Own Me (Romance on the Go)

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Own Me (Romance on the Go) Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  I knew then that tonight would shape every night from this point on.

  Chapter Five

  “Fuck. You are so tight and hot.”

  We both moaned when I was fully seated on him. My pussy clamped down hard around him, and his cock jerked in response. I licked my lips and felt Boden’s large hand press down on the middle of my back. I leaned forward, closed my eyes, and right away felt someone caress my cheek. I looked over to stare into Aram’s heated expression. He was kneeling on the bed, his shaft aimed right at my face. I knew what he wanted, knew he wanted me to take his shaft into my mouth while I was being fucked. So I did just that.

  Just as I was getting into sucking Aram’s dick, I felt Boden’s fingers circle my anus. He started to push one digit inside, then another, until he was scissoring them inside me, readying me for his penetration. His fingers were thick, and the burn of pain presented itself. If only his fingers hurt, I worried how it would feel when he stuffed his cock into my ass. He removed the digits and pressed the hot, hard tip of his shaft against my anus. I stiffened, waiting for the inevitable burn of pain to slam into me.

  “Don’t tense, baby. It’ll only make it worse. Bear down for me.”

  I did as Boden said, or at least tried to calm down. He started to press in, and I closed my eyes and braced myself. I continued sucking Aram, trying to keep his pleasure going even though simultaneous things were happening to me. The pain seemed almost unbearable at first, but then an intense pleasure bloomed within me and far outweighed the discomfort. Eeron’s fingers dug into my hipbones, and I felt his cock jerk inside me again.

  The sound of wet sucking resounded through the room. I renewed my efforts on Aram’s cock, feeling a shot of pre-cum hit the back of my throat, and I knew he was close.

  “Suck it, Athena. Suck my cock until I come in your mouth.” I heard Aram swallow roughly and glanced up to see him staring down at me, a heavy-lidded look filled with dark desires.

  Boden continued to tunnel his cock in my ass, and when he was fully inside of me, the three of us moaned loudly. As if the sound set off Aram, he started to fuck my face with fervor.

  “So good. So. Fucking. Good, Athena.” His erection twitched in my mouth, and when his body tensed, jet after jet of creamy cum slid down my throat. He gripped my hair, the sting of pain causing my lust to intensify.

  I swallowed all of his jizz, lapping at his shaft until his shaft grew semi-erect in my mouth and he pulled away. I looked into his face, my mouth numb, my jaw aching. He bent down and kissed me deeply, his tongue sweeping into my mouth, his flavor mixing between us. Then Aram withdrew and let the other men have their way with me.

  Boden ran his hands down my back while Eeron gripped one of my breasts and started pulling at my nipple. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth, moaning loudly from the intense pleasure. The sensations were indescribable and left my brain scrambled and my body on fire. Boden started to pull out of my ass, and when only the tip was lodged inside he slammed back in. I cried out and felt tears trickle out of the corner of my eyes. Eeron stayed still, our eyes locked, his fingers twisting and pulling at my turgid nipples.

  Ibrahim was beside me, not moving, just watching.

  “Oh, Athena, you feel so damn good.” I felt Boden’s warm breath by my ear, felt his hand grab a chunk of my hair and pull ever so slightly. I opened my mouth again in pleasure and turned my head to look at him. He kept a firm grip on my hair, keeping my head back, my throat exposed.

  “I’m going to fuck your ass so good you’ll scream my name.” We kissed then, his mouth devouring mine as his hips pistoned in and out, his cock tunneling inside of me. His cock was huge, and, although the discomfort had been there, a slow burn of pleasure started to take its place.

  Eeron moved then, retreating when Boden slammed into my ass, shoving his cock into me when Boden pulled out.

  “Grip the headboard and don’t let go.” The command came from Eeron, and it wasn’t to be disobeyed. I wrapped my fingers around the cold, wrought iron bars, the temperature so different from my overheated body.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard, baby. So. Fucking. Hard.”

  They became madmen, pulling out and slamming back into me in unison. I mewled in surprise and then moaned when Boden smacked my ass, the sound and sting enticing.

  “You like when we fuck you? You like my cock buried in your ass and Eeron shoved up your cunt?”

  I couldn’t speak, and could only feel the stark pleasure.



  “Oh. My. God.” The feeling of his palm against my ass, the burn it created was incredible. I couldn’t hold back the words that spilled out of me.



  I was spanked again, and again, and again until I was crying from the magnitude of sensations moving through me.

  “You like that pain, Athena? Like when I fucking smack this perfect ass?”

  “Yes,” I hissed out. “Oh, God, yes.” Boden’s words ignited me, heated my entire body and sent me to new heights of ecstasy. He kissed the side of my neck, and I prayed for him to pierce my throat. I wanted to feel it, wanted to feel those deadly fangs slide into my body. Eeron lifted up slightly, never stopping as he pumped into me. He licked the other side of my throat, and I felt my climax approach.

  “I’m so close,” I panted. Their fangs grazed each side of my neck now, and I tensed as my orgasm started to peak.

  “Look at me as they pleasure you,” Ibrahim said in a dark voice.

