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The Exhibition: DARK EROTICA SERIES Page 22

by Lucy Lixx

  I was rubbing my pussy as hard as I could, hearing his voice and then hearing my mom beg him not to stop. Ethan repeated his question a few more times before he finally heard what he wanted: “No! You are better! Please fuck me, don’t stop!” – My mom said, as I finally was able to cum. I stood up and left the room, leaving Ethan to his own finale.

  As I clasped the door knob to my room, my heart still racing, and my legs still quivering from my erotic release, I whispered to myself -"Pandora's Box...Wide Open."


  Say Yes To Daddy

  Chapter One

  His skin was the color of wheat-bronze, which wasn’t a way I'd ever described anything before. Actually, most people didn’t strike me as anything worthy of looking at so intently, especially not at the gym. But I watched him. I was transfixed by the sheer flawlessness of the man before me. I could see beads of perspiration dotting his flesh. Sweat moisture studding across the small specs of hair that lay sparse across his chiseled upper body. I knew I was staring, but I couldn’t seem to turn my gaze away. I was mercilessly enraptured by the way his body almost seemed to shimmer. It was uncanny the way the light bounced off his flesh. My mouth watered, as I imagined tracing the tip of my tongue along the outline of his solid, firm pecs, savoring the salty dew in my mouth, warmed by the smoldering heat coiled within him. Like wisps of mist vaporizing on scorched pavement, his body glinted, fueling the fire starting between my thighs. I took stock of the man; he looked like a god through my eyes. He was tall, dark, perfect skin, muscular, lean bodied. He was regal and svelte with every movement he made, no matter how slight it was, yet the air of dominance he exuded screamed to be not only heard, but obeyed.

  Onlookers and passerby’s melted into my periphery as I continued gawking at him. Though not taking anything away from myself, with regard to physical comparison; my curvy hips and breasts, which tapering perfectly into a tiny waist, made me no stranger to male attention, yet all of that put together paled in comparison to the perfect specimen of the man before me. No one else could compete.

  * * *

  He was pumping iron in the gym that I visited every day, and yet here I was sure that I had never seen the man before. Surely, if I had seen him, I never would have forgotten him.

  He wasn’t even the type of man that I usually went for, I thought to myself, as I continued to watch him pump iron. I visited this gym almost every day over the past year, yet had either never seen or noticed him. He must me new I assured myself, because there was no way in hell I’d have not noticed him.

  “Hey, are you done with the stepper?” I heard someone say, from what seemed a far off place.

  “Hey, Cinderella! Are you gonna move or what?” The voice said again, a bit more harshly.

  Mortified at just how long I apparently had been standing there, like a plum idiot staring across the room, not realizing someone was waiting their turn on the elliptical, I replied “Oh, yeah…oh, sorry. It’s all yours”.

  Several people having overheard the quirky exchange, looked over in our direction. Flushed with slight embarrassment, I only hoped that Mr. Greek-God hadn’t heard or noticed how intensely he’d been the cause of my temporary impairment. Yet another part of me simply wished a guy like him would actually see me.

  As if he had read my thoughts, his head turned in my direction and I found myself staring right into his deep, dark eyes. Even his eyes were more intense than I thought any man’s could be. “God he’s fucking gorgeous” I thought, practically swooning.

  “Did he just friggen’ wink at me?” – A spurt of panic peaked within me.

  I squinted my eyes as I looked at him, as if that would somehow clarify what was sure to have been my imagination. Pausing mid bicep-curled, he flashed the pearliest set of whites I’d ever seen; like he belonged in a Colgate commercial or something. His smile was genuine, yet coy.

  There was no doubt I must have looked like a love-struck schoolgirl staring back at him, barely forcing a returned smile, my face beat read with bewilderment. Despite my awkward reaction to his acknowledgment of my existence on the planet, “I needed to know him”, I vowed to myself, breaking his gaze and assessment of me. Though it sounded silly, I felt like suddenly my fate was altered in one simple smile. It was as if he had cast a net, and I’d not even attempted to move to get out from underneath it. I had stood there, dumb-struck in the same fashion that any man would have been if they’d crossed the path of a siren or angel. I could feel myself grabbing my bag, toweling the machine down as if on auto piolet and moving over to go see him. Look, don’t get me wrong, I don’t make it a habit of approaching men first, nor do I normally even have the courage to do so when given the opportunity, without it looking like a blatant come-on. But if you’ve ever been to a gym like mine before, it was basically first-come-first-serve, if not an outright free-for-all meat market. And I’m sure I hadn’t been the only estrogen in the building intoxicated by the testosterone he wafted. It was now or never, I whispered to myself, as my feet continued to float in his direction.

  His eyes never left mine, as he continued doing reps, drinking in my every curve.

