My Little Pony - The Movie: The Junior Novel

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My Little Pony - The Movie: The Junior Novel Page 7

by G. M. Berrow

  “Wheeeeeeeeeeee!” A shrill shriek of excitement rang out. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Spike came barreling through the air right toward the balcony! They knocked the staff out of the Storm King’s claw, sending it clattering into the other room as they landed in an ungraceful heap. Everypony groaned in pain except Pinkie. She immediately sprang to her hooves and shouted triumphantly. “Bull’s-eye!”

  “You all came back!” Twilight rushed over. She had never been so glad to see her friends. She began to replay in her mind the events that had led them here. “I’m so sorry! I was wrong to—”

  Pinkie gave her a sad smile. “I’m sorry, too. Friends mess up sometimes, but we never should—”

  “Uh, make up later?!” Rainbow Dash flew over them in a panic. “This isn’t over!” She gestured to the Storm King, who had scrambled inside the throne room. The staff was now lodged in the stained-glass window. It was wildly out of control, sending even stronger zaps of lightning magic across the space. It shot a blast at the ceiling, and chunks of marble and stone began to shatter and fall around them. The ponies darted out of the way of the falling debris, permanent looks of horror and panic on their faces.

  “I’ve got to get control of it!” Twilight shouted, moving in closer. The strong winds whipped her mane around. Time was running out before her beloved Canterlot would crumble to dust.

  “You’ve got this, Twilight,” Pinkie shouted over the strengthening storm. Applejack nodded in support.

  “No!” Twilight puffed out her chest. “We’ve got this. Together.” Of course—the friends had always been stronger as a unit than individually. Now was no different. Twilight reached for Pinkie’s hoof, and instantly the ponies were transformed into a powerful chain, swaying in the strong winds. The strength of Applejack’s lasso tethered them to the ground.

  It was working!

  Now when she reached out her hoof, Twilight could almost reach the staff!

  “The staff belongs to me!” the hairy beast bellowed as he scrambled over the stones. The window began to crack from the magical pressure, due to shatter at any second. “The power is mine!” The Storm King made one last sad attempt to seize the staff by hurling himself at the weakening glass.

  But the storm was way too strong. The glass shattered and sucked Twilight and the Storm King into the vortex of scary, violent winds. “Noooo!” Pinkie Pie cried out in anguish for her friend.

  Twilight was gone! This couldn’t be happening.


  A blinding flash of light pierced through the clouds, and with it, a calm washed over Canterlot. The storm was over. Everything was still, but the ponies couldn’t tear their eyes away from the spot where Twilight had disappeared. Fluttershy’s eyes were wet with tears as she exchanged a look with a distraught Rarity. Their best friend couldn’t be gone forever… could she? The idea was almost too much to bear.

  Then, from high above, Twilight appeared with the staff! She was the picture of a princess—regal and serene. Everypony cheered as Twilight descended and was immediately enveloped in a group hug. Tempest hung back nearby, watching their friendship with wonder. Before Twilight had saved her, Tempest couldn’t imagine feeling the way they all did about one another. Now she understood.

  Tempest was the first to see the Storm King pulling himself up onto the balcony. “I’m not done yet!” he mumbled under his breath. The ponies were so distracted that they didn’t notice him pulling out a spare Obsidian Orb and gearing up to throw it at Twilight.

  “Nooooo!” Tempest shouted as she leaped over the ponies and straight into the line of fire. Once the orb made contact, it exploded in a dramatic cloud of magical smoke. Tempest and the Storm King both froze in midair as their bodies turned completely into stone.

  Unable to move, the Storm King fell back over the edge of the balcony and crashed to the ground below. The stone broke apart into a thousand tiny pieces. But Tempest was frozen and caught in a magic bubble, surrounded by the glittering purple magic of Twilight’s horn. The princess lowered her gently onto the balcony.

  Rainbow Dash shook her head in sheer amazement. “Whoa, I can’t believe she did that!”

  “I can,” Twilight said, unable to hide her proud smile. The princess grabbed on to the staff and encouraged her friends to do the same. All six ponies and Spike shared the weight of it, pointing the powerful beam directly at Tempest.

  Slowly, the Unicorn’s body returned to its normal color. Tempest was able to move once more. The look of surprise on her face said everything. Tempest was new to this whole friendship thing, but Princess Twilight Sparkle had a feeling she was going to like it.

  “Now what?” Fluttershy wondered aloud.

  “Now we fix everything,” Twilight said, feeling hopeful. Her home was not ruined. The magic from the staff was powerful enough to undo all the destruction the Storm King had caused. And that’s exactly what Twilight did.


