Rock and Roll Never Forgets (The Rock and Roll Trilogy)

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Rock and Roll Never Forgets (The Rock and Roll Trilogy) Page 7

by Barbara Stewart

  January 18, 1979 ~ What I choose is a big deal, and it has to be perfect. It’s not like you shop for stuff like that every day. And it’s not every day a girl gets to go to the Grammy Awards on the arm of a Rock and Roll God!

  To ease Beth’s stress, Kimmy tried to make it memorable, taking her camera so they’d be able to remember the experience forever. They giggled and laughed in dressing rooms as they both tried on fancy dresses.

  Andy told Beth when she found what she wanted to call Roddy to take care of the bill. They narrowed it down to three choices - two gowns and a jumpsuit. Beth couldn’t decide. She went back and forth many times, and finally, left the final decision up to Kimmy. Kimmy would send her choice on to L.A. Beth had no idea what she would be wearing until she got there. It was unnerving and fun all at the same time!

  Traveler began their tour of Japan in Osaka with two shows and then journeyed to Yokohama for a night. They ended the tour in Tokyo with two sold-out shows. They were in Japan for ten days and it was a successful jaunt. The tour was done and they were heading home.

  Andy flew to Florida so he and Beth could travel to Houston together. Exhausted from the time difference, concert meltdown, and little sleep, Andy spent the next few days relaxing, while Beth finished up some things at work. He suggested Beth leave her job and come on the road with him, but she wasn’t ready. She liked what she was doing, and, to that point had been able to work around the time needed for their relationship.

  While in Houston, the weather was beautiful and they crammed a lot into the time they were there. Andy had business to tend to, so Phyllis and Beth spent a lot of time together.

  The three of them were able to carve out a fun-day. A side-trip to the Houston Zoo was great fun. Following the Zoo was a wonderful evening out at a little Cajun restaurant that Phyllis and Andy loved called One Crazy Cajun. It was a fun, little off the beaten path place with Cajun music, including an accordion player, and a huge dance floor. Beth looked around, and noticed pictures of Andy and the Traveler guys with the owner and staff of the restaurant all over the walls. The owners made a big deal over their local celebrity. People came to the table to say hello, but it wasn’t like an interruption. Most were people who Andy and Phyllis knew and they were stopping by to congratulate him or just say hello.

  February 12, 1979 ~ The food was wonderful but dessert was what Andy was craving. He ordered peach cobbler and said he’d “crawl over a dozen naked women to get it” - I made a mental note! The accordion player played some upbeat Cajun music and Andy pulled me to the dance floor, and I loved every second!

  Before they left for L.A. there was a small get together at Andy’s home with the guys and some friends, even Phyllis came. Andy sent a limo to pick her up and she loved it. Caterers were there, so all anyone had to do was eat, drink, and be merry, and there was much ‘merry’. It was an evening full of excitement, and some nervousness about the award ceremonies. This was Traveler’s first accolade. “The real honor is just in being nominated.” Andy told her.

  ~ ~ ~

  It was beautiful in Los Angeles when they arrived, sunny and warm, even for California. Limos took them to the Beverly Hilton hotel, greeted like royalty as they arrived; Beth was in awe of all of it.

  On the day of the award ceremonies, Andy treated her to a trip to a spa with Dina. She wanted to look sophisticated, but it was important that it wasn’t anything too much.

  In the limo on the way to there for pampering, Beth told Dina, “I’ve never been to a spa.”

  “It’ll be grand!” Dina laughed, “They’ll scrub you, pluck you, wrap you, color you, massage you, and fill you full of champagne!”

  They talked, laughed, and sipped champagne while being pampered from head to toe. When they returned, Beth entered the room to find Andy was already in his tuxedo.

  February 15, 1979 ~ He absolutely takes my breath away… He is so handsome, and oh my god, I am so in love!

  Beth unzipped the bag and held her breath. “I honestly have no idea what is in this bag,” she laughed. “I couldn’t make up my mind, so Kimmy picked it!”

