Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5

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Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5 Page 7

by Teresa Gabelman

“You’re an asshole.” Caroline frowned, and then her eyes opened in shock.

  Sloan slammed his hands on the desk. “Excuse me?”

  Caroline jumped, and then slammed her hands on his desk in front of him, almost going nose to nose. “I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to Alexio.” Taking a deep breath, Caroline backed off. “I don’t know who this guy is to you, but I’m about done with his condescending remarks. I’m about to find a priest and have him exorcised on out of here.”

  Sloan’s lips curved into a smile, but quickly disappeared. “What message does the son of a bitch have?”

  Caroline’s mouth opened to speak, but suddenly her body jerked, her eyes widened before slamming shut. Sloan jumped over his desk grabbing her by the shoulders. “Caroline!”

  Her eyes opened, but just like with Lana, Caroline wasn’t there. “Hello Sloan.” It was Caroline’s voice, but her tone and attitude took on that of Alexio Milona and every Warrior in the room, other than Slade, knew it.

  “Son of a bitch.” Releasing her shoulders, Sloan took a step back, a rare look of shocked surprise on his face.

  “Yes, actually, I am, as you well know.” Caroline’s head tilted. “It’s good to see you, old friend.”

  “Are you hurting her?” Sloan asked, getting himself together enough to realize exactly what was going on.

  Caroline laughed Alexio’s laugh, which had each Warrior shooting glances at each other. “No, I’m not hurting the girl.” Looking down, Caroline’s hand went to her breasts. “Though I’ll tell you she has a nice set of tits on her, doesn’t she?”

  The room erupted in aggressive growls Sloan’s the loudest. “Stop!”

  “Or what?” Caroline’s arms spread apart still laughing. “You can’t hurt me. Here take a swing. I can take it.” Caroline stuck her chin up and out toward Sloan.

  “What do you want, Alexio?” Sloan demanded, his tone indicating he was close to snapping.

  Caroline’s face took on a completely different expression, one of seriousness and thought. “I’m here to warn you.” Her eyes searched each of the Warriors, even Slade. “There is a war coming.”

  “A little too late with the warning, Alexio,” Duncan replied. “We’ve been at war since the day we were turned.”

  Caroline’s head swiveled toward Duncan, a half grin on her face. “You made the choice, my friend. To stay a slave or become a Warrior. You chose this life, not me.”

  Damon stepped forward, anger on his face. “We made the choice, minus one important factor.”

  “Details. Details.” Caroline rolled her eyes. “Like you would have chosen differently.”

  “I would have,” Damon growled. “I would have chosen to die in the arena, rather than to live forever.”

  “You would have died a slave,” Caroline spat Alexio’s words. “And how would your beautiful mate feel about that, hmmm?”

  Damon went after Caroline, but Duncan and Sloan stopped him. “It’s Caroline’s body,” Duncan reminded him. “Slow down, brother.”

  Caroline clapped, laughing at Damon. “You were always so easy to piss off, DeMasters.”

  Sloan let Damon go, knowing he wasn’t going to move any further. “What war are you taking about, Alexio?”

  “The humans.” Caroline again became serious. “This will be a war among wars, a war that will wipe out all humankind as well as all half-breeds. The only remaining will be full bloods. And it has already started with the hunt for half-breeds.”

  “So what made you decide to let us know this?” Sloan asked, his eyes shooting toward Slade who had moved closer, watching Caroline with a concerned expression. “I have never known you to do anything that you didn’t benefit from.”

  “You wound me, Sloan, but you’re right. I don’t care about any of you. In order for me to finally be at rest, I have to do a good deed.” Caroline’s voice became weaker. “This is my good deed; given to ones I’ve presumably deceived.”

  “Presumably?” Sid’s eyes went from golden to black in a second flat. “Not one of us would have agreed to a life of watching everyone we know dying, as we continue to live.”

  Caroline snorted as her head bobbed toward Sid. “I don’t see how that should have bothered you, Sinclair. You’ve never had anyone.”

  “You’re lucky you are already dead, you son of a bitch,” Sid growled, clasping his hands into fists.

  “Go ahead and hit me,” Caroline smirked. “I won’t feel a thing.”

