then groaned as her masseuse evidently worked out some tight knot somewhere in her lower butt.

  “Right before Valentine’s Day, I think. Not a good time for the bakery, but I can handle it,” Jules said, hoping to convince herself as well as Roxy.

  “You could always call Jacques,” Roxy said with her ‘now-there’s-a-brilliant-idea’ ‘yeah-whatever’ smart ass bravado.

  “I’ll get right on that. Did you forget he retired?” Jules said, rolling her eyes then laughing.


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