  Roddy had it pressed before having it sent to the room. All Beth needed to do was slip in. She was anxious as she opened the bag, and happy to find what she did. It was her favorite all along, but she wasn’t sure if it was just right. Anxious for Andy’s reaction, she slipped into the long black silky fabric. It felt good against her skin. Looking in the mirror for inspection, she saw Andy behind her.

  “I feel like a princess,” Beth sighed. Andy walked closer and put his hands on her bare shoulders. The dress was black silk, with a bandeau top and empire waist. It was very plain and simple, straight, with a flowing flare at the floor. “Simple but very elegant,” the sales woman had said. There was a wrap that went with it to drape over her arms.

  “Kimmy did good,” he said. Still standing behind her, his hands slid down her arms. “You look like a goddess, and smell like heaven,” he told her as he nuzzled her neck. He turned and went to a nearby table and returned to slip a necklace around her neck. It was the same teardrop as the earrings only bigger.

  He kissed the back of her neck as he latched it and whispered in her ear, “I’ve been saving this since Christmas. I want you to glitter from head to toe. I want to see the sparkle in your eyes all over you.” He kissed her neck again. “So beautiful…”

  Beth looked in the mirror; the necklace was perfect with the dress, and she loved it. She turned into him, and knew Andy liked what he saw.

  Everyone was already gathered in the lobby when Andy and Beth arrived. A limo was waiting and they all climbed in. Dina hugged Beth and whispered in her ear; “You look so beautiful!”

  Dina thought about Beth telling her that Kimmy picked what she was wearing for the evening, and that she would have no idea what it was until she opened the garment bag. Dina wondered who she could ever entrust that task to, and remembered that Beth was a different spirit, another reason she stood out. Watching Beth, Dina smiled. She noticed that she’d turned from a wide-eyed ingénue into a beauty before her eyes. It wasn’t a girl who slid in the limo beside Andy that night; it was a beautiful young woman. She was on the arm of the man she loved, and Dina hoped that it would stay that way forever.

  The limo ride to the event was fun. Mark went solo and Nigel was with the ‘date du jour’. There was champagne on ice and everyone shared a glass and a toast. When they arrived it was wild, like nothing Beth had ever experienced before. There were photographers and TV crews everywhere, as well as the fans waiting to catch a glimpse. She watched, anxiously, as celebrities from the music industry made their way into the auditorium. Andy smiled, took her hand, and squeezed it.

  There were flashes of light all around them. It was crazy with paparazzi all trying to get the best photographs, and reporters and TV personalities scrambling to get a word from all the celebrities. A reporter from BillBoard magazine stopped Andy to talk about “Forbidden Place”. He chose instead to talk about “In My World” the first single that would be released from the upcoming album.

  There’d been talk and speculation from the critics, and everyone felt sure that Andy and Traveler would win the award that evening. As they entered the auditorium, Beth asked, “Are you nervous?”

  He seemed to just be enjoying the moment, and replied, “Nah, I’ve got the best lookin’ date in the place. Whatever happens, happens; I’m just happy for the nomination.” The guys had been on TV before but this was their first time at any kind of awards ceremonies and they were having fun.

  They were all seated together, Dina to Beth’s left, Andy to her right, and Roddy on his right. Beth looked around excitedly. She was taking it all in, making a mental note of where she was, who, and what she could see. She wanted to remember it forever and giggled. Andy put his arm around her shoulder, and gave her a squeeze. The night was full of excitement. Finally, it was time.

  Mindy McNabb, an actress, came to the stage to call out the nominees for Song of the Year. She
read the list; “And the nominees are, “What a Fool Believes”, Kenny Loggins and Michael McDonald, songwriters, performed by the Doobie Brothers, “Forbidden Place”, Andy Stevens songwriter, performed by Traveler.” Beth could hardly breathe as Andy held her hand, and they waited.

  “And the Grammy goes to… “What a Fool Believes”, she shouted.

  Andy squeezed Beth’s hand and leaned to whisper in her ear. “It’s OK, really, smile,” he nodded to a camera pointed toward them.

