
Home > Romance > Acquired > Page 57
Acquired Page 57

by Charlotte Byrd

  “Absolutely, have a good break my lovely. You deserve it. And Jane, it was a pleasure to meet you.”

  When we walked away I noticed that Danielle was laughing. She looked at me, “Well I saved you there. You looked like you wanted to run away. Oh well, at least you got a drink out of it. Peter is harmless though. He loves having someone to talk to. He’s here every day and has never tried anything with any of the waitresses. Trust me, when you’re here long enough you get to figure out the nice guys from the creeps. And he’s definitely a nice guy.”

  “He was certainly looking at you like he liked you though. He was staring at those long legs of yours like he wanted to take a bite.” I told her.

  “Yeah, but he never does anything more than look. Trust me. But anyway, listen, I’m sorry about ignoring you when you came in. They are very strict here about taking breaks or even talking to friends or family. And the big boss was walking around today so I couldn’t even try my luck. I’ve only got a little bit of time and then I need to go back out there again. What’s going on? Why are you here? Oh! Have you come for a job?” Her eyes widened at the prospect. I’m not sure why because she should know that I’d be terrible at the job.

  “No, no. I haven’t. But I have come to tell you some news.”


  “I won the contest!” I declared and raised my arms in the air. As I did some of the champagne spilled on me. “You see,” I said, wiping it up, “I told you I’d be a bad waitress.”

  “What? Oh Jane, that’s brilliant news.” Danielle came in for a hug and squeezed me tightly. “So what does this mean?”

  “It means I have to start on Monday morning. They phoned me and gave me the news today.”

  “Wow, Monday already!”

  “I know. But I’m glad. I’d rather just get right into it. If it was any longer I’d just get more nervous than I am right now.”

  “So what exactly are you going to be doing?”

  “Well, I’m going to be heading this big social media campaign based on my own ideas and collaborating with the rest of the marketing team. Sounds like they have no intention of me leaving anytime soon either so there’s a chance this might be a permanent thing. But either way it means that I actually have a job! A real job!”

  “So you can stay! You don’t have to go back to Arizona and you don’t have to bump into Justin the Idiot and Amy the Other Idiot.”

  I laughed at that. “Exactly! I can stay!”

  “I’m so happy for you Jane. You deserve this. And… you can start the job with a lovely tan now and a sexy Brazilian wax.”

  I shushed her and giggled, “Danielle! Don’t say that out loud!” She laughed and then I laughed too. I felt on top of the world. Just then I heard someone yell “JACKPOT!” and for a brief moment I thought they were talking about me!

  Chapter 8 - Jane

  “Are you ready for the big day?” Danielle asked as I stepped into the kitchen. She was sitting in front of an array of healthy food which made me feel slightly guilty about the chocolate muffin I had scarfed down the moment I had woken up. A glass of orange juice, a bowl of yogurt and slices of avocado and eggs were placed on the table and I couldn’t believe that she ate like that every day. Granted, it was probably why she looked the way she did and I looked the way that I did. Perhaps some of her habits would rub off on me by the end of my stay.

  “I guess so. It’s hard to be ready when you don’t know what to expect. I’m quite nervous but I’d be nervous on the first day of any job. Do I look okay though? I want to at least know that I look okay. I have some time to change if I need to so be honest with me.” I twirled around. I was wearing dark black jeans and a pretty green sleeveless shirt and black heels. It was elegant but not too fashionable which is what I wanted to go for – because fashionable was just not who I was. In fact, if I could’ve rocked up wearing trainers I would’ve been far happier. Or pyjamas – now THAT was good work gear. But this was day one and I still had to make a good impression. Perhaps once they got used to me I would be able to wear what I liked. I had to giggle at the thought of going to work every day in my sleepwear.

  “You look gorgeous Jane. Actually I wish you would wear heels more often, they suit you. Hang on though, you’re missing something.” Danielle ran upstairs and then came back with a beautiful silver necklace for me to wear. On the end dangled a little horse shoe.

