Myka and the Millionaire

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Myka and the Millionaire Page 15

by Alexis Alvarez

  It felt like she rode the peak for minutes; every time the pleasure started to wane, he tapped her clit with his finger and rubbed with his skillful touch, and she cried out as the wave crashed again, flooding her with new sensation. Finally sated, she sobbed and fell back into his arms.

  He sat down onto the chaise and cradled her naked body, holding, soothing, stroking her hair. He whispered to her in French; she understood next to none of it but the words carried her away down a river of immense relaxation, and she closed her eyes, feeling like she was flying.

  Even though the orgasm was done, her whole abdomen tingled and pulsed, almost like the feeling that came prior to the crest of orgasm. Her ass was warm and glowing, her clit throbbed in a pleasing way, and her whole body was full of endorphins and happiness. She squeezed her thighs together, intensifying the glow between her legs, and made a small noise of pleasure.

  Gabriel’s erection was hard under her. She considered getting down to give him a blowjob, but instead, remained where she was, enjoying the moment. In any case, he seemed content holding her, so she let her mind drift.

  After some time she sat up and twisted to look at his face. “Gabriel. That was—probably one of the best orgasms of my life. Thank you.” She felt strange and shy, but wanted him to know how powerfully he had affected her.

  He smiled and touched her cheek. “And it’s only the start, chèrie. Imagine that, and even better, once you have my cock in your sweet body.” He pinched one nipple. “See how good that was? Now imagine if you had waited even longer, until after dinner, maybe.”

  Myka smiled back. “I couldn’t wait. I really couldn’t.”

  He kissed her lips, but warned, “I know. In the future, though, you will. I’m going to train you to come to the edge and wait, so you can enjoy more pleasure at the end.”

  A shudder of anticipation, fear, and excitement coursed through her. Now that she was more used to the plug, she decided it wouldn’t be such a big deal to wear it out after all. She liked the idea of building up to something even better than what she’d just experienced. She also liked his suggestion from a few minutes earlier: And we’ll both think about how good it will be later, when we go home and fuck.

  She looked at his handsome face. “Gabriel? I think… I can wear the plug, after all.”

  “Are you sure?” He raised one eyebrow.

  She nodded. “Yes. Positive. I want to.”

  He bent over and took her mouth with his, and the kiss turned into a deep embrace. Myka wound her hands into his hair and rubbed her naked body against his jeans.

  He broke away. “Non. We’ll save it.” His breathing was rough, and he adjusted his pants with a grimace. “Get dressed now.” The words were a command, but after their honest, raw discussion, Myka didn’t chafe at the order.

  The base of the plug felt soft and rubbery to her touch; she examined it with her fingers as she dressed. She assumed the large flange existed so the plug wouldn’t get sucked up and lost inside of her, and was grateful to the designer.

  As she removed her mascara with a cleansing cloth and reapplied it, she called, “So who designs sex toys, anyway? Can you imagine that being your job? Do they draw the things in a CAD program on the computer or do they start with a sketch by hand? How many revisions do they go through before they call it done? And who tests them?”

  Gabriel came to the bathroom and leaned against the open door. “I’ve never thought about it. Good questions. Maybe you can research it.” Their eyes met in the mirror and he smiled, winked.

  Myka giggled as she patted on some powder and leaned in closer to examine her reflection, brushing off a stray fleck of the creamy dust. “That would actually be pretty interesting, to talk to a sex toy worker. Oh, can you hand me that?” She waved at the makeup kit on the counter. Gabriel obligingly brought it closer, then dropped a kiss on her neck that made her suck in a breath.

  His grin sparkled. “Maybe Jessica and Brett know. Last time you saw Jessica, she was getting a good hard spanking… similar to what you just got,” he commented, “isn’t that funny?” His lips trailed down her neck, planting more soft kisses.

  “Yes, such a humorous coincidence. Ha, ha. See me laughing.” Myka couldn’t help but smile, though, even as she rubbed her butt. “Well, I guess I’m ready to go.”

  Gabriel smiled too, but then he took her chin in his hand. “Completely beautiful. Are you all right, now?”

  She nodded. “I am.”

