Zombie Apocalypse Boxset [Books 1-2]

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Zombie Apocalypse Boxset [Books 1-2] Page 45

by Hatchett

  They had reached the entrance to the bedroom and Issy and the four soldiers all drew their Bowie knives.

  “Surely you don’t need them?” Geoff queried with a frown.

  “If they’ve been bitten, you’re lucky you’re still alive,” Issy replied as she entered the room.

  There were two single beds occupying the space with a couple of women sitting in chairs next to the beds. Issy moved to take a closer look then turned and nodded to the four soldiers behind her. A soldier went to each of the women and moved them out of the way while a third put his hand on Geoff’s arm to stop him moving. The fourth soldier and Issy approached the beds, their knives ready.

  “What are you doing?” shrilled one of the woman, trying in vain to pull away from the soldier holding her. “That’s my husband!”

  In one fluid motion both Issy and the fourth soldier lent over the beds and stabbed the two men in their heads. Some blood sprayed out of the wounds before slowing to a trickle. As a couple of screams echoed around the room, Issy and the soldier wiped their knives on their clothing before turning back to face the others. The three soldiers released their grips on their charges and one of the women flew towards Issy before being hauled back and held.

  “You lot obviously haven’t see the news,” Issy noted. “If you get bit, you turn into a zombie. The only way to kill them is to kill the brain.”

  “We could’ve saved them,” screamed the teary woman.

  Issy moved forwards a couple of paces and slapped the woman hard across the face. “Wake up,” she shouted in her face, “there is nothing we could do.”

  Geoff was still standing in the same spot, mouth hanging open, his face as white a sheet. He turned and ran into the bathroom and they could all hear him retching into the toilet.

  “Welcome to the real world,” Issy muttered before nodding to the soldiers and leaving the room. The soldiers helped the women to follow.

  Issy headed towards the bar. She noted that the chaise longue had been put back in place covering the stairs and Geoff ran to catch up with her.

  “Are you sure that was absolutely necessary?” he asked, wiping his mouth on some tissue.

  “Yes, we’ve probably just saved a lot of you from going the same way. Those women will get over it.”

  “That’s harsh.”

  “That’s life,” Issy replied as she opened the door to the bar.

  The bar was quite full now that there were nearly thirty soldiers in addition to the forty or so survivors already there. Issy spotted Don, who was talking to the civilians, then spotted the drinks lined up on the bar. The room went quiet as she helped herself to a pint of lager and took a long drink.

  “Ah, that’s good!” she stated as she put the glass back down and turned to face the rest of the room.

  “This is our Leader, Issy,” Don introduced her. “I’ve been filling them in on what’s happening and how we got here et cetera.”

  “Good to meet you all,” Issy advised as she took another drink as the four other soldiers entered the bar with the two hysterical women. The women were released and were quickly taken into the arms of some other women who had moved across to console them.

  “Unfortunately, their husbands didn’t make it,” Issy explained. “I will say this one more time, if you get bitten, you turn into a zombie. No ifs, no buts.”

  There were nods of acceptance from several of the civilians sitting around the room.

  “How can we help you?” asked a man sitting opposite.

  Issy looked at him closely. She turned to Don and asked, “How far did you get with the story?”

  “Just high level,” Don replied.

  “Let me get another drink then I’ll tell you all about it and then we’ll then see if you can help.”


  Day 6 – 20:40

  Tower of London, Inner Ward

  Daniel, Rhys, Isaac, Zak, Shauna, and Mamba were in the Jewel House. Mamba was ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing’ at all the treasures and asking question after question, before selecting some objects that he would undoubtedly keep. Daniel was a bit pre-occupied listening to what was happening with Nelson and Grace through his earpiece, so Rhys took it upon himself to act as the tour guide.

  Daniel heard Ahmed catch Nelson and Grace, as did the others as they all looked to him to see what they should do. Mamba didn’t notice because he was otherwise engaged.

  “It’s nearly time for the curfew,” Daniel noted. “Perhaps we better get moving.”

