Ms Patriot: Biggs Bimbos (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril) (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series)

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Ms Patriot: Biggs Bimbos (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril) (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series) Page 2

by Don Ship

  "Wow, Bro, I think she wants to be our sex slave and streetwalker," Hank said. "See how cooperative she is being?"

  "Oh," Uber Woman said, suddenly realizing maybe she should shut up. She wasn't in her right mind after countless hours of nonstop sex. "Freya, why does sex turn me into such a fool!" She looked at the grinning brothers, at her unmasked reflection in the mirror on the far wall, and then down at her nudity. "The Biggs Brothers own me. I'll never escape their power now."

  This wasn't her first capture. Now that they knew her secret identity, they could blackmail her into doing their bidding. Keeping her true identity secret was every super heroine's first and most vital priority.

  "No," Hank said, grinning wickedly as he dropped his pants. "No you won't."

  * * * * *

  The next day, Hank and Jake were out spending all the money Uber Woman earned for them the previous night. They had let her go, to do her day job. They wanted their sex slave, hooker girl to remain popular and in the public eye, while they whored her off on the side at night. Since they knew her secret identity, Uber Woman had no choice but to obey.

  "Hey, Bro, what about this place?" Jake said.

  "No. Too expensive," Hank said. "Our bimbo only earned twenty-five hundred last night."

  "Ah," Jake said. He held up a fist full of brightly colored credit cards, including a black AMEX. "But I have all of Tammy's credit cards. Let the bimbo pay for it all."

  "Bro, you're a genius," Hank said, laughing.

  "Out of my way, morons," a tall, beautiful blonde said.

  They turned to find none other than the young wife of the richest man in the state, Ashley Vanderholm, looking at them like they were something nasty she just stepped in wearing her favorite designer shoes. Tall and shapely, with big silicone boobs and a magnificent mane of blonde hair, she wore all white and gold: white form-fitting halter dress with short skirt, gold belt, and a fortune in gold jewelry, and white strappy sandals. She sneered imperiously at them, and waved them aside impatiently.

  Instinctively, the brothers stepped away from the door they were blocking. They immediately realized she had dominated them, making them feel two inches tall. Rage fired up within them, something she failed to take note of as she breezed past them. Then her first words to the store staff pushed them over the top.

  "Get someone out front to clean up the trash! Two sleazebags are out there stinking up the whole street," Ashley said. "Now, show me the new Jimmy Choo boots you got in."

  The brothers quickly crawled into the back seat of her white Mercedes Benz sedan and hid. They spent two hours like that, before she finally returned with arms full of bags. Ashley stuffed her purchases into the trunk and climbed behind the wheel. She started the engine and headed home.

  "Nice car, Mrs. Vanderholm," Hank said as he rose up behind her.

  "Very nice," Jake said. "Still has that new car smell."

  "What the…?!?" Ashley cried. She hit the brakes, and skidded to a stop. "Get out of my car! Now!"

  "I don't think so," Hank said.

  "Do you know who I am?"

  "Ashley Vanderholm," Jake said. "Rich bitch extraordinaire. Big Daddy Vanderholm's trophy wife."

  Her eyes flashed, hands tightening on the steering wheel. She ground her teeth a second, then took a deep breath and composed herself. The brothers watched, more than a little impressed.

  "To some," Ashley said, smiling smugly. "But I'm still the wife of the richest, most powerful man in the state."

  Hank grabbed her hair, yanking her head back. She gasped and cried out, hands pawing at thin air. She looked more than a little alarmed and shocked.

  "True, but you are also a rude, holier-than-thou bitch," Hank said. "My brother and I don't appreciate that."

  "Yeah, you need to be taught your proper place," Jake said.

  "My what? Are you two mad?"

  "Yep," Hank said. "Totally crazy. And crazy enough to pull it off, too."

  "Pull what off?" she said, now beginning to get worried.

  "Rich bitches like you need to be put in your place," Jake said. "Duh, weren't you listening?"

  "The best way to teach someone like you her place, is a good, sound fucking," Hank said.

  "You can't. I'm Ashley Vanderholm!" she cried.

  "Bro, I have an idea," Jake said.

  "Spit it out, Bro."

  "We already have Tammy Thomas hooking for us at night," Jake said, face lighting up. "Let's blackmail ole Ash here into taking the dayshift."

