A Few Good Fantasies

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A Few Good Fantasies Page 6

by Michele Bardsley


  He looked at her and grinned. “You’re still my captive.”

  “Sam, I’m way older than you.”

  “Only by nine years and three months.” His gaze twinkled. “You act like you’re older than Methuselah. You’re only thirty-three.”

  “And you’re twenty-four. I’m robbing the cradle.”

  “I’m not a child. Do you need me to prove it again?”

  “You need to date Janey.”

  “Janey and I are friends. That’s all we’ve ever been, Lissa.”

  Had her pirate been anyone other than Sam, she would enjoy a night spent here in his brawny arms. Actually, she’d already let him ravish her. What was the point of denying that they hadn’t had fantastic sex?

  He grabbed her legs and pulled her down. He lay beside her, taking the clamps off her nipples. He kissed the abused flesh and she let him do it because, well, it felt wonderful.

  “Remember Thanksgiving?” he asked.

  Sam had joined her crazy family for Turkey Day. He’d gone outside to play with the kids instead of opting for an afternoon of football. Lissa, as the oldest McClaskey female, not to mention childless and husbandless, had babysitting duty. She’d watched Sam almost more than she’d watched the kids.

  It was no coincidence that her “frisky” libido had kicked in about that time. Though she denied it then, she’d felt the attraction between them. She felt comfortable with him and he made her laugh. He was a good listener, too. It was rare to find a man genuinely interested in what she had to say.

  Sam enchained her wrist and then kissed her pulse. “I thought I finally had you. I’ve been waiting for the day you didn’t look at me like I was a little boy.”


  “You said you were mine.”

  “That was a game. I didn’t know who you were.”

  His lips thinned and his eyes flashed with pain. “So you would hand over your body to a stranger, but not to someone who loves you?”

  “You love me?”

  Her heart pounded fiercely. This was getting way out of hand. Sex was one thing. Love was something else.

  Lissa nibbled her lower lip. She should lie to him. She should say he was a nice guy, but not the one for her. Why give him hope?

  Maybe it was that she didn’t want to give herself hope. “You want to stay, don’t you?”

  Lissa nodded. “This is wrong,” she whispered. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  He kissed her lightly. The brief contact had the power to make her tremble.

  “I love you. I’m not sorry I told you, either. I get it, Lissa. You don’t know what to think, what to say. What we’ve started tonight can last for longer than just a weekend at a pirate island. I’ll give you all the time and space you need, but I won’t give up.”

  “You’re saying that I’ll never be rid of you.” She nearly laughed. He was so serious. How could he know, at the tender age of twenty-four, what he wanted? Or who he wanted? She was thirty-three and she still didn’t know what the hell she wanted from life or from love.

  “Damn right. You’re mine and I’m yours.”

  Lissa gave in. She wanted Sam. Lust was simple. But he wanted more from her than just sex. If she let herself, she might let herself fall in love with him, too.

  But tonight … tonight was about the fantasy.

  She pushed him onto his back and crawled between his legs. He had given her such exquisite pleasure that she wanted to give him the same. They had all night to play.

  Now, it was Sam’s turned to be tortured.

  Lissa rose onto her side. Leaning forward, she kissed his naked chest. His skin was all muscled curves and ridges. She feasted on his pectorals, kissing every centimeter of flesh. She flicked her tongue across each nipple.

  He groaned and the sound rumbled under mouth.

  She licked the space between his pecs, tasting the faint musk of his skin. As she explored his body with fingers and lips, his hands were restless on her back, her shoulders, her buttocks.

  Her engine was getting revved all over again. Sam looped his hands under her arms and pulled her forward so his mouth could ravage her breasts.

  Zings traveled from nipples to pussy as he tugged one peak, then the other, between his teeth and flicked his tongue rapidly against the turgid points. The need built; an ache that bloomed between her thighs.

  Despite his protests, she scooted down and rubbed her nipples over his chest. She reached between their bodies and grasped his hard-on. She squeezed his cock then caressed it. Yummy. She adored the feel of his shaft against her palm.

