Final Review

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Final Review Page 4

by Dawn Cano

  I told her how stupid she was for trying to get away and threatened to tell Wade about her escape attempt. She had no comment for me and only sat back in her seat, defeated and crying.

  I started feeling sorry for her. “Wade doesn't have to know about this, but you have to stop crying or he'll know something's wrong,” I told her.

  Susie didn't say anything, even though a 'thank you' would have been nice. She got her crying under control as she stared at the house Wade was in. After what seemed like an eternity, Wade returned with a huge smile on his face. He must have sensed the tension in the car because his smile quickly faded as he climbed into the back seat with Susie.

  “Everything all right, babe? I thought I heard a scream.”

  My eyes met Susie's in the rear-view mirror, and she gave me the most pleading look I've ever seen.

  “We didn't hear a scream, and we're fine.” I lied. “We're just tired of being in the car, I guess. Where to now?” I was hoping he'd drop the subject and this time, it worked.

  As I sat looking at Wade, something was different about him. His eyes told me what he'd been up to inside that house. He was using drugs again. I couldn't tell what he was on, but he had definitely taken something. My heart broke for him, and I became a little scared for my safety. I remembered how he used to be before he quit using, and it terrified me. Although I still didn't think he would intentionally hurt me, his temper when he was using was even worse than when he was clean, and in this situation, I had no idea what to expect. Wade brought me out of my thoughts.

  “We're headed to Harrisburg. Let's get going.”

  “Harrisburg? Your hometown? What for?”

  Wade smiled. “I managed to track down one of the fuckers who keeps leaving you bad reviews for your books. I think it's time we had a little talk with him, don't you?”

  “It's just one person's opinion, babe. Does it really matter?” His smile was terrifying and I was trying to calm him down.

  “Yes, it matters! If we can make an example of this guy, maybe other people will think twice before bashing a great book. Just think of the news coverage this will get! You won't have to worry about bad reviews ever again, baby. Let's get on the road. I want to get there before it gets too late to talk to this Adam Robins person. He uses the name 'Robin's Hood” on Amazon. Ring a bell?”

  I thought about it for a minute but couldn't place the name. “No, I don't know who that is.”

  It was then the realization of what Wade was talking about hit me. News coverage? Every cop in town was going to be hot on our trail when the news got hold of this. How could I possibly further my writing career from prison?

  Wade pulled out his phone and brought up my Amazon author page. He tapped to the reviews for my second book, Blood Lust, and began reading. “I found myself in love with this author's first book and couldn't wait to get my hands on the sequel. However, this story was a complete letdown, and to me, a waste of money. The sex was clunky and awkward, the action predictable and boring. It pains me to say it, but I probably won't be reading anything else from Emma until she figures out how to get the magic from her first book back once again.”

  At that moment, I wondered why I even bothered writing. Obviously, no matter how much I enjoyed it, I was a fraud. Tears threatened to fall until Wade spoke again.

  “Let's go, Emma. This situation isn't going to fix itself.”

  I swallowed back the tears and started the engine. Susie still sat in the back, staring out the window. She had moved as far away from Wade as the car would allow, but Wade reached over and grabbed her by the hair, dragging her close. Wade pulled her face to his and kissed her. She tried to fight him, but he was far too strong for her.

  I drove out of Philadelphia and got up on the highway. My thoughts raced, and although I really wanted to know what Wade had planned, I was afraid to ask. It wasn't long before he was forcing Susie's head onto his dick once again, so I stared straight ahead at the road and tried not to worry.

  We made it to Harrisburg in a few hours and I broke the silence by asking Wade where we were going. Within a few minutes, we were pulling up to Adam Robins' house. Sure, I was terrified, but if I'm completely honest, the thought of confronting the guy was strangely exhilarating. Finally, I'd get to have my say and find out specifically what this guy hates about me and my books.


  As they sat outside the house in their car waiting for Wade’s command, Susie attempted to get dressed.

  “What are you doing?” Wade questioned, from next to her in the backseat.

  “I was gonna get dressed. I thought we were going in.”