  “I expect you to keep that plug in all evening, Myka, yes? If it’s a real emergency, you take it out, no questions asked. But otherwise, I want it in there as a reminder of everything we talked about, and I’ll punish you for disobedience. Understand?”

  She nodded, flushing. It was funny how submissive she felt when he spoke to her sternly. That tone shot sparks from her nipples to her clit and all through her body.

  “And Myka?”

  He looked at her, and she could tell that he was going to test her again. “On the way there in the car, you’re going to sit in the front seat with your skirt hiked up around your waist and your legs spread as wide as they can go in the seat. You’ll sit like that the entire way, without closing them once, and without saying a word about it. When I park the car, only then you will close your legs and pull down the skirt. Am I clear?” He touched his belt and raised one eyebrow.

  Myka flushed bright red, but knew better than to argue, especially since the command made her wetter, even as she felt embarrassed. “Yes, sir.” She couldn’t help but ask, “May I sit on a towel in the car? Otherwise, the seat—”

  “No, you may not.” He smiled at her. “Allons-y. Let’s go.”

  When they got into his car, Myka glanced over. Then she wriggled her skirt up to her waist and slowly opened her legs as far as they would go. She felt the plug push at her as she sat in the seat, and every bump of the road made her aware of its presence inside her. She could also feel that she was leaving a slick spot on the leather seats.

  Gabriel talked about everyday things while they drove, and strangely, she found herself able to talk casually. Because it was so dark out, she wasn’t worried about being seen by other drivers, and the hungry looks he shot in her direction made her feel sexy and seductive. It was kind of hot to know that what she was doing was making him crazy. In the back of her mind, she repeated: It’s only making things hotter for both of us. I can stop any time I want.

  When he parked the car, she did as he’d directed: slid her legs closed and lowered her skirt. She touched the plug as she exited the car, making sure it was seated properly; even though her panties provided backup assistance, she didn’t want it to fall out while she walked. She took narrow steps, trying to lock her anal muscles down around the plug. Gabriel shot her a knowing smirk and she glared at him.

  By the time they ordered a drink, Myka was sitting in relative comfort. Although her butt was tender from the spanking, the glaring pain was a distant memory. It was an incredible relief to know that a spanking that felt like the burning fires of hell itself could fade in such a short time to this almost pleasurable low-level blaze and tingle. It still hurt, yes, but it was bearable. Was she possibly, not to brag here or anything, a bit of a Bionic Butt herself?

  The plug pushed into her when she sat, but wasn’t painful. She was aware of the wetness between her legs; the spanking and her orgasm had aroused her so much, that even with her panties to absorb moisture, her whole crotch and inner thighs were slick with her own juices. She was almost worried about making a damp spot on her skirt. “Good thing I wear a lot of black,” she muttered to herself.

  “What was that, ma chèrie?” Gabriel asked, beside her on a barstool.

  Myka shot a look around the room, then leaned over whisper into his ear. “I said that I’m so wet I might soak my skirt. Too bad you didn’t let me shower first.”

  “That’s not what you said,” he growled at her, adjusting his pants.

  “Oh! Then why did you ask?” she teased him, runn
ing one finger along his muscular thigh, dangerously close to his crotch.

  He grabbed her hand. “Careful, Myka. We’re in public now.”

  “Oh, I know,” she acknowledged, her voice low and teasing. “We’re here with aaalll these people. And my skirt is sooo short. I hope no strangers see my wet pussy when I bend over, don’t you? That would be so awkward. Then they might want to fuck me, too!” She batted her eyelashes helplessly, and ran her hand down his other thigh.

  “Myka!” His voice was harsh.

  “On the positive side, think how easy it would be to fuck me,” she whispered. “I’m so wet, you’d just slip in, even though you’re so big and thick. I’m so slick and ready. Want to have a quickie in the bathroom? We’ll call it the mile-down club. Or the bar-fuck club. Whatever you prefer. You’re the boss, remember? Better get to me before someone else does.”

  “Myka.” His voice was strangled, and Myka noted with glee that he was hard now.

  “What? Some of these guys might think I’m pretty.” She gave him a wide-eyed innocent smile.