  “Danielle!” I gasped, “I cannot possibly wear this. It’s beautiful.”

  “You can and you will. Because I got that for you to say congratulations on the job and I forgot to give it to you. It’s my way of saying how absolutely proud I am of you. Instead of moping in a corner you got far away from that jerk and found yourself a new job. You’re starting over and you’re doing it with such style. So this is not just a good luck for the job necklace but also a good luck for the rest of your life necklace. You’ve got this Jane! And you’re going to rock your first day today. This job is perfect for you.”

  “Ah… you’re amazing. I don’t know what to say. Danielle, I love it. My lucky necklace.” I felt tears rushing to my eyes. Danielle had been so good to me since I had moved in with her. After what Justin did to me I seemed to get emotional every time someone did something nice.

  “Don’t cry now! You’ll ruin your make up. This is meant to be a happy necklace.” She must be using the term ‘make up’ very loosely here because all I was wearing was a bit of mascara and a dash of lipstick. But still, she was right, I shook my head and smiled instead.

  “Thank you. It is a happy necklace. No more tears.”

  “So, what time do you have to be in?” She asked me, looking at the clock above her.

  “They were quite nice for my first day, I must admit. I only have to be in at 10.30 today. But I’m going to go early to scope it out a bit. I always feel more comfortable when I have a better idea of a place. I actually should’ve done this before instead of on the actual day but alas it’s too late.”

  “Time for a quick coffee before you go? I’m leaving in about twenty minutes so maybe we can leave together then. I can never leave for work without a decent cup of coffee. I hope they have good coffee where you work because where I work it is awful. Pity I can’t drink on the job because they make a mean cocktail!”

  “Yes! Absolutely. Coffee is needed. Although, a cocktail would be nice too.”

  Afterwards we said our goodbyes and we headed off in different directions. I arrived at the Sunrise Casino with over an hour and a half to spare which was perfect. The moment I arrived I felt overwhelmed by the place. I had a vision in my mind that it was going to be similar to Palms Casino, where Danielle worked. But I was very wrong and now I knew why Danielle was so impressed that I would be working here. Sunrise Casino looked to be almost triple the size, and despite this it was still packed with people milling in and out. It was absolutely exquisite and a lot of attention had been given to the details, which was immediately obvious to me the moment I stepped inside. I felt like I was treating myself by coming here. The whole place felt exciting and extravagant. My marketing mind tried to figure out a way to describe it. Classy came to mind. So did fancy, high-end, cosmopolitan, expensive, elegant and sophisticated. I quickly wrote these down – these were important words to remember for any sort of marketing strategy that I might do for them. Looking around I noticed a great deal of people walking around as if it were their home and I realized that many probably came to stay here for days if not weeks at a time. The first thing I noticed about the place was the pool. It surrounded the entire place and the only way to get in was through a passageway on either side of the four corners. These were completely covered but see-through so that you could walk across without danger of falling in the pool but still be offered a fantastic view of the outside. Already now, so early in the morning, there were people swimming and lounging outside. This pool was a great selling point for the casino and would make for incredible photos. I wondered briefly if the pool was heated or not and made a m
ental note to find out at some stage. A heated pool in winter would go a long way in marketing.

  Inside the place offered hotel rooms, spas, bars, restaurants, shops and even a movie theatre. It was like a mini city in itself. I supposed the main idea was that once you were inside Sunrise Casino there was no reason to go out. Everything was here at your disposal. I walked up and down the corridors, checking out all the shops on offer and peeking into each one. Again, people were already buying – waving around credit cards as if it were no big deal to them. I also found a crèche at the end of the hallway where parents could leave their children while they spent the day winning (or losing) their money in the casino. One of the carers waved at me and I waved back. All the kids were sitting on the floor with colouring books and pens and all of them looked very happy to be there. Geez, this place has everything! I marvelled. I had to admit, I was impressed and it suddenly dawned on me that I was now about to start working there. No wonder Danielle was so impressed when I got the job.

