Restore Me (Book 2.5 Kin Series)

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Restore Me (Book 2.5 Kin Series) Page 12

by Foor, Jennifer

  She giggled and gave me those eyes that made me nuts.

  “I’m serious.”

  She climbed out of bed and started walking towards the bathroom naked. I had to admit that I liked watching. “I’m getting a shower.”

  I heard the bathroom door shut and knew she wasn’t going to come out until she was satisfied with her appearance.

  When I finally walked out into the living room, her phone was ringing. I could see who it was calling, and since he’d ruined our last time together, I wasn’t about to let him do it again.


  “I must have the wrong number.” Shayne should have recognized my voice.

  “Are you looking for Lace?” I knew he called her that and it would piss him off that we were close enough to use nicknames. He was quiet for a minute, as if he was considering hanging up.

  “Yeah. Is she around?”

  “Is this Shayne?” I already knew the answer, but wanted to make it clear who he was talking to.


  I had to laugh at his realization. “Yeah, it’s me.”

  “You need to leave her alone, dude.” He was seriously trying to tell me that I couldn’t see Lacey. That wasn’t going to fly. I was already to vested to take the advice of him or my cousin.

  “Come again?”

  “Lacey. You need to walk away. Look, I don’t blame you for wantin’ a piece, but she’s not a fuckin’ toy. She wants somethin’ real, man.” As if he was real. He was a lying cheat.

  “It ain’t your business, Shayne.”

  I could hear him getting pissed and gritting his teeth when he talked. “She is still my business. You really think she would have run to you, if I hadn’t pushed her away? Lacey’s smart. She’ll wise up and see how you really are and if I find out it’s because you hurt her, you’ll have Hell to pay.”

  I started laughing. “Now you’re threatenin’ me? I can promise you that Lacey’s in good hands. She said that nobody’s ever made her cum like I do.”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Oh she is, over and over again.”

  “You’re messin’ with the wrong guy, Joey.”

  “Shayne, don’t call Lacey anymore and watch what you promise. There ain’t no way you’ll win this battle.”

  I hung up before he could make any more of his bullshit threats. Quickly, I erased his number from the call log and prayed that he wouldn’t call back. It was a dick move. I shouldn’t have done it, but I wasn’t letting her leave. I had to have more, no matter what the stakes were.

  By the time Lacey was done with her shower, I’d already made coffee and was sitting on the couch. She came out in just a towel and from the sounds that I heard coming from in the bathroom, she’d given herself a morning recap of the events from the night before. She climbed on top of me and it was difficult to not get hard and take her right there on the couch. “I think we should do somethin’ today.”

  I looked down at her collarbone and saw the water glistening across her skin. It would be so easy to remove the towel and start sucking on her tits. She brought my attention back when she corrected me. “We are doing something.”

  We kissed and she pulled away. “I meant go out. Let me take you out to dinner, on a real date.”

  She seemed utterly shocked that I wanted to do something other than fuck. It didn’t surprise me. In fact, I deserved that kind of response. “You really want to take me out?”

  I rubbed her arms and smiled. “Yes. Why are you sayin’ it like that?”

  She shrugged and gave me a confused look. “I don’t know. Everyone says you don’t ever do that. I just can’t understand why you feel like doing it with me. You’ve already gotten me in bed, several times. Aren’t I breaking every one of your rules?”

  I couldn’t stand knowing she was naked under that towel. I pulled it down and noticed her nipples were already hard. My fingers played with them while I looked back into her eyes. “Rules are made to be broken, especially when they’re with someone like you, Lacey. You made me fuckin’ crazy when you wouldn’t talk to me. I’ve never had to chase pussy before. Not ever.”

  She leaned in and teased me with her sultry kisses and sexy tongue. “So, was I worth the chase?”

  I pinched her nipples and raised my brow. Did she really have to ask? “I can’t get enough of you. Does that answer your question?”

