Pretty Poison

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Pretty Poison Page 14

by Lynne Barron

  “You must not continue to tempt me, Nicholas,” she told him.

  “Who is tempting whom?” he asked with a raspy chuckle.

  “You must know that I cannot resist your silver tongue and your warm hands. It is not well done of you at all.”

  “On the contrary, I think it is quite well done.”

  “And what if someone should have seen us up on that hilltop?”

  “You would be forced to marry me.”

  “You think to compromise me, do you?”

  “The thought has crossed my mind.”

  “Well, Mr. Avery, you’d best think again. I’ll not be forced into marriage.”

  “No,” he agreed thoughtfully. “I don’t suppose you would be. But then, where’s the harm? It’s no secret that I’ve my eye on you. No one would be surprised to find you in my arms.”

  “True,” she agreed with a rueful laugh. “You’ve not been terribly discreet in your pursuit of me. But you really must desist. In a few days we shall be joined by three additional marriageable misses, and what hope have you to attract one of them if you are constantly panting after me?”

  “None at all,” he agreed with a jaunty smile.

  “And what will happen to your family when I am gone back to Maryland and you have foolishly ignored the opportunity this coming week presents and find yourself without an heiress to wed, what then?”

  “I see your point,” he murmured. “I should not lay all my eggs in one basket.”

  “You must spread them about.”

  “Share my kisses with all the ladies, you mean?”

  “If that is your desire.” Emily attempted to present him with a cheerful smile, but it felt more like a sneer.

  “You are my desire.”

  “Yes, well, you must get over that. Put it behind you, and look toward securing a wife.”

  They rode back to the stables in silence. Emily cast furtive glances at Nicholas to find him looking quite pensive as he rode beside her. She hoped he was thinking about what she’d said, that he would stop his futile attempts to woo her, and focus his considerable charm on the ladies who would be joining the party in a matter of days.

  It is for the best, she reminded herself as she followed him from the stables into the house to find most of Aunt Margaret’s guests in the front hall clustered around the most beautiful woman she had ever seen.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Nicholas!” the exquisite woman exclaimed as she spun around to face the open door.

  Emily watched him hurry forward to greet the lady, his hands clasping hers tightly, a welcoming smile upon his lips.

  “Lady Bernice, what a pleasant surprise,” he greeted the lovely vision warmly. “We were not expecting you until Saturday.”

  Lady Bernice gave a tinkling little laugh before replying, “Mother was convinced that if we did not make the journey today, the weather would preclude our arriving at all.”

  “Her Grace is still predicting the weather, is she?”

  And then everyone was talking at once, laughing at some joke they all seemed to be privy to about the lady’s mother whose bad knee foretold the weather.

  Emily removed her coat, looked down at her snug breaches and mud spattered boots with a grimace, before returning her attention once more to the newcomer in their midst.

  Wouldn’t you know it, the lady had red hair. Lady Bernice’s vivid red hair was smooth and sleek, pulled back from her face into a complex arrangement of braids interlaced with pale green ribbons the exact color of her eyes. Her skin was pearly white with a hint of rosy pink on her round cheeks, not a freckle in sight. Her nose was thin and straight over a perfect little cupid bow mouth.

  She looked to be about Emily’s own age, but their similarities ended there. Where she was short and slim, Lady Bernice was tall and voluptuous, with a bosom any woman would envy and hips that flared out from a trim waist. She was dressed in the very height of fashion in a long sleeved silk day dress of a yellow so pale it might better be termed cream, with the same light green ribbon trimming the scalloped neckline and narrow hem. On her feet she wore dainty green slippers. Emily imagined that beneath it all she wore luxurious undergarments of silk and lace.

  Emily plopped down onto a chair in the corner of the hall and tugged off her muddy boots while the guests began to retreat into the front parlor. She watched as Lady Bernice looped her gloved hand through Nicholas’s arm and laughed up into his smiling face before they disappeared behind the others.

