7 Hersey 31; NYT 10/23/1935; James I 494-95; Goertzel 92-93; Lee and Henschel 67-68; MacArthur Reminiscences 103; Flanner in Ladies’ Home Journal 6/1942; Eisenhower Ease 220 (back to text)
8 BBC film The Commanders; Flanner in Ladies’ Home Journal 6/1942; Lee and Henschel 68; Hersey 276-77, 280; Newlon 121-22 (back to text)
9 Lee and Henschel 69; Huff 14, 24; Hersey 287-88; Whitney 7; Wittner 76; Brereton 25; Flanner in Ladies’ Home Journal 6/1942 (back to text)
10 Wittner 76; Brereton 25; Gavin M. Long 52; “Two Fighting Generals: Patton and MacArthur,” Atlantic Monthly 2/1965 (back to text)
11 Huff 12, 27; Jim Marshal] in Collier’s 9/5/1936 (back to text)
12 Hersey 279; RG 1; James I 556-57, 559-60; Huff 15-16; author’s observations 1/21/1976 (back to text)
13 RG 1; James I 543-44; Howard 105; Lee and Henschel 99; Gavin M. Long 52; WM/Dwight D. Eisenhower 8/27/1964 (back to text)
14 Huff 15-16; Flanner in Ladies’ Home Journal 6/1942 (back to text)
15 Huff 16-17 (back to text)
16 “MacArthur of the Philippines,” T 12/27/1941; Muggah and Raihle 40; Hersey 225-26; Rovere and Schlesinger 44; Huff 27 (back to text)
17 Huff 27-29; Hersey 225-26 (back to text)
18 Hersey 82; McCarten in American Mercury 1/1944; WM/Eisenhower 8/27/1964; “Philippines: Japan’s Rising Sun Hastens a New Army’s Step,” Newsweek 9/5/1936; MacArthur Report passim; Jim Marshall in Collier’s 9/5/1936; WM/Clare Boothe Luce 2/25/1976 (back to text)
19 Eisenhower Ease 216-17, 221; “General MacArthur,” American Mercury 5/1944; “MacArthur of Bataan,’ Reader’s Digest 4/1942; Kelley and Ryan 104-05; NYT 12/22/1935; Bernstein 2; James I 510-14; Rovere and Schlesinger 44-45; MacArthur Reminiscences 106-07; Blake 185-86, 230; NYT 5/1/1937; Washington Post 4/30/1937 (back to text)
20 “MacArthur of Bataan,” Reader’s Digest 4/1942; Friend 165; Jim Marshall in Collier’s (back to text)
21 Gervasi in Collier’s 1/3/1942; Waldrop 310; Willoughby and Chamberlain 1, 16 (back to text)
22 Rovere and Schlesinger 43; Watson Chief 415 (back to text)
23 Watson Chief 432; Morton Fall 37-45; James II 18; Brereton 14-39; James I 472-73, 609-10; WM/Carlos Romulo 10/18/1977; MacArthur Reminiscences 104 (back to text)
24 Toland Sun 58-59; NYT 7/10/1977 (back to text)
25 Hunt Japan 13, 19-20; NYT 8/25/1936; Friend 165 (back to text)
26 Pacis ix, x; Whitney 6 (back to text)
27 Pacis 49; Rovere and Schlesinger 41; David J. Steinberg 15 (back to text)
28 Eyre 197; Manila Tribune 8/30/1936; WM/Eisenhower 8/27/1964; James I 505-07; Rovere and Schlesinger 41; Hersey 264; Fey in Nation 6/10/1936 (back to text)
29 Eisenhower Ease 221-22; WM/Laurence E. Bunker 4/20/1976 (back to text)
30 Gavin M. Long 51; NYT 1/31/1938; Eisenhower Ease 224; Friend 185 (back to text)
31 NYT 2/14/1937; MacArthur Reminiscences 106; James I 511-12; Friend 185; Grew 204-05 (back to text)
32 Friend 166 (back to text)
33 James I 513; Hunt Untold 185; Washington Post 4/30/1937; NYT 5/1/1937 (back to text)
34 Huff 18 (back to text)
35 Hersey 276; Newlon 121 (back to text)
36 Hersey 276-77; Lee and Henschel 68 (back to text)
37 NYT 5/30/1943; William Lawrence in New York Times Magazine 4/22/1951 (back to text)
38 Newlon 121-22; James I 557-58; Hersey 279; MacArthur Reminiscences 106-07; Huff 16; Francis T. Miller 142-44; WM/Eisenhower 8/27/1964 (back to text)
39 Flanner in Ladies’ Home Journal 6/1942; Ryan and Kelley in Collier’s 9/23/1950; Kelley and Ryan 52 (back to text)
40 Flanner in Ladies’ Home Journal 6/1942 (back to text)
