Restore Me (Book 2.5 Kin Series)

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Restore Me (Book 2.5 Kin Series) Page 3

by Foor, Jennifer

  I folded my arms over my chest and laughed at her. “It don’t matter where they’ve been. All that matters is where they will be. Just give it some time to sink in. I guarantee I’ll have you screamin’ my name. They always do.”

  “You are gross. I’m not some whore that will just jump into bed with a stranger. I have morals and can promise you that,” She flipped her arms all around between us, “We will never happen.”

  It was rude of me to keep laughing, but she didn’t have a clue. “I don’t fuck, whores. I fuck beautiful women cause they ask me to fuck them. Keep playing hard to get. I love the challenge.”

  When she huffed back into the apartment, I stood outside, still amused by our confrontation. Even if she was pissed, she’d still be picturing me while lying alone in that bed.

  It was a perfect start.

  Chapter 4

  It was late and I was tired. Knowing I had time after work the next day, I decided to head home. I started my bike and put on my helmet while it was warming up. Pretty soon, I wouldn’t be able to ride it, on account of it being too cold. It was a shame because I saved a hell of a lot of money on gas.

  As I began to pull out of the driveway, I spotted a petite blonde trying her best to hide from me. I didn’t know why she was outside again and had to wonder if she’d come looking for me already.

  I turned off the engine and approached her. “What are you doin’ outside this late? Did you come out here to find me?”

  She stood there, shocked that I’d gotten off of my motorcycle. The closer I got to her the more I wanted to touch her and be close enough to smell her intoxicating fragrance. I pinned her up against the house.

  She tried to squirm away. “Please leave me alone. I didn’t come out here for you!”

  “Why then? It’s nearly midnight.”

  “They are a little loud. I figured I’d wait it out!” I had to laugh, imagining the things that Ford was getting in to.

  “How about I give you a ride while you’re waitin’?” In other words, I wanted her to wrap her arms around me and knew it was the easiest way for it to happen.

  She smacked me hard on the chest. “Fuck off!”

  “Doll, I wasn’t talkin’ about fuckin’ you. When it happens, and it will be happenin’, I won’t be the one askin’ for it. Now, do you want a ride or not? You can wear my helmet.”

  I motioned toward my bike, hoping she’d bite on the offer to get away. The longer I was around this woman, the more I wanted from her. She was damn near perfect.

  As a matter of fact, she was mouthwatering. “I think that being that close to you is a bad idea.”

  Did she really think that I was going to take no for an answer? This woman had a lot to learn when it came to me. “You scared of a motorcycle, or are you scared of wrappin’ those arms around me and feelin’ somethin’?”

  She crossed her arms and seemed more irritated. “You’re a pig. I’m not scared of anything!”

  I was determined that her ass was getting on my bike. “It’s one fuckin’ ride. Instead of bein’ bit up by mosquitos, why don’t you ride with me. I promise I won’t bite, unless you ask me to, of course. Besides, Ford would kick my ass if I hurt his woman’s B.F.F.”

  She rolled her eyes but took the helmet from me. I was surprised and eager to keep moving with my plan, to lure her into my bed. “One ride?”

  “I won’t even touch you.” That would come later. She may not have known it yet, but it would happen.

  I could tell she was regretting the fact that she’d agreed. She stood there, like she was looking for a place to run and hide from me. I liked knowing I was getting to her.

  She shook her head. “This is a really bad idea! Maybe I should just drive home.”

  “You afraid you’ll enjoy yourself?”

  She put her hands on her hips and raised her brow, like there was no way I could get to her. “No! I’m afraid I won’t!”

  I had her right where I wanted her and knew she was fighting a losing battle. Without regard for her possibly changing her mind, I climbed on my bike. “I’m pullin’ out of this driveway in the next ten seconds. Whether you climb on this bike or not is up to you.”

  She stood there and I knew I had to give her a push, so I started backing out of the driveway, like I didn’t care either way.