  "You are forcing that investigative report to prostitute herself for you?" Ashley said, looking stunned. Then quite please. "Oh, wait until Big Daddy finds about that!"

  Hank jerked her hair, making Ashley cry out.

  "Bro, how many brilliant ideas can you come up with in one day?"

  "I know, I amaze myself sometimes."

  "You morons are bigger idiots than I thought if you think I'll peddle my sweet rich ass on the street for you," Ashley sneered. "I'm a superior woman. I'm not for the likes of you, or for the reprobates that patronize your streetwalking bimbos."

  "Hey, Bro, we can call our girls Biggs Bimbos," Jake said.

  "Oh my God, Jake, you are a genius," Hank said, laughing. "I love it."

  "Screw you two," Ashley said, and picked up her cell. She started punching in numbers. Hank reached up, and crushed the cell in his super powered hands. "Oh!"

  "We're the Biggs Brothers. We have super powers, rich bitch," Hank said, snarling menacingly. "I can crush your head just as easy."

  Ashley gawked at them. It was beyond her ability to fathom. No one messed with the Vanderholms. Then all such thoughts were gone, replaced with terror. Hank reached up front and grabbed her, and yanked her into the back seat. Jake jumped into the front and put the car in gear.

  "Home, James," Hank said with feigned superior airs.

  "But of course, sir!" Jake said, and laughed.

  Ashley struggled, but Hank easily got her out of her dress. Before she knew it, she was straddling his lap, facing him, with his fat cock thrust up her pussy. Soon, the oversexed trophy wife was riding him with enthusiasm.

  The Biggs Brothers took Ashley to their home in Sugar Town, and spent the next five hours filming Ashley having sex with numerous men, of all races and ages. Then they got kinky, and forced her to do unspeakable sex acts. All on tape. Acts that if her husband watched would destroy their marriage, and she would lose everything. By midafternoon they utterly owned Ashley Vanderholm, body and soul.

  So they put her to work hooking in Sugar Town until eight that night, then let her go home. Ashley reluctantly agreed that she would go "shopping" every day from that day onward, as cover for going to work as a Biggs Bimbo streetwalker.

  * * * * *

  Ten days later, on a balmy Sunday afternoon, Hank was watching baseball while Ashley gave him a BJ and Jake was in his bedroom with Tammy when a news report interrupted the program. The face of Assistant DA Tanika Grayson filled the screen. And Hank had an idea that made him grin from ear to ear.

  "Bro!" Hank yelled. He patted Ashley's head when she started to pull off his cock. "No, sweetie, you keep right on sucking. Daddy like."

  "Anything you want, baby," Ashley purred and started giving him some really intense head.

  Jake stumbled in, all breathless and sweaty, and naked. Tammy followed, wide eyed. She only wore a pair of fire engine red, patent leather thigh boots, matching slave collar and red satin opera gloves. The sight of her awesome beauty sent Hank over the top, and he creamed Ashley's mouth. She eagerly slurped it all up like a good little sex slut.

  "What the fuck, Bro? Can't you see I'm busy?" Jake said.

  "Look," Hank said, pointing at the TV. Tanika Grayson was yammering away about some case she was prosecuting. The gorgeous African American Assistant DA was the prosecutor that sent both of the Biggs Brothers up the river when Ms Patriot dragged their asses to jail. "Assistant DA Grayson, Biggs Bimbo material?"

  "Oh Bro, whose the genius now?"

Jake crowed with wicked glee. "Yes! We'll fuck that snooty bitch stupid, then make her whore for us big time."

  They sent the girls off to work, and started brain-storming how to catch the beautiful Assistant DA. So the next day, Tanika Grayson got an anonymous phone call, promising to give her the goods on King Pimp. She just had to meet the informant at a bar at the edge of downtown. She agreed. The brothers knew she would, because everyone knew she had a major boner to catch the king of pimps.

  "You'll be sent over a drink," Ashley whispered, disguising her voice. "Drink about half, to give us time."


  "Two other disgruntled workers at the Palace," she said. "Now, after you've drank half the drink, come to the last booth on the north side. We'll have everything you need there."

  So at the appointed time, Tanika arrived at the seedy bar. She was familiar with it. This wasn't the first time she'd gone there to interview witnesses and snitches. The super sexy African American smiled, knowing she was finally going to take King Pimp down. When she got that guilty as charged verdict, she'd gather with all her super heroine friends and share a bottle of champaign. Oh yeah.