  “It answers that one, but you still haven’t said what you want from me. Is this just sex? Are we friends with casual benefits? Forgive me for being blunt, I just need to know what I’m getting myself into. After Shayne, I can’t be in the dark about anything.”

  She was blunt and I should have expected it. I should have prepared myself with an answer that was going to keep her satisfied, but I hadn’t let myself think that far ahead. “I reckon you deserve answers then. Lacey, I’m not real sure what this is between us. I’m not the kind of guy that goes lookin’ for women. I have understandin’s and nobody complains. You’re not like them. I get that you want some kind of label, because that’s all you’ve ever known. I’m just not sure I can make promises without breakin’ them. Do you understand?”

  She was going to keep asking until she got what she wanted. “You say I’m different, but not different enough to just want to see me?”

  “Don’t put words in my mouth. I never said that. I’ve never had to answer to a woman. My life’s been too busy to settle down. Things have changed and perhaps bein’ with you could turn into somethin’ more. It feels right, but I don’t know how long it will last, so I don’t want to lie about it. It’s all new. I might just wake up one day and decide I need to be single. Do you understand?”

  I could tell she didn’t like it. How could a woman as good as she was reduce herself to my level. It wasn’t fair to ask. “I appreciate that you’re being honest about it. Most guys would tell me what I wanted to hear to shut me up.”

  I brushed the hair away from her face. “I’m not most guys.”

  “No, you’re not.” She got quiet after that and I didn’t know what else to say without it becoming a deeper conversation than I was willing to go. One thing was for sure, whatever was happening between us had to be figured out. If I wasn’t willing to let her leave, then it was obvious something was happening between us besides mind-blowing sex.

  Lacey cuddled up with me on the couch for a while. We talked about food and what we were watching on television, but nothing about our personal lives. I wanted to know more about her, but asking would only give her reason to ask me the same in return. She didn’t want to know about my life and I didn’t know if I’d ever be willing to share it with her.

  “I can’t believe that I haven’t gotten any phone calls today. I figured Sky would be blowing it up.” She reached for her phone and started looking through it. All I could hope for was that she never found out about me talking to Shayne. If anything would make her leave, it was that.

  “It didn’t ring while you were in the shower.” I didn’t even look at her when I said it. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything, but I didn’t want her asking.

  Lacey didn’t question it though. She went to put on the t-shirt that I’d laid out for her to wear. I should have sensed that something was wrong when she was taking a long time getting back to the living room.

  After a few more minutes, I got up to see what was taking her so long. When I found her, I knew what had happened.

  My stomach dropped when I saw the shocked look on her face. Before I started panicking and watching her freak out, I decided to stay calm. I sat down and took a deep breath before proceeding. “Ask away.”

  “There’s like a dozen different women in those pictures, Joey.”

  I pointed to the dresser, knowing I better keep my shit together or I was going to be icing down my dick later after she left me high and dry, never wanting to speak to me again. “Go get them.”

  She walked over, grabbed the pictures and put them in my hand. I knew what had to be done and had a good rea
son for not telling her the full truth about some of them. “I wasn’t snooping. I just wanted a more comfortable shirt, I swear.”

  I spread the pictures out and felt my stomach churning. This was worse than my mom finding them. This made me regret having them. I felt ashamed and knew she’d hate me for it. I pointed to the first one. “Her name is Courtney. I met her in culinary school, first. We were teamed up to work on a project. Her boyfriend was also in the program and she loved him enough to sabotage our team, for his to do better.”

  “I don’t understand how this naked picture has to do with culinary school.”

  I smiled, knowing I was telling her the truth about this story. “It’s simple. One night we had a few drinks. Getting her to come back to my room was easier than I expected. Once I got her naked, I took the picture. The next morning she woke up and begged me not to tell anyone. I waited a week before I showed her the picture and told her if she ever crossed me again, I had leverage against her.”

  “You’re ruthless.”

  “I was determined to make my dream come true. No little two-timing bitch was going to fuck it up.”

  She pointed to the others. “What about these?”

