Reckless Temptations (The Tempted Series Book 4)

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Reckless Temptations (The Tempted Series Book 4) Page 9

by Infante Bosco, Janine

  “Your club,” I said, reading between the lines.

  He nodded.

  “Take the detour, Kitten,” he coaxed.

  He made it sound so simple. He made me wish I could. I just needed a little more time to figure it out. To plan what I would say. As much as I wanted to be a free spirit like Riggs, I didn’t know how. I didn’t know how to live life with no direction.

  He dropped my hand and signaled the waitress for the check.

  “I’ve got to get back to the city. I have a job I need to do, but we’ll talk more, and if you need help throwing caution to the wind, I’m your guy,” he said, seeing the apprehension in my eyes. He winked at me, enticing me to take him up on his offer.

  Throwing caution to the wind with Riggs was probably a bad idea…a really bad idea but oh, so tempting.

  Chapter Nine

  Sun Wu was no joke, there was a reason he was named after a warrior. What? You think I would agree to a job without doing my homework? I had his blood type and his family tree memorized before I walked through the door. Nope, not just a pretty face, your boy Riggs has brains too.

  He and the Red Dragons were big time players in the MC world. They weren’t a threat to the Knights because we ran in different circles. Most of their operations were overseas, using the New York Harbor to move their weapons and their drugs back home to their pals in Beijing.

  Wu wanted me to wire every inch of an apartment he kept over on Mott Street. He was vague about the details of the operation but he was adamant that every square inch of the property was secure. I ran wires through the walls, planted bugs on smoke alarms, and glass eyes in high hats. The place was suited up from the fire hydrant on the curb outside to the microwave in the kitchen.

  Thanks to me, Wu had eyes everywhere.

  And thanks to him I had a sweet envelope to deliver at Church.

  I also had entertainment because there was no way in hell I wasn’t tapping those wires. Sometimes binge watching on Netflix just doesn’t hack it and I need an extra something, something. You know what I mean?

  I was packing up my tools, shoving them back into my bag when I heard the roar of engines outside. Sun Wu and his boys started talking in Chinese making me wish I had paid more attention when my mother got me those fancy Mandarin lessons. Instead, I tried getting it on with my Asian Mrs. Robinson.

  Wu pulled up the surveillance footage on his iPad and grinned at me.

  “A day ago I’d be holding my gun out the window checking to see who was knocking on my door,” he turned the screen around so I could see the Dragons dismounting from their bikes, clear as day might I add.

  “You do excellent work, Riggs. I will be sure to tell Jack I appreciate him subbing out your services to the Red Dragons. If there is a way we can serve you in the future, I hope you won’t hesitate to ask,” he said, as he fingered the patch on his cut.

  “I’m not the shy type, brother. If you got something I need, bet your ass I’m taking it,” I said, zipping up my bag and throwing it over my shoulder.

  I decided against asking him if he had an old lady that made fried rice. Homemade fried rice was the shit. I had an Asian nanny once, she made killer fried rice and her spare ribs were off the charts. Real authentic, none of that stuff you find at every Chinese takeout place.

  If I ever take an old lady I might make sure she’s Asian.

  The door opened, and the Dragons walked in, signaling it was my cue to go.

  “It’s been real guys,” I said, patting my cut to where the envelope was safely tucked away. “Pleasure doing business with you,” I said to “Jackie Chan” and the Ninja Warriors. Glancing around at the empty apartment one last time, I wondered what Sun Wu had in store for this place.

  I pulled into the compound, killed the engine of my bike and found Bones sitting on top of a picnic table smoking a joint. I tipped my chin toward him before I took a seat on the table next to him.

  “Pass that shit,” I said, watching as he blew out a stream of smoke.

  “How’d it go with Wu?” He asked, passing the joint.

  I took the first pull, welcoming the burn of the herb and shrugged my shoulders.

  “In and out, easy job.” I thought about it—Wu, the Red Dragons and how over the top their operation looked. “The Dragons don’t play, huh?”

