Charmed & Ready

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Charmed & Ready Page 9

by Candace Havens

  "I didn't get them all," Callie grunted. "The old guy with the weird hands wasn't there. But cross-head was, along with four of his friends. Two were warlocks. I had to kill them all, so we didn't get much information."

  Damn, she liked the violence part of the job way too much. Kind of like me. But we could have used some help getting to the source of the troubles.

  "I have to tell you they were protected by some dark shit." Her husky voice sounded tired. "I haven't seen magic like that before. Hell, that one warlock, the one standing next to the guy in the booth, was a lot harder to kill than I expected. He threw this black sludge crap. Never seen anything like it."

  I threw the remote on the coffee table. What the fuck? "Did you say black sludge?"

  "God, Bronwyn, pay attention. Yes, why?"

  I stood up and started pacing. "Did any of it get on you? Seep in anywhere?"

  She laughed. "Hell, no. I'm fast on my feet. And that shit was nasty. I had a feeling it might take me down if it touched me, so I stayed clear."

  I wish I had been so lucky. The last time I had a run-in with black sludge-spewing warlocks, they had been under Blackstock's control. I knew he wasn't the only one to use the stuff, but still.

  "The spook squad did find some of the sludge on the wall behind the bar and took it in for testing. If they trace it anywhere I'll let you know."

  We talked for a while longer about when I thought I could get back on the job. There's no way I'd have been able to fight like she did last night. I didn't have the strength, yet. And I honestly wasn't going to acquire it sitting around on my ass watching daytime television.

  I still had a couple of days before it was safe to do magic, but I hadn't even so much as mixed a potion in almost two weeks.

  I picked some herbs from the garden and got to work. I didn't do the magic over the charms, but did get them ready. After London, my supply was depleted. And I mixed energy, healing and protection potions, filling almost every available container I had.

  I'm tired now and ready for lunch, but it's the good kind of tired. At least I accomplished something.

  Kira's coming over to exercise with me. Oh, geez. She's bringing a yoga DVD. She swears it will help me regain my strength and energy.

  "I've been doing it for months, Bron, and I feel so much better. It's the one thing that's kept me from going crazy about this whole dead people thing." She called from the library. "It's all about breathing and stretching. It won't get your pulse up too high like something cardio, and I swear on a stack of Bibles you'll feel better when we're done."

  "I don't know, Kira, it's so Hollywood." And it didn't sound very fun, though exercise seldom is.

  "No, Bron, it's passe in Hollywood. Now everyone there is doing Pilates and something called Centering. Oh, I have a Pilates DVD too. I'll bring it. I do it twice a week and it's totally reshaped my butt."

  I laughed. Kira was the last person to worry about body parts. She had a supermodel body and looks, a lawyer's analytical mind, and was honestly one of the kindest people I'd ever met.

  So now I'm searching for my stretchy Juicy Couture shorts and a loose T-shirt for our little yoga spree.

  Sam's got late rounds tonight but he promised to stop by later this evening. I have to find a way to get that man back into bed.

  Thursday, 10 A. M.

  Sweet, Texas

  Witches who are clever: 1

  What's the one thing a man can't turn down? I'm such a wickedly smart girl.

  Sam walked in on Kira and me finishing our yoga DVD.

  She was right about feeling better. I didn't think it would work the first time I tried it, but it did. I also like the idea of being more limber and centered. Garnout's always telling me I need to focus my power more. Yoga might help with that.

  So Sam comes in the front door and we have our butts in the air in some downward dog thing. I turned to see him and he had one eyebrow up.

  I pointed to him. "You stop looking at Kira's ass and get in the kitchen. We're almost done."

  "No offense, Kira, but it's not your ass I'm interested in." He waggled his eyebrows and took the bags into the kitchen. Pots and pans were banged, so I assumed dinner wouldn't be long.

  I love the fact that he cooks for me.

