Rock and Roll Never Forgets (The Rock and Roll Trilogy)

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Rock and Roll Never Forgets (The Rock and Roll Trilogy) Page 3

by Barbara Stewart

  Beth asked, “What is it?”

  “Beth, a nickname for Elizabeth, right?”

  “Uh hunh,” she laughed, trying to hide a yawn.

  He asked, “Then why not Liz?”

  She laughed, no longer able to hide the yawn. “My mom is the Liz in our family.”

  “Elizabeth Morgan,” he said. Hearing him say it sounded really good to her.

  “Elizabeth Ellen Morgan,” she laughed looking at the clock, trying to hide another yawn, it was 4:33.

  “I kinda don’t want you to hang up, but I know you have to go to work in the morning. I’d like to call again, same time tomorrow,” Andy said.

  “Sure,” she told him.

  Like I could tell him ‘no’!

  “Sleep,” he said sweetly. “I’ll be thinking of you Elizabeth Ellen,” he said, then added, “Bethy.”

  “I’ll be thinking of you, too,” and she heard him blow a kiss as he hung up.

  ~ ~ ~

  Andy and Beth talked every night, a different city each time, as Traveler’s tour took them to Miami, Tampa, Mobile, Dallas, Little Rock, Nashville, and finally on to Atlanta. Beth spoke with Roddy often as well, making the plans for the trip. Kimmy and Beth took off work Friday to drive there.

  “Something on your mind?” Kimmy asked after they’d been on the road a while.

  “Nah, just anxious,” Beth replied. It had been two weeks since she met him, two weeks of late night phone calls, and wondering what next.

  “Anxious and nervous?”

  “Yeah, I am honestly excited beyond belief…”

  But Kimmy interrupted before she finished, “and scared.”

  “I just can’t help wondering,” Beth said with a nervous laugh.


  Rock and Roll Never Forgets

  Chapter Three

  The hotel was on Peachtree Street and they arrived just after two that afternoon. Roddy met them at the front desk. “Welcome ladies!” he said as he greeted them. He hugged them as the bell-hop grabbed their bags, hurrying to the elevator he’d held for them. The guys spent the afternoon rehearsing and going through sound checks. Kimmy and Beth dropped their bags by their room and hurried off to a lounge area, complete with a pool table that the band and crew were using as a hospitality area.

  Nathan was the first to join them as they all grabbed beers. The rest of the guys trickled in, but Andy was nowhere in sight. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. About an hour passed, and Roddy came back into the room. He took Beth’s hand, “Come with me,” he said.

  He led her down the hall and opened the door to a room, holding it open for her. When she saw him, Beth’s breath caught in her throat. Andy was lying across the bed on his stomach talking on the phone.

  “I gotta go, Mom.”

  July 8, 1978 ~ The sight of him left me breathless… when he hung up he came to me and folded me into his arms. I remember the feel of his arms around me. It was quiet and it seemed an eternity passed, he held me an arm’s-length away and just looked at me. Finally, he kissed me. I know I touched my lips with my fingers, I wanted to feel the heat he left there…

  Roddy kissed Beth’s cheek and left them.

  “I couldn’t wait for you to get here,” Andy said. “I’m sorry I didn’t get down there to meet you. I had some things to finish up here. Was the drive OK?” he asked as he led her to a sitting area with a sofa.

  Beth took a seat, but Andy was still standing; he watched her as she nervously chattered on about the drive there. Finally, he took her hands in his and pulled her up from the sofa and into his arms for another hug.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” he said, whispering against her neck as he hugged her.

  “Me too! I’ve been looking forward to it,” Beth giggled, biting her bottom lip, nervously.

  “Roddy and I decided to keep you two backstage with him this time instead of being in the audience. We thought that’d be more fun for you, something different,” he told her.

  ~ ~ ~

  The band had been through their lean years; the years when they traveled in two old Ford Econoline vans and put up their own sets. They’d moved past the times where they all slept in one double hotel room, taking turns as they traveled for who got to sleep in a bed, and who slept in sleeping bags on the floor. The vans progressed to the tour bus they traveled in now. And as the years passed they doubled in rooms. It was all a sign that they were making it now, making money. Now they could afford their own rooms. A sign of their success. Traveler had made it big.