  “We are going in, but nobody said a goddamn thing about you putting clothes on. You’re going in just like that.”

  “What? What if someone sees me running around naked?”

  “That’s the plan. Now shut up, bitch. Emma, are you ready?”

  Emma turned around from the driver’s seat to face him. “As ready as I can be. I don’t really know what we’re doing here.”

  “We’re going to visit Mr. Robins and his family. That’s what we’re doing here. And this silly bitch here is our ticket inside. You just follow my lead as usual, and everything will be fine. And you, little Susie Q, do what I say, or I’ll shoot you in the fucking face. Now, let’s go. Everyone out of the car.”

  Wade got out, gun in hand, as Emma and Susie followed him up the driveway. Emma was scared and excited at the same time. Susie was just scared - naked and terrified to be exact. As they approached the front door, Wade stopped.

  “Okay, Susie. You knock on the door and act frightened. Tell whoever answers that someone is after you. Now.”

  Susie pounded on the door and waited. She didn’t have to act frightened though; she was truly terrified. Wade and Emma stood off to the side, out of sight, as the front door opened. Susie pleaded for help from whoever answered.

  “Please, help me!” she pleaded, and the screen door opened. “He’s got a gun,” she said as she ran inside. A man who had to be Adam Robins stuck his head outside only to find Wade’s gun in his face, as both he and Emma forced their way into the house.

  “I...I don’t want any problems,” Adam mumbled, with his hands raised. “Please, please. I have a family.”

  “Shut up. Shut up right fucking now, or I’ll shoot you and your whole fucking family.”

  “Okay. Okay. I’m sorry. Please. Oh, God, please.” Adam started crying, and held his hands out in front of him as Wade noticed his family all sitting at the dinner table. They were in shock, afraid to move.


  “Yes, babe.”

  “Go find that little cunt. She’s somewhere in this house. I’ll keep Mr. Robins and his wife and kids entertained 'til you get back.”

  “Okay. What do you want me to do with her?”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you do with her. Kill her for all I care, just fucking find her.”

  Emma headed off into the house to look for Susie, happy to be away from whatever madness was about to take place.. As Emma disappeared, Wade gathered the family into the living room. After a short interrogation, he discovered that Adam has a wife named Cheryl, and two kids, Timothy and Rebecca. Wade approached Rebecca and held the gun to her head.

  “Tell me, sweetheart, how old are you?”

  Rebecca sat on the couch trembling. “Seventeen,” she whispered.

  Wade didn't hear the terrified teenager and pressed the gun to her forehead. “Speak up,” he growled.

  Unable to control her emotions, Rebecca screamed, “I'm seventeen!”

  Satisfied, Wade moved over to Timothy. “And you?”

  “I'm ten,” Timothy said with an air of confidence and fearlessness. Wade already liked the boy. He wasn't cowering like the rest of the family, and when he spoke, he looked Wade right in the eyes. As he moved away, Wade made a mental note to get to know Timothy a little better.

  The two kids sat on the couch while Adam and Cheryl sat in recliners, on eit
her side. They were all circled around a coffee table in which Wade stood on the other side of with his gun, ready to address them.

  “So, Adam? Do you know why we’re here?”

  “Of course I don’t know. How do you know my name? What do you want with us?”

  “Well, I know all your names now. But I knew you ahead of time, Adam. You don’t recognize my girlfriend, Emma?”

  “No. I don’t know her, I swear. I’ve never seen her before in my life.”

  Adam was sweating profusely, glancing at his wife and kids, wishing he could protect them somehow. There was nothing he could do as Wade pointed the gun at him again.

  “Maybe this will refresh your memory. You said, and I quote, 'The sex was clunky and awkward, the action predictable and boring.' Does that ring a bell? Don't you recognize her from her author page?”

  Adam looked like he’d seen a ghost. “Emma? That Emma? That’s her? The author?”

  “That’s her. That’s my baby, and you upset her. So now I’m here to upset you, Mr. Robins. You and your perfect little family.”