  Tanika wasn't afraid of going to sleazy bars alone. Her secret identity was the super heroine called Purple Avenger. She was one of the city's top tier costumed crime-fighters, with just Ms Patriot, Uber Woman, and Silver Angel more successful. The beautiful black woman was pretty sure she'd rise to the very top if she had more time to devote to her super heroine persona. Besides, the other three heroines all had sidekicks helping them.

  Indeed, Purple Avenger started out as Silver Angel's very first sidekick. She frequently patrolled with Silver Angel and her current sidekick, Silver Girl. They were all the best of friends in and out of costume.

  Tanika walked into the bar and stopped. A dozen sets of hardened eyes locked on her. Most probably knew who she was. A few averted their faces, but others looked her tall, shapely form over with supreme appreciation. She ignored them, since she was used to that reaction.

  Today, she wore a lavender suit jacket and black skirt that fell to mid-thigh, with dark hose and black stiletto pumps. Her straightened, black hair was pulled back to fall past her shoulders.

  Tanika sat at a corner stool. She ordered a club soda and waited. Less than five minutes passed before the bartender sat a drink before her.

  "From the back booth. Said you were pretty," he said.

  "Thank you," she said, glancing at the back booth. It was empty. So her snitch wasn't ready to talk just yet. Tanika picked up her drink and drank. The alcohol content was higher than she would've liked, but she could handle it. She took her time, taking a good ten minutes to drink the required half. This time when she glanced at the back booth, there was a man sitting in it. He was facing away from her. "Game on."

  About halfway to the booth Tanika felt warmth flow through her, then a wave of dizziness. It staggered her a second, but her iron will reasserted itself. She could not show weakness or vulnerability in a place like this. So she continued to the booth as if nothing was amiss.

  "So, Mr.…?" Tanika said, as she slipped into the booth opposite her snitch.

  "Biggs. Hank Biggs," he said. "I'm surprised you don't recognize me. I thought I made a more lasting impression."

  Tanika felt another wave of dizziness, but blinked a couple times and cleared her vision enough to make out Hank Biggs. She tensed as his rap sheet ran through her mind. Also the fact he was one of the few super powered male criminals known.

  "You expect me to believe that you would snitch on King Pimp?" Tanika said, brown eyes narrowing dangerously.

  "No, I expect you to suck my cock on command, slut," Hank sneered.

  "How dare — Oh!" Tanika started to say, but then Jake slipped into the both beside her. When she whipped her head around, another wave of dizziness flooded her senses. "Oooh."

  "Poor baby," Jake said, wrapping an arm around her. His big hand found her bigger tit, and squeezed it through her suit top. "Nice tits, though."

  These bastards…drugged…me, she thought, mind spinning even more due to that realization. Tanika started to pant, in part because her body was suddenly very, very horny. "An aphrodisiac?"

  "Yeah," Jake said. "That was my idea. Just a little Bliss into the drug cocktail to get you in the mood." He leered at her, then looked down into her deep cleavage. "Don't thank me. Fucking you will be thanks enough."

  It wasn't much Bliss. One whiff of Bliss was enough to make just about anyone instantly climax. Valkyrie women like herself were more susceptible to the effects of drugs, especially aphrodisiacs and sleep drugs. The Biggs Brothers obviously erred on the side of sleep when they brewed her insidious little cocktail.

  "Have fun, bastards," she whispered, narrowing her eyes at Hank for a second, before it was too much effort to continue. "I'm gonna….I'm gonna…mess you…up…when I wake up."

  She closed her eyes and sucked in a deep, deep breath. Trying desperately to regain control of her wits. Sitting in a dark, sleazy bar with the Biggs Brothers was not the time to go unconscious.

  Before Tanika could regain her senses, Jake yanked her head way back by her hair, and claimed her glossy purple lips in a passionate, deep kiss.

  "Mmmmppphh," she groaned, his tongue pushing deep into her mouth. Instinct kicked in, and she started sucking on that tongue. Then she thrust her own tongue into his mouth. "Hhmmmmmm."

  Jake started unbuttoning her suit jacket. She remembered she was only wearing a lacy bra underneath. The jacket was her top, and soon she felt cool air on her belly. Seconds later, Tanika felt Jake's free hand slip under her jacket and then scoop a tit out of her bra.