  Bones had been part of the Satan’s Knights for a couple of years now, making him more knowledgeable when it came to rival clubs and how they worked. He had a better understanding of the history between the Knights and the Dragons too. He didn’t need me to tell him that Sun Wu was a lethal bastard, he already knew that.

  “No they don’t,” he affirmed. “It’s good for the club that we make nice with him. You doing that job for him shows good faith. We don’t want that guy or his club as an enemy,” He said, taking the joint from me.

  “I hear you,” I said, staring at the bikes that lined the Dog Pound, noticing how everyone’s bikes were parked, but the guys were nowhere in sight. “What are you doing out here? Where is everyone?”

  He looked at me for a moment, silently, before he offered me the joint again.

  “They’re all inside,” he replied finally.

  “I’m good,” I said, declining the joint and watching on as he took one last puff.

  “I was waiting for you,” he said, blowing out the smoke. He coughed slightly, and I reached over and slapped him on the back.

  “Aww you missed me, brother?” I joked.

  Bones and I went way back, a brotherhood before either of us ever knew of the Satan’s Knights. His mother, Lorraine, was my family’s housekeeper, the sweetest lady you’d ever have the pleasure of knowing. When we were kids, Lorraine would bring Bones with her on the weekends and we’d play together. We remained close through the years, and while my parents tried to shelter me, Bones was the one who enlightened me. He introduced me to sports, women and pot. And when I broke away from my family, he and his mom welcomed me with open arms.

  Lorraine passed away two years ago around the same time Bones became a patched member of the Satan’s Knights. He’s led me on this detour, bringing me into the fold and introducing me to the club. He’s the one who gave me my road name, and it’s because of Bones, I’ve found my place within the MC.

  I owe him a lot but he’s never asked for anything other than my friendship. He’s my brother, first and foremost. Always. Until we die.

  “Riggs, you know I always got you, right?” He questioned me, both verbally and with his eyes.

  “I know and that shit works both ways,” I said, staring back at him, wondering where this was coming from.

  He nodded thoughtfully as my phone chimed, signaling I had a text message.

  “Everything okay?” I asked, as I reached into my pocket for my phone, glancing down at the screen to see Lauren’s name. I swiped my thumb across the screen and opened the message.

  Kitten: Hi…so, I’ve been thinking and I think I’m ready for that detour.

  I smiled slightly, about to reply when I realized I was in the middle of a conversation with my friend and he looked all sorts of weird. I lifted my eyes back to Bones.

  “Jack wants to see you. They voted on whether to patch you in,” he said, solemnly.


  “You don’t look too fucking happy. They voted against me?” I asked angrily. That was fucking bullshit. I’ve done everything asked of me and then some, I proved my loyalty and I fucking deserved my patch.

  Bones jumped off the table and patted my shoulder.

  “Come on, let Jack explain everything,” he ordered.

  Fuck that. Jack Parrish could kiss my ass. I shoved my phone into my pocket and hopped off the table. I’d go meet with my so-called brothers, but I wasn’t about to listen to some bullshit excuse why they had voted against me.

  “Calm down,” Bones warned, quickening his pace to catch up with me as I charged into the Dog Pound.

  “I am calm,�
�� I seethed. I very calmly was going to fucking flip their precious, fucking table upside down.

  I charged into the Chapel, Bones on my tail, and peeled off my cut that labeled me a prospect, the fucking joke of the Satan’s Knights.

  “Riggs, don’t—” Bones started.

  “I’m done,” I interrupted throwing my cut onto the table. “You got something you want to say?” I asked the man seated at the head of the table.

  Jack raised an eyebrow, diverting his eyes back and forth between me and Bones. Then I heard Bones laugh behind me.

  “What the fuck is so funny?” I asked, through gritted teeth as I glanced over my shoulder toward my friend.

  They all started laughing.

  Every single fucking one of them.

