
Home > Other > Monster > Page 1
Monster Page 1

by Yolanda Olson


  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. June 26, 2015.

  Copyright © 2015 Yolanda Olson.

  Written by Yolanda Olson.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  I. Outsider

  2. Cat and Mouse

  3. Unlucky | (Day One)

  4. Secrets | (Day Two)

  5. Origins | (Day Three)

  6. Hunted | (Day Four)

  7. Hell Hath No Fury | (Day Five)

  8. The Fledgling Problem | (Day Six)

  9. The Demon Principle | (Day Ten)

  10. The New Girl | (Day Eleven)

  11. Death | (Day Twelve)

  12. The Wild Card | (Day 14)

  13. Resurrection | (Day 16)

  14. The Spare Prince | (Day 18)

  15. Unleashed | (Day 19)

  16. Surprise, Surprise | (Day 20)

  17. Final Transformation | (Day 21)

  18. Death, Again. | (Dawn of Day 22)

  19. The Quiet Place | (Dusk of Day 22)

  The Final Days

  20. Planning An Escape | (Day 23)

  part I | Charlie

  21. Missing

  Part Ii | Kaeden

  22. Strategy | (Day 25)

  Part III | Cody

  Part IV | Ava

  24. The Children

  Part V | Ryker

  25. Embrace | (Day 26)

  Part VI | Finnegan

  26. Preparations | (Day 27)

  27. One Last Surprise | (Day 28)

  28. Tomorrow | (Day 29)

  29. A Beautiful Death | (The Last Day)



  I stalked angrily into the abandoned house. I knew that the only thing that would sway my rage right now would be to write in my journal. Shoving open the door to my room, I flipped the light switch on watching the room flood with a flickering light. I’d have to get a new light bulb soon.

  Callously walking to my desk I began to fish around in the top drawer careful not to look into the mirror I had smashed the first night I had been changed. Finally my hand clasped around the worn leather book. Pulling it out, I flipped to a clean page, grabbed my pen and began to scribble furiously.

  Day 968.

  I’m still a monster.

  I hate this life.

  I’ll never get used to it.

  I’m not a wild animal.

  Yet I have to kill just to survive.

  I hate him even more though.

  For abandoning me like an unwanted child.

  How could he?

  How dare he?

  But I know that I’m close to finding him.

  He gave me life and so help me, he will give me death.

  Snapping the book shut with a flick of my wrist, I tossed it across the room enraged. I listened to the dull thump as it hit the boarded up windows and then slide to the floor. Putting my head in my hands, I felt the tears start to slide from my eyes.

  I was actually surprised to feel that.

  The liquid bitterness that was flowing slowly down my face.

  I never knew that monsters could cry.

  Gingerly wiping the tears from my face, I glanced at the mirror that was attached to the old wooden desk. I pushed my side bangs back out of my face and glanced at my reflection.

  As if making me a monster wasn’t enough, whatever it was that he had done to me, altered my appearance. My crystal, ice-cold blue eyes stared back at me in a mocking way. I missed my light brown eyes. They were so full of life and pretty; caring and warm. Now I was stuck with lifeless, uncaring eyes. Scoffing I leaned into the mirror and stared at them. Most people would love to have eyes like this. I would give anything to have my old ones back.

  Leaning even closer to the mirror I stared at my ivory colored skin. I could double as a bed sheet if I wanted too. I looked like I had never seen the sun in my entire life. Even the golden skin color I once had was drained from me. I really had become a walking, lifeless shell of what I once was.

  Sighing I got up and flopped down onto the old mattress by the window and peeked out through the cracks into the fading night sky. I knew I was close to finding him I had to be. I had tracked his scent here to Devils Lake. All I wanted was for him to end my miserable existence.

  Rolling on my side, I saw that dawn would be approaching soon. I knew I should move away from the window since it didn’t completely blot out the sun, but I felt the need for a little self-punishment for the life I had taken earlier just to sustain myself.

  Closing my eyes, I felt the warmth of morning rising and the feeling of the sun beginning to burn parts of my face and arms. Smiling I fell into a deep sleep.

  Because to me, sleep was the closest comfort I had to death.

  I. Outsider

  When I woke up the next evening I still had the smile on my face that I had fallen asleep with. Blinking a couple of times, I looked through the slanted, spaced out boards on the window and coughed. Sitting up I felt the ash of my burned skin fall off of me and I chuckled. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried to do myself in, it just wasn’t going to happen. He’d made me bulletproof. Probably just to spite me, but I’d find out soon enough.

  Plucking off the dead burnt skin, I sat there for a moment. I always had this feeling that I’d run across him soon but today it was stronger than ever. He wouldn’t be hard to spot in a town like this, not to mention that his face was burned into my memory. I guess it’s easy to remember certain things though.

  Your first kiss. Your first love. Your first car. The first person that killed you. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. It seemed fitting though. I didn’t mind the tortuous memories of my first death because I felt that I deserved them.

  That pain had been unbearable. The acidic liquid burning my blood, breaking down the blood cells and replacing them with this venom had been particularly excruciating. I writhed around on the ground feeling like my heart was going to literally burst from the work it seemed to be doing to fight off the toxicity. Even my skin burned as the color faded from it; stolen from me like a sneak thief.