  She started following me and unexpectedly climbed on behind me. Since I didn’t feel her hands yet, I figured I’d give her a warning. “Hold on tight, woman. This is goin’ to be a ride you’re never goin’ to forget!”

  I drove for a few miles before I felt her head leaning into my back. The air was cold against my face, but I felt confidant that she wouldn’t have gotten on my motorcycle without my helmet. I liked her hands being across my chest and the warmth that was there between us.

  I’d had plenty of women on my bike, but none that I had to coax on. This girl was going to be different. Things were changing in my life. I was about to move into a place of my own. The rules had changed. I could have any woman I wanted come over and not have to hear shit about it. Knowing that made me positive that once I got this girl out of my system, I’d still keep with my weekly schedule. I, for one, didn’t want drama and this chick was full of it.

  When my face was literally stinging, I stopped at a gas station. She let go of me immediately, like I was giving her the plague. I had to keep my cool, so she didn’t jump off and try to hitchhike her way home. “You want somethin’ to drink?”

  “A water would be nice.” She smiled, but offered nothing more that would lead me to believe that she was happy to be out with me. In fact, I was pretty certain that as I walked away, she was kicking herself for going through with it.

  Because she was so different from the other women I messed around with, I knew I had to have a better approach. She wasn’t going to be begging me to be with her and that posed a huge challenge for me, because I NEVER begged for pussy.

  After purchasing two bottles of water, I walked out and handed one to Lacey. “You havin’ fun?”

  She looked down at the ground. “It’s alright.”

  I smiled, feeling like she was having a better time than she was admitting to. “Yeah, you keep tellin’ yourself that when I know you’re goin’ to be thinkin’ about me later.”

  My comment got her blood pumping. She gave me this crazy look and tightened her bottom lip. Her eyebrow raised and for a second I swore she was going to smack me. “Do you always act like this?”

  “Like what?” I laughed, knowing I was being an asshole.

  “Like you can have anything you want.”

  I couldn’t stop being amused by her. “Woman, I can have whatever I want, because I don’t stop until it’s mine. Most people don’t have a set of these to push them along.” I took a hand full of my balls and shocked the shit out of her.

  She pointed to my cock. “You think they give you the ability to be a dick and still get play? You’ve got to be joking. The only thing I can see coming out of that is a low kick to that precious area of yours.”

  I wanted to keep up the bantering, because I knew I was getting under her skin, but I also didn’t want to push it, so I placed the helmet back on her head, kindly. “It’s goin’ to happen.”

  “Fat chance,” She mumbled as I climbed back on the bike in front of her.

  From the moment I took off again, I knew she was behind me plotting a million ways to forget that we’d ever met. The great thing about that was knowing she’d be thinking about it all night. While I was sleeping soundly, dreaming of fucking her, she’d be wide-awake, unable to sleep because she was so irritated. In my experience, the fastest way to get a reluctant woman into bed was to taunt her until she gave in.

  I let her climb off the bike before me, so I could secure it.

  Lacey motioned toward the dark apartment. “Are you planning on sleeping on the floor?”

  I turned to answer her and her hands slammed into my chest. I knew she didn’t mean it, but I wasn’t complaining to hav
e been put in this type of situation. I knew I had to do something right, to keep her curious and in the game, so I leaned over and gently kissed her on the cheek.

  She was shocked, that I could tell. I was getting hard, just being this close to her. “Thanks for the company. See you around, gorgeous.” I walked back to my bike and got it started up, while watching her walk back into my cousin’s place. She turned around once before entering my apartment and under my helmet I knew I had a shit-eating grin. It had only been one night and I was already having an affect on her. In the weeks to come, I knew I was going to get what I wanted. I just needed to be patient and wait for it to happen. Pushing that little delicate flower into sex would make her less likely to enjoy it and I always left my women happy and wanting more.

