Restore Me (Book 2.5 Kin Series)

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Restore Me (Book 2.5 Kin Series) Page 9

by Foor, Jennifer

I looked back up at her mouth and needed to feel her lips on mine. Our tongues played around together, slowly, keeping the same matching pace. Lacey put her hand in my hair and kept our kisses going. The more we did it, the more I enjoyed it. I could actually picture myself making out with the chick all night long. It was so elementary, but yet still enticing. Her magic tongue meshed with mine, giving me new sensations all over my body, and rushing pulses in my cock.

  It was hard not to touch her, everywhere possible. Her skin was like a human magnet, forcing my hands to explore her. She reacted to my touch and I bit down on her bottom lip and pulled. She moaned and I positioned my dick right where it needed to be. She was ready and I wasn’t backing out. The play time was over.

  I entered her slow, inch by inch filling those tight walls. She felt amazing, so new to me and her muscles reacted to my girth. As Lacey stayed aroused, her pussy spasmed, giving me heightened pleasure. I kept kissing her, savoring those lips while penetrating her.

  Little cries escaped her the first few thrusts, but I never stopped dragging my mouth over her skin.

  Lacey wrapped her legs around my back and clung to me as our bodies rocked together. She clenched me harder and cried out for the third time. As pleased as I was, I still wasn’t finished. She needed to be famished when I was done with her.

  A few minutes later, I knew I had to change things up. I flipped her over and patted her hips. “Ride me.”

  She climbed on top of me and did all the work while putting it back inside of her. Her rhythm was fantastic and I liked watching her tits bobbing all around as she worked up a sweat.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of hers. She was so fucking beautiful and even though I didn’t care very much for the mixed feelings I was having, I couldn’t get over how much I liked being intimate with her.

  When I finally blew my load, Lacey came with me, tightening up as we both froze in place. I dug into her ass until the last oozing drops of hot semen had come out of me. She fell down over my chest and, I don’t know why I did it, but I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.

  “You weren’t lying,” she confessed.

  I couldn’t help but get cocky again, knowing I’d achieved my goal. “Woman, we’re just gettin’ started.”

  Chapter 13

  It was a damn shame that I woke up knowing I had to go work at my mother’s diner, because Lacey looked amazing lying naked in my arms. That wasn’t even the only reason that I wanted to stay either.

  For the second time, she’d spent the night in my bed and I hadn’t felt uncomfortable. In fact, I wouldn’t have let her leave if she wanted to, last night. Being with her felt right. The problem was, I didn’t know how to act about it. This was all new and the idea of having to impress someone, made me uneasy. I made my own rules and didn’t answer to anyone. Lacey had just gotten out of a terrible situation and I knew she expected to be treated right. I knew that sleeping with her would have consequences, but after actually doing it, my head was all messed up.

  I went into the bathroom and dressed before coming back into find her still on the bed where I’d left her. Gently, I leaned over and kissed the top of her head. It was little things that reminded me she was so fragile and unlike anyone else I associated with.

  Writing her a little note would let her know where I went without waking her.


  Had something to do this morning. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I’ll be back around 3pm.


  I didn’t have anything to hide in the house, not that she seemed like the snooping type. When I pulled out of the driveway, I knew the day was going to drag. One thing I was certain of though. I couldn’t wait to get back into bed with her again.

  On my way to the diner, I checked my phone and had several messages from Candace. It seemed that she had concocted some plan to make things better after our misunderstanding. For me, things were already settled, but knowing she was up to something made me curious.

  I shot her a text message back, letting her know that I was busy for the whole weekend. I may have arrangements already with several women, but I wasn’t into fucking one while another was already in my bed waiting for me.

  Plus there was the obvious confusion that I was experiencing when it came to being intimate with Lacey. I couldn’t shake the difference in being with her as to being with anyone else. She heightened my senses and although her methods were quite normal, something about her made them seem better than others.

  Thinking about Lacey and that sweet pussy made my dick hard. I turned on talk radio for the rest of the ride to recover before stepping out of the car and revealing that result to anyone looking.

  Once I’d made it to the diner, I spotted my brother’s vehicle parked in the back. This time the windows weren’t fogged up and there wasn’t a questionable female in the backseat. Jamey was out of his car, leaning on the rear bumper with his foot. He had a smoke hanging out of his mouth and cocked an eyebrow when I caught his glance. “Bout’ time your ass got here.”

  I took off my jacket and placed it in my backseat so it wouldn’t smell of fried food when I got off. “Keep on runnin’ your mouth and I’ll tell Mom who you had in this very parkin’ lot.”

  He flung his cigarette and started walking toward the back door with me. “Suck on my balls, bro. You’re just pissed you can’t hit somethin’ so young anymore.”

  I smacked the back of his head as we walked in. Our mother, like always, got up at the crack of dawn and headed in early to prepare for a busy morning shift. Saturdays, especially in the fall and winter were especially crowded on account of it being hunting season. The locals poured in after being in a tree stand or duck blind for hours, freezing their asses off.

  More than half of them wanted to nail my mother. The reality of knowing that kept me up some nights, in disgust. What really rubbed me the wrong way was that those men that wanted her were mostly married.