  Just as the pleasure washed over me, I felt them bite down, piercing each side of my throat. I kept my focus on Ibrahim, his gaze on me heightening my pleasure.

  The pain lasted only a moment, and then a euphoric sensation I had ever felt consumed me as they started sucking my blood. I moved my hips, swiveled slightly, needing them deeper, wanting them to go harder. They grunted against my neck, and I heard them sucking, felt them drawing out my blood.

  When my climax started to descend, they retracted their fangs, and both growled out in unison. The wicked feeling of their hot spunk shooting inside of my ass and pussy had me gasping as another, smaller orgasm coiled within me before snapping. After several seconds I finally I collapsed on top of Eeron, and felt someone release my death grip on the bars. Hands caressed my back, and I was slightly aware of Boden pulling out of my ass. But exhaustion was heavy within me, and my body was like a ragdoll.

  Eeron pulled out of me next, and I rolled off him to lie on my back, my stomach hollowing with every ragged breath I took. My skin was slick with perspiration, my body finally cooling. They flanked me, wrapping their arms around me and running their fingers over my body. My whole body pulsed with the feeling of being alive. My pussy ached, my neck throbbed, but those dual sensations left a smile of satisfaction on my face.

  As I lay there, exhaustion lulling me to sleep, my last thought was that two had fucked the hell out of me, and I still had two more to go.

  Chapter Six

  I woke to someone sucking on my breast and hands sliding over my thigh. I peeled my eyes open, immediately feeling the ache in my body from my earlier activities. I saw it was Aram who was licking at my chest. His head was bent low, his tongue swirling over my areola and the engorged peak of one breast. I turned my head and saw Ibrahim watching me as he moved his fingers over my flesh, edging closer and closer to my pussy.

  I don’t know how much time had passed, but for someone who’d just been thoroughly fucked, I was surprised that my body heated all over again. Aram lifted his head and moved up my body. He captured my mouth with his, and I raised my hands to spear them through his hair. But before I could do the act, he had both of my wrists secured in his hand and moved them above my head. He kissed my jaw, running his tongue up and down, his teeth gently grazing my flesh.

  Ibrahim spread my legs and caressed my inner thighs, his thumbs swirling over my skin. I became wet all over again. I didn’t know where Boden or Eeron were, but I was lost in this
moment regardless. Ibrahim’s warm breath puffed against my pussy, and I felt his desire with every flick of his tongue against me. I lifted my hips in invitation, desperate to feel his hot, wet tongue slide against me harder. To my disappointment, he moved up my body and started kissing the other side of my neck. Feeling both of their mouths on me, and their tongues lapping at my pulse, was enough to make me beg softly.

  “Shhh. You are ours for right now. Let us make you feel good.”

  I didn’t know which one spoke, that’s how aroused I was, intoxicated. I mewled, wanting more than the teasing touches they offered. “Please.” I didn’t know what I was asking for, but I knew it was more than what they were giving.

  “What do you want, sweetness? Tell me, and maybe I’ll give it to you.”

  I turned and looked at Ibrahim, his midnight hair ruffled, his light colored eyes promising dark pleasures. “I want to feel you, want to feel both of you fucking me.” Never had I thought I would say those words, especially not in a situation like this. But I felt wild, free tonight, and I was letting my inhibitions go.

  He smiled at me wickedly and bent down to gently bite my earlobe. I groaned, wishing they’d let me touch them as they were touching me.

  “Come here, Athena.” Aram let go of my wrists, grabbed onto my waist, and flipped me onto my belly. I turned my head and felt Ibrahim take my wrists and hold them in a loose, yet firm grip behind my back. I turned my head the other way and stared at Aram. I could see just how hard he was, and my mouth watered to taste every inch of him. We all must have been thinking the same thing because Aram moved to the side of the bed just as Ibrahim helped me to my knees and pushed me toward Aram’s waiting cock.

  I licked the length of him without any hesitation. His balls were heavy beneath his shaft, and I ran my tongue further down to swirl around the soft skin. I sucked one testicle into my mouth, moving it around and then letting it go to do the same to the other.

  “Fuck yeah. Suck me, Athena.”

  I sucked on the other one a little harder, then made my way back up his length, my tongue making a wet trail along the way. Ibrahim was behind me, his teeth nipping down the length of my spine until he gently bit one of my ass cheeks hard enough I hissed out. But it felt good. I lifted my ass, loving how his fangs scraped seductively against me. I sucked Aram into my mouth, lapping at him like I was crazed, starved for his cock. I was so hot and ready. My pussy cream lubricated my labia and made them move erotically against each other. My nipples rubbed along his legs, the hair teasing my sensitive tissue so that I was pressing closer to him, needing more.

  Ibrahim covered my back with his chest, his erection pressed against the crack of my ass. The tip of his cock teased my clitoris, and I wiggled against him.

  “Hold onto the headboard, Athena. Hold the bars tight and don’t let go while you suck Aram, and I fuck you.”

  I did as he ordered, shivering at his dark command. Ibrahim didn’t wait, didn’t tease me for agonizing moments. He shoved into me so quick, so hard that I was pushed forward, right onto Aram’s erection. His cockhead nudged against my throat, and my eyes watered. The double penetration made me grunt in response.

