The Silver Cage

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The Silver Cage Page 5

by Ana Raine

  The guy who’d hit on me caught my eye and gave me a half wave. One of his friends said something and the rest of the group left, but the guy never stopped staring at me. If I wasn’t scared out of my mind he’d detect what I was, I might have been flattered.

  In the open air, I could breathe. We finished pulling on our hats and gloves and headed toward the only motel we could see, the one right by the freeway. It was loud and the guy who checked us in was obnoxious, but looked a lot like the bartender so I got the idea both were family-owned.

  “Your clothes,” Jamie told me as he locked the door behind us. “Take them off. Please. I hate this is how our reunion has been.”

  I chuckled and slipped off the garments. “Why?”

  “I would have preferred we had been naked for days so I could claim you over and over again.”

  “Then take me,” I challenged. It was against my norm to challenge him, but I needed to feel his cock and teeth both inside me. Part of me believed everything would fall into place the way it was supposed to if only we completed that last step of our mating. “Jamie, we’ll still find your sister. We’ll still do what we need to. I won’t hold you back --”

  “I’ll be back in a moment. Take a shower.”

  He took the room key and left me confused and mostly naked. Even with him gone, I felt his eyes burning into my soul and my body ached to be touched.

  Chapter 5

  Privacy hadn’t been a thing for most of the last decade, so masturbation was tricky. But I’d never longed to feel relief the way I did now. It was consuming.

  Hot water rained down on my back for the first time in months and for several moments, I just braced my hands against the wall and remained still. The motel soap wasn’t great, but after several lathers, I’d managed to scrape away most of the grime and caked-on dirt from my hands and feet. My cock was an insistent bastard that wouldn’t flag, as if Jamie were still there with me. My mind ran away with fantasies of pulling his red hair until he thrust harder, his fingers leaving imprints on my pale skin.

  “Thinking of something?” Jamie asked, his voice strained.

  I dropped my hand back to my side and jumped. “Jesus. You scared me.”

  “Sorry,” he grinned, but he looked anything but. He held up a small bag for my inspection. “The CVS next door had the stuff I needed.”

  “Where did you get the money?” I finally remembered to ask. “For the bar and room too.”

  “Your hunter friends must have left in such a hurry they didn’t bother to take their stash. It was pretty easily found too. Top drawer of that one hunter’s bedroom dresser.”

  Hunter was sometimes stupid as can be.

  “What did you get?”

  “Things,” he told me, putting the plastic bag on the counter. His clothes were shed quickly and soon he was in the shower with me. He was huge and I had no choice but to flatten myself against the wall to make enough room for him. It still wasn’t enough. “We’ll have to travel light when we leave tomorrow, but there were… things I wanted now.”

  He was too cryptic. “What kind of things?”

  Jamie just shrugged and lathered up the washcloth I’d forsaken. “Things.”

  “We’ve established that, I think.”


  “Can I suck your cock?” I tried to make eye contact, but my embarrassment coupled with my nerves made that impossible. “Jamie, please let me put my mouth on you.”

  He threaded his fingers through my hair and tipped my head back before sealing his mouth over mine. Our tongues waged war before seemingly realizing there was no point. We didn’t want to fight in a battle for dominance. We wanted to give in to one another.

  “Go wait for me on the bed,” he told me breathlessly, before nipping my lower lip. “I’ll be right there.”

  I gave his trim physique one more appreciative glance before doing what he bade. It was hard to leave the steamy confines of the shower, and it wasn’t the water I was missing out on.

  The shower turned off a few minutes later, causing my heart to go into palpitations. My fingers twitched with anticipation of touching him, but there was only so much to do by myself. I pulled down the sheets, turned on the lamps and double-checked the door and window a million times to make sure they were locked.

  I could faintly hear the sound of a television set, but not much more. It was still early enough that visitors would be out drinking or engaging in whatever hunt pretty boy had been talking about.

