The Sword of Davalon

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The Sword of Davalon Page 12

by Tom Jolleys

  The Sheriff was the only one to speak. ‘Is this a trick or some kind of witchcraft?’

  ‘I am afraid not,’ replied the friar, sadly. ‘What we have just witnessed is fact not fiction, true fact which involves tremendous super powers not of this world. You may have seen or heard of the children’s powers and those of the Sorceress Zena, but it now appears that they have an even greater struggle on their hands, and in due course they will be in my prayers.’

  ‘All of our prayers,’ added Little John.

  ‘But there is no danger now,’ said Friar Tuck, trying to cheer everyone. ‘The Sword of Davalon and the Magic Tyros Ring of Green have triumphed, the Sorceress Zena lives no more, the Princess Lara has been freed, and Robin and Marian wed tomorrow. Show us the way out of this dismal place, Johnny. We must look to the future. What do you say, Little John?’

  ‘You’re right again friar, lead on, Johnny.’

  ‘OK, but I’ll just get this first,’ he bubbled as he passed his torch to the friar and took down the Portrait of Lara. Johnny then went over to the opposite wall and standing next to Robin and Little John, he pressed one of the large stones. Immediately they were swung round into an adjoining room.

  ‘Aaarrgghh,’ screamed Diana and Lara together.

  ‘Are you trying to give us a heart attack?’ snapped Marian. ‘Can’t you knock on the wall or warn us before you suddenly appear from absolutely nowhere?’

  ‘Sorry about the intrusion ladies,’ said Robin, politely, as David, Friar Tuck and the Sheriff joined them through the secret panel.

  ‘At least you’ve got some clothes on this time!’ said Johnny, trying to hide the painting behind Little John.

  ‘Ssshh, don’t tell everyone. Well I was having a bath if you must know. It’s not my fault that you keep materialising through stone walls!’

  ‘Quite so, my poor child,’ said Marian in total agreement.

  ‘Again I am sorry, sincerely so,’ said Robin, ‘but at least we are all safely reunited again, and I think Johnny has a present for you, Princess Lara.’

  Johnny removed the painting from behind Little John and passed it over to her.

  ‘Oh thank you very much,’ she smiled. Then she bent down and gave him a little peck on his forehead.

  ‘Fancy being kissed by a princess,’ he said, feeling really chuffed. ‘Cooeee.’

  ‘This was painted on the day before my 13th birthday. Where did you find it?’

  ‘It was hanging on the wall in the room where you were held captive,’ said Friar Tuck.

  ‘We’ve just had a shock ourselves,’ said Marian. ‘Lara’s bedroom, which was dusty and full of cobwebs, is now spotlessly clean, except for the portrait which had changed into a horrible painting of the Sorceress Zena.’

  ‘It frightened the life out of me,’ said Diana.

  ‘I could have fainted,’ added Lara in her sweet, French voice.

  ‘What did you do with it?’ asked the friar.

  ‘I burnt it,’ replied Marian, ‘and as it was burning, I thought I heard a scream.’

  ‘So did I,’ said the girls together.

  ‘It doesn’t surprise me,’ said the friar, thoughtfully.

  ‘You’d never believe what we’ve just seen,’ blurted Johnny, who was dying to tell them about the new verse.

  ‘There’s a time and a place for everything, Johnny,’ said Friar Tuck. ‘We shall leave these good ladies in peace. Goodnight.’

  ‘Goodnight, goodnight,’ said everyone as Robin closed the door.

  ‘I will show you back to your rooms,’ said the Sheriff.

  ‘And little Johnny should be in bed by now,’ chuckled the friar, who wagged his finger at him.

  ‘Yes, come on, son,’ said Little John, hoisting him onto his broad shoulders.

  ‘Cool,’ beamed Johnny. He loved being looked after by Little John.

  ‘I could do with a good sleep as well, after everything that’s happened today,’ said David.

  ‘You deserve a good rest,’ declared Robin, ruffling his long hair again.

  Little John, with Johnny still sat on his shoulders, followed Robin and the Sheriff back to the children’s room, and behind them came David and Friar Tuck.