  ~ ~ ~

  They got comfortable and relaxed on the sofa, sharing more of the conversation they were getting so good at. It was part of getting to know each other. They talked about everything from movies, to religion, current affairs, and their likes and dislikes. It was special because the interest was genuine.

  Roddy called around five to remind them that they had to be on the bus by six to leave for the arena.

  Andy gave Beth a peck on the cheek, and she returned to her room. While they got ready Beth shared her thoughts on the time she’d spent with Andy.

  “Kimmy, when he hugs me my knees go weak,” she laughed. “We sat around talking. I swear we can talk about anything and he acts like what I’m saying is the most interesting thing he’s ever heard.”

  “I think he likes you,” Kimmy said excitedly, while telling Beth about the afternoon hanging out with the guys, relaxing and shooting pool.

  Kimmy’s insightfulness; she knew Beth was falling hard. She saw that first spark and watched it burn into a small flame. But she saw Andy too. His reaction to Beth was almost a mirror of her reaction to him. She knew this relationship would change all of their lives forever. She saw the beginnings of a match made in heaven, and she prayed.

  At 5:50 there was a knock at the door. Beth and Kimmy followed Roddy down the hall. There was a lot of commotion as they made their way to the bus. It was older, and similar to a Greyhound, with seats in the front and a second level with sleeping bunks. Nathan grabbed the seat beside Beth. Andy sat with Roddy and pretended to pout. It was only about a ten-minute ride to the arena.

  It was a sold-out show, and there was anticipation as they exited the bus at the back of the building. Kimmy and Beth were given special badges, and escorted to the Courtesy Suite while the guys went to finish getting ready. They returned with some time to relax before it was time to go to the stage. There was no party before the show this time, just some down time.

  Traveler’s show began at eight, and as the time approached everyone began to make the journey to the stage area. Along the corridor, security guards stood watch to make sure no one slipped in. The packed arena was wild with excitement. Traveler was opening for Mean Street again.

  Kimmy and Beth perched on stools to the left of the stage with Roddy. From where they sat they were able to see everything. Roddy explained some of the behind-the-scenes things as they got ready for the show to begin. The band made their way to the stage from the other side. The music started and the girls settled in for the show.

  “Hello, Hot’lanta!” Andy yelled after the first song, “Traveler”.

  The crowd screamed, wild with enthusiasm. The music began for the next song and Andy pointed to a group of microphones. Strutting across the stage he pointed to another set.

  “Know what these are?” Again the crowd went wild. “We’re recording for a live album tonight, so if you sing along, ya better make it good!” he shouted to the crowd. They responded with loud cheers, and Traveler began the next song.

  Beth and Kimmy didn’t stay on the stools long. They were up dancing, singing along and having the time of their lives. Traveler’s success in the past months was crazy. “Forbidden Place” had been number one for two weeks and when they started to sing it the crowd went wild.

  Kimmy leaned to Roddy and said, “It’s different to see it from backstage!” It appeared there was a never-ending sea of people. There were flashes of light from cameras, and the light from
the lighters that fans wave when they like a song.

  “It looks like you’re looking out at a dark, starlit sky,” Beth added.

  After the show, as everyone boarded the bus to return to the hotel, Andy made sure he got a seat beside Beth for the ride back. There was no after party this time, no concert again until Monday. Everyone was ready for a short break. They’d been touring since early May, going non-stop since Orlando. They were ready to unwind. It was almost midnight when they arrived back at the hotel, and the guys went to shower.

  Everyone gathered in the Courtesy Suite afterward and kicked back on sofas. There were tables of food, and a bar with sodas, beer and wine. Andy settled in with a beer and a plate of cheese and fruit, and propped up his feet. There was a lot to talk about and some unwinding to do.

  “Come to my room with me, Bethy,” Andy whispered to her after a while.