  Wade was interrupted as Emma and Susie reappeared on the scene. Emma was holding the girl by the hair, and Susie’s nose was bleeding. She looked like she'd just had the shit kicked out of her. Emma was smiling as they entered the room. “Here she is, babe. I found the little bitch hiding in one of the bedrooms. She was trying to call the cops.”

  “Good job, Emma. Susie, get your ass over here.” Wade commanded, as Susie moved and stood next to him, awaiting her orders.

  “We’re going to play a game, Adam. You and your wife are going to be the players, and when this game is over, one of you will have to make a very important decision.”

  “What kind of game?” Adam asked.

  “My kind of game,” Wade smiled. “I’m going to need you and your lovely wife to take your clothes off. Sorry, kids, but you’re about to see Mommy and Daddy in a whole different light.”

  “I’ll do no such thing,” Cheryl informed him. Her face was stoic, but her tone proved her fear.

  Wade pointed the gun at Mrs. Robins. “Oh, you will, or I’ll shoot you and your fucking kids, you uppity bitch. Do you understand me?”

  “Honey, just do what he says,” Adam told his wife as he removed his pants and shirt.

  “There we go, that’s the spirit,” Wade replied, as Cheryl joined her husband, undressing in front of her children. Eventually they were both completely nude, standing there, staring at Wade. Cheryl and her daughter were both sobbing.

  “Here’s the deal. Susie here, is gonna suck your dick, Adam. And my girlfriend Emma is gonna eat your pussy, Cheryl. Everybody get in position.”

  “Uh, what?” Emma asked her boyfriend.

  “What? You liked it the last time. Just do it. It's all a part of the game.”

  “You sick mother fucker!” Adam raged. “I swear I’m gonna kill you when this is over.” He took a step toward Wade who instantly raised the gun. Adam halted his attack, looking defeated.

  Wade laughed, as he pointed the gun at Adam. “You’ll be lucky if any of you are alive when this is over. Now, sit down, bitch.”

  Adam listened as he took his place in the recliner. Cheryl remained standing, crying along with her daughter. The boy, Timothy, seemed emotionless, and Wade took note of this as he approached Cheryl. “Lay down and spread your legs.” He pointed the gun right in her face, forcing her to the floor.

  “Okay, it looks like we’re finally ready. Susie, get over there and start sucking. Emma, my darling, start eating. Adam wants realistic sex, that's what he's about to get.”

  Susie and Emma both reluctantly did as they were told. Timothy and Rebecca tried not to watch from the couch, as some random naked woman sucked their father off, and some maniac’s girlfriend ate their mom’s pussy. Wade could barely control himself; he wanted to join in, his dick growing hard in his pants, but he had a mission. This was a game and it had to be played out.

  “By the way, whoever cums first loses. That’s the game.”

  “What? What do you mean?” Adam asked, as Susie took him in and out of her mouth. Before Wade had a chance to answer though, Cheryl was crying out as she bucked against Emma’s face.

  “Looks like you win, Adam.” Wade laughed, as Susie continued sucking the stranger off. She was afraid not to.

  “Cheryl is going to have to make an important decision. Which one of your kids is going to die?”

  Adam came in Susie’s mouth as he looked at his wife. She was still laying on the floor, breathing deeply, looking more satisfied than he’d ever seen her before.

  “Fuck you,” she replied, breathlessly. “I’ll never choose. You'll have to fucking kill me.”

  “Oh, you’re gonna pick, or I’ll kill all of you. I'll start with your kids, making you watch me shoot each one in the head, then your precious husband, and” Wade informed her.

  “Kill her. She’s a slut,” Timothy finally spoke, pointing to his sister.

  “You know what, I like you, Timothy. We need to have a talk later. For now, I think it’s time for me to prove to you that I’m not fucking around. Susie, come here.”

  Susie hesitated before walking over to Wade and facing him.

  “Turn around, and get on your knees.” He ordered. Susie stared at him and looked at the gun.

  “Now!” Wade roared, his impatience getting the better of him.

  Susie started to cry, but did as she was told, and Wade put the gun to the back of her head.