  “More than pretty. Tu es la plus belle femme ici ce soir. You’re the prettiest woman here, and the hottest, too.” He drew in his breath sharply and shifted, grimacing.

  “Oh, am I making you uncomfortable?” she crooned with mock concern. “Poor baby. Can’t handle the heat. Whips his girl and puts in a butt plug, and then can’t deal with the results. Maybe you shouldn’t mess with fire.”

  “Speaking of fire, Myka,” he hissed into her ear, locking both of her wrists in his strong grip. “Did you want to feel some more of it on that perky little ass of yours? Keep teasing me and I won’t hesitate to take you back to the car for a little punishment.”

  Myka giggled. “I think you have more pressing matters on your mind.” She ran her hand down his thigh again.

  Before he could respond, they heard voices. Brett and Jessica had arrived. Myka was impressed at how suave and normal Gabriel could be around his friends, even while hiding his impressive erection under the bar. She smoothed her skirt against her damp thighs, thinking, We make quite the pair.

  “Myka!” Jessica was warm and effusive. “I’m glad to see you again.” Tall and slim, naturally elegant, she looked even more sophisticated with her blond hair arranged in a pretty chignon. Brett, over six feet tall and blond himself, was the perfect visual match, and Myka noticed people glancing with admiration at the couple.

  Myka smiled. “You look great in clothes. I mean, in that dress. I mean, it looks good.” She burned with embarrassment, unable to get the image of a naked and spanked Jessica out of her mind.

  Jessica laughed. “It’s okay. Thanks. Your skirt is pretty, too. So I understand you’re a computer programmer?”

  “Um, I am. How did you understand that? Do I have ones and zeroes flashing on my forehead, or something?”

  “Gabriel mentioned it the other night at the club,” Jessica said, earning a small glare from Gabriel. “What? You did! He said you’re a good one, too.”

  “Thanks,” said Myka, but it was more to Gabriel. She smiled at him. Gabriel talked about her at the club? She felt pride but it mixed with discomfort; she liked that he spoke well of her, but was less sure about the fact that they were not a real couple, and that there was no permanent link to them when they were not together in person. They didn’t speak much in between their nights together, so she often had no idea what he did without her.

  Jessica continued, “Anyway, my undergrad was IT as well, although I completely switched topics and got my PhD in literature. I write murder mystery novels now.”

  “Wow, that’s quite a combination,” said Myka. “Please tell me that at least one of your novels has a plucky heroine who happens to know all about computers, and who solves the mystery through her digital magic, and gets the hot guy in the end?”

  “That’s pretty much all of them,” replied Jessica. “With variations. They’re selling so well right now, and I’m psyched.”

  “Congratulations, I’d love to read one sometime,” said Myka, meaning it.

  Gabriel teased her. “That would be a different genre from what you were reading the night we met.”

  Jessica pounced. “What was she reading? What were you reading?”

  Myka blushed again. “God. Nothing special.” She glared at Gabriel, but he was in the mood to keep teasing.

  “She had a steamy BDSM romance sitting on the bar counter next to her. That’s how I knew I needed to get to know her further. She also had a huge brain and a sexy ass.”

  Myka punched his arm, but was pleased; she was unable to stop a small, gleeful smile from decorating her face.

  Brett chuckled. “When I met Jessie the first time, she had peanut butter in her hair and she was being chased by a goat.”

  Jessica cut in. “And luckily Brett is a doctor, because I also had an allergic reaction to the goat.”

  “Oh. My. God.” Myka couldn’t stop laughing. “I have to hear the rest of this story.”

  The evening continued in a lighthearted manner, with fun conversation and easy chatter. Myka relaxed and enjoyed herself. She found Jessica and Brett intelligent, interesting, and welcoming, and decided that Jessie was probably going to turn into a friend.

  The plug wasn’t a distraction, at least not in the sense she’d worried about. She didn’t feel awkward talking to Jessie and Brett; she was able to focus, and didn’t feel any twinges of incestuous grossness from mixing friends and sex. Instead, she got more worked up each time she looked at Gabriel and saw him glance down at her skirt and smile.