  “You were a bastard then and you’re a bastard now,” Sid snarled his hatred before growling and walking away.

  “So is that all the information you have?” Jared asked, his eyes narrowed. “That’s it? Just ‘there’s a war’, which we already knew.”

  “Hey, give me a fucking break.” Caroline sat down, her legs spread out like a man and not a prim pose for a female. “I don’t know all and I only give information I’m allowed to give.”

  Sloan sighed, rubbing his eyes. “There’s a war coming with the humans and vampires, but no hint when this war is going to happen, how it starts or who starts it. I mean, that’s pretty fucking lame, Alexio, and I’m not sure that deed is enough to get you out of hell or wherever they’ve put your sorry ass.”

  Caroline was up and out of the chair in Sloan’s face. “Look at me.” She thumped her chest hard, making Sloan grimaced. “I’m in a woman’s body. Me, your Lanista in a woman’s body. This is my hell.” Caroline’s voice became shrill, but deep.

  “Sloan was our trainer, Alexio.” Duncan spoke up. “You were only our trainer when greed, whores and money were involved. You deserve everything you get.”

  “You know what, I don’t need this.” Caroline pointed at each Warrior, even Slade who had moved even closer. “I’ve done my deed.”

  “Then leave,” Sloan growled. “You’ve done us no favors. A war between humans and vampires has always been a threat, so you have delivered nothing.”

  “This is not a threat. It will happen,” Caroline warned and then pointed at the newspaper that Adam had given Sloan. “And it has already begun.”

  “And we will take care of it, as always.” Sloan’s voice was confident. “Now, let the girl go.”

  “You have no idea what is coming. Hope you turn your human mates soon, because your hand may be the one that kills them.” The warning was laid out, her eyes searching before landing on Sid. “Hey, Sinclair. Looks like you’re about to be alone again. Your female…” An evil smile played across her lips.

  Sid’s head snapped forward. “My female what?”

  “Fuck you,” Caroline said before her eyes rolled back in her head as her legs buckled.

  Sloan caught her, laying her on the floor. Her eyes opened immediately and began to focus. “I swear…” Her voice was raspy and she cleared her throat to try again. “I swear when I die, I’m hunting that bastard down.”

  “Are you okay?” Sloan watched her closely, his eyes dark with anger.

  “I’m fine, just weak.” Caroline’s pale face reddened. “I was present for all of it, just couldn’t control anything. I hate when they do that.”

  “Isn’t there a way to stop them from doing it?” Slade frowned, his large hand on her wrist checking her pulse.

  “Guess I’m going to have to learn from Lana, because she’s better at it than I am.” Caroline closed her eyes with a sigh, and then shot straight up, almost hitting Sloan and Slade in the face with her head. “Lana!” Her eyes shot to Sid.

  “Do you know what he meant?” Sid had been pacing with his phone, but stopped, looking hopeful at Caroline.

  “No, but she’s with Adam and wherever Angelina is. She’s in trouble.” Caroline attempted to get up, but stopped when her head started to spin.

  “I know where it’s at.” Jared headed for the door. “Come on.”

  “Go with them,” Sloan instructed Duncan as Sid and Jared rushed out the door. “We’ll get this other shit straightened out later.”

  “You go too.” Caroline pul
led her arm out of Slade’s grasp. “She might need you. I’m fine.”

  Slade looked to Sloan who nodded. “Go.” Sloan ordered.

  Caroline stood with Sloan’s help. “Thank you.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Sloan frowned, watching her closely.

  “I’m fine, but just so you know, I’m a history major and teach history.” Caroline leaned against his desk, still trying to get her bearings.

  Sloan shifted uncomfortably, but didn’t break eye contact with her. “And?”

  “And…you owe me.” Caroline smiled. Even shaken by her ordeal, she had questions, lots of questions. “I want to know…everything.”

  “What did you hear while he was…?” Sloan stopped, not really understanding what just happened.

  “Oh, I heard it all, but I still have questions.” Caroline sighed before sitting down in the nearest chair. She hated feeling weak and her insides felt like jelly.

  “Then you heard it all, Ms. Fitzpatrick,” Sloan replied, still not breaking eye contact. “And I owe you nothing.”

