Home > Suspense > BREAKING CURSED BONDS > Page 29

by Elisabeth Zguta

  “He doesn’t know about the inconsistencies we caught when the results came back from the accounting audit. Robert refused to listen. It’s so stressful at home right now.”

  Emilie knew it was getting to Michelle, she didn’t have to feel it, she heard the angst in her sister’s voice.

  “Maybe I should get a house of my own?” Michelle said.

  “That might be a good idea, to help you keep your head straight.”

  “Yes, it sounds good, except then I’d worry about Rachael being alone with Robert.”

  “He’s her husband, he won’t hurt her. How is she doing since she returned to the house?”

  “Rachael is friendly when Rob’s not around. Living in the big house again, trying to keep the marriage on track. Still, I worry about her. Being with Robert is challenging, dealing with his moods and extravagances.”

  “Yes, I remember it well,” Emilie said. She pulled her feet out of the sand and started pacing the shoreline as she listened.

  “Father Eddie has been a pillar of support, as usual. He’s helping Rachael come to terms with what she saw on the day of the ceremony, and also counseling her and Robert. Eddie hopes they can develop their marriage and get over their trust issues,” Michelle said. “After everything that happened, I don’t know why they decided to try to make it work.”

  Emilie didn’t want to know Robert’s motivations about anything. She was stepping back from the situation. Her brother could be so secretive, and a marriage without trust would have many burdens.

  “Everything will be all right eventually, I guess. These things take time. Speaking of which, I have to go. I’ll call tomorrow, though.”

  “Okay, kid, have a great day,” Emilie said.

  Emilie ended the call and slipped the phone into her pocket. She padded across the sand and headed back to the house. She thought about Robert, but then stopped herself. Emilie didn’t want to experience that emotional turmoil, even if she still had concerns for Rachael. She needed to draw her lines and not cross them if she wanted to keep her sanity.

  She and Father Eddie had had a few conversations, too. He’d known about her empathic talents, even as a child. He’d warned her over the years to only take responsibility for her own feelings. She practiced disassociating herself from outside influences. This was a fine line to walk. She didn’t want to become a cold person, but to survive, she needed to pull back and block some of the emotional ties. Breaking the bonds without losing her compassion, that was her elusive objective.

  Emilie still dreamed of Jeremy, and wanted to start a life with him. She refused to block anything from him, and swore to always share her feelings and be open to his. They respected each other’s needs and were honest. She loved and needed Jeremy more than ever.

  As she neared the house, her hand went to her neck. She found the small shell she’d had a local jeweler turn into a necklace for her. She rubbed the red spiral shell between her fingers, remembering Jeremy’s warm smile. Now, after months of independence and sorting of things in her head, she was alone and miserably missing Jeremy. She wanted to be the proper friend and lover he deserved.

  Each morning, as the sun rises over the ocean’s horizon, washing light onto the beachfront, they talk. Today after she’d spoken with him on the phone, things felt off. Something was wrong. He was still in Surrey enjoying his family, and she didn’t have the heart to ask him to leave them, in order to be with her. Emilie felt like the most selfish person in the world, but she wanted him with her so badly. Chances were good that on the next call, she’d be begging him to leave England.

  Someday she’d be in Surrey too, but right now her place was here, near the ocean. Watching the tide come in and listening to the thunder of the waves, it soothed her soul. Near the ocean, Emilie felt close to God and was happy, but her heart ached for Jeremy. She needed to find a way to ask him to come back to her. Why are the simple things in life still so hard for me?


  Jeremy was frustrated. He’d never intended to stay away from Emilie more than a couple of days, or a week or two at most. It had been months. On the call this morning, they spoke about being together soon, but there’d been no mention of an actual date. In the back of his mind, he wondered if her feelings had changed toward him. Did I dream her love up? He’d begun to question too much, that was when he realized he had stayed away long enough.

  Jeremy booked a flight, needing to see her right away. The frustration of being apart had to end. The next sunrise, he was determined they’d share together. He grabbed his luggage and was on his way back to Emilie. He would find out where he stood, one way or another.

  The red-eye landed at the Jacksonville Airport. Jeremy was too excited to be tired. Only four in the morning, and everything was still dark. Sprinting to the rental car lot, he found his reserved car and plugged in his preprogrammed GPS. He longed to see her face, to touch her and love her. He wasn’t going to waste a minute, excited to see Emilie in her new house.

  Squawking gulls woke Emilie, as they flew by her window on their way to the morning meal. She tried to go back to sleep, but even the pillow over her head couldn’t block their noise. The window had been open all night, letting in the cool ocean breeze. The lulling sounds of the surf had eased Emilie into a peaceful sleep, but now she was wide awake. She rubbed her eyes and reluctantly tumbled out of bed. She looked out the window and sighed, realizing she was up early; it was still dark.