  I checked the time and saw that I still had about half an hour to waste so I headed straight for the bar. I wondered if it was too early to have a cocktail but then decided that it was – especially when I saw the fancy coffee machine standing at the bar.

  “Welcome to Sunrise Casino. You’re bright and early today. You picked a good time to come and watch the world go by. How can I help you this morning? Anything in particular that you feel like?” Said the friendly voice from the other side of the bar. He was smiling at me as if I was someone that came there all the time. He immediately put me at ease and I wondered if they had gotten all the staff to act this way. I liked this. A lot of places I visited showed workers displaying very poor acts of customer service and it always reflected badly on the place itself. Was there anything even wrong with this place? I guessed time would tell.

  “I’d love a cappuccino. Thank you. I had my eye on your machine the moment I came in.”

  “One cappuccino coming right up. Yep, this is my little baby – it makes the most amazing coffee and I barely have to do anything other than push a few buttons. Although I shouldn’t have told you that. No, let me take that back – it’s me that makes it taste so good.” He laughed.

  “Oh, it’s definitely because of you. I bet you if I had to make a cup it would come out terribly. It is not the machine that makes the coffee, but the man behind it.”

  I watched as he used the machine with ease and breathed in deeply as the smell of coffee rose into the air. Then he handed me the cup. I took a grateful sip and then swivelled around. When I had first turned to face the barman there was nobody next to me but the moment I turned around I found a man standing right in front of me. The most gorgeous man that I had ever seen in my life. Unfortunately I greeted him with hot coffee spilled all the way down his shirt.

  “Shit!” He said and jumped back. The coffee was piping hot.

  “Oh no! I’m so sorry!” I said and then proceeded to try wipe the coffee off him. A ridiculous motion because all I was doing was spreading the wetness over his shirt. I could literally feel his abs through his shirt and I wondered how someone had the time to create a body like that. I looked up and tried to stay calm. This man was beautiful – which was not a word I generally used to describe anyone. He looked like a painting – or a photo that had been photoshopped to perfection. If these were the type of guests that I was going to see every day then I truly had hit the jackpot. He was glaring at me with these intensely dark brown eyes that never wavered and I knew that this was a man that always got what he wanted. I felt a shiver go right through me. He looked down at his shirt which was now completely ruined and I watched as hair moved down across his face. It was dark brown, similar to his eyes and I had to physically stop myself from reaching out and touching it. What is wrong with me? Take a hold of yourself Jane! I admonished myself. This was very unlike me.

  “I’m so sorry.” I said again. The entire process of me spilling coffee to making saying sorry for the second time must’ve taken only seconds and yet it felt as if I had been standing there and staring at him forever.

  “It’s okay. This was one of my best shirts but hopefully the cleaner can work her magic on it. Great start to the day.” He huffed.

  I felt my cheeks redden. “I’m truly sorry. One minute you weren’t there and the next minute you were. Uh… can I get you a drink? To say sorry?”

  “No, that’s okay. I have to go.”

  He walked away and I watched him leave. I closed my eyes and cursed myself for my awkwardness. Not the best way to feel on my first day at work and I hoped that it would only mean that things were going to get better. I had been with Justin for such a long time that I think I had lost my ability to talk to other men. Not that I was that good in the first place. Justin had been the one that was good at flirting, not me. Which, as it turned out, was probably what should’ve given me warning bells from the start. Thankfully I had not spilled any coffee on myself which was a good thing because I didn’t have any spare clothes with me. Turning up on my first day with coffee all over me would not have been good. It was probably better that I knocked it all over a stranger – albeit a cute one.

  “Another cappuccino?” The barman asked me and I suddenly became very aware that he had seen the whole exchange. I tried to pretend that nothing had happened and just nodded. I had only taken one sip before spilling the last one and I desperately felt like another cup before going into that meeting. Caffeine had a similar effect on me than alcohol at times – it always gave me a little bit more confidence.