  “What is so fucking funny?” I hissed, eyes on the Bulldog as he rose from his seat.

  “The brothers and I thought it was time to vote on whether we patch you in,” he explained, as I rolled my eyes. Was he really about to sugar coat this shit for me?

  “It was unanimous,” he added.

  Blackie rose from his chair, walking toward the back of the room as Jack stood in front of me.

  “Congratulations, you’re officially one of the Satan’s Knights,” Jack declared, taking the leather vest Blackie offered him.

  I looked at the leather cut in disbelief, running my fingers over the stitching of the patches and lifted my eyes to my president’s.

  “Are you fucking with me?”

  Jack shook his head.

  “Put it on,” he said. “You’ve earned your right to those colors, wear them proud,” he added, tipping his chin toward the vest I was clutching in my hand.

  I glanced over my shoulder at Bones, taking in his shit-eating grin, and the pride reflected in his eyes.

  “You’re an asshole,” I clipped.

  “Stop! You’re giving me goosebumps,” he teased, taking a step closer to pull my hat off and tousle my hair. “What the fuck are you waiting for? Put your goddamn cut on! Wanted to tell you yesterday but your ass was nowhere to be found.”

  Pipe and Wolf started pounding their fists against the table as they chanted for me to put it on.

  It was a surreal moment, a profound one, finding your place in the world. It was the first time in my life I felt like part of a real family. I slid the vest on, a perfect fit, and my brothers took a chance a piece congratulating me. Jack wrapped his arms around me and patted my back.

  “Proud to call you a brother,” he said sincerely.

  “Thanks, Prez,” I replied with a grin.

  “You know what happens now don’t you?” Pipe said, eyes full of mischief.

  I turned my attention toward him as he threw something at me. I caught it just in time, starring at the box of condoms before grinning widely at him.

  “Fuck, yeah,” I agreed.

  Blackie lined up shot glasses along the table, filling them with Patron before raising his own toward me.

  “To brotherhood,” he saluted.

  “To Riggs,” Bones added.

  “Ay!” Pipe shouted.

  “To being a Knight!” I chimed in, clinking my glass to theirs and shooting back the tequila.

  “There’s plenty more where that came from,” Blackie promised, as my phone rang.

  I pulled myself away from the high and lifted the phone to my ear.


  “Hi. Is it a bad time?” Lauren’s voice filled my ear, reminding me of the text message I received before.

  The guys started getting rowdy, re-filling their shot glasses and shouting their well wishes. I downed the shot Bones put in front of me, handing him back the empty glass and stepped out of the Chapel.

  “Hey,” I said hoarsely, the burn of the tequila working its effect on my voice. “Sorry, I got side-tracked,” I explained, once I was in the common room. “I’ve got the best news.”

  “Really? What happened?” She asked, and fuck me, her voice did things to me. She actually sounded sincere, like she wanted to know. What was even more bizarre was that I wanted to share it with her.

  “I got patched in, Kitten. They voted and I’m officially one of the Satan’s Knights,” I said excitedly.

  “That’s great, babe,” she boasted, falling silent after the endearment left her lips.

  “Yeah, waited a long time for this. They’re having a party for me tonight at the clubhouse,” I said, glancing over my shoulder watching Bones and Blackie stepping into the common room.

  “I’m happy for you, Riggs,” she whispered.

  “Thanks,” I said, stepping away from my brothers. “Listen, the guys are busting my balls but…why don’t you come tonight?”

  I’m an idiot.

  I closed my eyes and slammed the palm of my hand against my forehead.

  Really, there is no other way to describe me. I have no fucking idea why I asked her to come to my patch party.

  “You want me to come to your party?”



  Blackie handed me another shot. The man was on a fucking mission, I’ll give him that.

  “I’ve got to go but yeah, sure, why not?” I said in a hurry. “So maybe I’ll see you later?”

  “I don’t know, Riggs,” she said.

  Good. Good. Maybe she won’t come.