  Well, that was surprisingly easy. Nicholas hadn’t even looked at her, not once since he’d seen the lady standing in the hall surrounded by the welcoming throng.

  Suddenly weary right down to her bones, Emily rose and made her way slowly up the long curving stair case and down the quiet hall. She found Tilly in her room bent over a hot iron.

  “You’re back,” Tilly exclaimed. “Hurry, you must dress. We’ve another guest and she’s a pretty thing, for all that she’s a giant.”

  “Yes,” Emily agreed.

  “You’ve seen her then?”

  “She’s quite impossible to miss.” Emily fell back onto her bed with a groan.

  “What are you doing?” Tilly demanded. “Luncheon is in an hour and you need to bathe and I’ve to do something special with your hair. I thought this fine lavender dress would do nicely, makes your bosom look bigger.”

  “Oh Tilly, are you thinking to dress me up to compete with that amazing creature?”

  “What? That bovine is no competition for you! Get into the bath,” she nodded to the open door across the chamber and the steamy bathing room beyond.

  “I’m tired. Just have a tray brought up.”

  “And let that one steal your man right out from under you?”

  “He is not my man and she’s welcome to him.”

  “You listen to me, Emily Ann Calvert,” Tilly ground out between her teeth as she marched over to the bed. “You get your skinny butt into that bath.”

  “All right, all right.” Emily held her hands up in surrender as she climbed off the bed. “Good Lord, child, when did you become a harridan?”

  “When you lost sight of your wits.”

  “I assure you I lost sight of my wits months and months ago.”

  “Don’t I know it,” the girl muttered as she whipped off her mistress’s guernsey and went to work on the buttons of her shirt. “And enough is enough, miss. You’ve been wallowing in self-pity all these long months.”

  “I have not.”

  “Oh boo hoo, my worthless fiancé dropped me flat as a flapjack.” Tilly pushed Emily’s breaches down her legs, drawers and all.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Oh woe is me, Da dragged me across the ocean to marry a stranger.” Tilly herded her into the bathing room and into the tub.

  Emily laughed at the ferocious frown on the girl’s caramel-skinned face.

  “Poor opium addled me, I’ve gone and stabbed myself right through the heart.” Tilly dunked her head under the water.

  Emily came up sputtering and coughing water.

  “Oh, it’s just so unfair, I’ve got a big strapping handsome man wants to marry me.” Tilly rubbed lilac-scented soap into her hair, digging her little fingers into her scalp.

  “It’s my fortune he wants to marry,” Emily ground out.

  “So what?” Tilly demanded before she dunked her head once more.

  “Stop that,” Emily sputtered, water dripping into her eyes. “Are you trying to drown me?”

  “Who cares if you use your fortune to catch him? The real trouble is you don’t think you can keep him once you’ve landed him.”

  Emily had no argument. It was true. She did not believe for one moment she could ever hope to keep Nicholas Avery. And she would not share him.

  “When did you begin to doubt yourself?” Tilly gently rubbed a soapy linen square over her mistress’s back, down her long arms. “You were always so sure of yourself, Em. As long as I’ve known you, my whole li
fe, you never thought there was one thing on God’s green earth you couldn’t do. No matter who told you otherwise, no matter that maybe you shouldn’t ought to be doing them things. You always knew you could.”

  Emily leaned her head forward, brought her knees up and tucked her chin against them, wrapping her arms around her thighs.

  “I know you think your fight with that little blue bottle changed you,” Tilly said gently. “And maybe it did. But it doesn’t have to be for the worse. You’re still you, Em. You’re still the same fearless girl you always were. Look at how you climbed that tree to save yourself. You didn’t wait around crying and screaming for someone else to save you. And you crawled yourself outta that bottle with nobody’s help. You let that quack stitch you up without that poison, even after Lady Maggie tried to force it down your throat. You’ve led that poor man on a merry chase the last week until you got him dangling on a string just waiting for you to reel him in.”

  “I don’t want to reel him in,” Emily insisted. “He doesn’t fit into my world. And I certainly don’t fit into his.”

