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Mach One: An International Clandestine Enterprise Novel (ICE Book 3)

Page 24

by Amy Jarecki

  Marco saw him first, reaching under his arm for his revolver, the whites of his eyes glowing like a madman. “Lewis!”

  Luke fired. His bullet pierced the man’s forehead between those enormous eyes. He didn’t blink as he shifted his aim, immediately nailing the second gunman. He shifted his aim to number three.

  Crack! A shot fired just as Luke’s bullet caught the third man in the head. Had he been hit? No time. No pain.

  Surging forward, he kicked in the door, expecting to see the worst. He filled the doorway, ready for battle. But the sight before his eyes was the last thing he expected.

  No, the shot hadn’t come from the third man.

  Awesome, tough, badass Mia stood over El Padrino’s dead body with a 9mm SIG Sauer in her hand. Shaking like a leaf, her eyes were round and filled with horror. “I-I-I.” Those beautiful blues shifted downward. “He-he’s dead.”

  Luke rushed inside and pulled her into his arms, shielding her from the gruesome sight. God, his heart twisted in a million knots and he pressed his lips against her temple. “Look at you. You’re so brave. I am amazed at how strong you are.”

  She trembled like the puppy cold and wet. “I-I didn’t mean to. But he slapped me and threatened to kill me w-w-with that.” She thrust her finger at the crown of pain.

  “You did the right thing, sweetheart. A man like Vincent Morales has no use on this planet.” Luke knew how devastating it was for anyone to make their first kill. But from the shouts rising from down below, he needed to move fast. “We don’t have much time. Are you able to run?”

  Mia nodded. “Get me out of here. I never want to see this place again.”

  Luke pulled her toward the door and picked up one of the guards’ AK-47s. “We’re heading out the utility exit. Cover my six.”

  The shouting grew louder along with the footsteps slapping the tiles in the foyer. By the time they hit the stairs, guards were already on their way up. Luke reached around the corner and fired repeating shots. He pulled Mia flush against the wall, waiting for return fire but none came.

  She grabbed his wrist. “This way.”

  Luke followed her into El Padrino’s bedroom. “We can climb down the trellis,” she said, dashing across the floor and opening the doors to the balcony.

  Luke yanked back the covers and grabbed a bedsheet on the way, then pulled her behind him. Crouching, he led with his gun and checked for shooters. “It’s too dangerous to climb down. Takes too long.” He tied one corner of the bed sheet around the balcony rail using a slipknot. “Hop onto my back.”


  “We’re going to slide down.”

  Mia did as he asked. Luke climbed over the rail and wrapped the bedsheet around his elbow and they belayed down to the ground.


  Luke dropped to the footpath, pulling Mia beneath him. He spotted the shooter, took him out with one shot, then scanned for others. “Are you okay?”


  “We’re going to use the pool fence as cover. Keep your head down. Once you reach the hedge, run straight to the back fence. I’ll be right behind you. You see anything move, shoot it. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Mia led with her gun just as she’d been trained while Luke took up the rear, sweeping the AK-47 from side to side and to the rear. Every flicker of movement got a bullet and, by the time they reached the fence, five were down. It took him two seconds to find the hole where he’d ducked under. He pointed. “Slip through. I’ll follow.”

  He stood guard as Mia escaped. The gunmen encroached. Luke kept them back with sweeps of rapid fire. As he slipped under, bullets pelted the ground just short of him. Firing the AK-47, he backed through the hole until the clip ran out.

  “Are you hit?” Mia asked as she looked to his arm, bleeding profusely.

  Luke didn’t feel a thing. “I don’t think so.” He shoved a boulder over the hole. “Hurry! Follow me. We’re running as fast as we can.”

  They purchased some time blocking the fence, though by the time they made it to the bottom of the hill, shouts resounded from just over the crest.

  Luke lowered the plane’s stairs. “Inside.”

  Gasping for breath, Mia climbed into the jet. “How are you going to fly this out of here?”

  “Ever do a J turn with a plane?” Chuckling, he pulled the door closed and dashed to the cockpit.

  “No.” She slid into the co-pilot seat.