  Eventually, I felt like I was going crazy waiting for Jamie and settled myself at the edge of the bed. I stared at my hands entwined together on my lap and ignored the protruding erection between my legs. This was it. Jamie, my mate, my love, the one I’d thought I’d lost, was finally going to claim me.

  I hadn’t really been old enough to talk much about mating before I was taken. Never mind the fact I was gay, and my aunt and uncle didn’t know what to make of it. They weren’t prejudiced, I remember, and knew Jamie was my mate. But as far as the actual ins and outs of how wolf mating was supposed to go, I was lost. Sex -- I totally understood that and couldn’t wait for his hard length to be buried inside me. But his teeth and how those came into play… I wished I had a little more knowledge to go on.

  “Baby,” he whispered as he interrupted my thoughts. Jamie was leaning in the doorway, a towel draped around his tapered waist. His wet hair dripped down his chin and I saw he’d shaved. “Your heart is racing. We can still wait.”

  “No,” I insisted. “No waiting.”

  He let the towel crumple to the floor and slowly came to me until he was standing between my legs. Cupping my face, he began to kiss me, tenderly at first until by the end my lips felt bruised. I let him guide me onto my back and scooted back until he was above me.

  Pinning me to the bed by my wrists, he held me down as he licked and nipped at my neck and earlobe, changing as often as he liked while I squirmed beneath him. He knew what he was doing, knew how desperate he was making me. My leaking cock ached to be touched, the little friction I got from rubbing against him nowhere near enough.

  He released my hands, only for his legs to act as bonds. My arms could barely move, but there wasn’t fear, only incredible excitement as he stroked his cock just out of reach for me to taste.

  “Open your mouth, honey.”

  Jamie’s cock was everything I’d ever wanted to taste. His scent was heady as he slowly fed me inch by agonizing inch until I’d swallowed him down. Jamie focused on my eyes as he stroked my hair and whispered my name.

  “Too much?” he asked as he pulled out slightly so I could speak.

  Instead of shaking my head, I licked the length of him as best I could and eagerly tried to take more, although I had to focus on taking in oxygen. How easy it was to completely forget about anything other than my mate’s pleasure.

  Jamie stopped and turned around so he was straddling my head and continued to use my mouth viciously. It was hard to breathe, let alone move, but when he slid a hand over the head of my cock I bucked upward.

  “You like that?” he asked me as he slowly slid his hand up and down my shaft while he continued to violently thrust into my mouth. “You like feeling like you’re mine?”

  I whimpered in pleasure, only able to accept whatever he’d give me. If I’d been able to beg for more, I would have. Even with his cock shoved down my throat and his hand milking my shaft, I craved more. Needed more.

  The sensations grew overwhelming, to a point where I didn’t know if I’d be able to hold back. This wasn’t what I wanted, although I was more than eager to please my Alpha. But I’d imagined him claiming me while I came, if I came at all.

  What mattered more was feeling his seed inside me, claiming the parts of me no one had managed to touch.

  All at once, his cock and his hand were gone as he moved away until he was once again between my legs. I’d moved to accommodate him, or maybe he’d moved me. Everything was a blur of tangled limbs and too much pleasure as he
grabbed the lubricant out of the bag and hoisted my legs over his shoulders.

  I watched him coat his cock and then his fingers so he could twist two of them inside me. The stretch was different and not at all painful like I thought it might be. But then he was pushing, prodding and forcefully plunging inside me until every nerve I had was on fire.

  “Jamie,” I begged, my arms finally free to wrap around his neck and pull him closer to me. “Inside me. I’m going to…”

  “Not without me,” he promised as he removed his hands and lined up to my hole. “I want to feel you clench around me first.”

  His words brought me even closer to what I knew would be our mating bond. I shivered and trembled as he impaled me in a single thrust, pausing only to make sure I wasn’t going to pass out.

  Jamie’s eyes were black dots of desire, the wolf was here too. I wondered what I looked like. The mate of an Alpha surely had some sort of physical change as well.