  It was the people like that who made me rethink ever being in a committed relationship. Why should anyone put themselves through the stress of being with just one person for the rest of their lives? I, for one, didn’t want to wake up every single day wondering if I was going to want and need something more.

  Besides, there had never been a woman that made me want to only be with her. Maybe my standards were too high and I expected something that was never feasible. At any rate, I liked my life and knew I’d never be hurt in the process. I’d seen too many of my loved ones destroyed because of their relationships. If they’d just lived like me, none of them would have gone through that misery.

  Thirty minutes later we were open for business. My brother put on an apron and his famous smile and greeted every woman that came in with what he thought was charm. I got a kick out of watching them curl up their faces knowing he was mostly full of shit. Only the young girls, who were too naïve, fell for it.

  Jamey may have claimed that Peyton was different, but it didn’t stop him from getting numbers. In fact, I watched him scoping out this chick while she sat there eating with her family. When she got up to go to the restroom, he made his move.

  Five minutes later, he came back to the kitchen with a number on his hand and glitter all over his neck and face. I shook my head and pointed at it. “You need to clean up, before mom sees that you’re fraternizing with the customers again.”

  “I can’t help it if they jump me.”

  “Bullshit! I saw your pathetic game. Kid, you need to grow up. Just the other night you were sayin’ how Peyton was different.”

  He laughed. “What she don’t know won’t hurt her.” He nudged me. “Right?”

  “That ain’t exactly how it works, Jamey.”

  “Ain’t that how you roll?”

  I just shook my head and hit the bell notifying that an order was up. “You’ve got a lot to learn about women, that’s for sure. Now, get your ass out there before mom sees you.”

  Once again, to remind me of why I lived so comfortably, my b
rother was a perfect example of why I wasn’t into committing.

  Throughout the day I thought about Lacey. I was so conflicted when it came to her and wanting more. I felt like if I just got it all out of my system, I could move forward and the curiosity would be over with.

  She was rattling my chains, so to speak.

  I reckon my mother could read me better than anyone. I’d tried to avoid conversation and stay focused on cooking and getting out of there. All I wanted was to be back in that warm bed, between those pretty legs.

  When things got slower, she approached me. “Son, what’s gotten into you this mornin’? You’ve said two words to me all day.”

  “Nothin’. I’m tired, that’s all.”

  She forced me to look at her and did this thing where she stared so hard at you that you swore she could see into your soul. “That’s not it. There’s somethin’ else. Are you in some kind of trouble?”

  I shook my head. “Naw, it’s nothin’ like that. I ugh, I had company over last night.”

  She knew me and immediately seemed shocked. “Did this company stay the night?”

  She’d lived with me enough to know that I went to bed alone every single night. I didn’t stay over women’s houses and they didn’t stay at mine. “Yeah, she slept over.”

  “You know what you’re doin’?” She kept shaking her head.

  “I’m fine. It’s nothing to worry yourself about.”

  “It’s not you I’m worried about, son. The moment you open those big brown eyes and feel something for a woman, that wall that your keeping up is goin’ to come crashin’ down. I don’t think you’re even prepared for what it’s goin’ to do to you.”

  I was in denial and was certain she didn’t know what she was talking about.

  “It’s all good, mom.” I touched her shoulder and looked into her eyes. “That’s never goin’ to happen.”

  My mother, seemingly annoyed over me being hardheaded, walked away. “Don’t say I didn’t warn ya, Joey.”

  My mom would always assume she knew what was going through my mind. If she had even an inkling of my lifestyle she’d have a heart attack over it. She was so old school and had even rooted for my aunt and uncle to reconcile after years of being apart and her turning into a junkie. She believed the good outweighed the bad in everyone. Another thing about my mother was that she longed to have grandchildren, and did her best to remind me of it every chance she got.

  To be honest, I never really thought about having children, at least not until I was in my forties. I had long term goals that were more important, plus since I didn’t want to settle down, I didn’t see it possible for a woman to be alright with that. Besides, if I had my own child, I’d want them in my home and living with a woman was out of the question.

  Then I thought about Lacey and how I’d asked her to stay in my guest room whenever she wanted. I thought about how great it felt when I woke up with her in my arms.

  I shook off the thought and focused on getting finished and getting back. At any second my mind would bounce back to reality and I’d stop thinking about where she was or what she was doing.

  I stopped by the store on the way home and grabbed a six pack, knowing I’d need at least six beers after I told her she couldn’t stay another night. I’d made up my mind that I needed to walk away, to prevent from losing my grip of what was important. She was just a woman.

  It was just pussy.

  I pulled into the driveway with a clear conscience, determined to put an end to things. With a brown bag in my hand, I walked into my place. Lacey’s car was still outside, but she wasn’t anywhere to be found.

  My stomach dropped and out of nowhere, another bout of feelings came over me. I had to find her, to see why she wasn’t in my bed waiting for me. I was so fucked up in my head, mad with myself over my inability to take control that I didn’t realize for a second what I was walking into.