  “Suck me, sweetness. Suck the cum out of me.”

  Oh God. Ibrahim started pounding into me, his mouth already at my neck, his teeth in my skin. I cried out around Aram’s cock, feeling him explode inside my mouth immediately. I swallowed his cum greedily and used my pelvic floor muscles to squeeze Ibrahim’s dick tightly. He groaned behind me in response.

  “So good, Athena. Your little mouth on my cock feels so fucking good,” Aram murmured, feathering his hands over my hair. He pulled away from me, his semi-hard shaft slipping from my mouth. I sucked in air and gripped the bars tighter as Ibrahim fucked me fiercely.

  He pushed me onto my stomach, and the burn of my hands being wrenched from the wrought iron bars momentarily dimmed the pleasure he caused. That discomfort vanished as soon as he covered me with his body, his cock never slipping free, his mouth still latched onto my neck. He drank from me for another second before he removed his fangs and ran his tongue along the wound. I shivered in response.

  “Yeah, baby. Take my cock. Fucking squeeze that pussy around it.”

  “Oh.” I bit my lip. “Yes. I’m going to come.” The feeling of my blood slipping down my neck made me acutely aware of who and what I was actually fucking. I squeezed my eyes shut and cried out in ecstasy. I lifted my ass, hearing the dirty good, wet sounds of his cock gliding in and out of my clenching pussy.

  The noises he made behind me were animalistic, wild and full of pleasure. He gave one loud groan before he filled me with his seed. I shuddered as some of it slipped down to coat my labia.

  I felt like I was floating, like the world had left me and I no longer had a body. Slowly, the high faded, and I fell back to reality. The bed dipped, and I heard the door open and close, and then I let myself become comatose.


  The image of sweaty bodies, hard cocks, and blood dripping down pale flesh slammed into my mind, and I sat up, sweat covering every inch of me and my heart thundering. Breathing heavily, I ran a hand over my face and blinked in rapid succession. The room was pitch black, and I closed my eyes, trying to calm my racing heart. The dream had been so real, so graphic that I could have sworn I had been there, touched each of them, come for them.

  I wiped the sweat from my brow and swallowed. “God. What a dream.” I chuckled almost hysterically and reached over, blindly trying to find the bedside lamp. I pulled on the chain, and a soft glow filled the room. After a few seconds my vision adjusted, and I rubbed my eyes, willing my heart to calm down.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” I felt a hand run along my back and looked over. I smiled and lay back down, moving closer to the warm body beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

  “Nothing. I just had that dream again.”

  He chuckled seductively and kissed the top of my head. “Oh. You mean the dream about getting fucked by four vampires?”

  I felt my body heat in response.

  “Yeah. The same one.” I lifted my head and stared into his eyes. His hair was ruffled, his eyes heavy with sleep.

  “I can’t believe you still think about that, baby,” he said in his deep, serrated voice, the same one that had me shivering.

  “You liked it just as much as I did.”

  Boden smiled, and his fangs flashed white in the muted glow filling the room. “You know I fucking liked it. Who would have thought you were kinky, wanting to get fucked by four vampires as you pretended to be the helpless little human.” He rose up and pressed a kiss to the side of my neck, his fangs gently pressing against my flesh.

  “That was so long ago.”

  “Not that long,” he said, his mouth still at my throat.

  “Decades, Boden.”

  “And it still feels like the first time with you every time.” He pulled back, and I saw the sincerity and love in his face. “Maybe we should do that again, see how you feel about it all this time later.”

  “Mmm,” I said and closed my eyes, arching into his touch. I opened my eyes and looked at him. “Who knew a vampire as old as I could get off by pretending to be a human while four potent vampires took advantage of me?”

  He chuckled softly.

  Having the gift of immortality could also be a curse. But I had all four men in my life, the only men that had ever meant anything to me. We’d been through a lot, and had been together a long time. And although time could change people, could change things, everything was still so exciting being with them. I thought of what I had done all those years ago, submitting to my immortal lovers, and my body heated from the recollection, and my pussy became wet, clenching in need.

  “I think you’re seriously contemplating doing that again, baby,” Boden murmured, sidling closer to me so that his masculine scent made my body flare with hunger for him.

  “Where are the others?”

was rare that we didn’t sleep in the same bed together, but there were times we needed to be alone, to have time away from the others.

  As if my thoughts commanded them to enter, the door swung open and in walked Aram, Ibrahim, and Eeron. I instantly smelled the whiskey on them, could see they were tipsy, aroused, and my body immediately heated even more for them. I was always ready for these men.

  And then I smiled as they got undressed, their focus on me … always and only on me. I spread my arms above my head and arched my back. I didn’t need a fantasy to fill my life, but when I had four men, four vampires ready and willing for me, what girl wouldn’t take advantage of that?

  “We ache for you,” Eeron said.

  “We’re starving for you,” Aram spoke next.

  And Ibrahim just grinned.

  They moved toward me in unison at the same time Boden ran his tongue up my neck. Oh yes, this was going to be another experience that would wake me from sleep, even years later.

  The End


  Other Books by Jenika Snow:


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