  “Me neither.” He grinned. “But I think we just need to reverse. Pray.” Luke had taken off in a lot of precarious situations, but never on a pothole invested gravel road like this one. Hell, there were boulders the size of his head everywhere. The engines roared to life as he guided the plane in reverse, moving blind.

  Gunshots cracked from the hill, pinging the metal frame of the Gulfstream. If they didn’t take off now, the bastards would take out the engines. Pushing the yoke forward, he demanded full power.

  Luke clenched his teeth and focused on the stretch of road ahead. “We’re gaining speed.”

  “Faster!” Mia shouted.

  The plane tilted upward with a rush of wind. Luke grinned at her. “We made it.”

  She smiled back, until her gaze shifted to his arm. “You’re still bleeding.”

  He felt the laceration now and flexed his muscle, cringing with the sharp pain. “It’s just a scratch.”

  “That may be, but you need some first aid.” She unfastened her seatbelt. “I’ll get the kit.”

  “Be careful. We might hit some turbulence before we reach cruising altitude.” He put on the headphones and flipped on the comm. “Batman, this is Wombat, over.”

  “Talk to me,” Garth’s voice came in loud and clear.

  “Mission accomplished. The villain is dead and Snow White has been kissed by the prince.”

  “Good God! Just like that?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Troops are moving in. As we speak, law enforcement is taking down drug supply operations in twenty-five countries and LuLu Togs is toast. Fine work, soldier.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’m flying Sleeping Beauty to Iowa. Over and out.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Luke stopped the rental car outside the Bradford home in Ames. It was a white colonial that would fit in anywhere in America. “Thanks for fixing up my arm,” he said—a bullet graze, the wound was a good-sized laceration that would leave a scar. He sounded lame, but now that they were actually in Iowa, his tongue tied with a gazillion unspoken words.

  Michelle knit her brows. Now that Vincent Morales was dead, she had vowed she would never be called Mia again. “I think you should see a doctor.”

  “No worries. She’ll be right.” He reached out and smoothed his hand over her hair. “You ready to do this?”

  “More than ready.” She squeezed his fingers. “I wish you would go with me.”

  “This is something you need to do.” His guts ached like she was ripping them out. He kissed her cheek. “Now, go on. I’ll wait until they answer the doorbell.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah.” Reaching across her lap, he opened her door. “Go get ’em, champ.”

  She scraped her teeth over her bottom lip before she gave him a kiss. A kiss filled with too much love. Too much emotion, making Luke’s heart bind up all the more.

  He watched her walk up the path and ring the bell. She turned and gave a cute wave. God, he was going to miss her. He waved back—sat there for a bit until the door opened. Mrs. Bradford stared in disbelief while Michelle explained, followed by an eruption of hugs and cries of happiness.

  Luke put the car in gear and drove off. Michelle thought he was just going to the hotel. Once the adrenaline from the op wore off, Luke thought a lot about the future. Finally free, the woman needed to find her roots—spend time getting to know her family.

  Luke? Well, he’d just be in the way.

  Besides, there were bad guys to nail. And life in the suburbs of the heartland of
America was no place for him. He’d left a note in Mia’s bag, wishing her all the happiness in the world. It was best to break it off this way. He wasn’t the type of guy who did long-term relationships, no matter how much it hurt.

  May as well end it on a high note. But she’ll always own a place in my heart.


  When Michelle looked into her mother’s eyes, her entire body went numb. She could barely get out the little speech she prepared before she broke down into a weeping mess. And then Mom pulled her into a smothering embrace. Still familiar after fifteen years of hell, Mom smelled of sugar cookies and her hugs were soft and warm and filled with love.

  In a whirlwind of tears and joyful laughter, Mom pulled her inside. Mia glanced over her shoulder, but Luke had driven off. He was right, she needed to meet her family first. Dad was next. Tears poured down his weathered face, now lined with years of worry. He recognized her at once, surrounding both of them with his big, protective arms.

  A young man came down the stairs, accompanied by a girl about the age of twelve. Michelle faced them. “Chad?” He was seventeen. Michelle knew it—knew him and his grin. “I’m your big sister.”