  The predawn hours of the morning were often her most satisfying. Emilie liked the quiet, and didn’t usually get woken by flocks of birds. She skidded her slippered feet into the kitchen and reached up for the makings of her morning brew. She fumbled as she made the coffee, grabbing the filters and struggling to get it straight in the contraption. She measured, filled, and pressed the button. Every morning she drank her coffee on the deck, while watching the sun rise over the water. That was her favorite time of day, because that’s when she called Jeremy, and imagined they were in the same room talking. It was the only way she wanted to start her day.

  The coffeepot puffed, as the last of the steam pushed through the grounds. The smell of fresh-brewed coffee filled her small kitchen, and woke up her senses. She’d never get a single-serve brew maker. She’d miss the aroma too much. She pulled a mug from the white laminated cupboard, and just as she was about to pour herself a cup, someone knocked on the door.

  An adrenaline rush shot through her body. No one had ever visited her at this house. Is that even my front door? Another knock. She wasn’t just wary, but a little frightened by the unexpected interruption at this early hour. Can’t be a lost tourist at this hour, maybe someone’s car broke down. A fleeting memory of an old movie she had watched years ago flooded her with images of a home invasion. She remembered why she had wanted to carry and learn how to use a gun, but it was too late for that now. Grabbing a knife from the kitchen was too scary a risk for her. Slowly walking to the front door, on her guard, she picked up an umbrella on her way. She imagined using it to poke someone’s eyes out, better than nothing. She meekly answered the knock. “Who is it?”

  “Is it too early to get a cup of coffee from you, Miss Emilie?”

  Her heart leaped to her throat. Excitement surged through her entire body, her blood rushing in her veins from head to toe. A happiness that had been floating in limbo awakened, and she was in heaven. She dropped the umbrella.

  Frantically she yanked off the chain lock, twisted open the bolt, and pulled open the door. Without waiting another second, she jumped into Jeremy’s arms. Their bodies collided and he embraced her lovingly, longingly, kissing her until they ran out of breath. When Emilie was confident this wasn’t a dream, she pulled him into the little house and closed the door.

  His hazel eyes reflected her love, and his dimples were deep set in a joyful smile. Jeremy, more handsome than she’d dreamed, stood in front of her and for a moment she had a hard time believing he was there. Moments ago, she’d been excited anticipatin
g their morning call, this face to face was overwhelming, but desired. She could feel his excitement, a sensation of his deep love matching her own feelings. Emilie hoped this ecstasy would never end.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” His accent stirred her in a sinful way.

  Emilie leaned forward on her tiptoes and landed a gentle kiss on his warm, wet lips. “Good morning, handsome.”

  Jeremy gave her a long tight embrace and then let her go. Taking a small step back, he pulled a box from his pocket, and stood silent a moment.

  “Emilie, I love you. Please marry me.”

  She reached up and kissed him again, but more urgently this time. The euphoric feeling of floating on air filled her spirit.

  “I take that as a yes,” he managed to say when he pulled away for air.

  She giggled. “Yes. Yes, of course. I’m so happy to see you. I love you. I missed you so much, and yes I want to be with you forever.”

  Emilie closed her eyes a second. Her feelings mingled with his. So many emotions were running through their minds, mirroring each other’s succinctly. Her clairvoyance was in high gear, but this time she let it flow. It felt good, and natural.

  They had a whole life to plan and to live. They had a marriage to arrange and a family to build together, a future to discover. Time would bring them many adventures, good and bad, but they’d always stay honest in their love, together. A love bond, replacing all cursed ones.

  Jeremy placed his hands on her shoulders.

  “Hey, don’t you want to see what’s in the box?”

  He opened the small black velvet case. Inside was an antique Edwardian diamond ring. Emilie gasped, it took her breath away, it was so stunningly beautiful.

  “It belonged to my Aunt Rose Riley many years ago. My Uncle Thad kept it, then he left it to me,” Jeremy said.

  Emilie looked up at Jeremy and smiled, and wiped the back of her hand over her eyes. Tears blurred her vision, as she took the box and stared. The design was unique; Emilie had never seen such an exquisite piece. A floral burst design with a bezel set, it looked so lacy and airy. It reminded her of the intricate design they had admired together when visiting the old cathedrals. The ring’s center encased an old mine-cut diamond that sparkled as she turned the box. It was encircled with a floral halo, studded with small rare-cut diamonds that twinkled and extended down the side.

  “Jeremy, this is gorgeous. It’s even more special because it was Aunt Rose’s.”

  He blushed. “I can buy you a new one of your own too, it’s just that this ring reminds me of you.”

  “This is perfect—just like you.”