  I selected two more. “For two months I worked in Baltimore. The first week there I met these two crazy chicks that just wanted to have fun. Tawny and Sheena were their names. Those two I took for fun. Then I decided that I wanted a collection, so every woman that I hooked up with I took a picture. You may think I’m an asshole. Some people write in journals. I kept photos to remember them by.”

  Okay, so that was only part of the truth. The first story was true. That bitch was going to screw me over and I had to ensure that wouldn’t happen.

  What my mother hadn’t found was a journal that I used to keep. I documented every woman that I’d ever slept with and had a picture for each one. It was like a diary of some sort, a trophy for me to remember each and every woman that I’d gotten pleasure from. When I moved, I’d decided to toss the journal. I burned it with a bunch of leaves in my mother’s back yard, but the pictures were too precious to get rid of.

  “They’re yours to keep. Thank you for being honest.” I felt like shit for lying to her.

  “You think I take them out and look at them?” I hadn’t in a long time, but used them quite often at some points to jerk off. It was easier to put a face in the remembering process.

  “I don’t want to know.”

  “Your picture ain’t goin’ in that drawer, Lace. Don’t even worry about it.” If I had her picture, the others would be thrown away. All I’d ever need was her naked body hanging on a wall above my bed.

  “I wasn’t. Am I not good enough to be in your collection?”

  I grabbed her hands and pulled her between my legs. “You’re different. I want you here, because I like being with you. Your picture belongs on nightstands and wallets, not hidden in drawers.” It would also look great poster sized on my wall or ceiling.

  She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me on the lips. “I really shouldn’t like you this much.”

  I laughed and kissed her again, realizing that she wasn’t going to leave. Hearing her say she liked me also gave me an instant chubby. “I warned you.”

  “You did.” She teased me with her lips again.

  “I’m not the guy that everyone says I am, Lacey. I get that I did things that some people would frown upon, but I knew what I wanted and I went for it. Every woman that I’ve been with has understood that I couldn’t give them anything other than a good time.”

  “Stop explaining. I don’t even care.” I knew she did care, but wasn’t going to push it. If I did, she’d probably assume I’d been lying about the whole thing. I couldn’t let that happen.

  Still, I couldn’t help but feel guilty and worthless. She was definitely too good for me. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  Lacey surprised me. Instead of being angry or disgusted, she climbed on top of me and looked right into my eyes. “If you want me to stay, then you need to lose the shorts. I want you naked.”

  I pulled her on top of me and placed my hands on her bare ass cheeks. “That goes for you, too. Take off this shirt and show me that pussy.”

  I sat there and watched as she lifted her shirt up enough for me to see her smooth naked pussy. Her clit was there, calling me to attend to it. I wasn’t wasting anymore time either. “I’m going to lick this pussy until you explode.”

  She smiled and watched as I got right to work.

  When I was done with her, she’d be too tired to leave and that was fine by me.

  Chapter 19

  Lacey ended up spending the whole weekend in my bed. I didn’t go to the diner on Sunday to help out, on account of not wanting to come home and find her gone. Instead, I woke to her sleeping next to me. It was the second morning in a row that I had her warm, naked body strewn over mine. I took in the scent of her hair, smelling my shampoo that reminded me of her being in my shower.

  I smiled and thought about how my mother reacted to me telling her I wasn’t coming in. The conversation wasn’t exactly short and sweet.

  “Hey, it’s me. I won’t be able to help you out tomorrow. You think you’ll be alright?”

  “Don’t you dare tell me you’re sick. What’s her name, Joe?”


  “Son, what is her name?”

  “Lacey. Her name is Lacey.”

  “I want to meet her.”

  I sighed, knowing that she already knew who Lacey was. It was amazing that after seeing her over at my apartment during the party that she hadn’t put two and two together. “Maybe one day.”

  “Be careful. I wouldn’t want you gettin’ your heart ripped out.” Then again, maybe she did know.

  “That ain’t going to happen.”

  “Your denial is goin’ to get you into trouble, boy. I’ll manage just fine tomorrow without you there.”