  Kira had to get home to Caleb, who was also fixing dinner. Man, do we have these guys trained or what? He and Kira actually trade off each night, and do the same with household chores. They've become quite cozy since they met months ago.

  So, Sam and I were alone in the kitchen. He was all about getting some steaks ready for the grill and baking potatoes. I mixed some more herbal iced tea. Gave him a kiss on the cheek, then ran upstairs for a quick shower.

  That's when it dawned on me. I knew exactly what I needed to do. I tied a white T-shirt in a knot at my waist and pulled on a pair of loose pa jama shorts. They have cute little pugs all over them and they are short.

  Sam was bringing in the steaks.

  They smelled heavenly.

  We talked about his day at the hospital and then the nursing home. When we were done I grabbed the plates. I loaded the dishwasher and asked him to find a movie for us to watch.

  "I'm kind of tired, Bron. I'm not sure I can make it through a whole movie tonight."

  Oh, he was going to make it and then some.

  "That's okay. We can always stop it and watch the rest tomorrow. "

  Honestly, I don't even know what movie he chose. I was so focused on what I was about to do, I didn't even look. I brought in our tea, and set it on the coffee table.

  He put his arm around me when I sat down. I nuzzled his neck and the smell of him gave me courage. I put my hand on his thigh and rubbed gently. Closed my eyes and sighed. That's when my hand accidentally moved upward. He instantly hardened under my palm. Oops.



  "What are you doing?" He shifted on the couch, but he didn't stop me.

  "I'm getting dessert ready." I got down on my knees and smiled up at him.

  "Honey, you know we can't. It's just a few more days."

  I pushed his legs apart and undid his jeans one button at a time. "Baby, you can wait all you want. I'm going down on you. Now."

  I bent down and took him in my mouth. He grew even harder.

  He groaned and put his hands in my hair. "We can't—oooh…"

  I smiled around him and then sucked hard. He felt so good in my mouth, the taste of him.

  He moaned again, and I licked and sucked and could hear his breath become a pant.

  "Jesus, woman. You've got to stop. I can't hold out much longer."

  Silly man, that was the point.

  I did pause for a second and looked at him. Don't know what he saw in my eyes, but he whispered, "Okay."

  His hips moved in motion, and just before I knew he was about to come, I slid back to his tip.

  He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up to him and kissed me. His hardness pressed between us.

  Then he pushed me away. "Stand up, Bronwyn."

  I did what he asked, afraid he was going to stop the game.

  He tugged my shorts down my legs. Smiling when he saw I wore nothing underneath. Pulling me up on the couch so that I was standing over him. Then he plunged his tongue between my legs. I had to grab the back of the couch to keep from falling. His tongue slid in and out and my body shook with pleasure seconds later. I came so hard I thought I would pass out.

  Sam slid out from underneath me and brought my feet back to the floor. Standing behind me, he bent me over the couch. My hands held on to the back, as he slid into me.

  I moaned when he grabbed my tits and plunged deeper into me. Pounding me harder and harder.

  I screamed, this time my whole body trembling.

  "Saammm. Yesssss."

  He didn't stop, just moved in and out to the point where I felt like my whole body would come to pieces. Not in a painful way, but in a glorious shiver of pleasure.

  When he came he moaned, "
Bron." And I collapsed back onto him, reaching for his head and pulling him to me. He kissed the back of my neck and then slid tiny kisses down my spine.

  I turned to him and he kissed me again, this time, our tongues playing that timeless game.

  Then he grabbed my wrist and, looking at his watch, he took my pulse.

  I yanked at him. "Stop that. I'm fine. In fact I feel better than I have in weeks."

  "You're doing okay. I just wanted to make sure."

  I looked down at us. We both had our shirts on and no bottoms. I reached down and grabbed the clothes. He pulled me upstairs and we had a repeat performance in the shower, after a few minutes of playing hide the soap.

  A blow job. It works every time.

  * * *

  Chapter Thirteen

  Friday, 1 P. M.