  When Myka excused herself later to the restroom, Jessica got up too. “Mind some company?” she asked. Gabriel stood up as well, as if being a sophisticated gentleman, but he put his mouth directly against Myka’s ear, and whispered, “Don’t remove that plug.”

  She looked away, hoping she wasn’t blushing, then put her mouth to his ear in the same way and replied, “I’m going to suck you so good later,” and smiled when his jaw clenched and he shifted his stance.

  As the two women stood side by side at the long mirror, checking makeup and hair, Myka feeling relieved that she didn’t need to bother with toilet-paper wads and plastic bags, Jessica asked, “So it looks like you and Gabriel? More than the one night, then?” and smiled. “I’m happy for you both. It’s about time he met someone new.”

  “Yes, I guess so,” said Myka, uncertain about how to describe their arrangement. How did you tell someone, even a BDSM friend, that this guy was not your boyfriend, not exactly your lover, but more of your master-slash-sex-controller, with no love and or strings attached? That he cooked you delicious food, and spanked your ass like a pro, but had promised you that this was completely temporary? There didn’t seem to be quite the right word to sum it all up in the English language, at any rate.

  “So you’re together now? For real?” Jessica’s face was pure curiosity. “Oh, I’m sorry, Myka,” she apologized, drawing back at Myka’s sudden grimace. “I’m being too nosy. Again. Like at the club. Please forgive me. I just get all curious and I can’t help myself. It’s like I forget I’m not actually the prying detective girl from my mystery novels.”

  “No, it’s okay,” said Myka. “I was—well, I don’t know what we are, to be honest.” To her utter horror, she felt tears pricking at her eyelids. The words ‘for real’ had thrown her, and confronted with Jessica and Brett’s obvious marital bliss, she felt small and confused in her own relationship.

  “Are you okay?” Jessica put her arm around Myka. “Did I put my foot in it? Do you want to sit down? I’m so sorry.” She looked genuinely distressed.

  Myka nodded, and the two women sat down on a padded couch. Myka tried not to cry. “It’s nothing you said. I’m trying to figure a few things out, and once in a while it gets overwhelming.”

  “Is it Gabriel?” Jessica asked. “I know you don’t really know me, but you can trust me, I promise.”

  Myka felt she could. There was something about having alre
ady seen Jessica naked and spanked, having talked to her about the intimate topic of her own submission—Jessica trusted Myka with that kind of knowledge, and clearly was able to keep the club a secret; it made her seem like a person who could keep a confidence.

  “What Gabriel and I have is great, but it’s—temporary,” she said, patting her eyes with a tissue. “He was extremely clear. And I agreed, so there’s nothing to be upset about. In fact, I’m not upset about it.”

  Jessica frowned. “Temporary?”

  “We’re not dating. It’s not a real relationship. But it’s totally fine.” She made her voice firm.

  “So you’re not exclusive?” Jessie looked confused.

  “No, we are. Exclusive. But only until we end things. Which could be whenever he wants, I guess.” Myka tried to smile in an unconcerned way.

  “Or whenever you want to?” Jessica asked, narrowing her eyes.

  Myka shrugged. “I don’t think I’ll want to.”

  Jessica tilted her head. “So let me see if I understand. You’re exclusive until one or the other decides to stop. You go out together, and sleep together. Forgive me if I don’t get how that’s not a real relationship?” She smiled and patted Myka’s hand. “That sounds pretty real to me.”

  “It’s not real because he told me upfront that, oh, God, Jessica. I’m just going to say it. I’m kind of like his… sex slave, okay? Not slave. Bedroom sub. He said he’s not going to fall in love again, ever, and he doesn’t want me to get the wrong idea about expecting anything long-term, and this is a temporary thing so we can both get enjoyment.”


  “What does hmmm mean?” Myka pushed.

  “It means that I don’t know what to think. I’ve known Gabriel for a long time. This doesn’t seem like his usual style.”

  “How long was he with his ex? Rachel?”

  “About a year.”

  “Do you know why they split up? Gabriel won’t talk about it much, and I—really would like to know.” Myka felt guilty for asking, but couldn’t resist. Plus, now that she’d confided in Jessica, Girl Code dictated that Jessica owed her some kind of disclosure in return.


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