  “Let me taste you,” she murmured.

  She crawled between his legs, her hands coasting up his thighs. Lissa wanted to feel that big, thick cock slide inside her again. She fondled his balls, squeezing them lightly.

  Sam’s hands fisted in the bedcovers and his hips thrust, a silent begging for her mouth. She ignored that plea, stroking him rough then soft.

  Finally Lissa took his cock into her mouth and sucked on it, working his length into full hardness. She enjoyed the taste his maleness, loved how his shaft slid between her willing lips.

  She savored his cock, kissing it from base to head before taking the tip into her mouth and sucking it. Torturing him with endless tongue swirls and long licks, she took all of him.

  His hands dove into her hair and held her captive. Not content with her gentle worshipping, he fucked her mouth. She held on to his thighs and took his strokes, her tongue teasing the cock pumping between her lips.

  With a persecuted groan, Sam released her, gasping and panting. She saw pre-come pearl the tip of his penis and she sucked it away.

  Sam looked at her, his eyes glazed. “I want you.”

  “I’ll fuck you,” she said, “but don’t come.”

  “You don’t ask for much, do you?”

  Smiling wickedly, she rose to her knees then planted herself on either side of his hips. She slid her hand between her legs and pinched her clit. Pre-orgasm shivers wracked her. She rubbed her slick inner folds then spread them apart and showed him her cunt.

  “Oh, God.”

  “Just remember, you started it.” Lissa pressed down and slicked her pussy across his cock.

  Reaching down, Lissa guided Sam’s cock inside her pussy.

  Their breathing was harsh, shallow. Their gazes mirrored passion. Sam grasped her hips and thrust upward. His calculated strokes drove her mad. An ache stole across her, made her belly tight with need, made her core spiral with pleasure.

  He released her hips and played with her breasts, pulling on her sensitive nipples, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm.

  Then she felt his thumb stroking her clit and she squeezed her vaginal muscles as she fucked him, over and over.

  “Don’t come,” she warned him. “Not yet.”

  “You’re … killing … me.”

  The bliss sparked and wham! She shattered into a thousand glittering shards.


  She lifted off of him and kneeled between his legs again. She licked her own essence off his cock. She enjoyed the taste of his maleness mixed with her quintessence, loved how his shaft slid between her willing lips.

  His fingers pressed against her skull. His moans were low and harsh as she took his cock again and again. She gripped his thighs and increased her efforts. His cock was so hard, the veins bulged.

  “I’m going to come, Lissa!”

  She felt that first delicate tremble and sucked him to the base.

  He came hard, his hot spunk splashing down her throat. She swallowed every drop as residual spasms caused his cock to pulse in the warm cave of her mouth.

  She licked him clean, kissing his softening flesh.

  When she sat up, she looked at him.

  “That was incredible,” he said. “C’mere.”

  Despite her better judgment, Lissa snuggled beside him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her temple. She felt s
o relaxed, so happy, so … loved.

  Oh, hell. What I have done?

  Chapter 5

  LISSA AWOKE AND blinked away the fog of sleep, she found herself nose to nose with Sam. He was awake, looking as cute as ever, and his hand was pressed against her pussy.

  “What are you doing?” she asked sleepily. She smiled. “Do it some more.”

  He chuckled. “I want to wake up with you every morning. I want to make love to you every night.”

  “Hmm. That’s a hell of an offer.”

  “But you’re not going to take it, are you?”

  “I’m getting to use to this, to us.” Lissa kissed him. “It scares me, how I feel about you.”

  “I know.” He nuzzled her neck. His mouth dropped to her breasts and licked her nipples to hardness. “I want you, Lissa. Right now.”

  “I won’t fight you, my gorgeous pirate. I’m yours, remember?”

  “Do you trust me?”


  Sam grinned. “Okay. Roll onto your stomach. I’ll be right back.”