  “Well, hell and damnation, girl,” Tilly cried and Emily smiled to hear her father’s favorite words on her lips. “You got to make him fit into your world. You been bending everyone’s will to your own all your life, you telling me you can’t bend that man’s as well?”

  “He won’t be faithful to me.” There was relief in saying the words aloud.

  “My mama always said the best way to keep a man in your bed was to tire him out until he just doesn’t have the strength to find another.”


  “My daddy never was whispered to be coming and going from any of the other cabins, was he?”

  “No,” Emily agreed. Jeb had kept to Pearl’s bed all the years they were together. Emily had always thought it was fear that kept him faithful. Tilly’s mother was a formidable woman, one who brooked no nonsense.

  “You ought to talk to your aunt,” Tilly advised. “There’s a lady what knows how to keep her man in her bed.”

  “Oh, I’m sure I couldn’t,” Emily giggled just thinking about discussing such intimacies with her aunt.

  “Course you could,” Tilly argued. “And wouldn’t she just love to tell you what to do. That woman lives to tell others how to behave.”

  “I don’t know,” Emily replied.

  “Well, you think on it,” Tilly advised as she wrapped a linen sheet around her lady’s shivering body. “Sit by the fire and I’ll brush out your hair. We’ll never get it dry in time, but I’ll think of something. Maybe we’ll braid it into a coronet.”

  “No,” Emily replied. There wasn’t a chance in the world she’d imitate Lady Bernice’s coiffure. “Pull it back with combs and leave it to curl down my back. And not the lavender dress. I’ll wear the green with the black trim I bought in London. My black half boots with the heels and Mama’s onyx drops and pendant.”

  “Oh yes,” Tilly breathed. “I think I brought the jet combs. Won’t you look like an exotic bird?”

  “I am an exotic bird,” Emily responded firmly.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Nick paced the hall waiting for Emily to appear while the others gathered in the parlor waiting for luncheon to be announced.

  “Damn.” He’d blundered again. He’d thought Emily had followed them all into the parlor, had turned to introduce her to Bernice only to find that she wasn’t there. He’d hurried out to the empty foyer, turned to the stairs in time to see her disappear into the shadows in the upper hall.

  He’d have to be more careful of her. It wouldn’t do at all to have her think he’d turned his attentions to Lady Bernice, to prove she’d been right all along and he was a fickle, faithless man. That way lay disaster.

  He heard a measured tapping from above and looked up to find Emily poised at the top of the curving staircase.

  Nick sucked in a startled breath. She looked beautiful, other-worldly in a dress of deep dark green with long sleeves that hugged her arms like a second skin. Black ribbon banded the collar which rose high around her slim neck only to plunge down in a V that surely ended just above the jagged scar he knew was there, resting between her breasts. The waist was cinched tight, accentuating her tiny waist and flaring out over her trim hips to fall in a long fluid line.

  As she started down the steps, he saw that the skirt was slit from hem to waist, the green silk shifting open to reveal a black under slip of some slinky material that caressed her legs.

  She came down until she was eye level with him where he waited on the landing and he realized that she’d left her long burnished tresses flowing down her back in a riot of shining curls that almost reached her hips. Two black jeweled combs held the heavy mass away from her face. Her green eyes were shining, a small satisfied smile played over her lips.

  She looked like a sultry witch, a beautiful sorceress come to earth expressly to enchant him, to drive him mad with the desire to claim her as his woman.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Avery,” she purred.

  “Miss Calvert,” he replied, his voice scratchy. He cleared his throat, held out his hand to assist her down the remaining stairs. Her hand was bare, naked and warm in his. He entwined his fingers with hers and pulled her down the hall, past the parlor door.

  “Nicholas,” she exclaimed with a huff of laughter. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “Oh, you know,” he growled as he opened the door to Lady Margaret’s study and pulled her inside. He turned to face her, backed her up against the closed door with his big hulking frame, leaned down and captured the startled smile upon her lips.