  “Hey.” I said, and I had never sounded more demure than I had in that very moment. I felt completely vulnerable, but who on earth wouldn’t feel a bit inadequate and shy in comparison to such perfection, regardless of how outwardly confident they looked? That was me at the moment; a walking, talking ball of contradictions.

  “Hello…” He said, and I felt compelled to say my name.

  “Ca-Carlie.” I stammered, and he smiled.

  “Hello, Carlie.” He said in a deep, husky voice with an accent that I couldn’t quite place, but I was sure that anything this man would ever say would always seem exotic to me. Even my own name.

  “Ivan.” He said, and I smiled as he extended one large, rough hand to me. I went to shake it, but instead he clutched my delicate hand in his massive one, bringing it up to his lips as he kissed my knuckles. That’s when I knew that he must be a God. No one acted like that anymore, and yet it had that pulsing, desire and need double inside of me. I was truly caught.

  Chapter Two

  Everything seemed to pass in a blur. I couldn’t help it. He had romanced me off my feet in a way that I didn’t think men could. There was that small voice inside of me that didn’t think that I was worthy of this man, but wherever we went people stared. No matter where we went they smiled at us. Both men and women checked us out in turn. Some seemed to gawk, and I thought at first that it was because of him, but I realized soon that they were also looking at me. I was used to attention here and there, but it was nothing like the attention I received when I with Ivan.

  “They know what we are.” I remember him whispering in my ear as I got in the car that night, going from the restaurant to his loft.

  “What?” I asked, as he opened the door for me. I slid into that black, elegant Porsche like it had always belong to me, but it was his. He didn’t answer until he was sitting behind the steering wheel as well. There was a devilish, almost childlike grin on his face as he looked at me with those dark, piercing eyes. He filled the car more than any man should. His presence seemed to crackle in the air around us.

  “That we’re top in this world. Lean, fit, beautiful.” He said, each word like a gentle caress.

  “That we belong at the top. You belong at the top too, my darling.” He told me.

  * * *

  Nothing around me was the same. Even my own apartment flat didn’t seem perfect enough. I wanted more. Being with Ivan made me feel like I truly deserved more. Being the envy of every woman in any room that we entered hand-in-hand, I knew simply standing next to him, I looked like a woman whom deserved a man like him. Breaking myself out my daydream, I sighed, because the truth of the matter was that he wasn’t here at this moment, and all I had of his to hold right now were my thoughts.

  Cutting vegetables to have my mother over had never seen such a daunting task to
concentrate on before. My mind once again wandered.

  That night was like no other. It was beautiful and it was primal. The way that he had me bouncing up and down on the largest, hardest cock I had ever seen. It was thick, long, and muscular like everything else about him. I wanted to marvel at it, and I quickly took it in my mouth as I watched those perfect, dark eyes narrow in amusement at me as his fingers wrapped in my wild hair.

  I mewled around it with need, and he hadn’t let me stay like that for long. Unlike most men who would have just climbed on top of me, it seemed that Ivan had no intention of rutting on top of my lean body until he was finished. Instead, he had picked me up, placing me on my hands and knees with my ass prominently in the air before his large, calloused hands had grabbed my hips, pushing himself deep inside of me with one long thrust.

  It seemed like my entire world exploded into the pleasure that he was bringing me, entering me and pulling out again in a rhythmic perfect pattern that I still couldn’t seem to predict. He was gentle at first, but determined with no words seeming to be needed between us. I hadn’t been drunk. I hadn’t even drunk that night, but I was drunk on anticipation and lust that I had been feeling since I saw him that day in the gym. I had found out that he was sixty-one, and I was about to turn twenty-one. I knew that should be a turn off, but as I thought when I heard it, it just meant that he was more skilled of a lover than I had imagined. My own personal sex God, which he proved again and again as I came, writhing on his cock as he filled every inch of me.

  * * *

  I nearly cut myself. The knife grazed my skin, making me swear as I was sharply pulled back into reality. Cursing, I went to clean the blade and put the cabbage in the colander so that I could rinse it. Stir fry was one of my mother’s favorite, and since I hadn’t seen her in so long (she had been in Wales for the longest time on another ‘finding herself’ mission, and had gotten in earlier this month without telling me), I wanted to make a good impression. It didn’t take long for me to get back in the hang of everything, once again feeling the slickness between my legs as I started to drip, thinking of all of the ways he had opened me up before him, making my most primal side scream with wild abandon for him to never stop.

  I hadn’t thought such positions were even able to be done. With the way he had me bent almost in half. I could see myself dripping. I could see my pussy lips stretched out around his dark, midnight shaft as it plunged into me again and again. I could see his glutes squeeze every time he thrust into me particularly hard, and I stared at our lovemaking, my small hands on my large breasts. It had taken me a week to trust him to contort me in such a fashion, and even now my muscles strained, but it felt good. It made the release all the more worth it as I watched my legs were held up in the air by his strong hands. My back curved against the headboard as he pounded into me.