  My eyes. I put my face in my hands and thought about that particular moment.

  When my eyes changed is when I felt my soul rip into pieces and escape from me.

  Almost like that window that everyone talks about that had been opened and a tornado came in taking the color back to where it came from.

  I sat there in dark silence for a moment. I wasn’t going to think about it anymore. Not now anyway. I had more important things to do. I needed to find him and since I had already eaten the night before, I knew that would hold me for a few days. Being a monster has it perks if you can get around certain things. I had taught myself to survive off of a single feeding for at least four days.

  Finally getting to my feet I yanked off one of the boards that had been crudely hammered onto the window. Maybe this time when I went to sleep the damage would be so irreparable that I wouldn’t wake up.

  A grim smile spread across my face when I saw the wealth of moonlight now spilling into the room. This would definitely do the trick if anything would. Turning away from my newest solace, I quickly got dressed in a black ribbed tank top, blue slim fit denim jeans, and a pair of work boots. Then I walked over to my beloved writing table and grabbed my black hooded jacket. Pulling it low over my head I headed down the broken steps and out the front door.

  This outfit happened to have the most meaning to me. It was what I was wearing the day he changed me and since I had a feeling I'd be seeing him tonight, I was going to make sure that he was going to
be haunted by a devilish ghost.

  When I reached the rickety iron gate that lined the property I grinned. Pushing aside the door, I couldn't help but think that I had picked an amazing place to call my own this time. Taking a look behind my shoulder, I smiled at the run down two story mess. It looked like in its heyday it had been an amazing Spanish style house. If I planted some flowers, maybe dug up the weeds, did some painting and so forth, it'd be breathtaking to behold. I'd get to that right after I was done with my priority.

  Purposefully, I started down the street. I had gotten his scent last night but I had lost him. I remember reading one time that pheromones play a big part in being attracted to someone, and with this new heightened sense of smell, he was definitely going to have hell to pay when I caught him. My sense of smell was so strong that I picked up his trail two states away.

  Skiles Dyson was the blazing object of my hatred. A hatred I felt burning with the fire of one thousand hells. I had to hand it to him though, he was quite the charmer. He'd charmed me right out of mortality.

  I had met him one night when some friends and I had gotten separated at an amusement park.

  Night had already fallen and I was wandering around the fairgrounds looking at the rides lit up with an insane number of colors. I remember laughing when I saw couples go whizzing by in roller coasters. The girls screaming and their boyfriends laughing. I remember seeing the guys with their girls trying to win them stuffed animals at the game booths, and the sounds of children running by and screaming with laughter.

  I had stopped to buy a soda when I heard a charismatic voice next to me.

  “Hey,” he had started, “let me pay for that.”

  Turning slightly to the side, I smiled thinking I had all the luck in the world when I saw him. Beautiful short sandalwood brown hair, piercing blue-grey eyes, and smooth pale, white skin. He looked to be about six feet tall, with a slim slightly muscular build.

  Even though the air had a slight chill to it that evening, he only wore a black V-neck shirt, loose fitting jeans, and a pair of black boots.

  “Thanks,” I had coyly replied.

  Smiling to myself, I remember taking the straw in between two fingers and sipping my drink with what I had hoped at the time was an enticing look. A little grin, look up at him from under my hood, bat the eyelashes a little. Yeah, it had all worked. I had definitely gotten his attention.

  So of course when he asked me if he could walk with me for a little while I had said yes. The only thing I could think about was all the jealous looks other girls in the place were giving me, but my sole focus after about twenty minutes had rested completely on him.

  “So I guess I should tell you my name,” he said with a grin.

  “And then maybe I’ll tell you mine,” I had replied flirtatiously.

  Laughing he had stopped to face me. “Name’s Skiles.”

  “Skiles? I like that. It’s different but in a good way,” I had replied provoking another laugh from him.

  “Well, thanks. May I ask your name,” he said leaning against Ferris Wheel gate.

  “Maybe. I’ll tell you up there,” I said pointing to the ride that was now starting to let people on.

  “Then let’s go.” He grabbed me by the hand and walked directly to the front of the line. I laughed and let him drag me up to the next waiting pair of seats and looked at him while the attendant made sure that the bar was securely in place.

  “I think you should know something,” I said conspiratorially.

  “What’s that,” he had asked with a grin.

  “I’m terrified of heights,” I said grabbing onto his arm when the wheel jerked to life.

  That was when I had first truly gotten the scent of him. I couldn’t describe how he smelled to me, only that it was sublime. Almost like a crisp cool breeze through a tropical rainforest. With an arm around my shoulders he pulled me close to him and laughed at my terrified squeals whenever we reached the top. When the ride had finally ended, the wheel had jerked to a stop with us at the top to let people off.

  “So tell me your name,” he said squeezing my shoulders.

  “Finnegan,” I had replied shrinking closer to him, as the wheel slightly lurched forward. Stopping again, it left us still at the top, only one seat down. My body began to shake with fear.

  “Finnegan?” he repeated with a playful tone, “and you thought my name was different?”