  Kimmy was having a good time with the guys. She winked and waved Beth on. His room was a suite. There was a sitting area, and the bedroom was separate. Beth walked to the window for a quick glance over the lights of the city before Andy guided her to the bed and stretched out. Lazily, he patted the place beside him. Beth joined him on the king-sized bed. She inhaled the musky smell of him on the pillow as he drew her closer. His arm around her, she rested her head on his chest, and together they watched television.

  She fell asleep, and with Beth in his arms, Andy watched her, amazed that she was finally there with him, and not on the other end of the phone. She woke as he pulled the covers over them. He wrapped her in his arms and she drifted back to sleep. Later in the night, she slid away from him; sound asleep, she curled on her stomach with her left leg pulled up, her right arm cradled the pillow. She looked peaceful, and Andy watched, wanting to keep that vision in his mind forever.

  Beth left him in the morning, returning to her room to get ready for the day ahead.

  “Well?” Kimmy asked and laughed.

  “Well, we slept together,” Beth laughed. “But there was nothing more than snuggling, and sleep.”

  They met Andy and some of the guys for coffee and breakfast. Nathan flew home after the show the night before and would meet the guys at the next venue. Kimmy was spending the day with Mark, and the other guys were off doing their own thing. Andy asked Beth to spend the day with him, and she was anxious to do just that.

  Andy wanted to romance her, make her feel special. He took her to Underground Atlanta, a city under the city, with shops and restaurants. They walked hand in hand, able to spend an enjoyable day, surprisingly unnoticed. He had a car meet them around five to return to the hotel. After a day filled with conversation, they rode back in silence. Andy took Beth’s hand, gave it a squeeze, and held it in his lap.

  Back at the hotel, in the elevator, he told her, “Can you meet me at seven for dinner?”

  “I’d like that,” she told him.

  “Come to my room,” he said, leaving her with a kiss on the top of her head.

  While she got ready, she told Kimmy about the day. “We walked and shopped, shared a wonderful lunch and Kimmy, he held my hand. He whispered in my ear that he loved me being here with him.” She sighed and added, “Girl, if I’m dreaming do not wake me up!”

  Mark and Kimmy were going bar-hopping, and Beth went to Andy’s room as planned. She took a deep breath; anticipation and excitement over being alone with him again overwhelmed her. She knocked lightly. He opened the door, and greeted her with a kiss; a quick, soft brush of his lips on hers.

  “I hope you don’t mind, we’re not going out,” he told her as she came in and took a seat on the sofa. “I’m having dinner sent up. It’s just easier this way.”

  “No, not at all,” her mind wandered.

  He pulled a bottle of wine from the small refrigerator in the room. “I thought we’d have a glass of wine before dinner, a nice Chenin Blanc that I enjoy.” He uncovered a small platter of fruit and cheeses. “Dinner will come later.”

  He started some music, before he joined her on the sofa. “Bach in Woodwind,” he told her, “Something classical, it’s my favorite album for relaxing.” He handed her the glass of wine, and finally, sat down beside her.

  “Thank you,” Beth said, nervously.

  “For the wine?”

  “No, for a wonderful day. I’ve enjoyed it.”

  “It’s not over, Bethy,” he grinned.

  As they talked and enjoyed the wine his hand moved to Beth’s leg, just a friendly, warm gesture.

  After a while, he turned to her and said, “Bethy, I think you know that I like you.” He paused and the look lingered. “A lot,” he added. “I enjoy your company very much. I love talking with you. ‘With’ is a huge difference for me and I enjoy it. Our conversations are refreshing. I’m a person to you, not ‘Andy the rock star’. You don’t try to be someone you aren’t to get my attention. You are real, genuine, and it’s very nice. I’d like to see more of you, lots more,” he said.

  “I’d like that, too,” she answered, as she nervously sipped the wine.

  “Good.” He took her wine glass and set it aside. He placed a hand gently on her neck and drew her closer. As he leaned in to kiss her, she knew this wouldn’t be one of the casual ‘hello kisses’ she’d received so far. This one would be passionate, and she braced herself. First it was a brush of the lips, soft and gentle, and then he drew back to look at her.