  Why does it always come down to sex? Tanika thought. This city has the horniest criminal population in the world.

  She heard others in the bar snickering, but she didn’t care. Jake's kisses and fondling felt so good. She groaned long and low when he pinched, pulled, and then rolled her nipple. Her pussy juices started flowing, as her pussy throbbed and tingled. And then she remembered who he was, and who she was.

  "Wait. Stop," Tanika slurred out. "What is happening?"

  "I thought you were a smart, tough lawyer, babe," Jake said. "You can't figure it out?"

  "You set me up."

  "Hey, there's the hotshot lawyer we all know and despise," Hank said.

  Memories came and went. It was so hard to concentrate. She could barely remember where she was, or who she was with. Everything was spinning.

  "Bliss? W-What else? What…sleepy…drug?"

  "That, Ms Grayson, is a trade secret," Jake said. "Did you know that if mixed with alcohol, the drug combination we used multiples the effect of the alcohol by ten, while not increasing or diminishing the effects of the Bliss at all? So, you are drunk as a skunk and super horny at the same time. What I call, prime fuck meat."

  Tanika's mind went places she wished she could stop. Scenes from her past. All those times she fell victim to the evil men she hunted as Purple Avenger. Oh, the things they did to her! The things they made her do. Wicked. Sexy. Terribly rough, demeaning sex acts. And she hated how much she enjoyed them. So wrong.

  "I'm…am so…fucked."

  Jake pulled her suit jacket open, to reveal she only wore a lacy purple bra underneath. One boob was already pulled out, so he expertly removed her bra and tossed it away. One of the scummy patrons grabbed it and hurried away. Then Jake's hand was up her skirt, and caressing her most intimately.

  "Bro, the bitch ain't wearing no panties!" Jake announced loudly to the world. "And she's sopping wet already."

  So wet, in fact, Jake's thick finger slipped between the folds of her tingling nether lips without the slightest resistance. She gasped as he penetrated her, then gasped again when he gave her engorged clit a firm rub.

  "Bro, this bitch is wearing a lacy garter belt and black hose, under a short skirt," Jake said even louder. "This puppy is ready to play! She's hot to trot."

  "I like a woman always ready for a quickie,"
Hank said.

  "And since I have a can do attitude, I'll take care of this little slut puppy," Jake said.

  Tanika was pulled atop Jake's lap, facing him, her legs spread wide as she straddled his lap in the booth. That sudden movement sent her mind spinning again. Damn that drug! She more felt than saw Jake guide his cock up to her pussy, and then push her down upon it.

  "Uuuuuuggggggghhhhh," Tanika groaned, impaled upon a long, thick cock.

  Jake took her face in both hands, and started kissing her lips passionately. In no time his lips sliding all over hers took its toll, and she started to forget herself. Tanika began to moan and groan, returning his kisses, returning his passion. By the time Jake released her lips and started kissing his way down her neck, towards her massive tits, Tanika realized she was riding his cock hard, rocking her hips so that he was pumping in and out of her fast and furious. And she was doing all the work, without even realizing it at first.

  Oh Goddess, my Valkyrie cursed body wants what it wants, she thought, halfway between humiliation and erotic joy. So shameful.

  "Bro, this sweet bitch is really into you," Hank said.

  "I know, Bro," Jake said, and sucked in a rock hard nipple.

  "Uuugggh, Goddess, soooo good," Tanika cried out. "Yes! Just like that. Suck it. Suck it, baby."

  "Whoa," Hank said.

  Jake indulged his lust for fat titties, caressing, kissing, rubbing his face all in and around this monster mammaries. He licked and nibbled, then squeezed and pinched, and logged lots of nipple sucking time. Halfway through it Tanika lost the last vestiges of her resistance and feminine pride, and let loose with a monster orgasm.

  "Aaaiieeee!" Tanika cried. "Yes! Yes! Oh, Goddess YES!"

  Jake continued to fuck her like that, constantly sucking face or tit the whole time, and forced five more orgasms from her before he creamed her pussy. Hank got up and left during their tryst. She barely gave him a thought. She was preoccupied, you know?

  After Jake creamed her, he spent a few more minutes playing with her big bouncy boobs. He pulled her off his still hard cock, and sat her atop the table. She heard a sound and looked around. A line of men waited. The patrons were all in line and staring lustfully at her. As Jake spun her around to face the line, the bartender handed Hank a twenty.


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