Lost and Found (books 1-3): Small-Town Romantic Comedy

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Lost and Found (books 1-3): Small-Town Romantic Comedy Page 28

by Elizabeth Lynx

  She pushed me away. “You’re a real asshole, Tyler,” she said with a growl that vibrated right down to my dick. Iona walked over to the coffee table and picked up her phone.

  “What are you doing?” I asked and tried my best to hide the worry from my tone.

  Was she calling the police or worse, the mayor? My filter was totally off today because of her. I had no problem pushing people’s buttons. To be honest, most needed it—their uptight little lives required a shake up every now and then.

  But with Iona here, my slight tremor was turning into an avalanche. And I feared it would bury me alive.

  “I’m calling Babette. She can keep the house or sell it or fight you, but I’m out of here. It was a mistake coming back to this town.” She kept talking but it was more of a mumble under her breath. Something about a stupid comeback.

  That was wonderful. Everything I wanted.

  “But your agent informed the mayor that you’d be here at least through October. He’s beginning to plan events to celebrate your arrival,” Austen said with a frown.

  Lifting the phone to her ear, she said, “I never promised anyone I’d do events. I’m not a pageant winner.”

  He moved closer and swatted me with the back of his hand. “Do something about this.”

  I shrugged. “What do you want me to do? The woman doesn’t want the house. Problem solved.” I dusted my hands together like I had solved the world’s problems.

  “Not solved. Her agent may still own it. A person can’t sell the same property to two different people without their knowledge. But the question remains, who is the legal owner? If her agent bought it yesterday and you bought it yesterday, then who holds the real deed?”

  I pinched my brow to stop the searing headache that felt as if my brain was being chopped into little pieces.

  “I’ll deal with that later. Right now, I just want to move my bed in and sleep in my room.”

  Austen ran his fingers through his dark hair. “You don’t get it. If Bambi owns the house—”

  “Babette. Her agent’s name is Babette.”

  He shook his head. “Whatever. If Babette owns the house, then you will need to vacate immediately. No bedroom for you.”

  Sliding my eyes over to Iona, I saw she was deep in conversation on her cell. Her free arm and hand waved wildly in the air. A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth just watching her. She was beautiful when she was fire-breathing angry.

  “Then what do you suggest I do? The apartment above my office has been rented. The movers should show up with my stuff anytime now. Do you want me to sleep on the lawn?”

  He took a breath and placed his hand on my shoulder. There was something about how he looked at me and the gentleness of his touch that caused the hairs to rise on the back of my neck.

  “Now hear me out . . .” he said.



  “I can’t leave?” I said trying not to scream at the top of my lungs.

  “Yes, you must stay in the house,” Babette said and then moaned.

  My eyes slid to where Tyler and Austen stood. Whatever Austen was telling Tyler wasn’t going well. Tyler had his you’re-dead-to-me face on.

  It’s weird how that warmed my heart. In a strange way, it felt like coming home—Tyler and his unusual expressions and lack of filter.

  “I spoke with the lawyer. He is trying to contact the original agent for the house and anyone involved. He suggested you stay put in case this goes to court. It can only help the case if you, being the person I bought the property for, remain on site.”

  “But I don’t want to live here anymore. In fact, I feel it would be in my best interest if I left town.”

  Because being here was like walking through Hades. People stared at me back then and they still do. Only this time they had a greedy gleam in their eyes—only caring what I could do for them, like the mayor.

  Funny, I remember when he would throw pebbles at me when we were kids and tell me how his parents called me trailer trash.

  This morning he was more than eager to agree to anything I said over the phone like I was his best friend instead of his enemy.

  I turned my back to the guys and lowered my voice. “Can’t I move to Boston or Chicago or maybe to a tiny town in Montana? Any place but here.”

  Babette released another moan. This one louder.

  “Are you with Jules?”

  “No, a new guy I hired last week. And let me tell you, his hands are magic. I’ve nicknamed him Magic Mike. He’s not just great with his hands, but his ideas are wonderful.”

  “What happened to Jules? I thought he was your go-to masseuse?”

  “The man left me. He just up and moved to New York. I swear, it’s hard to find a sexy man who gives a great massage in this town, one who isn’t an actor. Oh! That’s my sweet spot, Magic.”

  Babette’s one weakness was a good massage. Perhaps if I gave her a rubdown, she’d consider letting me leave. I shook my head. That wouldn’t work. I’m not twenty-two or a six-foot male with ripped abs.

  I glanced back to make sure no one heard. They hadn’t, but I did catch Tyler staring at my ass. He didn’t even pretend like he wasn’t. Instead, he just winked when he saw I was watching him.

  I bit my lip to hide my smile. It was insane that I enjoyed his eyes on me. I shook my head. My horniness was causing my brain to malfunction. If there was one thing I was more positive about than Hollywood’s love of remakes, it was to not sleep with Tyler.

  It was a mistake when we kissed right before Austen had arrived. Tyler was wise to step away and answer the door. My hormones and lips and vagina may not be thankful, but my brain knew it was for the best.

  I may be able to tolerate the most spoiled actors and demanding directors, but it’d kill me to go through what had happened the last time we were intimate.