41 Hunt Untold 183, 195-96; Newlon 122; Huff 25; Lee and Henschel 287; Francis T. Miller 142; Flanner in Ladies’ Home Journal 6/1942; David J. Steinberg 21; Friend 164 (back to text)
42 Hunt Untold 195-96; Huff 25 (back to text)
43 Kelley and Ryan 55; Ryan and Kelley in Collier’s 9/23/1950 (back to text)
44 Hersey 279; Huff 30 (back to text)
45 MacArthur Reminiscences 104, 112 (back to text)
46 Ihid. 111, 112 (back to text)
47 James I 521-22, 525; MacArthur Reminiscences 107; NYT 12/31/1937; Hunt Untold 188; Hersey 266; Howard 88; Roosevelt to MacArthur 10/11/1937 (back to text)
48 James I 511-12; RG 1; Hunt Untold 186-88; Manila Bulletin 7/26/1940; Watson Chief 419-20; Friend 167 (back to text)
49 Friend 107, 190-94; RG 1, MacArthur to Quezon 12/9/1939; RG 1, MacArthur’s statement of 6/27/1939; Eyre 33; Blake 230; Manila La Vanguardia 6/27/1940; James I 529-30, 537-38; “Douglas MacArthur,” Current Biography 1941 (back to text)
50 RG 1, MacArthur to White, n.d.; Hunt Untold 203; Eisenhower Ease 224-25; James I 552 (back to text)
51 Eisenhower Ease 224-25; Tugwell 526; Pogue I 318-19; Watson Chief 412-22; James I 548-49, 608-09 (back to text)
52 Kenneth S. Davis 252-53; Eisenhower Ease 226; WM/Eisenhower 8/27/1964; Eisenhower Crusade 5 (back to text)
53 Gavin M. Long 51; Sulzberger 765 (back to text)
54 Craig 243; Gavin M. Long 51-52; Luvaas 99-100; Willoughby and Chamberlain 35; WM/Romulo 10/18/1977 (back to text)
55 Kenney General 151-52; Kenney Know 112-13 (back to text)
56 Mayer MacArthur 55 (back to text)
57 Eyre 196; Christian Science Monitor 11/2/1938; Gavin M. Long 54 (back to text)
58 Hersey 289-91 (back to text)
59 Robert E. Sherwood 404 (back to text)
60 Watson Chief 417-18 (back to text)
61 Ibid. 417-18, 420; James I 549, 551; Wohlstetter 396; Friend 207; Morison Rising Sun 156; RG 1, W. F. Marquat to MacArthur 12/8/1940; WM/Eisenhower 8/27/1964 (back to text)
62 Gavin M. Long 57; Rutherford 15, 18; Baldwin Battles 115 (back to text)
63 Alfred Steinberg 87 (back to text)
64 Pogue II 184; Watson Chief 426, 431 (back to text)
65 Hunt Untold 205; Watson Chief 435; Pogue II 181; Henry L. Stimson diary 5/21/1941, Henry L. Stimson Papers, YUMA; Morton Fall 15-16; James I 585-88 (back to text)
66 Hersey 19; Kase 228; Watson Chief 435; Lee and Henschel 121 (back to text)
67 Watson Chief 435 (back to text)
68 Ibid. 436-37; Hunt Untold 208; Craig xi, xii, Hunt Japan 1 (back to text)
69 “MacArthur of Bataan,” Header’s Digest 4/1942; NYT 7/27, 8/15/1941; Friend 200 (back to text)
70 Hunt Japan 2, 3; Romulo Fall 42; Whitney 8; Hunt Untold 210; NYT 11/16/1941 (back to text)
71 Pogue II 183; James I 616-17; Romulo Fall 26-28; Lee Pacific 22-31 (back to text)
72 “MacArthur of Bataan,” Reader’s Digest 4/1942; MacArthur Reminiscences 109; Hersey 287-91 (back to text)
73 Gervasi in Collier’s 1/3/1942; Hersey 15 (back to text)
74 Lee and Henschel 137 (back to text)
75 Beck 5; Hunt Japan 18-19; Huff 30 (back to text)
76 Watson Chief 443-44; Morton Fall 61-69, 25-26; James I 601 (back to text)
77 Belote and Belote 1-29; James I 605-06; Hersey 13 (back to text)
78 James I 595; Watson Chief 425-55; Morton Fall 6i-6g; Beck 5 (back to text)
79 Gavin M. Long 57; Friend 202; Eisenhower Ease 239-40 (back to text)
80 James I 607-08 (back to text)
81 MacArthur Reminiscences 126; Hersey 123; David J. Steinberg 33; Friend 205 (back to text)
82 Baldwin Mistakes 63-64 (back to text)
83 Payne 138; James I 618 (back to text)
84 Watson Chief 399; Friend 201; Belote and Belote 28; Arnold 268; NYT 11/27/1941 (back to text)