  Jerking my head up I looked at him with a shocked expression, which caused him to laugh. I remember shoving him so hard in his chest that our bucket had begun to rock back and forth causing me to squeal again and dive back into his arms for protection.

  “Sorry it’s not cool enough,” I muttered.

  “Oh it’s fine, I was just teasing you,” he had said patting my shoulder. “Let’s get back to the ground and we can talk more.”

  I shook away those last words. I felt the anger starting to rise more. I didn’t know if it had been my want to show off what I had just ‘acquired’ or if I had wanted to just be seen with him, but kids can be stupid. Once the pride or curiosity sets in, boom! We’re goners. And while it’s true that curiosity killed this cat, I was still going to have my revenge.

  So I made my way down the quiet abandoned street. I decided to walk this time so I could stretch my legs and be agile. Just in case. I felt the cool breeze go by me again, and with as badly as I wanted it to affect me like it once did before, I felt nothing.

  Sighing I kept walking in long strides to the fairgrounds. A carnival had come to the town a few nights before and was finally open. When I had seen the rides, animals, and wagons go by I had thought to myself that I wouldn’t be surprised to find him there.

  I saw the lights shining brightly on the horizon as the Ferris Wheel or Death Wheel as I had come to call it, made its rounds in a continuous circle. Keeping my eyes on it, I squinted to see if he might be on it yet. Not yet, I thought to myself bitterly, but I know he won’t be able to resist.

  I walked the next few blocks quickly and focused. His scent was getting stronger and stronger the closer I got to the fairgrounds. I could hear the children laughing again like they had the night that I met him. Now it sounded like the laughter was mocking me and I had to control myself from tearing through the carnival in a blind rage.

  Turning onto the dirt road that lead up to the front gates, I walked with my head low not wanting to risk him seeing me first. When I reached the ticket booth in front, I paid for a bracelet, slipped it on, and looked at the people running past.

  The lights once again had me awestricken, but this time seeing them through my new eyes it was more magical than before. Tonight was not a night to be taken in by the sights though.

  I felt the eyes on me as I passed the crowds of people still by their cars, just watching me go by. Being an outsider in this place made me stand out; sorely. I kept myself focused and didn't bother to even glance at the people watching me.

  I rested my hand on the gate near the bumper car ride and looked around the carnival again. Scanning the crowd I would breathe deeply every time someone his build or height would pass me to make sure he couldn’t get by me unnoticed.

  “He isn’t here,” came a slightly accented voice from beside me.

  Jumping slightly, I looked coolly at the guy that was standing next to me. He was truly an amazing site to behold, but I kept my face cold and hard. The last time I had been friendly to a great looking guy, I’d become a walking corpse.

  “Get away from me,” I said through clenched teeth.

  “Okay, but you’re wasting your time. He’s not here. He was here a couple of nights ago when we were setting up, that’s why you can smell him so strongly.”

  I watched him turn to walk away and I grabbed his wrist. Turning back to look at me he raised an eyebrow I saw his impossibly light green eyes glinting in the moonlight.

  “Who are you?” I asked tightening my grip into a vice around his wrist. “And how is that you know who I’m looking for?” I qu
estioned lowering my voice to a deadly whisper.

  Reaching down he pried my fingers one by one off of his wrist and smiled. I couldn’t help but focus on his face again. He looked like a crafted god you see in mythology books. A strong square jaw, deep dimples when he smiled, impossibly white teeth, a cleft in his chin, and beautiful smooth tan skin. All of that beauty was framed by black shoulder length hair.

  “My name is Ryker. The man you’re looking for has the same color skin as you do, doesn’t he? And his eyes are almost exactly like yours,” he said peering curiously closer.

  Nodding, I quickly introduced myself, “Finn.”

  He held out his hand for me to shake, when I did, he grabbed me and pulled me close to him rolling up the sleeves of my jacket. I knew what he was looking for but I had tattoos covering my arms so he’d never find it. I had made damn sure that the day that horrible scar left its mark on me, was the day that I would hide it from the world. That was one constant reminder I could live without.

  “Smart,” he said letting go of my arm. “I’m sorry for grabbing you like that, I just needed to see for myself that you are what I thought you were. Like him, you know?”

  “You won’t find any of those traces on me,” I said with a bitter smile.

  “Let’s take a walk,” he said leading the way to the edge of the fairgrounds.

  Hesitating I stood there and watched him walk a ways ahead of me. When he turned to look at me, I sighed and followed him. He smelled human so I decided that he couldn’t do anything worse to me than Skiles already had. Following at a safe distance I kept glancing around the carnival in the event that he might be hiding in the shadows somewhere.

  “I’m telling you,” he said with a chuckle, “he’s not here tonight.”

  Glancing back at Ryker, I thought it would be better to keep my eyes on him.

  Just in case he had some kind of hidden magical or monster talent I didn’t know about. I knew that I was being too paranoid for my own good, but hey. Paranoia is good in my case. Might have saved my ass a few years ago.

  I saw that we were nearing some stables that sat on the fairground’s edge and he swung open the doors beckoning me in after him. We walked past rows of horses that were so huge, I found myself stopping to stare at each of them in turn.


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