  The boy’s mouth dropped wide as she shifted her gaze to Cindy. “And you’re the baby sister I never knew.” Michelle opened her arms and dropped to her knees, unable to bear the happiness rushing through her blood and the tears pouring from her eyes. “I can’t believe I’m home at last!”

  She bawled while her family escorted her into the living room. Some things were familiar. She recognized the piano, a lamp, the old bible on the coffee table.

  “Let me fetch some cookies and cocoa,” said Mom. “You all just sit right here. There’s so much to say.”

  As Michelle regained her composure, she took a deep breath, sitting on the couch. “We have a lifetime to share. Chad, I can’t believe how big you’ve grown.”

  The boy puffed out his chest. “I’m on the varsity football team this year.”

  “Really? That’s fantastic.”

  “Tell us, dear,” Mom said from the kitchen. “What have you been doing all this time?”

  “How did you find us?” asked Dad.

  Cindy sat beside her with a big smile. “Can she sleep in my room?”

  “One thing at a time.” Mom came in with a plate of cookies. “The milk’s on the stove.”

  After taking a bite from a homemade sugar cookie, Michelle started by telling them about her abduction, about begging on the streets and being sold to El Padrino. She’d been sworn to secrecy about ICE, but Garth had permitted her to talk about her rescue—just nothing about working undercover and joining forces with Luke. By the time the family finished sharing fifteen years of news, they’d had pizza delivered and it was well past dark.

  Michelle fished in her purse for her phone and found a folded slip of paper. It was a letter from Luke. She excused herself to the bathroom. Her hands shook as she unfolded the note and read:

  Dear Michelle,

  You are an amazing woman and I have enjoyed every moment I’ve spent with you. I’d like nothing more than to ride off into the sunset with you and never look back, but that is a fantasy. You need to spend time with your family. You need to restart your life, and I’m afraid I would only be a burden while you rediscover who you are.

  As you know, I’m a rolling stone. My life’s work is in the service of the enterprise. I am not happy unless I’m flying at Mach 1 with my hair on fire.

  Know that you are loved and respected. Do whatever you want in this life. The world is yours for the taking. I will never forget you.


  Luke (aka Lucas Lewis)

  With those words, Michelle’s bubble of elation sank. Her hands trembled. Yes, in the back of her mind she knew he would have to go back to ICE. But so soon? She folded the paper and replaced it in her bag. Fresh tears streamed to her cheeks. Luke was her crutch, her savior, her advocate.

  And everything was happening so fast, she had no idea where to start.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Six months later.

  Luke returned to ICE after joining a covert op with assets Olivia Hamilton and Logan Rodgers. They barely got out with their lives, but they took down a terrorist sept in Sudan. Now back at ICE, he’d been spending all his free time looking for clues to Michelle’s kidnappers. If they were still in operation, he planned take them down with or without Garth’s backing.

  After spending hours sorting through the chatter, about a week ago, Luke had found his biggest lead yet. And while Asa was using her magic to crack the code, Luke was honing his skills in the paintball court with Hamilton and Rodgers.

  Using night vision goggles, Luke waited patiently for his quarry. The two other ICE operatives were both top notch. They’d each nailed him once, but he’d figured out their game—and with the time limit, Building B had to be secured in less than two minutes. Better, he’d already nailed Olivia. Logan was a different matter. Formerly a Navy SEAL, the man was a bloody ghost.

  Luke heard the faintest of sounds, no louder than a slip of paper falling to the ground. Jumping up from his hide, he took a shot. Logan’s rifle unloaded against the wall. Luke advanced, firing over and over while the SEAL curled into a ball.

  The lights flicked on and Olivia walked forward crossing her arms. “What the hell, Fox?” she said in her British accent. “You’re beat a couple times and you turn into Rambo?”

  “Sorry.” But he wasn’t. He’d been on edge ever since he’d left Michelle in Iowa. He never should have walked away and left the note. And now he’d blown it. By now, she was probably enrolled in uni and dating the gridiron star. Bloody yanks and their footy.