  ‘Friar, there’s just one thing I don’t understand.’

  ‘Yes David?’ replied the friar with interest.

  ‘Why did the Sorceress Zena need the Sword of Davalon, when she already had incredible powers of her own? I mean, surely she could have ruled Nottingham without my sword.’

  ‘That is a question to which I have also given some considerable thought. You see, David, Lara was captured by the Sorceress Zena 67 years ago when she herself was a young woman, or should I say young witch. Possibly Zena thought that she would stay young, but instead she grew old, and it was Lara who stayed youthful.’

  ‘So she needed the Sword of Davalon to achieve immortality and grow young again.’

  ‘Possibly,’ said the friar, ‘and there were also rumours that she became handicapped in some way and was unable to walk. This would undoubtedly have reduced her powers and chances of ruling Nottingham.’

  ‘Come to think of it, friar, she never moved out of her rocking chair. But then how did she collect our dressing-gowns and the computer controls?’

  ‘Oh I can answer that one much more easily. She must have sensed the power of your control box and sent Erich by some form of thought process.’

  ‘Yes friar, we call that telepathy, but I still can’t understand why she didn’t heal herself. As I have already said, she had incredible powers. I’m sure she didn’t need the Sword of Davalon.’

  ‘Well I did have another theory which is a little more sinister. I also believe that she could have healed herself. But all the magical powers – the Sword of Davalon, the Magic Tyros Ring of Green, and Zena’s ring, the Ring of Zenotek – they all seem to be interrelated, and the names are all mentioned in the poem. And I do not think that the similar names of Zena and Zenotek is just a coincidence. If anything, I think that the Sorceress Zena was sent here to collect the belongings of King Tyros – his ring and medallion. But something stopped her in this quest, and I am afraid to say there is always the possibility that although you defeated her, she may still be alive! Something went drastically wrong with the plan, or the plan of the Wizard Zenotek, and if you do encounter her again, then I don’t think she will appear in the same shape or form of a wizened, old witch, so be prepared, David.’

  ‘But why do you think she’s still alive?’

  ‘Because of the last line of the verse, which mentioned the Wizard Zenotek. After all, it was Zena who used the Ring of Zenotek, and as it seems that he has already defeated King Tyros and King Davalon, then he must possess powers that I would not even dare to think of. It is because I believe him to be so powerful that I believe the Sorceress Zena to be still alive. There was also the scream that was heard as the portrait was burning, which indicates to me that she returned to join Zenotek.’

  ‘Do you think the Cloak of Mennea and Odessa’s Dagger of Life and Death are involved in this great struggle?’

  ‘Undoubtedly so,’ replied the friar, ‘but they may be lesser pieces in this magical game of chess. King Tyros and King Davalon have both been defeated, just as you defeated the Sorceress Zena, but conquered forever, I don’t think so, and that is why Zenotek needs the Sword of Davalon and the Ring of Tyros. On the other hand, David, I could be completely wrong, but no matter what I have said, you and the other children are soon to start an incredible adventure. Believe everything and believe nothing, the Sword of Davalon will protect you as much as it can, but until Davalon has been freed then you will always be in danger. As I have said before, David, the answer lies in the sword itself, in the figures engraved on the blade, which I simply do not understand. One day my son, you will understand everything, I am sure of that, but
I wouldn’t say anything to the others.’

  ‘Whether you’re right or wrong, friar, I will certainly heed your warnings.’

  ‘Anyway here’s your room,’ said Friar Tuck, as they caught up with Little John and Johnny.

  ‘Now this is a different room,’ said the Sheriff, ‘this one even has a bath.’

  ‘Ooohh, a bath!’ smirked Johnny.

  ‘Yes, a bath,’ smiled Little John, ‘so you’ll be able to have a good scrub before the wedding.’

  ‘Now do you need anything else before we go?’ asked Friar Tuck.

  ‘No thanks,’ answered David.

  ‘Then we will bid you both goodnight,’ said the friar.

  ‘Goodnight, goodnight,’ said the boys as Little John closed the door.

  ‘Which bed do you want?’ asked David.