  Chapter 14

  Ford greeted me at the door and I could tell from the look on his face that he knew I’d fucked Lacey. He pressed his lips together and shook his head at me, like I was such a disappointment. “Hey, man. Is Lacey around?”

  “Why do you want to know? You want to fill her head with more bullshit? I told you to back off, cuz.” It pissed me off that he thought he could make decisions for me.

  “She knew what she was doin’.”

  “Just go back to your place. Lacey’s restin’.” He had a hand on the door, like he was going to do whatever it took to keep me outside.

  I tried to push passed him.

  He raised his voice. “I said you’re not comin’ in here and fillin’ her head with lies.”

  “Back off with that. I just want to talk to her.” I held my hands out like I didn’t want to fight with him.

  “Is that what you told her to get her into bed with you, Joey?”

  I got up in his face and heard her screaming from the hallway. “Stop!”

  I pointed to Ford and had a dirty look on my face. “This fool won’t let me talk to you. Tell him we’re cool, Lace.”

  She froze, like she was in denial of everything that had happened between us. She looked petrified of me. “I’m going to stay here tonight.”

  I shouldn’t have cared. It would have been better if I listened, but I couldn’t control the things that came out of my mouth when it came to her. “What did I do?”

  “I’m sure you can call someone else to keep you company. Do you keep a black book or do they just show up on certain days of the week?” I don’t know what was worse; her knowing I could make a phone call, or her calling me out on it.

  I had to deny it, because seeing her look at me that way sucked. “Lace, I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”

  “I think you should go, Joey.” She was adamant.

  I threw up my hands and started walking out. “This is bullshit and the reason I don’t get involved. See ya’ll later.”

  It only took me a second to lock up my place and climb on my bike. I needed to get the fuck away from them, before shit got real. I was pissed at Ford for cock blocking me and pissed at Lacey for not admitting she had a good time with me.

  There hadn’t been a plan to where I was headed, but when I pulled up at Candace’s place, I knew just what I needed to get my head straight.

  She must have heard my bike, because she met me at the front door. “Joey? What are you doin’ here?”

  “Is it a bad time?” I walked up the porch steps and was nearly a foot away from her. She was trying to read me. That I could tell.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I could be better.” I ran my hand into her hair and yanked her head back. “How about you make that happen?”

  She looked around and pulled me inside while walking backwards. As soon as the door had shut, it was on like Donkey Kong. I flipped us around and lifted her up, shoving her hard against he metal front door. I went to kiss her but she moved her head to the side. “Wait. I thought you said that you didn’t want to do this. You made it clear we were going to stick to our schedule.”

  I shoved her again and her head hit the door again. “I didn’t fuckin’ come here to talk.” I kissed her hard, without feeling and felt her begin to reciprocate. Her legs wrapped around my waist and her tongue had begun to match my vigorous rhythm.

  Candace started grinding her pelvis into mine, letting me know she was ready and willing. I carried her into the bedroom and tossed her on the bed. “Take off your clothes.”

  She started slow, as if I was going to get off on watching her. Since I wasn’t there for entertainment, I turned around before beginning to unzip my jeans. When I spun around, with my cock hanging out of my pants, she was sitting there naked. “Where do you want me?”

  I growled seeing her nude body laying there ready for me. It was too planned out though and it pissed me off. I reached over, grabbed one of her legs and twisted her around. Her ass perked up and I smacked it hard. As I started to rub it, she turned around. “What h
appened to get you so worked up. You can talk to me, you know? We’ve been friends forever, Joey.”

  I leaned in like I was going to kiss her. “I don’t want to fuckin’ talk, so stop askin’.”

  She started to cry and it only fueled my anger more. A flat hand came slapping against my cheek. “Fuck you! Get the fuck out of my house!”

  I grabbed her hand as she was about to do it again. “You wanna get rough? I’ll fuckin’ show you rough.” I grabbed my belt and tied her hands to the headboard. I could see fear in her eyes and it made me want to cum all over naked body.

  One hand ran between her tits and down her abdomen. “Are you scared of me, Candace?”

  She shook her head. “N..No!”

  I let out a laugh. “Don’t lie to me.”

  “I’m not afraid.” Her eyes were filled with tears.

  I leaned down and kissed on her clit softly, before looking into her eyes. “I came here for one thing and you’re goin’ to give it to me aren’t you?”

  She nodded.

  I pulled away from her body, reached up and untied her hands. “You know what I want, don’t you?”

  She nodded again. “You promised we wouldn’t do that anymore. It scares me.”

  She knew exactly what I was talking about.

  “This ain’t about you. It’s about me. Are you goin’ to behave?”

  I stood up and took off my pants completely before climbing back on the bed. Candace jumped off and ran out of the room. Immediately, I felt like an insensitive prick. Not only had she begged me not to get rough like that again, but she’d explained why.

  When we’d been in high school she had a boyfriend that beat her up repeatedly. When she told her parents, her father said she was making up the story for attention.

  The beating continued until she was hospitalized. The kid, after being arrested and sent to a juvenile detention center, never showed his face in town again. I guess maybe his family moved away, but the damage had already been done.

  I sat up in the bed and rubbed my face with my hands before going to look for her.


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