  “Yes please. That would be great. Thank you. Uh… and sorry about the last one. My fault completely and I’ll definitely pay for two.” I handed him the mug and waited for him to pour me another one. He smiled at me as if to say that it didn’t matter at all. I realized that he didn’t seem as good looking to me anymore now that I was comparing him to the cute stranger. I took the mug and turned around slowly, making sure that the coast was clear this time. It was clear, but not for long. Because walking up to me was the very same man that I had knocked my drink all over. He was wearing a crisp new shirt and was walking straight towards me.

  “You’re back!” I exclaimed when he got near and then told myself not to sound so excited.

  “I am. Listen, I just wanted to say sorry for being so rude to you earlier. It wasn’t your fault that you knocked your drink on me. It was just bad timing. So, I’d like to take you up on that offer of a drink.” His voice was silky smooth and I wondered how he would do in an interview – more than likely he’d just get hired on the spot without them ever looking at any other candidate.

  I beamed at him. Was this really happening? I checked my watch. I still had twenty minutes to go until the meeting and I had already scouted out exactly where the office was that I had to report. “Great. I’m glad because I really did feel awful. I’m not usually so clumsy. Okay, I am a little, but still – I felt bad. What would you like? I’m just having coffee. It feels a little early to be having alcohol – as tempting as it sounds right now. And anyway, this coffee is amazing.” I was babbling.

  “Coffee sounds great.”

  I turned around and ordered another cup. The barman said hello to the cute stranger so I supposed he was a regular. He certainly looked like someone that spent a lot of time at places like this. He looked as if he slotted straight into casino life – impeccably dressed, groomed and with an air of confidence that only came from the rich or the famous.

  “Delicious!” He said as he took a sip.

  “I told you so! This place is amazing.”

  “Your first time here?” He asked.

  “It is. I’m generally not a casino type of person but I must say, this feels like I’m in a little city all on its own. It has a great vibe. I can see why some people spend so much time here – it must be hard to go back into the real world after this. It feels like a place filled with promises. Oh, sorry, I’m Jane by the way.”

  “Nice to meet you Jane. I’m Sebastian. Gr
eat description of the place. I must agree with you. I know that I never want to leave.” He held out his hand for me and I shook it. It was firm but his skin felt soft against mine. I didn’t want to let go. What was happening to me? This man had managed to get under my skin in such a short space of time. Although I supposed he had this impression on all the girls. I realized that I was staring.

  “I’m sorry. I’m staring. You just have very intense eyes.” I could not believe that I had just said that out loud. What was wrong with me? I think I was finally losing the plot. I smiled and tried to pretend as if what I had just said was normal.

  “Good intense or bad intense?” He asked and grinned at me. A mischievous and cocky grin that turned him from good looking to sexy all at once.

  “Oh good of course.”

  “Oh you’re just saying that because I’m sitting right here.”

  “No, no. I promise you. It’s very good.” I looked into my cup of coffee now, aware that I was flirting with this cute stranger. Perhaps this day hadn’t started out so bad after all.

  “Well, thank you. You have most certainly made my day. Getting a compliment from a cute girl should be imperative to any man’s day. And, I got a cup of coffee out of it too. I am a lucky man indeed. I should probably play on the slots today. I’ll probably hit the jackpot. And look, you’re wearing a little horseshoe – you must be my lucky charm.” He reached over and picked up the horseshoe, his hands briefly sweeping across my breast. The gesture did not go unnoticed to either of us. I smiled and looked down at the necklace, mortified to see that my nipples were standing erect. Why had Danielle not told me that my shirt was slightly transparent? And was this man actually flirting with me. I caught him looking at my breasts and I blushed.

  “You most certainly should play then. Who knows, maybe you’ll be able to buy me the next drink.”


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