  “You know exactly what you do to me,” he murmured against her lips.

  “You must behave yourself,” she admonished primly then destroyed the effect by brushing her tongue along his bottom lip.

  “Lord, woman, how you tempt me,” he whispered before he took her mouth in the hottest, wettest, wildest kiss he could manage. With his lips and his tongue and his teeth he showed her how tempting she was to him, how he desired her and only her.

  He touched her nowhere but her lips, kept his hands firmly on the door beside her head as he nipped and laved and suckled her.

  “Mmmm,” she hummed as she laid her hands on his shoulders, her fingers kneading and massaging him through his coat and shirt.

  Nick drew back, took an unsteady step away from the temptation she presented.

  “You’re a devil, you are Mr. Avery,” she drawled, her eyes alight and a smile playing about her lips.

  “I’m sure I don’t know how you lured me in here,” he said, imitating her lilting voice.

  “Huh, I did no such thing.”

  “Bat your eyelashes and stick your nose in the air all you want, Emily Ann. You knew exactly what you were doing, how you would tempt me, when you donned that dress and left your curls free down your back.”

  “And aren’t you the conceited one,” she proclaimed as she turned to open the door. “Thinking I dressed to tempt you.”

  “Good God, woman, your hair.” He stepped up behind her in the open doorway, wrapped one arm around her waist, his hand spread low on her belly, and bent to bury his face in her fiery curls.

  He felt her tremble beneath his hand, felt her suck in a quick breath and hold it. He was hard and aching, longed to pull her lush round bottom against his straining flesh. With a shaking hand he lifted the fall of her hair, brushed it to the side, over one dainty shoulder to fall across her breast. He followed the curls that drifted over her, slowly brushed his hand down from her neck, over the swell of her breast until he cupped her.

  Emily leaned her head back against his chest, let her breath out in a whoosh of air and moaned low in her throat.

  A door down the hall opened and laughing and chatting voices spilled out into the foyer. Emily jerked, her breast fitting more firmly into his hand. He gave her flesh a quick squeeze before releasing her to watch her walk slowly and carefully down the hall toward his father and Lady
Margaret as they led the others into the dining room.

  “Jesus,” he growled, watching the enticing roll of her hips, the shimmy of her red curls down her slender back.

  Emily found herself seated between Mr. Boone and Nicholas with the beautiful Lady Bernice on his other side. Mr. Boone seemed more interested in looking down Veronica’s shockingly low bodice to his left than conversing with Emily on his right. With no choice but to talk to Nicholas, she vowed she would find ordinary, mundane topics to discuss.

  She managed to engage him in a deadly dull discussion of the unseasonably cold weather they’d been having and likely state of the roads.

  He clearly knew what she was about but gentleman that he was, he followed her lead. Until Mr. Boone all but fell off his seat angling for a better view.

  “Too bad Mr. Boone isn’t in need of a fortune,” she whispered to Nicholas, forgetting entirely her earlier vow to keep all conversation to the mundane.

  “If things were reversed, and she was in need of his fortune, I’ve no doubt they’d be a match by morning,” Nicholas agreed.

  “I think perhaps that arrangement leads to a happier match than the reverse,” she offered.

  “Oh, this should be good,” he replied with a low chuckle.

  “Women, as a whole, are raised to depend on a man for financial security,” she explained in her best school marm voice. “It is nothing to a lady to ask her father or brother or other male guardian for funds for this or that. And gentlemen, leastwise those who are not tightfisted, enjoy lavishing their female dependents with this or that. And a smart lady knows how to wheedle what she needs from even a stingy man, one way or another.”

  “One would assume she would employ different tactics for her husband than her father,” Lady Bernice piped in, leaning forward to look past Nicholas and meet Emily’s startled gaze.

  “Never having had a husband, I cannot speak to that with any expertise, but I am quite certain you are right,” Emily agreed.

  “How do you cajole your father into giving you additional funds when you’ve spent your pin money before the quarter is up?” Nicholas asked.


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