  It rattled her. The look was deep, intense, lingering. Leaning in again, his other hand went to her back, and he pulled her to him. He wrapped his arms around her, and it was the kiss she had dreamed of. But it wasn’t a dream at all. Beth’s hands slid lightly around his waist and up his back as she responded to the kiss.

  There was a knock at the door, and as he let her go he whispered her name in a raspy voice; “Bethy…”

  She pulled a shaky hand through her hair; he’d kissed her breath away, and she attempted to get it back. There was such passion in that kiss. The feel of his arms around her, his lips on hers, left her shaking.

  Andy opened the door and let a young man in to set up for their meal. He spread a white linen table-cloth over the table and lit candles. There was another knock, and the meal arrived. Andy looked on as Beth attempted to regain her composure, and smiled.

  “Shall we?” Andy motioned to the table as the staff left the room. Beth rose on wobbly knees. He went to her, putting his arms around her, he kissed the top of her head. It was a sweet gesture.

  He pulled the chair out for her and they sat down to enjoy a nice meal of Chicken Marsala, and she learned that Italian was his favorite cuisine. He opened another bottle of wine, Chianti, to go with the meal.

  We savored the wonderful dinner he’d chosen, but I was feeling so much emotion that I wasn’t really hungry…

  Afterward they returned to the sofa. Andy slipped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer as soft music played. “This feels nice,” he whispered in her ear, sneaking a kiss on her neck, and she shivered.

  “Mmm hmm,” she murmured, closing her eyes.

  After a while Andy rose, took her hand, and pulled her from the sofa into his arms. Lacing his fingers with hers they moved with the music. He hummed in her ear as he nuzzled her neck. It was a tender, romantic moment. He led her to the bed, but there was no rush for anything more.

  “Lay with me, I just need to feel you in my arms,” he said. “I dream about this every night when we talk on the phone, Bethy, just holding you, feeling you in my arms,” he said. “I want more. I want you, but for now, please just come lay with me.”

  Sunday morning Roddy woke them with a phone call. The guys had to get on the road and Kimmy and Beth needed to head home. Roddy had the car brought around to a private entrance at the rear of the hotel. They said their good-byes and got ready to leave. Andy walked Beth to the car.

  “Be safe,” he said. “I’ll call this evening.”

  “Had a great time,” Kimmy piped in. “Thanks!”

  Looking at Beth he reached for her
hand and held it. “It was a pleasure.”

  The drive home seemed long. It was the same nine hours, no different from the trip up, except that Beth’s thoughts were elsewhere. Kimmy was driving and it gave Beth time to ponder.

  Kimmy asked, “Need a chat?”

  “No, not really, just thinking.”


  “Wondering… wondering what next,” Beth said with a smile.

  “Take it slow. It seems that he is.” Kimmy looked at her friend, “Right?”

  “Yep,” and that was all she needed to say.


  Rock and Roll Never Forgets

  Chapter Four

  Traveler was off to the Northeast for a few dates. Andy and Beth fell into what had become their routine: nightly phone calls and conversation into the wee hours. Beth loved it, but she continually wondered. She prayed that it would never end, but he was Andy Stevens, and she was ‘just a girl.’ Two weeks passed and Traveler was heading south to South Carolina.

  During one of their late-night calls, Andy asked, “Can you come to Charleston? I need to see you, Bethy. Roddy will make all the arrangements, but I’d like to fly you in for the show there. It’s only one night, but it’s close. Can you pull that off? I’ll have him get Kimmy a ticket too, if you’d like. But I really need to see you. I’ve missed you.”

  Kimmy would have gone, if Beth asked. They talked and both agreed that Beth needed time alone with him to see what was progressing.

  She flew out early on Saturday afternoon. A driver met her at the airport. He held a placard that read “Bethy”. It reminded her of a scene from a movie and she loved it. She arrived at the hotel and Roddy was waiting. They dropped her bags at the front desk and left for the arena, arriving backstage just in time. The show was about to begin.


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