  Lissa did as he asked, wondering what he was up to now. She closed her eyes, feeling groggy, as she listened to him move around the room.

  She almost launched off the bed when she felt his finger probe her anus.

  “Relax,” he murmured.

  “Easy for you to say! What are you doing?”

  “Trying to pleasure you.”

  A few seconds later, she felt something smaller pierce her anal opening. The cold squirt of lubricant filled her ass.

  Her heart raced. She’d never had anal sex. Whoa. Was she ready for this?

  Sam inserted his finger again and stretched her opening. Okay, that felt weird.

  Then he put in another finger.

  She sucked in startled breath. Jeez! The lubricant made the pressure tolerable, but when was the pleasure supposed to begin?

  He continued to stretch her until she could comfortably take both fingers. “Perfect.”

  He removed his fingers and she sighed with relief. She heard the squirt of the lubricant again and realized he was rubbing something else with the gel. Her stomach squeezed in dread even as her body reacted to the eroticism of trying something new, something forbidden.

  He parted her buttocks and fitted something round and plastic against her pucker.

  “Push back as I push in.”

  “What is it?”

  “An anal plug. Trust me, you’ll like it.” The first part of the plug slid in without too much trouble, but the flared base caused a burning sensation.

  “It’s all the way in now. How does it feel?”

  “Do you really want to know?”

  He laughed.

  He rolled her onto her side then slid next to her. He played with her breasts, suckling her nipples as his hands stroked her body into carnal heat.

  As Sam kissed and touched her, she fell under his sensual spell all over again. After a while, she realized her ass had adjusted to the fullness of the butt plug.

  Sam rolled off the bed long enough to sheath his cock in a condom.

  “Hold onto me, Lissa.”

  She gripped his shoulders as he lifted her leg and worked his cock deeper and deeper into her pussy. The sensations that radiated from her ass and pussy tormented her deliciously.

  God! She couldn’t believe how stuffed she felt. What shocked her most was that she liked the double penetration.

  Sam fucked her with slow, deliberate movements. His gaze captured hers and wouldn’t let go. One hand held onto her thigh. He was at the right angle to bump her clit.

  Pleasure shuddered through her.

  Then Sam reached down and pressed a button on the plug.

  It started vibrating.

  Euphoria sparked and built higher and higher. Sam’s thrusts got faster, harder. And the plug in her ass shook her into an ecstasy she’d never believed possible.

  Her orgasm imploded.

  Sensation after sensation blazed from her cunt to every nerve in her body.

  “Lissa!” Sam stilled, his cock pulsating inside her as he found his release.

  They collapsed against each other.

  “Is it always going to be so … so … amazing?” Lissa asked.

  “Yes,” said Sam. “Always.”

  “SO WHEN’S THE wedding?” asked Janey.

  “Ha. Ha.” Lissa stood on the balcony of the suite and looked at the topaz ocean. The afternoon sun glittered in a cloudless blue sky. This place truly was paradise. “I’m still getting used to be his girlfriend. One step at a time, okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Janey sounded much, much better, the faker. Her sister hadn’t been sick at all. She’d booked the trip and manipulated the situation so that Sam would take the trip with Lissa.

  Janey and Sam had planned the whole thing. She was too happy to be really pissed-off about it, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t seek sisterly revenge at some point.

  “Well, don’t let me keep you,” said Janey. “I know you have things … or cute guys named Sam … to do.”

  “Oh, you bet I do. You know, last night, he pulled out this ostrich feather then he—”

  “Yuck! I do not want to hear the sexual details of my best friend and my sister’s sex life.”

  “But you don’t have one,” Lissa pointed out. “So I thought I’d share mine.”

  “I’m hanging up, you cow. Love you.”

  Lissa laughed as she hung up the cell phone.

  Sam came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Janey okay?”

  “Yeah. But you knew that, didn’t you?”

  He nuzzled her neck. “Maybe.”

  He untied her robe and the garment fell open.

  “Sam! We’re on a balcony in front of God and everyone.”