  “Nah man, we’ve only just got here,” Mamba replied. “Anyway, the curfew only applies to them others outside.”

  “Has the Judge spoken to Heathrow yet?” Daniel asked.

  “Arranged a call for the mornin’,” Mamba answered as he studied a jewel encrusted sword.

  A few minutes later they heard Ahmed shouting for Mamba from the entrance.

  “What you want man?” Mamba shouted back. “I’m busy.”

  “You’re gonna wanna hear this,” Ahmed shouted back.

  “For fuck’s sake,” Mamba muttered under his breath, “can’t get a minute’s fuckin’ peace around here.” He placed the sword he was holding back on a display case and headed towards the entrance, the others following close behind. “I’m comin’,” he shouted. “It betta be fuckin’ good, Ahmed, or I’ll cut your fuckin’ nuts off.” He quickly ran back and picked up the sword. “And I’ve got just the tool,” he whispered under his breath.

  They reached the entrance where Ahmed was waiting, and Mamba held out his arms, sword in one hand, and asked, “Well? What the fuck do you want?

  Ahmed looked uneasily at the sword, but he didn’t really have any choice. “We just found Nelson and Grace snoopin’ around the outer gates.”

  “Nelson and Grace?” Mamba asked for clarification.

  “Yep, caught them red-handed.”

  “Fuckin’ bitches,” Mamba snarled. “Where are they?”

  “What’s going on?” Daniel asked, knowing full well what was happening but trying to distract Mamba.

  “Mind your own fuckin’ business!” Mamba shouted, continuing to stare at Ahmed.

  “A coupla the boys have taken them to the jail.” Ahmed advised.

  “Then let’s go see them,” Mamba ordered, pushing past Ahmed and swinging the sword on his way out of the building. “Fuckin’ traitors!”


  Day 6 – 20:50

  Tower of London, Inner Ward

  The guards had dragged Nelson and Grace up the wooden steps into the White Tower and then down into the basement and thrown them into a cell next to Joel and his four colleagues.

  The guards slammed the door closed and waited outside for the arrival of Mamba.

  Nelson looked around the room but there was no hiding place, nothing but brick walls and hard floor except for a token mattress.

  “I’ve gotta get rid of these keys,” Nelson advised, “or we’re fucked.”

  “We’re already fucked,” Grace replied.

  “No, we’re not. We were just havin’ a walk and a look around. Mindin’ our own business when Ahmed grabbed us for no reason.”

  Grace looked around the cell. She was beginning to think things were hopeless when she heard a voice in her earpiece. “Grace, this is Joel. We’ve been listening in and we’re next door. There’s a small barred window near the ceiling. See if you can throw the keys towards our window.”

  Grace and Nelson looked towards the window. It was too high for either of them to reach but Nelson quickly took the keys from his pocket and handed them to Grace. He then walked up to the wall and made a stirrup with his hands and smiled. Grace understood what he was suggesting and quickly moved across the room, put her foot in the stirrup and was boosted up so she could get her head next to the window and push her arms outside the bars. She stretched her neck until her head was up against the bars but struggled to see anything until another pair of arms appeared a few feet away.

  “I can see you Joel,” Grace commente
d, assuming it was Joel with his arms out the window. “I’ll throw after the count of three.” Grace counted to three, practicing the throw she was about to make on each count, like a darts player getting into the rhythm before letting go. On the count of three she released the keys and saw them arc away before landing with a jangling noise. She withdrew her arms and Nelson slowly lowered her back onto the floor.

  In the next cell, Joel was being held up by a couple of his colleagues. He heard the keys land and felt a bit of grit hit him in the face. He could just make out the keys with light glinting off their edge, so he quickly grabbed them and withdrew his arms, just as Mamba and others turned the corner.

  “Got them,” he advised, and heard sighs from various people. He and his colleagues sat back down and listened to hear what would happen next.

  In the next cell, Nelson and Grace also sat down on the mattress next to each other, their backs against the cold brick wall, holding hands and waiting for Mamba’s arrival. They didn’t have to wait long.