  She went on to tell me about some crap that was going on a town over and that she didn’t expect to be busy anyway. I ended the conversation assuring her that I wasn’t getting in over my head. Like it or not, I wasn’t too sure it was the truth.

  Lacey and I didn’t get out of bed until afternoon. She’d gotten messages from Sky, but I kept her occupied enough to keep her with me. I knew my cousin Ford was pissed and I was fully prepared to hear shit over it once Lacey headed home on Sunday night.

  We’d watched several movies in between exploring each other’s bodies. Neither of us had gotten much sleep on account of us waking up and going at it again.

  I must have fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyes, I was in the bed alone. For a second, I started to worry that she’d left me again and finally freaked out over being with me. Instead, I found her in the kitchen, bending over to look in the refrigerator. The best thing about finding her was that she had nothing on. My hands found her ass and she stood up straight when she felt my touch. “What are you doin’?”

  “I’m starving,” she admitted.

  The refrigerator door was still open. I backed up, pushing her ass against the cold shelves inside. “What do you want to eat,” I asked while placing kisses around her mouth.

  “Chocolate. I want something chocolate.”

  I was under the impression that she’d wanted a meal. “How about I make you Belgian waffles and cover them with a homemade chocolate sauce?”

  She smiled. “Only if you cook naked.”

  I ran one hand down between her legs. Her pussy had to be sore, but she wasn’t complaining, especially when I was touching her. “That won’t be a problem.” Without warning, I picked her up and sat her on the counter. She grabbed me with her legs and pulled me in close. “If you keep this up, I’m goin’ to be the only one eatin’.”

  Lacey giggled and snorted at the same time. It made me laugh, too. “You better feed me.”

  “Go get a hot bath. When you get done, it’ll be ready to eat.”

  She gave me a wicked look and headed out of the kit

  Waffles weren’t tricky to make, but the consistency had to be perfect. Luckily, ever year for Christmas, I got some kind of cooking device, whether I used it or not.

  I pulled the waffle maker out of the box and removed the plastic. Like lots of other gadgets, I hadn’t used it yet. Cooking waffles for a beautiful woman was a good reason to try it out.

  I plugged it in and immediately started to smell the newness burning off it. While it heated up, I mixed the ingredients for the batter and then sprayed the waffle iron so they wouldn’t stick.

  By the time Lacey came around the corner, in only a towel, I’d made eight. The chocolate sauce was cooking, but needed more time to thicken to the consistency I needed it. “I’m all done”

  “I can see that. Do you need a shirt?”

  The towel dropped to the floor. “Why bother? You’re naked and it would only be a matter of time before I got naked again. I think me being here should be clothing optional.”

  She picked herself up and sat back on the counter in the same area as before. I placed two waffles on a plate. Then I got out the heavy cream and started whipping it until it thickened. Lacey watched as I put two globs on the waffles and spread it all over them. Then I used a wooden spoon to drizzle the chocolate sauce all around.

  I cut out a bite and directed it to Lacey’s open mouth. While she chewed, I took a bite myself.

  “This is fantastic,” She said with a mouth full of food.

  “Did you doubt me?”

  Lacey shook her head as she stuck her finger into the topping and then sucked it off. “I don’t doubt your cooking skills, Joey, but I’d get huge if I ate like this every day.”

  “I like watchin’ you eat my food.” I put some topping on my own index finger and fed it to her. She sucked all of it, while never taking her eyes off of mine. “I also like playing with my food.”

  Lacey watched me stick my finger in the chocolate. It was still pretty warm. I brought my finger over to her nipple and circled the chocolate around it. She leaned back against the cabinet and let me repeat the process to the other breast. I leaned in and licked it off of both of them. She moaned as my mouth came up to press against hers. Her tongue was warm and she kissed me as if she hadn’t seen me in a long time. When we pulled away I was aroused. She looked down and reached for my cock, but I moved away. “Hey. Don’t be mean. I can always leave and not come back you know.”


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