  But a part of me, a real small part, actually wanted her there. I just had no fucking idea why. Not a clue.

  “Detour. You come tonight and this could be it, Kitten,” I said, realizing I got my patch and lost my fucking brains.

  “I’ll see. If I don’t come, though, have a great night,” she responded. “Bye Riggs,” she said before ending the call.

  “I just fucked up,” I said out loud, staring at my phone.

  “What’d you do this time?” Bones asked, lighting up a freshly rolled joint.

  I snatched it out of his mouth and took a heavy pull.

  “I just invited Bianci’s sister to my pussy party.”

  I left out that the fact that if I had to choose between the club whores that would swarm this place tonight or my Kitten, hands down I would choose the girl next door with the gorgeous eyes and sexy glasses.


  I thought glasses were sexy.

  Yeah, I really lost my fucking mind.

  “What?” Mia asked, as I stared at my phone.

  “He was patched into the club,” I said automatically.

  “Yeah, I don’t know what that means,” she counted, shaking her head.

  I turned to her.

  “It means he’s a full fledge member. It means he gets a vote, it’s everything to a man like him,” I explained.

  I remember when my brother became a made man. I remember the black suit he wore, the scent of his cologne, and how he wore entirely too much hair gel. But, what I remember the most, is the look in his eyes when he kissed my cheek before he left. They were full of pride, thinking he had made it in life, that he finally had everything he ever wanted. He didn’t know every word of his oath was another piece of his soul he handed the Devil. Anthony didn’t realize until he lost everything he ever wanted, until he lost Adrianna and their baby.

  I didn’t know if being a member of a motorcycle club was anything like being a man of the mob but if it was, if there was any resemblance at all, I hope Riggs knew what he was doing.

  “Mazel to Riggs,” Mia offered.

  “He invited me to his patch party,” I added, as I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to figure why he did that. I was pretty sure there would be a shitload of women there so why invite me?

  “Did you say a party?” She asked, dropping her magazine on the coffee table.

  “Yeah, but I don’t think I want to go,” I blurted.

  “Oh you have to go! You’ll break his heart if you’re not there on his big night,” she exaggerated.

  “Mia,” I warned.

  “No, Lauren, you’re
an idiot if you don’t go. It’s not like you have anything better to do anyway,” she pointed out.

  Way to kick a friend when she’s down. My best friend was better than yours. Not.

  “I like Riggs, Mia,” I said, feeling frustrated and honestly a bit naïve.

  “More of a reason to go to his party,” she suggested.

  “No, more of a reason not to go,” I argued. I knew enough about men to know the type of man Riggs was. He probably invited every girl he ever banged to his patch party. I wasn’t stupid enough to think I was the exception, and I wasn’t ready to face that truth head on. I didn’t want to give up on Kitten and Tiger just yet and still wanted to hold onto the dream of us.

  Maybe I was naïve.

  Maybe I was just plain stupid.

  “You’re going to the party,” Mia insisted. “And you will make Riggsy’s head spin when he sees you,” she said with a grin. “I have the perfect outfit for you!”

  “Fine, I’ll go but you’re coming with me to make sure I don’t do anything stupid,” I conceded, knowing very well that deciding to go was the first of many stupid things I would do. But hey, life was about taking detours right?

  Chapter Ten

  I leaned back against the back of the black leather couch, swigging tequila straight from the bottle as the blonde in front of me shook her tits in my face. She was one of many, a dime a dozen, just another piece of ass swapped by the brothers. She placed her hands on my thighs and fell to her knees, trying her hardest to smile seductively at me.

  Her hands traveled up my legs, and I took another swig of tequila, feeling my dick jolt against the zipper of my jeans. I’ve been walking around with a hard on since the party began. It was a feast of nipples and ass galore, yet we were hours in and I still hadn’t fucked anyone. Blondie over here was trying her hardest to be the one.

  “You ready for me, tiger?” She purred, as she drew down the zipper of my jeans.


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