  There were footsteps and the sound of shouting coming down the passageway before the cell door was thrown open and Mamba marched in followed by Ahmed and a couple of guards. Daniel and the others, who had been protesting Nelson and Grace’s innocence all along the walk, were barred from entering the room by the other guards.

  “Well, well, well. What we got here then?” Mamba asked sarcastically, pointing his new sword at Grace and Nelson sitting on the floor.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Grace demanded as she stood up. “We go for a walk and Ahmed grabs us and slings us in here. It’s not even curfew time. Are we livin’ in a police state now?”

  “Someone unlocked the outside gates so what were you doin’ sniffin’ around there?” Mamba countered.

  “Wasn’t us!” Grace retorted. “We were just havin’ a look around.”

  “Why there? Why weren’t you with the rest of them?”

  “Wasn’t interested in seein’ any jewels,” Grace replied.

  “Not like you Grace.” He turned to look at Nelson. “Get up Nelson, you’re very quiet.” He turned to the guards. “Search them,” he ordered.

  One of the guards grabbed Grace, turned her around to face the wall and proceeded to pat her down, and despite Mamba’s presence and Grace’s protests, lingered over certain areas of her body. He found nothing except for a knife.

  Another guard did the same with Nelson, and he too came up empty handed and shook his head in Mamba’s direction.

  Mamba was furious, looking around the cell wild-eyed. “Didn’t you even fuckin’ search them first?” he demanded of Ahmed.

  “No, but they were lookin’ and actin’ suspicious, sneakin’ around the place. I think they had a set of keys.”

  “Well, they’re not fuckin’ here! You’d betta check the route you walked to see if they’ve been dumped and you can check outside the window while you’re at it!” Mamba ordered.

  Ahmed nodded to the guards and six of them left to start the search.

  “You lot get back to your cottage and don’t come out until mornin’,” Mamba stormed. Grace and Nelson quickly left the cell and joined the others before they all made their way back to the cottage.

  Mamba stared at Ahmed, restraining himself from lashing out. “What the fuck’s the matter with you?”

  “You said to keep a special eye on those gates and that’s what we did. Then those two turn up, sneaking around and stoppin’ by one of the gates. What was I supposed to do?”

  “But they don’t have any fuckin’ keys on them, and unless your boys manage to turn them up, there’s nothin’ we can do. If we don’t find the keys, then it must’ve been someone else who unlocked the fuckin’ gates.”

  “I still don’t trust them,” Ahmed stated. “There’s somethin’ goin’ on.”

  Mamba shook his head in disgust and left the cell, leaving Ahmed to think through his actions.


  Day 7 – 8:00

  Tower of London, Inner Ward

  Daniel and the others were sitting in the cottage, enjoying a coffee and piece of toast. They all looked tired, having been up half the night discussing what had happened the night before and worrying if they would be found out. More importantly, they were concerned about how they could get the gates open. Thankfully, Joel had confirmed to them that they hadn’t been searched so he still had the keys. He had suggested that he leave them just outside his cell window, so they could be retrieved that day.

  “Thank God Mamba’s a bit thick,” Daniel advised. “I’m surprised he didn’t ask me where my set of keys was. If he had, I’d have had to bullshit him and lead him to another set that are sitting in the garage.”

  “Does that set have keys to the gates?” Rhys asked.

  “Not sure, I haven’t used them for quite some time,” Daniel replied, “but I don’t think so. We really need that set back from Joel.”

  “We all need to get out and start walkin’ around,” Isaac suggested. “We have to pass close to the cell window whenever we go to the Outer Ward, so it shouldn’t be too difficult.”

  “Yeah, but we’re probably bein’ watched now. Mamba doesn’t trust us,” Zak replied.

  “Well, we need to do somethin’, otherwise we’re stuck,” Grace added.

  “I’ve got an idea,” Daniel advised as he got to his feet.

  “What are you doing?” Rhys asked.