  “Oh God, Ivan.” I shouted as I came. Again. I had come so many times I had long ago lost track. This man seemed to know how to play my body like no other could. He seemed to be able to play my body better than even I could, and he had long since made any toy I had completely worthless to me. I was addicted, and in that moment I didn’t care.

  “Oh, Carlie.” He grunted as he continued. “Shush, now. I’ll put that pretty little mouth of yours to use cleaning me off when I’m done.” He had growled at me, much like the animal he was when he was lost in the pleasure of my body. I came at those words too.

  * * *

  The vegetables were all done now. I made a mental note, trying to wrench myself from the thoughts again. It had been a week since I had seen or heard from him. I couldn’t help but to wonder what I had done wrong. I knew I’d have to find him again, and it irked me how he obviously felt it okay to go missing in action whenever he felt the need, as if what we had was nothing. I’m not a doll to be taken off a shelf and played with at will, I fumed with irritation, thinking of how badly he handled me emotionally at times. But, honestly at the moment my body needed him far worse than my ego, and I had been aching since the last time he had played my body to a tune that only he seemed to know.

  Cauliflower? Check. Broccoli? Check. Cabbage, carrots, onion, sweet potato, which my mother loved. It was all there, and yet I couldn’t help but to think I was missing something. The jasmine rice was waiting, and then it hit me. I had almost forgot the damn chicken. I had marinated it yesterday in all of the Caribbean spices my mother loved, but I had almost forgot to actually start cooking the damn thing. God. Even without him being here he wreaked havoc on me. I started to heat the coconut oil in the large skillet, putting the chicken in just as it started to sizzle before being pulled back into my own head, consumed by my need for him.

  Chapter Three

  Moving around the kitchen, as I prepared dinner, I was practically entranced…overcome by memories of our various coupling. My body ebbed in and out of lust with desire, as I mindlessly recalling the sweet pleasure of our last encounter.

  * * *

  Ivan had tied me up tonight. I had expected him to use silk bondage rope, maybe his tie, anything but what he had used. Just like everything about him, he once again surprised me by pulling out the zip ties. Hard plastic cut into my wrist, and I knew I was completely at this god’s mercy. He was going to play my body like the violin it was.

  I had looked at him with excitement, a mild amount of fear running through me as he put the blindfold on me. After weeks of not seeing him, my body was ripe, primed and ready to be plucked. My hands were secured behind me. I was thrown onto my back, and his silky, satin sheets seemed too soft in comparison to what he was going to do to me, making me vulnerable to him again because without my eyesight, all I could do was feel. It made Ivan that much more intense, just like every orgasm he pulled out of my supple body.

  “You’ll have to trust me now, little one.” He teased.

  He often called me ‘little one’ or ‘little slut’ due to our age difference. At first it had bothered me, but now it seemed a dark promise that he would soon make me become undone. I didn’t trust him, but now I had no choice. I knew that he’d do anything to cause me pain and pleasure, mixed together in an intoxicating way I just couldn’t get enough of.

  His thumb was at my ass, and my eyes widened, but he threatened to take away my sight, and so I closed my eyes, trying to relax as he pushed his thumb inside of me, opening up my ass to him.

  I knew what he wanted, but I had yet to give it to him. I had yet to give him all of me, but Ivan was good at taking what he wanted, and he was even better at making you think that you wanted to give it to him all along. That’s what I thought now. That I wanted him to have it, but I was just too afraid. He had taken that fear from me, and here I had no choice but to enjoy every moment he gave to me. His other fingers were at my clit, rubbing in soft, slow circles.

  “Relax for me, my little slut.” He told me before his thumb fully entered me, and I did relax. He had played with my ass multiple times. I was lost in the pleasure as he added another finger, using lube to make sure that his fingers glided into my anal ring easily, opening me up for him.

  “If I don’t open you up this is going to hurt a lot more than it should.” He consoled me, seeming to whisper it as a promise of pleasure.

  I could feel myself clench, somehow on the verge of coming as this dark, beautiful god toyed with me, leading me to the brink of orgasm and keeping me there. It wasn’t long before he withdrew his fingers, replacing it with his thick cock, trying to push it into me where I thought it’d never fit. He leaned down to kiss me, bending me again as the heels of my feet rested on his broad shoulders, and his soft lips met mine, kissing me as I cried out as he finally entered me there. I had never felt as full as he thrust his hips back and forth, working himself deep inside of me. Pain ebbed away giving way to pleasure that I had never known as Ivan used me in a primal, carnal way that only he seemed to be able to do, giving me orgasm after orgasm in the process.


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