  Jeremy took the ring out and slipped it on her finger. It fit perfectly.

  “How about some coffee? I always give handsome men who propose to me a cup.” She smiled and took his hand, and led him into the kitchen.

  “Cute place you have here.”

  “It was nothing until you arrived.” She smiled and grabbed a cup, filled it with coffee, and led the way to the back. She slid open the door and they both took a deep breath, letting the sea air fill their lungs.

  “Beautiful. Emilie you belong here, near the ocean. The waves match your energy.”

  They drank their coffee and talked a little, then walked on the beach. Basking in their moment of happiness, they watched the new day begin, together in an embrace, as the warm sun filtered its way over the sandy beachfront. The sun rose above the rolling waves of the eastern shoreline like a golden dome. They took the moment to meditate and accept their good fate.

  The gulls started up their noise and the local joggers began to show up. Emilie and Jeremy left the beach and soon ended up in the bedroom to share their built-up desires.

  They made up for the lost time, taking turns satisfying each other. Hours later, smiling deliriously, they were ready for lunch. Emilie grabbed a robe, and they trotted into the tiny kitchen and searched the cupboards for some soup. Then, the phone rang. Reluctantly, Emilie answered. She put it on speakerphone, so they both could listen as she searched for the can opener.

  “Emilie, I need you to come home right away. Something strange is happening.”

  It was Michelle, she sounded frantic.

  “Good morning, what’s up, sis?” Emilie said.

  “Good morning? It’s afternoon, girl. I know that tone of voice. You’re not alone are you? Is Jeremy there, too? Hello, Jeremy.”

  Jeremy laughed aloud. “Yes, I’m here. You’re on speaker. What’s up, Michelle?”

  “Seriously, I need you and Em. You know how Robert has been giving me the cold shoulder, right? Well a bombshell just exploded in front of me!”

  Emilie dropped a can of soup onto the rose-colored laminate. It clanged on the counter, and Jeremy jerked his head up to see the commotion. “Here we go again. What do you mean exactly, Michelle? You said he’s not talking to you. You’re not making sense.”

  “Robert dug up something that happened to me when I lived in Boston. He threatened to use it as leverage against me. Don’t you understand? He’s trying to get me overthrown by the board. I need you here to help me talk sense into him. Are you coming?”

  Emilie looked over to Jeremy, and saw his face twitch. He was such a warm-hearted soul, and she knew he’d put her sister’s needs above their own. He was right, too: she couldn’t be selfish and hide away anymore. It was time to face reality.

  “Yes, of course, we’ll be there if you need us. Can you give us a few details?”

  There was silence on the line, and then Michelle mumbled as if covering up the phone. “It’s hard to discuss like this. Someone might be listening,” she whispered.

  Emilie had hoped to enjoy some peaceful time alone with Jeremy, but she had to help her sister. There was no other option.

  “We will get there as soon as possible,” Jeremy interrupted, speaking her same thoughts aloud. “As long as you think it will help. We’ve got your back, kid.”

  “Good, thanks, both of you. Come soon. I need you both here.” The line went dead.

  Jeremy and Emilie stared at each other, wondering where this was going to lead. They would be there to help, because that’s what family did. Once the situation was under control again, they could get back to their own personal business. The two of them were bonded for life, Emilie knew that now. Together, they would face Robert and weather whatever storms were brewing. After everything they’d already been through, this time Emilie had no doubt that their bond would last forever.


  This is the end of book one. The next story, EXPOSING SECRET SINS is available at your favorite book distributors.


  My never-ending gratitude goes to my husband, for his constant love, support, patience, and faith in me. I am blessed and thankful for my children. Each has a unique place in my heart forever and is the life in my soul no matter how grown. I am also beholden to my mother and siblings for their lifelong critiques. A special remembrance to my nephew who inspired me to write - Dana, you will always be in my heart.

  A special note of thanks to my original Beta readers, especially: MaryLou Paquette, Janice Paquette, and my friends Rita and Gil Oats, who have given me confidence to continue on my writing journey. Thanks, goes out to my new beta readers Virginia Duval and Barbara Lipe, their keen eyes and hearts are appreciated. To my local writer’s critique group – thank you for your camaraderie Memphislores. I’ve also received help from a number of fellow authors, who have shared their experiences and have given their support in many ways. My heartfelt thank you goes out to a great community of Indie writers. Indie Authors have big hearts, willing to share everything, and are true champions of empowerment.

  A good story needs an author but a great book needs an editor. Thank you, Jen Blood and Adian Editing.

  Thank you George Hodan for your spectacular photography used on the original book cover. Discover his art at these places:

  From the Author

  I hope you have enjoyed read


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  the de Gourgues siblings. Look for book two of the serial:


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