  “So what?” He edged the robe off her shoulders and let it fall to the concrete. He jostled her toward the balcony’s railing. “Hold onto it.”

  Delicious shivers wracked her body as she bent over and grabbed the railing.

  She was learning that Sam was unafraid of trying anything. He’d given her more new experiences in bed than she’d had her entire sexually active life.

  She heard a tiny whir and before she had a chance to voice the obvious question, Sam slid the lubricated vibrator into her pussy.

  The implement had an extension that tickled her clitoris with every plunge of the fake cock. Her breasts swayed to the rhythm established by Sam. The vibrator brought her closer and closer to her peak.

  She moaned, gripping the rail as she met every exquisite plunge of the vibrator.

  “Oh, God! Sam, I’m going to come!”

  She tipped over the edge, pleasure bursting from her core. The sensations wrapped her around as her pussy sucked at the still vibrating cock.

  Sam wasn’t finished with her.

  “Stay here.” He disappeared for scant moments. When he returned to the balcony, he pressed against her ass and slid his sheathed cock inside her weeping pussy.

  He fucked her hard. Her battered pussy was still post-orgasmic, but she loved the feel of him thrusting inside her. She kept one hand on the rail, but loosed the other so she could play with her breasts.

  That’s when Sam smacked her ass.

  The shock of pain electrified her pussy. She moaned and alternated twisting her nipples. Her bliss built up in her quivering core.

  He slapped her other buttock. She never would’ve believed herself capable of reacting erotically to a spanking, but Sam had taught her that she was very responsive to a myriad of sensations.

  He whacked her again.

  The pain radiated to her throbbing cunt and joined with the budding orgasm. Oh, God. Yes!

  The next spanking sent her spiraling over the edge. Her joy bloomed fully and pleasure cascaded endlessly through her.

  Sam cried out and shoved his cock so deeply inside her, she felt him at the entrance to her womb. His cock shuddered inside her pussy as his fingers dug into her ass.

After a long moment of trying to breathe again, Sam withdrew and she stood up. He picked up the robe and clothed her in it.

  She mixed up a batch of margaritas in their kitchenette while Sam cleaned up. He came into the living room—wearing only a sexy grin. He certainly was more prince than pirate.

  “To fantastic, awe-inspiring sex,” she said, handing Sam his drink.

  He clinked his glass to hers. “To true love.”

  Lissa wasn’t sure if she and Sam were a forever kind of love. Oh, what the hell. Janey had probably already planned the wedding anyway.

  “To true love,” she said. And smiled.

  The End

  Room for Three

  Chapter 1

  “THIS WHOLE PLACE is beautiful,” said Carrie Tremont as she entered the hotel suite. Her husband, Greg, followed her hauling their bags inside. The hotel had been crowded and busy so they’d decided not to wait around for a bellboy.

  So far, Greg hadn’t revealed much about his anniversary surprise. They’d been married ten years. Their five-year-old twins were at Disney World with their grandparents. As much as she missed her boys, she also missed her husband. They rarely got uninterrupted time alone.

  Carrie tossed her purse on the couch. Wow. The living room looked both luxurious and comfortable. The décor was modern, everything from the furniture to the paintings was straight, clean lines. The colors weren’t typical hotel browns and crèmes, either. The couch was red, the table black, and the floor lamps gold.

  The open kitchenette was located behind the living room, all stark black, even the appliances. On the counter, she saw the bottle of champagne in a gleaming gold bucket along with two flutes. Nice.

  Past the tiny kitchen was a pair of French doors that opened onto a large balcony. On the left was the door to the bedroom. She went inside and saw the same color scheme. The bed, which was black from its frame to its plush pillows, wasn’t exactly typical, either. It was huge.

  “How many people do they expect to sleep in that bed?” she asked as Greg dragged their suitcases into the room. She laughed. “We could fit a small car in it!”

  Greg put down their bags. Her darling nerd blinked at her behind his horn-rimmed glasses. “I think you’ll find lots of stuff here is very interesting.”


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