  Sweet, Texas Magic-ready witches: 1

  The local coven is coming over tonight. It's the first time I'm going to try real magic after a couple of weeks off, so they'll be here as kind of a fail-safe.

  It's Garnout's idea. He's fond of the local witches and warlocks in town. They keep Sweet running smoothly, and force trouble away with their protection spells. It's one of the safest places I've ever lived.

  We did have that problem with Blackstock a few months ago, but he'd slid in under the guise of another warlock, Cole. It was ironic since Cole is one of the bigwigs of the international spook squad. He almost died too, with me in the conservatory. If he hadn't given me some of his healing power I wouldn't be writing this down right now.

  So, Garnout says it's best to have some magical folk around in case something goes wrong.

  Ms. Peggy is the leader of the coven. In a small world kind of way, she and my mom actually went to college together. I've become a surrogate daughter ever since we found that out.

  She and Mom had lost touch, but now they talk all the time. Goodie for me. Argh. I seem to be a favorite topic of their conversations.

  The rest of the coven is made up of a mix of Wiccans, most of whom aren't that powerful. But there are a few that can hold their own. Like Janet. She's strong and so is her boyfriend, Mike. I'm not overly fond of warlocks, well, except for Sam, of course, but he doesn't practice. Mike does practice, but he's a clean soul. I've even probed his mind a few times to make sure there's no darkness hiding in there.

  Speaking of cleaning, I'm running around the house trying to get it ready.

  My energy level is higher than it's been in forever. I woke up this morning with so much excitement, after a night of mind-blowing sex, and I'm so ready to throw some fireballs.

  I'm going to start small and work my way up. It's as if my body knows. Before I had my shower this morning, my mind traveled to check on the prime minister, Zane, Azir and my friend Simone. It's something I usually do on a regular basis, without even thinking about it.

  Azir was asleep, so not much going on there. The prime minister was in a meeting. Go figure. Zane was working in the studio again. And Simone was just coming in from a very late night out.

  Since I knew she was up, I called. She'd been checking on me every day, and had left a message last night. I couldn't answer. I was kind of tied up. With scarves on the bedpost and whipped cream from head to toe… No, can't think about that right now.

  Simone picked up on the first ring.

  "Hey, are you okay?" Thanks to caller ID she never bothers with greetings.

  "I'm good. Tonight's the first time to try magic after a few weeks. I kind of hope I don't blow up my house."

  She laughed. "You know you won't. In fact I talked to Garnout, and he thinks you'll be more powerful and focused than ever since you've been conserving energy."

  What is it with everyone gossiping about me behind my back? Garnout's talking to my mom, Sam and now Simone. Geez.

  "Well, we'll see what happens tonight. I'm not quite a hundred percent but I'm close." I grabbed the dustcloth and started in on my dining room table and chairs. For some reason, that room gets dustier faster than any other in the house.

  "I still think you should come out here and hang with me. The sea air would do you good." Simone lives in the middle of Hollywood, but she does love the beach. "We could do all that girly crap. Spa treatments, nails and highlights with the master stylist Sir David."

  Honestly, it sounded like fun. I hadn't taken a real vacation in more than three years, and the last one to Bermuda was interrupted by a warlock attack. I came home with a wicked sunburn and three more kills.

  "I'll think about it. For real, Simone. But I'm not up to traveling quite yet. And when I am, I've got to get back on the job. Callie can't cover for me forever."

  "Callie the Bitch is covering for you in London?"

  I laughed. Did I mention that Simone doesn't have many friends? She doesn't care for most people. The fact that we are friends often amazes me.

  "Yes, and she's been doing a great job. Okay, so she's not the friendliest person, but neither are you." I laughed.

  "You've got me there. I just figured the probabilities of you coming out in the next month and it's seventy-eight to one. Not good odds."

  We never say it to her face but our nickname for Simone is Rain Man. She's a fucking genius with numbers. I mean for real. The cool thing is she doesn't look like a math nerd. She's got cocoa skin, long straight dark hair and she's tall. Legs up to her shoulders.