  “I think not, Mr. Murphy.” Caroline’s eyes challenged him. “He made me grab my own breasts, and that alone says you owe me some easy answers.”

  “Do you browbeat your students like this?” Sloan frowned down at her.

  “All the time,” Caroline’s reply was serious.

  “And does it work?” Sloan’s lips curved into a half-grin.

  “All the time.” Caroline’s own grin spread across her face; she knew she had won.

  Chapter 9

  It took Adam seconds to make a decision. Get shot by the woman he loved or move the fuck out of the way. His choice was move the fuck out of the way. Just as he dove for the ground, he turned to realize that she hadn’t been aiming at him, but at her husband, who stood in the doorway holding a shotgun. The bullet he thought had been meant for him splintered the wood above Robert’s head. Another round went off this time, hitting the floor in front of him.

  “You bitch!” he screamed, dodging wood and bullets. “I’m your husband. Shoot him!” He stabbed a finger at Adam.

  “You are not my husband, you bastard!” Angelina screamed, still aiming her gun at Robert, but missing him every single time.

  “How can you say that, Angel?” Robert glared at her, but his eyes shifted to Adam.

  Anger hit Adam hard, hearing the fucker call her Angel. No one called her Angel, but him. Slow to stand, Adam kept his eyes on the shotgun, knowing he would survive a blast, but Angelina would not, and this man seemed to be on the edge of losing it.

  “He is not my husband.” Angelina’s voice quivered as much as the hand holding the gun.

  Adam took a chance to look her way, and he knew the truth in that moment; it blazed from her eyes. She was still his and had not betrayed him. At that moment, that was all that mattered.

  “I am your husband, you lying bitch!” The scream that came out of the man was like a deranged child. “Put the gun down or I’ll shoot him. I swear to God, I’ll shoot him.”

  Adam made it to his full height slowly, wanting to get between Angelina and the shotgun. Taking a step, he felt a bullet skim past his head to slam into the wall next to Robert, who had raised his shotgun toward him. Knowing he had to get the situation under control and now, he grabbed the metal folding chair to his right, and with a speed untraceable to the human eye, he side armed it at Robert. The chair hit Robert in the chest, knocking him out of the room. The force of the chair caused the shotgun to go off into the ceiling as the bastard fell backwards. Turning to Angelina, he grabbed the gun out of her hand and secured it in the waistband of his jeans.

  “I’m not married to him,” Angelina repeated in a whisper. Her pale blue eyes, shadowed with pain, stared up at him.

  As much as he wanted to take her in his arms, he knew the situation was far from controlled. He still didn’t know what happened to Lana. That was his first priority, after getting Angelina and the other woman safe.

  “How many men are there?” Adam turned so he could keep his eye on the unconscious men. When Angelina didn’t answer right away, he looked down at her. “Angelina, I need to know. Lana is here somewhere and I need to find her, but I have to get you somewhere safe.”

  That seemed to snap Angelina out of it. “There are five in total that I know of.” She turned to look at the woman who still hovered in the corner. “I know where we can hide. Go on and find Lana.”

  The woman stood, leaning heavily on Angelina as she looked up at Adam with half-breed eyes. “Thank you.” Her voice cracked in pain.

  Adam nodded with a frown as Angelina struggled with the woman’s weight. “Stop.” He turned and headed for Robert, who was still unconscious. Walking over, he grabbed him, and punched him twice in the face before tossing him over to where the other man lay. Seeing the women looking at him, he shrugged. “Just making sure he stays out until I get back.” It wasn’t a total lie, though he didn’t mention he took great pleasure of feeling his fist connect to the bastard’s face. He took the woman from Angelina, picking her up.

  “Anne was just turned.” Angelina explained the woman’s weakened state. “Tomorrow is my turn.”

  “No, it’s not.” Adam stood with the woman in his arms, staring down at Angelina. A low growl rumbled in his chest; he knew that if he would have listened to Jill sooner, he could have maybe saved this woman from this fate. “Where am I going?” Was the only other thing he could say at that moment.

  “Down the hall, third door on the right.” The woman in his arms nodded her head in that direction.