  ‘Oh I’ll have the one over there next to the window,’ replied Johnny, who ran and dived onto it. ‘Ooohh, these sheets are freezing, I’ll die of hyper... hyper... I’ll freeze to death in here.’

  ‘That’s because they’re silk sheets. Don’t worry, you’ll soon warm up.’

  Johnny quickly changed and then cautiously slithered like a snake between the cold sheets, but it wasn’t long before he felt warm and cosy. David was really tired, and he was just dropping off to sleep when Johnny spoke. ‘I know what’s going on, David. I might only be eight years old but I know what the rhyme meant. After all, I did read it to everyone. When we leave here and go back home, we’ll soon be going on a long journey to fight the Wizard Zenotek.’

  ‘Ooorr,’ yawned David, ‘well it does appear that way.’

  ‘And that’s not all. How are we going to explain Lara to mum and dad when she comes back with us?’

  ‘What do you mean? Lara will probably stay here with Robin and Marian.’

  ‘David, the Magic Tyros Ring of Green, it’s not Diana’s, it’s Lara’s, and as the rhyme mentioned King Tyros and King Davalon, then they must be closely linked. Therefore, Lara must come back with us and help in our next adventure.’

  ‘I see what you mean. I hadn’t thought of that,’ said David, who was quite amazed at his younger brother’s understanding of the verse. ‘Anyway we’ll have to wait and see what happens after the wedding. Let’s go to sleep. Goodnight Johnny.’

  ‘You see, David, I’m not as stupid as I look!’ David burst out laughing. ‘Well you know what I mean. Goodnight.’

  ‘Johnny, the girls don’t know about the verse yet, so we won’t mention it for a while, it will only worry them. Is that all right?’

  ‘Yep. Isn’t it strange that our two enemies have the same first letter, Z, the Sorceress Zena and the Wizard Zenotek?’

  ‘Yes it is,’ said David, thoughtfully. ‘Goodnight.’


  Meanwhile, Maid Marian had taken the girls back to Lara’s bedroom so that she could put her portrait back on the wall where it belonged. ‘You don’t mind sleeping in here on your own, do you Lara?’ asked Marian.

  ‘Well I would rather stay with Diana. It still feels a bit spooky in here.’

  ‘There’s enough room in that bed for both of us,’ said Diana.

  ‘That’s settled then, and I’m sure you’ve got lots to talk about. By the time you wake up, everything will be ready.’

  ‘Thanks,’ said Diana, ‘and good luck for your big day tomorrow.’

  ‘Oui, bon chance,’ said Lara, who had slipped back into speaking French.

  ‘I know what you mean and thanks again to both of you. I think everything will go smoothly from now onwards! Goodnight, sleep tight.’

  ‘Goodnight, goodnight,’ said the girls as Marian closed the door behind her.

  Lara found two white, embroidered nightdresses in one of the drawers, and they were soon snug between the sheets.

  ‘Have you ever been a bridesmaid before?’ asked Lara.

  ‘No, never.’

  ‘Neither have I. It is so very exciting is it not?’

  ‘Yes I can’t wait till tomorrow.’

  They talked for another twenty minutes before drifting off to sleep, watched over by the Portrait of Lara, which was once more hanging in its rightful place.

  Chapter 16:

  The Grass Is Always Greener

  The two girls awoke at almost 9 o’clock – they had slept really well considering all the excitement. Diana jumped out of bed and tried on her dress again.

  ‘You look lovely. I think it will be a wonderful day.’

  ‘Yes, I’m sure it will be. This is the most beautiful dress I have ever worn, oh… apart from your blue dress that I ruined. Do you always wear such fancy dresses?’

  ‘I suppose I do. I have never really thought about it.’

  Just then, Maid Marian knocked on the door and peered in. ‘Good morning girls. I came in earlier but you were both fast asleep. That really does suit you Diana. Now there’s hot water in the washroom if you want to have a bath, and hopefully you won’t be disturbed this time.’

  ‘Thanks Marian, we won’t let you down,’ said Diana.

  ‘I know you won’t,’ said Marian, as she left the room.

  The girls decided to have a bath before this very special occasion, and they chatted away to each other as they walked down to the washroom.