  There was no time left to ponder because the moment I’d adjusted well enough, Jamie was overtaking me. His hand was in my hair, then it was pinching and twisting a nipple, then his teeth were on my neck and my shoulder. He was everywhere. The entire time continually thrusting until the barest of touches on my leaking shaft was enough to send me into overdrive.

  “You will come for me,” he ordered, teeth scraping against the part of my neck not covered by the collar. “You will scream for me as loudly as you like while I bite you, claim you, and make you mine forever.”

  The pleasure grew at the base of my spine, as though someone had replaced a knife with a syringe of pure sexual energy.

  “Do you want it, Danny?”

  “Yes,” I managed to croak. “Want you.”

  “Say it.”

  The seriousness in his eyes left no room for mistakes or games. He needed to hear it said. “I want you, my Alpha.”

  His teeth sinking into my neck caused me to jerk violently, to the point I would have bucked away from him had his grip on my hips not been absolute. With his other hand, he coaxed the orgasm out of me until I was screaming and not even aware of it myself.

  I knew he’d found his orgasm by the way he tightened his grip in my hair and pounded into me so deeply I thought I would shatter.

  There was only pleasure weeping out of me like the pain I’d held onto. And in its place, was a new kind of ownership, the kind I’d dreamt of for years. I wasn’t broken, not anymore, not now that I was claimed. My eyelids felt glued together and my body was heavy from my mating bite. I reached to my neck and felt the slight raise of my skin where Jamie’s teeth had pierced my flesh.

  The pleasure soared through me once more as I thought how safe I felt.

  “How perverse.” On hearing the rude voice, all illusions of peace were shattered.

  Jamie was already up and kneeling in front of me. Instead of looking weak by his nakedness, he looked formidable.

  “Hunter,” he hissed, as he placed his arm in front of me so there was no chance she was getting anywhere near me without going through him. “Are you alone?”

  Savannah grinned maniacally and aimed her pistol straight at his chest. She was an excellent shot and even if she hadn’t been, there was no way she’d miss from so close. I heard Jamie cursing inside his head, angry at himself for thinking we’d be safe enough for one night.

  Our mating was newly formed, and I could feel the anger and resentment rolling off him in waves.

  “Let Danny go,” Jamie said softly, the anger taking a back seat as he pleaded. “I’m an Alpha, I’m worth more.”

  “Danny?” Savannah tilted her head to the side thoughtfully. “Is that your name, wolf? I never knew.”

  Jamie growled. “You never bothered to learn his name? Why am I not surprised?”

  She shrugged, like he was the weird one. “He’s nothing. Honestly, I thought it was just Langdon you turned, but it seems making men fall into bed with you is your special talent.”

  “It’s not true,” I whispered insistently as I wrapped my arms around Jamie’s shaking frame. “I didn’t sleep with him.”

  “Even if you had --” His words were biting. “-- You did what you had to do to survive, and I don’t blame you. But I know you didn’t.”

  Savannah laughed so hard her gun swayed. “How touching. Too bad I’m going to turn both of you into rugs. Langdon did want you alive, something about this great plan of his to make you his wolf forever.” She shrugged and re-aimed. “I’ll tell him I had no choice.”

  “I’m asking you one last time,” Jamie warned. “Take me and you’ll get something out of this. But if you don’t let my mate go, you won’t even get your life.”

  That stopped her for a moment, but not the part I thought resonated with her. “Your mate? What do you know, wolf, another dog actually wants you for life. How about that?”

  My grip tightened on Jamie’s arm because even though he didn’t know Savannah and what she was capable of, I did. And she was reaching the end of her taunting, something she did as often as possible when hunting down my kind.

  Before she even had a chance to blink, something I did not expect happened. The door burst into pieces, leaving shattered wood around the room, narrowly missing the side of my face as Jamie pushed me down onto the bed and shielded me with his body.

  The attractive blond from the bar filled the doorway, his clothes absent apart from a pair of workout shorts. His chest was almost as sculpted as Jamie’s. Almost, but there was a thin coating of blond hair on his chest leading down into his shorts.