  The Song of the Year was one of the last awards given. As everyone exited the auditorium, the Traveler entourage made their way to a waiting limo. The group was excited to attend some of the parties around town.

  Andy whispered in Beth’s ear, “Would you mind if we by-passed the parties?”

  “No, not at all, whatever you want to do,” she replied. The limo dropped them at the hotel and the others continued on to the evening’s events.

  When they arrived, Andy made a call for dinner, and started some music. Beth kicked off her shoes and reached to take her earrings off.

  “Wait, please,” Andy said as he moved closer. “Don’t change yet. I want to look at you a while longer.” He took her in his arms, and kissed her.

  Beth snuggled against him, “Are you disappointed? About the award I mean”.

  He hugged tighter and shushed her, “No, uh unh, I didn’t really expect to win, first nomination,” he whispered. He took her hand walked with her to the sofa. They sat together and shared a glass of wine.

  Finally, there was a knock at their door. Andy allowed a young man into the room. He pushed a cart in, and the room filled with wonderful smells as he set the table. When he left Andy returned to where Beth waited. He took her hand in his, leading her to the table. He poured more wine, and they shared a wonderful meal as they chatted about the evening.

  When they finished, Andy rose and took Beth’s hand in his. He held her in his arms and they moved together to the music playing softly in the background. “I’m so glad you were there with me.” He stopped, held her at arm’s length, looking at her in a way that made her melt; she looked away. He turned her back to face him. “You are so beautiful,” he said in a sweet whisper.

  “I’m just a girl,” Beth laughed, “nothing special.” Andy kissed the top of her head and pulled her close.

  “Oh, but you are.” With his hands on her neck, his thumbs gently caressed her cheeks. He smiled, kissed her, and once again looked into her soul, “and I’m in love with you, Bethy.”


  Rock and Roll Never Forgets

  Chapter Nine

  In June they went to Eleuthera for a long weekend to relax. Andy needed it, still catching up from the tour and working on the new album. Beth was just happy to join him. She knew, but didn’t know if Andy would, that this was a special time in their relationship. When they arrived she was pleasantly surprised.

  It was early in the afternoon and Edwina had already done her magic, opening and freshening up. Later in the evening, there was a knock on the cottage door. Edwina was there, holding a beautiful cake, fluffy with coconut. She came in and set it on the table. Andy came from the other room, and as he hugged her there was an exchanged whisper. She turned to leave and looked back with her big smile. “Bless you both” she said as she went out the door. Beth turned to Andy and he was smiling too.

  “What?” Beth asked, with a laugh.

  “Come here,” he said. “Reach in my left pocket,” and she roared with laughter. “No! I’m serious. I have something in my pocket for you!”

  “I bet you do!” But he raised his arms, and she did. Beth reached in his pocket to find a felt pouch. “What is this?” she asked as she opened it and found a beautiful freshwater pearl bracelet.

  “Thanks for the best year of my life,” he said, and then added, “so far.”

  June 24, 1979 ~ Wrapping me in his arms, all I could think about was how happy I was that he remembered…

  They enjoyed their time on the island, being together, sharing long walks on the beach, and lazy days relaxing in the sun. Andy kept a keyboard there and worked on music. That never stopped for him, it was a constant, he had no switch to turn it off.

  ~ ~ ~

  In August the guys were in L.A. wrapping up the new album. Beth flew out for a long weekend and ended up staying a week. She squeezed in as much time with Andy as she could with the crazy schedule they kept while recording, but he wanted her there, so she went.

  When the band got in the studio they would never leave. They had meals delivered, and there were sofas all over the place, and they would go till they just couldn’t go any longer. It was ‘crash and burn.’ When they got up, they showered and started it all over again. Sometimes they ended up working all thru the night until they got it just right. Beth napped on the sofas, because she wouldn’t leave either. She didn’t want to miss anything.

  There was such camaraderie between the guys, joking, and laughing. Some differences of opinion, but in the end a lot of hard work, devotion, and dedication. Andy said this album was easy; live recordings from the last tour and a few new things.