  I could look at him, sure. Admire his ass, oh you betcha. Get naked and find out if his dick grew up too, no.

  Did I bring my dildo and vibrator? God, I hope so.

  “No. It won’t work for the comeback. I’ve already had my team work on the story. Since the accident, you haven’t been yourself. You needed to go back to your roots, to the people who embraced you in the beginning. Make nice and your career could take off.”

  I snorted. Make nice? She’d never met these people.

  “If by embraced you mean called me names and told me to go home—even though I am from this country—then yeah, I guess they embraced me.” I shut my eyes willing all the bad memories away.

  “Look, I’m the first one to tell you that people are assholes. Especially if they think they’re better than you. But you are in the movie business, your job is to entertain people. And in the age of social media and instant news, you are always on. Give people that feel-good story, they like that shit. Make them fall in love with you. Right now, they don’t like you very much.”

  I turned my head back to gaze at Tyler who was pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace.

  “I kind of got that.” I stared at the one person in the room who hated me.

  He had every reason to dislike me. I remembered his dream. He wouldn’t stop talking about saving his money and buying a place when he became an adult. We even discussed living in that imagined house together.

  My cheeks warmed at the memory. We were foolish kids.

  “Just stay in the house. I’ll meet you for lunch, tomorrow. We can start hashing out a plan. In a day or two, my lawyer can find the person who sold the house and we can get this all cleared up.”

  Babette ended the call. She was never one for goodbyes.

  One or two days. I could do that. I could tolerate Tyler until then.

  Austen was sitting in a leather chair with his hands in his hair and I worried for a moment that he might try to pull it out. Tyler had his back to us.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Nope.” Tyler shook his head but didn’t turn around.

  I waited for more, but n
othing came. “Will someone explain what’s going on?”

  Tyler whipped around and I stumbled back from the heated irritation I saw in his eyes. He pointed at Austen. “That man wants me to pay you rent to stay here.”

  That was a surprise. Austen moaned and leaned back in the chair, staring at the ceiling. “Until this thing is figured out, we need a solution that legally puts you in good standing.”

  “It makes sense. Maybe we both could do something like that? My agent mentioned that—”

  “No, not a solution. This is my house. I worked with a realtor and put in an offer. It was accepted two months ago. I had an inspection and the closing date was set for yesterday. I signed the legal documents and here I stand. The key is jangling in my pocket.” He shoved his hand into his jeans pocket with speed and caught a finger.

  I winced watching him. Tyler groaned and tightened his jaw. For a few seconds he didn’t move.

  “Are you all right?” I stepped forward, but he staggered back.

  “No. You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to trick me with your concerned act. This isn’t your house,” Tyler pointed to Austen with the hand which wasn’t crippled in pain, “or your house. It’s mine. That means I sleep in my room tonight with my blanket tucked around me.”

  Oh, he was losing it.

  “Tyler . . .” I said and reached for his shoulder.

  He tensed from my touch but soon relaxed.

  Looking back at Austen, I said, “Can you give us a few moments to discuss this?”

  “Gladly. Maybe you can talk some sense into my stubborn friend. I’m going back to Fire and Ice to get my dessert. Call if you need me, Tyler.”

  I almost forgot the diner was still here. That made me happy. Debbie and her husband were some of the few people in town who were good and honest and treated my mother with respect.

  Since I was in town, she would be upset if I didn’t stop by and say hello. I made a mental note to swing by for a visit.

  Tyler grunted and nodded but never said to goodbye to his friend. Once Austen left, I wrapped my arms around Tyler’s waist.

  “What are you doing—”

  “It’s okay. No kittens died because this house had two owners.”

  Growing up, Tyler never had many long-lasting friends. He was fun and carefree, but when something stressful would happen in his life a darkness fell on him where no one could get through. He lashed out and lost friends because of that darkness.

  But I understood why he was angry. Maybe that’s why he let me in when the shadows grew around him.

  “This is my dream,” he said with a raspy whisper.

  “No puppies were killed because we both refused to leave.”

  He pushed away from leaning against the mantle and turned. I stepped back, giving him room but as soon as he faced me, Tyler pulled me back into an embrace. “I guess babies weren’t abandoned so your furniture could take up space in my living room.”

  I sighed as I absorbed the vibration of his chest from his voice. The light was breaking through. The Tyler I used to love was back, and that confused the hell out of me.

  His body was warm and what I needed after the hectic day. He gave me a squeeze like he used to, but there was more to it. Maybe it was that Tyler was stronger or bigger, or maybe it was because I was older and understood what bodies this close could do to each other. But this hug was more than friendly, it was explosive.

  His hand slipped down my back and settled on my ass. Nothing more . . . it rested, waiting for instruction.

  I glanced up and found a man with longing in his eyes. If I didn’t know Tyler, he would be perfect for a fling. More than perfect really, it would be exquisite.

  But I grew up with him. At one time in my life, I could guess what he would do before he even knew. And that was the problem—love wasn’t real and he fooled me once but I’m a fast learner.

  I couldn’t let that happen again.