  Jamie took advantage of Savannah’s confusion to leap from the bed. He phased midair and when he landed on top of the hunter, their bodies making a heavy thud as they landed in a tangle on the floor, there was only the smell of blood.

  The gun hadn’t even had time to go off, not with as skilled a killer as Jamie was. I lifted myself up and crawled to the edge to find my mate ripping out Savannah’s throat, or what was left of it.

  Blood stained the collar of her Athleta jacket and her hair. Her eyes were open, but it was clear she’d died before she’d hit the floor.

  Jamie shifted before standing, a mess of blood that looked like he’d been decorated in crimson ribbons. “My mate,” he said, dangerously low. “Are you hurt?”

  I gripped the sheets as I shook my head. No, but I would need time to recover. Seeing the hunters kill was something I was used to, but seeing my gentle Jamie kill without thought… It was entirely something else.

  The blond shut the door, or what was left of it, behind him and quickly started gathering my things. It wasn’t until Jamie stood to face him that he paused to bow his head.

  “Alpha,” he said, voice dripping with respect.

  “You were supposed to be watching,” Jamie told him as he took the clothes from the blond and handed them to me, indicating I should get dressed as quickly as possible. “You didn’t see her?”

  “I apologize,” he said sincerely. “I only had to use the bathroom and --”

  “This is Riley,” Jamie told me as he placed his shoulder on the blond. “I don’t want you thinking we knew each other before. We didn’t. I wasn’t using him to test your loyalty to me or anything.”

  Which is exactly what I’d thought when I saw their familiarity.

  “At your service,” Riley said softly, his eyes carefully avoiding the mess of flesh and bone on the floor. “I didn’t know you were mated to an Alpha. My apologies.”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t know you were a shifter.”

  Jamie reappeared from the bathroom, mostly clean of the blood. “You aren’t used to being around our kind for a long time. But I am. When I went to the store, I ran into him again and told him our situation.”

  “Are your friends wolves too?”

  Riley shook his head softly. “I wish they were, but no, they’re as human as she is.” He indicated what was left of Savannah. “I’ve always longed to be in a pack, but they are few.”

  “You’ve done well pr
otecting my mate,” Jamie told him, “If you still wish to be part of a pack, mine would welcome you.”

  And Riley smiled like he’d just been handed the genetic code for infinite life. I was envious of that joy because I could barely remember what it was like to be in a pack, let alone long for one.

  For the duration of my captivity, I’d instead longed for a mate I believed to be dead. Having him by my side, or rather me by his, was more joy than I could take.

  “I am honored,” Riley said. “Clearly you’re being hunted. How can I assist you?”

  Jamie ran a hand along the side of his jaw. “How many hunters are left, Danny?”

  “Langdon, his dad, and… Jax.” I named Jax last because I still remembered his kind smile. Of all the other hunters, he was the only one who disappeared for periods of time to be with his family. The rest were family, or what was left of them anyway.

  “Which means they’re probably together and have my sister.” Jamie turned to Riley and held out his hand, already knowing the other wolf would comply with what he wanted. “Your phone, please.”

  Riley handed it over without question.

  “Help my mate get all of his things, but don’t touch the body. We’re going to be hunted by the police too if they catch us.”

  “They won’t,” Riley said. “I’ll take care of it.”

  Even though he was clearly squeamish about the whole idea, he was still willing to do what was necessary for his Alpha. I admired that.

  “Good, I’ll be right back.”

  Jamie stepped outside, phone in hand, to call his pack. He hadn’t said as much, but I could feel his crushing need to reconnect with his pack. Wolves need their pack mates, Alphas more so than others. It was what tied them to being human.

  Riley and I hurriedly gathered the small things Jamie and I had, shoving them into a backpack my mate had picked up when he was at the store. We had just finished when he came back in, his face expressionless.

  “Danica has escaped,” he told us, hand clutched tight around the phone. “I called my second, and he told me she called him last night.”


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