  Angelina eased past him and led the way to open the door, but it was locked. His eyes rose to the deadbolt, which was unlocked and his gut churned with anger knowing that was the lock used to keep the women prisoners inside the rooms. Angelina knocked on the door with three fast taps followed by two slow. After a few seconds, the lock clicked and the door slowly opened. Angelina turned her head slightly to look up at him with such sadness before pushing into the room and closing the door behind him after he followed her in. He stood with the woman in his arms staring at six women in total, different ages staring at him, some with human eyes, others with eyes like his.

  “Jesus.” Adam’s eyes found Angelina’s again. “I didn’t know.”

  Gently, she put her hand on his arm, as if reassuring him. “I know.”

  “But I read you.” Confusion filled his voice as did regret. Her eyes, though shadowed, looked at him no differently than she always did. It almost brought him to his knees. He had walked away, left her to God only knew what horror, yet she still looked at him with love. He walked toward the bed and gently set the woman in his arms down; the women immediately surrounded the weak woman. Hearing a loud bang below them, he turned and rushed for the door.

  “Be careful.” Angelina followed closely behind.

  “I’m going to close the door and I want you to lock it.” He took out a set of keys, taking one off the hook. “Stay back away from the door and be quiet.” He looked at all the women as he gave the orders. Knowing if he looked at Angelina as she made her way to the door to lock it, he wouldn’t be able to not take her in his arms, and now wasn’t the time. He had to find Lana. Closing the door firmly, he waited until he heard the lock click. Forcing the mis-fitted key in the hole, he broke it off. Now, no one with a key would be able to get in without breaking the door down, and hopefully he would hear that and be able to get back here fast. Turning away, he cleared his mind to focus on what needed to be done, and that was to find Lana. If something happened to her, his life would be over; Sid would kill him.

  Heading down the steps, his gaze missed nothing. Stopping at the bottom, he listened, and within a second, he heard the click of a gun to his right.

  “Don’t move!” the voice behind the gun ordered, his voice shook showing his nervousness.

  Adam fangs instinctively lengthened at the threat, his golden eye turning black and a grin of anticipation curved his lips. “And if I do?” />
  “You’re a dead man.” The man took a step forward. “Now, put your hands on your head.”

  “You said don’t move,” Adam reminded him, hearing the man moving closer behind him. Yeah, keep coming, dumb ass.

  “Do it now or I’ll pull the trigger.” The man was right behind him, the barrel of the gun pushing on the back of his head.

  Adam’s grin grew as he turned with vampire speed, knocking the gun from the man’s grip with one hand, while grabbing his throat with the other. Squeezing hard, it was enough to make the man’s eyes pop open wide. “You should have pulled the trigger.” Adam head-butted him, knocking him out instantly. Dropping him to the floor, he stepped over the unconscious man to continue his search for Lana. Three down and he had no idea if anyone else was in the house other than himself, Lana and the women upstairs.

  Heading down another hallway, he kept his senses alert. A door was slightly open; he passed it, sticking his head into the kitchen finding it empty. Turning back to the door, he opened it slowly so he could fit through and cringed at the squeal it made. Stopping, he listened as he looked down the steps into darkness, but he didn’t hear a sound, yet something told him Lana was down there.

  Trying to reach out to read her, he felt nothing except the nagging feeling grinding in his gut. With no thought other than Lana, he rushed into the darkness his one golden eye seeing perfectly. Turning the corner, there were three more steps. Lana lay at the bottom facedown, not moving.

  “Lana!” Adam jumped over her before kneeling down, not knowing what to do. Touching her shoulder lightly, he nudged her and repeated her name. When she didn’t respond, Adam felt panic at the back of his throat. If he had failed to keep her safe, he wouldn’t be able to live with that, not to mention what Sid would do to him. No, she had to be okay. Moving her hair away from her face, his gut clinched again seeing the blood oozing from her temple and nose. Panic gripped him as he shook her harder. He could hear her breathing, which set him at ease, but he didn’t know how much damage had been done or how hurt she really was. “Lana! Come on. Wake up.”

  Hearing heavy footsteps above them spurred Adam. “Shit!” Just as he was about to pick her up to hide her, she rolled, her gun aiming straight at his face. He knew she couldn’t see anything and he could feel her fear.


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