  After a good night’s sleep, I woke feeling refreshed. Lacey was still on my mind, but I had decisions to make and lots to get done. My early shift at the Country Club was usually the best time for me to work, but it felt like it was dragging. By the time I was off, I headed to my mother’s and started packing up as much of my things as I could. Deciding to invest in some nice furniture, I headed out to look for what I would like. Jamey came with me, claiming he had nothing else better to do.

  We’d no sooner gotten into the car when I felt like I wanted to brag about meeting Lacey. “Hey, remember that chick Shayne came into the diner with a while back?”

  “Yeah, did she come in again?”

  “She’s Ford’s girlfriend’s best friend. I hung out with her last night and she and Shayne ain’t together anymore.”

  He looked over at me. “Tell me you banged that fine piece of ass.”

  “Not yet.”

  He punched me in the arm. “Dude, you better give me details. I bet her tits taste like cotton candy.” He started pretended to be sucking on them in the seat next to me.

  I scrunched up my face and shook my head. “Bro, you’ve got serious problems.”

  “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”

  “You’re hopeless, you know that? If you put half of your sex drive into school, you’d have what I have. Get your damn mind out of the gutter and make something of yourself. It ain’t just going to happen for you.”

  Jamey looked out the window. “If it’s not mom, it’s you. Get off my back about it. I don’t know what I want yet.”

  “Mom told me you’re seein’ someone. When did you start having girlfriends that you bring home?”

  “Just because you have a black heart doesn’t mean that everyone else feels that way. Besides, it’s not like it will last forever. I’m young and things change.”

  “Maybe for you. I like my life and there ain’t nothin’ that’s goin’ to make me believe that havin’ a relationship is a good thing. It’s nonsense if you ask me. Being with one woman? I can’t do it.”

  “Dude, when you’re old and your balls are down to your knees, your options will be different. How many saggy tit women are you goin’ to want to see? I think one’s enough. I plan on findin’ one I really like, so when her tits sag, she’ll be trained to just bend over.”

  We both started laughing. “You’re demented.”

  “No, bro, that’s smart.”

  I pulled into the furniture store taking little of what my brother said to heart. It was cool that he was happy with seeing a girl. If that’s what he wanted to do, I couldn’t stop him. I knew my lifestyle wasn’t for everyone, but it suited me just fine.

  At the end of the day, it was my life and my decision.

  Chapter 5

  Moving in was easy, especially with all new furnishings. Living on my own was the difficult part. I’d relied on my mother so much that I didn’t take into consideration how much she’d always done for me and my brother. Take laundry for instance. I’d never washed clothes in my life. She enjoyed hearing me ask her to come show me how to do it. I probably could have figured it out, but was hoping for some company.

  To bide my time on the weekends, I taunted Lacey as soon as she would arrive to hang out with her friend. It didn’t matter the mood or weather, she’d always shut me down, so I made it a point to start hanging out with them.

  Ford caught on after the second weekend. He came over knocking on my door as I was about to head to his. “What’s up, man?”

  “Sky sent me down here. She wants to know what you’re up to.”

  I leaned against my couch and crossed my arms. “I’m just havin’ fun. No harm no foul.”

  Ford put his hands up. “Look, I don’t care who you fuck, but don’t play around with Lacey. I don’t feel like hearing Sky bitch to me about it. Lacey’s a nice girl and Shayne’s got her all fucked up in the head.”

  “That ain’t my problem. Lacey’s a grown woman. If she wants to come to me for a good time, who would I be if I turned her away.”

  He pointed at me. “You’re tauntin’ her and you know it.”

  “She likes me. I can’t help that.” I laughed at my comment, counting in my head all of the times that she’d turned me down. Liking me at this point wasn’t exactly how Lacey would probably describe her feelings.

  “Look, I don’t care if you’re friends, not that I believe you for a second. Don’t take it to another level with her.”

  I put my hand on my cousin’s shoulder. “I’ll try my best to behave, but my dick usually gets what it wants. I can’t stop it.”