  “Fox, report to the sit room,” Garth’s voice barked over the intercom.

  Oliva cleared her throat. “You? Why bloody you and not us?”

  Luke shrugged. “Maybe because I’m a pilot.”

  “I can fly,” said Logan, swiping blue paint off his face.

  “How about landing an American F/A 18 Super Hornet on an aircraft carrier?”

  Logan waved him off. “Smart ass.”

  “See you later, mate.” Chuckling, Luke saluted and double-timed it to the Situation Room in the center of Command.

  Garth looked up from his laptop. “What took you so long?”

  Ignoring the question, Luke slid into a seat. “You got a job for me, boss?”

  “I do. We need a team undercover but not before you’ve fast-tracked your partner.”

  “Partner?” Luke’s voice shot up. The last thing he needed was dead weight.

  “It’s a husband-wife cover.”

  Oh great, he was going to have to play lovey dovey with some greenhorn. “What about Logan and Olivia? They’re a couple.”

  “Yeah, but I need them in Syria and Olivia speaks Arabic like a native.” Garth pushed the intercom button. “Tawney, bring her in.”

  Luke spread his hands to his sides. “Look, I can do anything on my own. I’m a lone wolf.”

  Garth just stared with an intent yet disinterested expression.

  The door opened behind Luke and the slight whoosh of air tickled the hair on the back of his neck. Moreover, his damned stomach fluttered. What the? Turning, he gasped. Yes, him. The Aussie tough guy gasped as he stared into the gorgeous, blue eyes of the only woman he’d ever loved. His mouth went dry as he pushed to his feet. “Michelle?”

  “Hi,” she said, sounding a little uncertain.

  “I’m so…” He glanced over his shoulder and met Garth’s humorless stare. “Surprised to see you.” He didn’t care if the CO was watching, he gave her a hug.

  “The pair of you will start training immediately. I’ve drawn up a schedule for Miss Bradford. She needs it all, especially the espionage survival module.”

  “Yes, sir.” Luke pulled back, grasping her hands and smiling. “Do you have a mission? You know I’ve been working on—”

  “The kidnapping ring.” Garth squinted. “Asa told me—and y
ou’re onto to something big.”

  “I knew it.” Luke looked to Michelle, remembering what happened in Puerto Vallarta. “You up for this?”

  “I am. And I’ll bet I want to take them down more than you.” She squeezed Luke’s hand.

  “You knew what I was up to?”

  “Asa called me a few days ago to ask some questions. That’s when I realized what I should do for the rest of my life. She transferred me to Garth and I pleaded with him to let me back inside.”

  The CO gave a nod. “And I think Bradford will be a hell of an asset.”

  “I reckon you’re spot on, sir,” Luke said, refusing to let go of her hand.

  She flicked her hair, catching the light like brunette satin. “It was great to be reunited with my parents, but after the euphoria wore off, I realized I can be of use. I never want anyone to go through a childhood like mine.”

  “And with the training she’s already had, not to mention the on-the-job experience, we decided she would fit right in,” said Tawney.

  “If she passes muster,” Garth barked. “Now out of my sight. You have a month, not a day more.”


  Michelle followed Luke to the corridor as if she were floating. “You shouldn’t have left me without saying goodbye.”

  “You’re right,” he agreed, leading her away from the training center, toward the suites.

  She stopped. “Wait, what did you say?”

  Chuckling, he pulled her along. “I said you are right. And I’ve regretted it ever since I left you in Ames.” He stopped outside his suite, the same one he’d stayed in last time she was at ICE. He used the retina scanner to open the door and reached for her hand. “Know what else?” he asked, tugging her inside.

  Michelle’s heart hammered as it sent a rush of sizzling passion through her blood. “No.”

  He slid his arms around her waist and tugged her against his hard, masculine body. Oh yes, he felt like heaven. “I’ve missed you.”

  Intoxicating relief swept through her. “I couldn’t bear life without you.”

  With a flutter of his eyelashes, he gradually lowered his lips to hers, his kiss possessive, devouring, yet gentle and loving. His hands were everywhere as, together, they moved to the bedroom. “I want you, sweetheart.”


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