  Beth spent a lot of time in the booth with Sam, the engineer. The guys nicknamed him the ‘sound engine.’

  August 20, 1979 ~ I love to watch Andy make music. Whether it’s the piano, guitar, or just standing at a microphone… When he sits on that stool and sings, with his eyes closed, I can feel his passion, it’s like he makes love to the microphone, and I find myself closing my eyes, feeling like he is singing only to me!

  Andy flew Kimmy in on the last two days of recording. Dina and Megan were there and it was like a huge party. The guys were wrapping up, and one more song popped up. It came with a laugh and a big collective sigh among them. It was late and they were all whipped. Everyone was in the big room where the guys played and sang while they were recording, and they were getting punchy. Andy started playing a tune on the guitar. Nathan joined in on the piano, then Nigel, and then they were all playing and everyone was singing. It was “The Letter”, written by Wayne Carson Thompson, recorded in the 1960s, by The Box Tops.

  Gimme a ticket for an aeroplane,

  Ain’t got time to take a fast train.

  Lonely days are gone,

  I’m a-goin’ home,

  ‘Cause my baby just a-wrote me a letter.

  It was fun and the guys in the booth loved it. Laughter could be heard on the play-back and they decided to leave it.

  ~ ~ ~

  By mid-September the tracks for the new album, Divinity, were complete. The guys all decided that “The Letter” would definitely be included as the last song on the album. Andy showed Beth different versions of the album cover art. There were several smoky, hazy, looking drawings of the Greek God, Zeus. In each he held a colorful bolt of lightning, but the ‘bolt’ was a musical note – to represent the power of music. The drawings were beautiful, done by Dylan CeMann, who had done the artwork for their earlier albums. In addition to photographs from the last tour, each of the guys added a message to the inner album sleeve thanking producers, managers, and family. Beth saw a message to her from Andy.

  “My Bethy… How do I say thank you for understanding this crazy life we share? I’m happy you are part of it, craziness and all. Thanks for sharing yourself, your love, and your time with me. In My World is yours and I am so glad you are in mine… All my love, Andy”

  September 13, 1979 ~ I keep waiting to wake up and this whole beautiful, crazy dream to end… and then I pray that it doesn’t.

  ~ ~ ~

  They commuted between Andy’s home in Houston and Beth’s in Florida. Andy still suggested she leave her job, and she thought about it, but there was no financial security for her if she did. He told her he’d take care of her, but she wasn’t ready for that. She went part-time at work and it worked well for her and Andy, as well as her company. She was able to work her schedule around ‘them.’

  The band released “In My World” and it did very well. The rele
ase of the album was still weeks away, and then promotion of the album would begin. It would be released in mid-November in time for holiday sales. The guys were doing some small appearances to get the public excited for the release.

  October 1, 1979 ~ The guys were doing a mini concert on the TV show The Midnight Special. Kimmy and I flew out for the taping. It was soooo much fun! We got to meet The Wolfman, and had our picture taken with him. He stood between us and just as Andy snapped he gave us both a tickle poke in the ribs and we screamed!

  ~ ~ ~

  Beth had never been happier. She and Andy had been together a year and a half, and it was good, but she continued to feel a nagging ‘something’ in the back of her mind; insecurity, that kept her wondering, constantly. She always felt as though she was waiting for something to happen, never able to pin it down to anything that Andy did or said. ‘I’m trying to just let it go, enjoy ‘the now’.’ Beth thought.

  “In My World” held the number one spot on the music charts for weeks. Each time it played reminded Beth of the first time Andy played it for her at Christmas. She could see herself sitting at the piano with him, and feel how special it was when she realized it was for her. Traveler was on the road promoting the album on radio and television.

  By mid-October the guys had been on the road a couple of hectic weeks. Beth stayed home to work and share time with her family. As she and Nana got ready for ‘Apple Butter Weekend’ it seemed odd that Andy wouldn’t be there.


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