  He shook his head at my joke and started walking away. “When my girlfriend comes over here and cuts off your dick, don’t come cryin’ to me. You want that pussy that bad, then you need to show Sky you ain’t a total man whore, even if you still are.” He adjusted his hat and walked out the door.

  I followed behind him. “She’s got you wrapped. I warned you, man.”

  “Fuck you, Joey. I happen to care for my girl and want her to be as happy as I am. You’re just jealous that you ain’t ever felt what it’s like before. Maybe you should start making decisions with your mind instead of your dick. It’s probably goin’ to fall off soon anyway.”

  Deciding that walking inside of their place would only make Sky want to punch me more, I went back into my apartment and closed the door.

  After watching an entire basketball game, I went outside for a smoke. Lacey was walking around in the grass on her phone. She was talking to someone that she must not have liked, because she looked pissed. I just stood there watching her, until she noticed me.

  Her call ended and she came walking over. “Don’t even say anything, Joey. I’m having a horrible day.”

  I didn’t even look her way. “I can make it better.”

  She scrunched up her face and gave me that famous evil look before walking back into her friend’s.

  I finished my cigarette and went back inside my place.

  The next morning, I had to go into the diner. When I pulled up out back, before the sun had even come up, I saw my brother’s car parked in the far corner. One overhead light shined down over it, and the only thing I noticed was the fogged up windows. I knew what was going on and planned on making my appearance known.

  It wasn’t like they would have noticed me. Whoever he was in the car with was moaning up a storm. The car was wobbling all around, putting good use to the shocks. I walked right up and beat on the window.

  The sounds stopped and so did their movements.

  “Police! Come out with your hands in the air.”

  I heard my brother’s voice first. “Be right out officer.”

  I could hardly hold in my laughter. “I said now, boy.”

  My brother opened up the rear car door on the passenger side. I happened to be standing on the driver’s side. He turned around with his hands in the air in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs.

  I hunched over and burst into a laughing fit. “You should have seen your face.”

  Jamey, leaned his head on the car. “You scared the shit out of me. I kept wonderin’ why a cop would come back here.”

  I pointed inside of the car. “Who you got in there?�

  Jamey seemed reluctant to share who the secret girl was that he’d been frolicking around with. “She’s no one.”

  “Boy, she better be legal.” I wasn’t speaking about her ethnic origin. I was talking about her age. Jamey had hit on many girls that may not have even hit puberty.

  “She is, I swear.”

  I pointed to the car again. “Well, why won’t she come out? What are you hidin’ from me? Start talkin’ or I’ll tell mom about your little parkin’ spot.”

  He leaned in the car and said something to the girl. Slowly, I spotted a blonde, with her hair messed up, climbing out of the car. When she turned around, I knew exactly who she was and her age was the last thing on my mind. “Seriously? You’re sleepin’ with Peyton? Jamey, Shayne’s goin’ to kick your little ass.”

  Jamey began to laugh as he put his arm around her and took a drag of his cigarette. “I ain’t scared of her brother, or her daddy. We’re havin’ fun, right baby?”

  She looked at him and smiled. “Yeah, we are.”

  I recognized when two people were sexually aroused, and knew it was my opportunity to walk away, before things got even more awkward. Besides, the less I knew about them, the less it would be blamed on me when the shit hit the fan.

  “I’m out of here. Put your clothes on and get goin’.”

  Peyton ducked back in the car and Jamey had the kind of look, like he knew I was going to give him shit once we were alone. I threw my hands up and started walking away.

  The truth was, my brother was over eighteen and was old enough to make his own decisions. If he wanted to stir the pot with the family, it was his problem, not mine.

  My shift went by quick, especially considering that we pretty busy. There was some bike event at the beach and since we were located on the way, everyone and their mother came in for breakfast.

  Between Ford lecturing me, my brother tapping someone he shouldn’t have, living on my own and the busy day at work, I needed a release. The gym was too busy on Sunday’s and I couldn’t call Candace, because she enjoyed her weekends off. I had one more option on my speed dial and her place was on the way to mine.


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