  “You’re beautiful, Iona.”

  He was, too. I reached up to cup his cheek. “As much as I would like this to turn into more, we have a complicated problem on our hands. We need to figure it out.”

  I lied. What I wanted to do was hop into bed with this gorgeous man, but he knew me. And that was a dangerous thing.

  Tyler’s hands fell from my body and he turned. “You’re right. Best we focus on this house.”

  A second later, he was gone. Tyler went into the kitchen and I wondered if he was going to return.

  The blue couch had enough pillows to melt into and hide. That seemed like the perfect plan—melt away from this day and hope tomorrow was better. I fell into the softness with the hopes of never standing again.

  But Tyler came back and shoved at my legs, forcing me to sit up.

  “I started a list.” He slapped a piece of paper on the table and I stared in disbelief.

  “Is that—” I asked and had trouble closing my mouth after.

  “Yes. A list of rules for the house. If I’m paying rent to you, then you should explain what I’m not allowed to—”

  “No. No. Not the list. Though you’re right . . . We do need to discuss that.” I reached for the keys he set beside the paper and lifted them. My finger traced the shiny white and gold of the key chain. “Hello Kitty,” I whispered.

  When I stopped staring at the metal and glanced up, it was like stepping back eleven years.

  “I’d never let her go,” Tyler said.



  I cleared my throat and stared at the white paper. “The rules. If I’m to pay rent, then as my landlord, you need to explain what I can and can’t do.”

  She lifted the keys, and I noticed the way she caressed the metal kitten. I shouldn’t have kept that thing but some small nugget of my heart that once was happy wouldn’t let me throw it away.

  “After all these years . . . you kept it.”

  The grin that followed was everything I didn’t need right now. The happy memories from our youth were flooding to the surface, and those had to be washed away.

  Iona Dell was no longer my friend. She was in the way of my dream coming true. I’d play this part of her renter until the matter was resolved but until then, our relationship had to be all business.

  “I think I found it in a junk drawer and grabbed it without thinking.”

  That was the truth. But there was more to it than that. I wasn’t about to tell her how happy I was to find the old key chain. How I set it aside to specifically hold the key to my new home.

  The brightness of her smile began to dim. As much as it hurt me to watch, I had to keep it up. If she hated me, then there was no chance she’d desire another kiss.

  That was my problem . . . the kiss.

  She had tasted sweeter, more addictive than I had remembered. All the memories I had of her body under mine were nothing like I remembered. A fumbling, awkward teenager concentrating hard so as not to blow his load and to make it last.

  Her skin was maddeningly soft, and that was a memory I wish I had savored.

  I pulled back when Austen had knocked on the door earlier. I didn’t know how, but my friend saved me from going down a path I knew would end in pain.

  How she left last time was difficult. But I moved on—perhaps I moved on too quickly, running into every college girl’s bed who let me. I was only eighteen and did my best to escape from life.

  She shrugged. “It was a silly gift anyway.” She gave the key chain a squeeze before setting it back on the table.

  “We were young,” I said as if that explained everything.


  I nodded. “Yeah, hormones kill.”

  Her smile reemerged and she shook her head. “Kids need to say no to hormones,” Iona said with a giggle.

  “Hormones and driving don’t mix. It’s science.”

  She lifted the paper. “This is your brain.” She grabbed the pen and poked a hole through the paper and moved it back and forth. “This is your brain on hormone

  We both erupted in laughter.

  It was nice to be the old us for a moment. The old us who joked about life to forget about the world that never went as planned.

  “You ruined the paper for the rules.”

  “I’ve ruined lots of things,” she mumbled but I heard.

  My heart, for one.

  “Some things should remain buried.” I placed my hand on her shoulder for comfort. That was a mistake.

  She tensed and shoved my hand away. Standing, she gazed around the room. “I was willing to leave, you know. Go find a hotel room in town and let you live in this house. Give you the dream.” Her arms waved in the air. “But I think I’ll stay and take your money instead.”

  What just happened? One minute we were joking and the next, she turned into Satan.

  “Give me my dream? I earned this.” I got up and stomped over to her. “You don’t need my money. Besides, you said it yourself that your agent owns the property. I will be paying rent to her.”

  Iona stepped forward and with the attitude of a spoiled teenager, she shoved her hands onto her hips. “And how are you going to find out where to send the payment? You have to give me the check.”

  “I can look up her office address online. It’s not that hard.”

  Her hands fell from her hips as her shoulders sank. “Damn it, I hadn’t thought about that.”

  “This is getting ridiculous, Iona. We both keep trying to work together and end up fighting about silly things. Can we start over?” I stuck out my hand.

  The corner of her lip twisted as she eyed my palm with suspicion. Sighing, she shook it. “You’re right. It’s the town. Coming back here wasn’t my idea.”

  My eyes widened in surprise as I tried to ignore the electric heat that traveled up my arm from her touch. I let go of her hand and shoved mine into my pockets, gently avoiding the finger I hurt earlier.

  Rule number one, no touching Iona. It does funny things to my body. Horny teenager things that would make this situation a whole lot more awkward than necessary.


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