  “Good night, Susie Q. It's been fun.” Wade shot her, execution style, as Cheryl cried out and Rebecca screamed. Emma caught herself smiling, happy that her boyfriend’s new plaything was finally out of the picture. She couldn't stop staring at the blood, bone and brain matter scattered all over the floor.

  “What do you think now, Cheryl. You ready to decide yet?”

  “Fuck you,” Cheryl spat.

  “Okay, then, it looks like we’re going with Timmy’s opinion, but not just yet. Here’s what we’re gonna do, Adam. You're going to help me with a little experiment. You think the action and violence in my girlfriend's books are predictable and boring? Let's add a little realism, shall we? Stand up.”

  Adam did as he was told, realizing he was still naked. He moved his hands to cover himself.

  Wade laughed. “Yeah, if my dick was that small, I'd try to hide it too.” He walked over to the naked man, grabbing him by the arm. “Walk with me to the kitchen.” He dragged Adam through the living room and into the dining room where he noticed four plates, filled with food, sitting on the table. Apparently, the family had just sat down to dinner when their meal was suddenly cut short. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans adorned each plate.

  Wade pushed Adam to the floor when the two reached the kitchen. “Find me some duct tape.”

  Adam tried to buy some time. He needed to come up with a plan before the crazy man standing over him had a chance to render him immobile.

  “We...I...there is no duct tape. I don't use it.”

  Wade thought about this for a minute before screaming, “Everyone has fucking duct tape!” With the gun still trained on his hostage, Wade began angrily rummaging through cabinets and drawers. When he opened the cabinet above the stove, he found something that made him forget all about the duct tape, at least temporarily.

  “Crown Royal, you have good taste, my man.” Wade unscrewed the cap and took a long drink from the bottle, enjoying the burning sensation as it traveled from his mouth to his stomach. Since he hadn't eaten that day, it only took a few swigs for him to start to feel a buzz. He drank more and more, still keeping the gun pointed at Adam, until his body was numb, and he was sufficiently drunk.

  Smiling, he said, “Now, about that duct tape.”


  Journal Entry 37

  Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, or any more weird, they sure as hell did. When we pulled up to the reviewer's house, Wade didn't let Susie get
dressed, and I was certain he just wanted to stare at her heart-shaped ass as she walked in front of him. As it turns out, he wanted her to appear scared and intimidated, and it worked. Adam, the reviewer, let the frightened girl in without hesitation, and Wade and I followed closely behind.

  Once we got in the front door, Susie disappeared. Wade sent me to find her, and although I didn't know what I was supposed to do with her, I went in search of the girl who I was really beginning to hate. Eventually I found her hidden away in the corner of a bedroom upstairs, at the end of the hall. She had a cell phone in her hand, but thankfully for us, her hands were shaking so badly that she couldn't dial nine-one-one. At the moment I saw her there, naked and crouched in the corner, I saw red. All I could picture was her kissing Wade, my fucking boyfriend. All I could see was his head thrown back as she sucked his dick. How he hadn't touched me since she came along.

  Little bitch.

  Before I could stop myself, I ran over to the corner and pulled her up by her hair, and as she stood, she dropped the phone. She started to struggle, so I used the heel of my hand and rammed it into her perky little nose. Blood flowed from her face and tears rolled down her cheeks. That shut her up, and whatever fight she had left quickly drained away.

  We walked back down the stairs and I pushed her into the living room. That's when things got really weird, and for the first time since this whole ordeal began, I really began questioning Wade's sanity.

  Sure, I enjoyed my first experience with a woman, but it was my choice to partake in that activity. When Wade forced me to orally rape the reviewer's wife, I wasn't happy. After we finished and he took Adam into the kitchen, things took a turn for the worse.

  Wade forced a naked Adam into the kitchen to get a roll of duct tape, presumably to tie up the family. He began throwing things out of the cabinets and stopped when he found a bottle of Crown, one of his favorite beverages. He downed the half-full bottle in less time than I thought possible, and before long, he was slurring his words and becoming more violent by the minute.


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