  "Well, you never know." I moved my dusting to the living room.

  "Man, Bron, I've gotta crash. We had a demon infestation in Topanga. I took out the nest, but it's been a twenty-four-hour mission." The tiredness in her voice was evident.

  "Sorry, girl. I should have known better than to call you before noon."

  "Hell, don't worry about it. I'd just walked in the house. But call me later tonight or tomorrow and let me know what happens with your magic practice. Wish I could be there."

  I finished cleaning and ate a sandwich for lunch. Sam had to drive into Dallas to consult one of his patients who had moved there. He'd probably stay overnight, which was actually good.

  He felt awkward around a lot of the coven because they had helped to save his life. And with him around it would be more difficult to focus.

  Oh wow. I'm kind of nervous and excited. But I need to rest.

  Saturday, 8 A. M.

  Sweet, Texas

  Rockin' witches: 14

  Insane wizards: 1

  I love the women and men who make up the coven in Sweet.

  They are like family, or are quickly becoming so.

  Everyone brought food last night and it turned into a big potluck. Well, a big potluck with lots of chanting and burned paper plates.

  They all showed up around seven loaded down with everything from tacos to strawberry shortcake. We set it up in the dining room and along the long counter in the kitchen.

  It was the first time I'd had them all in the house at the same time. A few had come to visit off and on, and some, like Janet, had been here when Blackstock attacked me in the conservatory.

  After we ate, everyone headed to the backyard. I have sod for about an acre, but the other ten acres are dry West Texas land. Lots of scrub and dirt. We walked to the area where the grass ended. Caleb had raked the area so that it was mostly smooth dirt.

  They set up a circle around me and chanted a protection spell.

  I didn't know how this first bit would go, but I brought up a tiny fireball in the air just above my right hand. The hard part is sustaining, so I focused. It didn't take any effort, so I tossed it in the air.

  That gave Mike the idea for me to try and hit a moving target.

  "Are you volunteering?" I laughed, my voice a little edgy from nerves.

  "No, but I thought maybe we could toss these up and you could try and hit them." He pulled out a package of paper plates, and I heard gales of laughter from the other witches and warlocks.

  He shrugged. "Well we can toss 'em up and see what happens." Embarrassed, he smiled.

  "It's a great idea. Go ahead."

  He threw the first one like a Frisbee. Just as it was about to land on Peggy's head, I blew it to bits. She stepped back. "Mike," she yelled shrilly, "you throw those darn things close to me again, and you'll have a skunk's tail by morning."

  My shoulders shook with laughter but I didn't let the giggles escape. Several other people did the same.

  Mike shrugged. "Sorry, Peg, I'll toss them outside the circle this time."

  He threw two at once and, without thinking, I disintegrated them.

  "Keep the circle, but everyone move back about ten paces." I motioned them out with my hands. "That's good. Don't freak out. I want to try something."

  I pointed with my finger to the ground and, in a matter of seconds, I had a circle of fire three feet away surrounding me, burning about knee high.

  The faces of the coven were bright with wonder. Their expressions made me smile. I extinguished the circle.

  "She'll never have to worry about being on a deserted island without matches," Mavis Calright, a nervous Wiccan, whispered.

  She was a nice lady, but even though she looked like Jackie O, Mavis had foot-in-mouth disease. I liked her. She always made me laugh.

  Enough with the child's play. Taking a breath, I lifted my hands to the sky.

  Mother Earth, share your bounty,

  Mother Sky, let me feel your breath.

  As I will so mote it be.

  Under our feet a mat of grass grew from the dry dirt. And wind picked up, cooling the August heat that had left a sheen on many a nose and forehead in the circle.

  The breeze whipped around us, lifting skirts and sending hats sailing through the air, but no one broke the circle.

  Another deep breath and I brought my arms down. The grass stayed, but the wind died down.

  "Crap, Bron, you're even stronger than before." That was Janet.


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