  The two boys were still asleep when Friar Tuck gave a loud bang on the door before entering. ‘Good morning, it’s only me. I’ve brought your costumes. What do you think?’

  ‘Ooooh,’ stretched David, ‘they look really good.’

  ‘Oh no, not more girlie outfits. Do we have to wear them?’ said Johnny, who was clearly fed up with all these very showy clothes. ‘They look just like dresses!’

  The friar burst out laughing. ‘These are not dresses, Johnny. They are pageboy outfits. Like your other outfits, these have been worn by the children of nobility. Your other clothes needed a good clean after your great battle against the Sorceress Zena.’

  ‘Is Little John getting dressed up?’ asked Johnny.

  ‘I think a new costume is being specially made for him at this very moment. He wants to look at his very best for the wedding.’

  ‘OK then friar, if Little John doesn’t mind then neither do I. Yes, we should look quite smart in those outfits.’

  ‘I’m sure you will. Now if you go through that door over there, you should find a tub of hot water. There’s plenty of time, so you don’t need to rush.’

  ‘Thank you, friar. I’ll go and have a bath first while the water’s nice and hot and nice and clean,’ said David, who winked at Friar Tuck.

  ‘No you won’t, I’m not getting into your cold, dirty water. I’m having a bath right now.’ Johnny jumped up out of bed and disappeared into the other room.

  ‘Now that’s a clever way to get Johnny into the bath,’ said the friar, as he wobbled out of the room.

  Within an hour the boys had bathed and changed into their pageboy outfits. They were just deciding what to do next, when a servant girl entered carrying a silver platter on which was some bread, butter, cheese, two apples, two glasses of water and a knife.

  ‘Thank you very much,’ said David to the girl, who placed the tray on the table.

  ‘Hope you like it sir,’ she said as she curtsied.

  ‘Hey thanks,’ said Johnny, ‘but you don’t have to bow to us. What’s your name then, and aren’t you a bit young to be working?’

  ‘My name is Ellen, sir, and I’m either eleven or twelve years old.’ She giggled.

  ‘Wow, don’t you know how old you are?’

  ‘Well I’ve got two older sisters and two younger brothers, and my mother can’t remember exactly how old I am. And I had two other sisters but they died when they were only little. But before I go, I would like to thank you for helping Robin’s men, especially Allan a’ Dale, he’s a wonderful
singer. I’ve been to one of his concerts and he’s so… so very handsome.’ Then she whispered, ‘And the Sheriff’s much happier now as well. Anyway I must be going, I have another tray of food to serve.’

  ‘Goodbye,’ said David.

  ‘Bye then,’ said Johnny, as Ellen curtsied once more before leaving the room. ‘She was nice wasn’t she?’

  ‘I suppose she was.’

  ‘She was funny. Fancy not knowing her own age.’ Then he looked down at the tray of food. ‘Bread, cheese and water, it’s like being in prison. In fact we’d probably get better food if we were in prison.’

  ‘Oh stop moaning, Johnny. Anyway you’d better eat something otherwise your stomach will be rumbling in the church, and everyone will start laughing at you.’

  ‘All right then, I’ll force it down. Nobody’s going to laugh at me.’

  David smiled at his brother’s mutterings as he sliced off a large piece of bread, buttered it, topped it with a chunk of cheese and then passed it over to Johnny.

  ‘Mmm, it’s not too bad after all. So what time shall we go home?’ he said, before taking a drink of water to wash down his rather dry meal.

  ‘Probably soon after the wedding, but we’ll need to have a chat with the girls. We’ll work something out. We must have done some good though, according to Ellen, even the Sheriff seems to be happier.’

  The two boys looked really splendid in their outfits. The tunics were quartered, with two red and two purple quarters, and three gold lions were embroidered onto the top left purple section. As they ate their meal they talked, mainly about the wedding and what they would do afterwards.

  When the two girls returned to Lara’s room, a similar platter of food awaited them.

  ‘Mmm, that looks so very good,’ said Lara, licking her lips.

  ‘Yes it does, and it’s just what I need, I’m really famished.’


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