  “Wait and see.” Daniel walked to the cottage’s door, opened it, and left the building. The others crowded around the window to see what he was up to and watched with surprise as Daniel walked up to the steps leading to the entrance to the White Tower. He climbed the steps and then disappeared inside.


  Daniel walked across the floor to the staircase in the corner and descended the steps to the basement. At the bottom, he took the corridor leading to the cells and was met by a couple of tired looking guards barring his way.

  “What the fuck you want?” one of the Guards demanded.

  “The Judge is talking to Heathrow this morning and he’ll want me to vouch for the safety of the prisoners. Therefore, I need a few minutes with them to make sure they haven’t been treated badly.”

  “We haven’t fuckin’ touched them,” the guard retorted.

  “I didn’t say you had, but I need to speak to them and it needs to be quick. The call is taking place in ten minutes.” Daniel had no idea when the call was taking place, but these guards wouldn’t know either.

  “Ok,” one of the guards relented and walked to the cell door to open it and allow Daniel to enter.

  Daniel made sure the door was closed behind him before he turned to shake hands with the men inside. They had been listening via the comms and knew what was happening.

  “Daniel, good to see you,” Joel welcomed him, passing him the set of keys. “You’re full of surprises,” he noted.

  “Yeah, can’t stay long.” Daniel advised. “Are you ok?”

  “We’re fine. What time’s this call with Heathrow?”

  “No idea.”

  “Guys, this is Tom at Heathrow. As far as we’re aware, there is no call.”

  “What the fuck is going on?” Joel asked no one in particular.

  “No idea,” Daniel reiterated, “but I better get moving. The longer I stay here, the more likely it is that I will be spotted.” With that, Daniel nodded to the men in the cell and quickly left.

  As he walked out of the White Tower entrance and down the steps, he saw Mamba heading in his direction.

  “Oh, fuck!” he heard Rhys say through his earpiece, “I’ve just seen Mamba and he’s heading your way Dan.”

  “Yeah, I’ve clocked him. Don’t worry.”

  Mamba strode up with a gleeful look on his face, as if he’d just won a bet.

  “Hello Danny Boy, what you doin’ man?”

  “I’ve just been to see the prisoners,” Daniel replied matter-of-factly.

  That brought a frown to Mamba’s face. He’d obviously thought he
had something on Daniel, but it was beginning to slip away.

  “Why you doin’ that? Who said you could?” Mamba asked with suspicion.

  “No one said I could or couldn’t, but as there’s a call with Heathrow, they’ll want to hear from me that the prisoners are safe and well, so I took it upon myself to go and check them out and save a bit of time. What time is the call anyway?”

  “There is no fuckin’ call,” Mamba hissed.

  “But, you told me there was,” Daniel persisted.

  Mamba was silent, staring at Daniel and figuring out what to say or do next. “The call’s been cancelled, and you’re not allowed to see the prisoners unless I say so!” he said.

  “Oh, ok,” Daniel replied with a shrug. “Has the call been rearranged?”

  “I have no fuckin’ idea!” Mamba spat, beginning to lose his cool. “You betta get yourself off scavengin’ rather than wastin’ time standin’ around here.”

  “Ok, see you later.” With that, Daniel quickly headed back to the cottage before Mamba could say anything else.


  As Daniel approached the door, it was opened from within. The group were smiling, obviously relieved that Daniel had managed to get the keys without getting himself killed.

  “I always thought you were mad,” Rhys commented, patting Daniel on the back.

  “Brass gonads, man!” Isaac shouted in admiration.

  “We haven’t got much time,” Daniel stated as he took the key ring out of his pocket and quickly removed the two gate keys. He then walked into the kitchen, opened one of the drawers and pulled out a ball of string that he’d seen the previous evening when he’d been searching for a bottle opener. He quickly cut two lengths of string and tied them to the keys. He then grabbed a black marker pen and started colouring the string holding one of the keys.

  “What are you doing?” Rhys asked with a puzzled look on his face.

  “Solving the problem,” Daniel answered cryptically. “Let’s go get the truck, it’s time we were moving.”


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