  Canterlot was looking gorgeous, thanks to the helping hooves of everypony in the kingdom. There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky, and the sun shone down on the Friendship Festival stage, lighting it with a golden glow that even magic couldn’t create. The throngs of ponies stomped their hooves in excitement as the small Dragon took to the stage.

  “Fillies and gentlecolts!” Spike shouted to the huge crowd. “Get ready for a little… Songbird Serenade!”

  The pop star gave a big smile and waved. “And now to celebrate that we’re all still here in one piece—give it up for Princess Twilight and her friends!” She motioned over to where Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike stood together off to the side of the stage. The ponies blushed at the sound of deafening applause and cheering.

  As the party raged on throughout the afternoon and well into the evening, the spirit of the festival could be seen everywhere. Friends new and old were busy having fun together. Capper and Rarity chatted about her surprise gift to him (a new coat); Pinkie Pie and Princess Skystar shared cupcakes and giggles; and Rainbow Dash and her new pal, Captain Celaeno, exchanged stories of awesomeness and adventures. Spike was getting along surprisingly well with Grubber, and Queen Novo even joined the celebration with some of her Hippogriff friends!

  There was only one little pony who didn’t seem to be enjoying herself. Twilight trotted over to Tempest and gave her a smile.

  “That’s one thing that never changes around here: a party.”

  “Well, I hope you’ll stay,” Twilight said warmly. “More friends are definitely merrier!”

  Tempest slumped down with a heavy sigh. “But what about my broken horn?” Her voice wilted the tiniest bit when she said it. Even with all the merriment around her, Tempest was still hung up on something that made her special.

  “You know,” Twilight said, “your horn is pretty powerful, just like the pony it belongs to.”

  At this, a hint of a genuine smile began to form on Tempest’s face. Nopony had ever complimented her broken horn before. It could do some unique things. Maybe it was time to share them.

  “I’ve been wanting to show everypony in Equestria what I can do,” Tempest conceded. She summoned her magical strength and shot off some crackling sparks from her horn. They zoomed up high into the sky and exploded into the most brilliant, fizzling fireworks!

  “Nice touch, Tempest!” Pinkie Pie called out as she bounced over. Fluttershy trotted behind her.

  “Actually, that’s not my real name,” Tempest said with a sheepish shrug.

  “Ooooh!” Pinkie Pie squealed. “What is it?”

  Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash trotted over and crowded in, hoping to hear as well. Tempest really was a pony of mystery! She motioned for them all to get closer before whispering, “Uh, my real name is… Fizzlepop Berrytwist.” Tempest’s eyes were wide with embarrassment.

  “Okay!” Pinkie Pie gasped. “That is the most awesome name ever!”

  Everypony erupted into
giggles and nodded in agreement. For the first time in forever, Tempest Shadow joined in, too. She may have forgotten what the Magic of Friendship felt like, but she never would again.

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  Princess Twilight Sparkle is so excited to help plan the Friendship Festival that’s being held in Canterlot.

  She might be taking things a little too seriously, though.

  One of her best friends, Pinkie Pie, definitely agrees.

  Applejack and Rarity are also helping make the festival the best it can be.

  Just as Fluttershy is starting to get her groove on…

  …a terrifying newcomer arrives, intent on stealing all the magic from the princesses of Equestria.

  It’s Tempest Shadow, with her henchman, Grubber, and a whole battalion of Storm Creatures!

  They’re working for the mysterious Storm King, who has plans to take over all Equestria.

  Luckily for Twilight (and all Equestria), she and her friends are able to escape the attack and go on a quest to a place beyond Equestria to find somecreature who can help save the princesses.

  Capper the cat is willing to help them…but Tempest is never far behind.

  The brave ponies—and Spike the Dragon—even meet some former pirates, and inspire them through the magic of song to return to their adventurous ways.

  They’re soon on the run again, however…this time headed for the mysterious Mount Aris. They are hopeful, but things are still pretty bleak for the group of friends.

  After reaching their destination and finding it abandoned, the ponies dive deep underwater while chasing a mysterious light. Eventually, they meet Princess Skystar, a cheerful but lonely Seapony.

  Transformed into Seaponies by a magic pearl, the ponies throw a signature Pinkie Pie party and have a really awesome time under the sea…

  …until Twilight makes a bad decision that could ruin everything. And Tempest Shadow pounces on the opportunity!

  Can Princess Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike save Equestria from the Storm King and his army?




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