85 Baldwin Mistakes 64-66; Baldwin Battles 117 (back to text)
86 Ind 64; Brereton 18-19 (back to text)
87 Brereton 18-19; Rutherford 18; Pogue II 188 (back to text)
88 Rutherford 18, 21; Brereton 22, 24-25 (back to text)
89 Hersey 15; Brereton 21 (back to text)
90 Brereto
n 30-31 (back to text)
91 MacArthur Reminiscences 113 (back to text)
92 Romulo Fall 26 (back to text)
93 Pogue II 208; Chennault 121 (back to text)
94 Friend 205 (back to text)
95 Toland Sun 173-74; Pogue II 208-09 (back to text)
96 Brereton 34-35 (back to text)
97 Morison Rising Sun 155-56; James I 615-16; NYT 12/2/1941; Sayre 221; Friend 205; Romulo Fall 26-28; Lee Pacific 22-31; MacArthur Reminiscences 110-111 (back to text)
98 Brereton 34; Toland Sun 211; MacArthur Reminiscences 111 (back to text)
99 Rovere and Schlesinger 48-49 (back to text)
100 Toland Sun 190; Brereton 35 (back to text)
101 Ind 85; Toland Sun 190-91 (back to text)
102 Toland Sun 197 (back to text)
103 Huff 30; Toland Sun 197; Toland Shame 12 (back to text)
104 WM/Bunker 4/20/1976 (back to text)
1 Toland Sun 216; Beck 11 (back to text)
2 Beck 11; MacArthur Reminiscences 117; Pogue II 233; Lee and Henschel 70 (back to text)
3 Sayre 221-22; Ind 145; Brereton 38; Quezon Fight 181-82; “Promise Fulfilled,” T 10/30/1944; Baldwin Mistakes 63 (back to text)
4 Kenney Know 83; Davis Washington 226; Davis Stonewall 242 (back to text)
5 Rutherford 41-42; Lee and Henschel 139; Brereton 38-39; Kenney Know 83; Sayre 222 (back to text)
6 Lee and Henschel 141; Rovere and Schlesinger 52; MacArthur Reminiscences 124; Baldwin Mistakes 70-71; Chennault 124 (back to text)
7 Hunt Untold 227; Morton quoted in James II 10; Sulzberger 672; Baldwin Mistakes 70-71; James II 15 (back to text)
8 Sayre 222; Huff 33; Ind 96 (back to text)
9 Rovere and Schlesinger 50; Toland Sun 232; Rutherford 42; James I 618-19 (back to text)
10 James II 7; Rutherford 42; Kenney Know 84; Beck 13 (back to text)
11 Beck 14; Baldwin Mistakes 71-72 (back to text)
12 Sayre 222; Toland Shame 42; Willoughby and Chamberlain 23; Rutherford 42; Morton 79-81, cited in James I 619; James II 7-8; Kenney Know 84; Brereton 41; Beck 14 (back to text)
13 Rutherford 42; Kenney Know 84; Brereton 44 (back to text)
14 Toland Sun 42, 233 (back to text)
15 Gavin M. Long 63; Baldwin Mistakes 70-71; Arnold 272; Kenney Know 84-85; MacArthur Reminiscences 117 (back to text)
16 Ind 100-01; James II 3-4; Rutherford 43-44; Brereton 42 (back to text)
17 Brereton 41; Sayre 222-23; Toland Sun 233; Hunt Japan 33 (back to text)
18 Rutherford 43—44; James II 3-5; Brereton 41; Ind 3-4 (back to text)
19 Alfred Steinberg 190; NYT 12/12/1941; Brereton 43; Arnold 272; Pogue II 236; Toland Sun 238 (back to text)
20 Toland Shame 115; Friend 207 (back to text)
21 MacArthur Reminiscences 120-21; James II 22; Toland Shame 85; Ind 13 (back to text)
22 Huff 34; Hersey 48, 123; Lee Pacific 71 (back to text)
23 Toland Sun 255; Hersey 34 (back to text)
24 RG 2; James II 19; Hersey 39-40; Sayre 222 (back to text)
25 Burns Roosevelt 204; James II 112 (back to text)
26 MacArthur Reminiscences 122-23; Burns Roosevelt 188-89; Pogue II 239 (back to text)
27 Townsend 9-12, quoted in James II 24; Romulo Fall 55; Toland Shame 85; Willoughby and Chamberlain 20, 34 (back to text)
28 James I 27-28, 36-37; Whitney 18; Rovere and Schlesinger 54-55; Friend 207 (back to text)
29 Hersey 40; Toland Sun 250; Baldwin Battles 37-38 (back to text)
30 James II 28; Toland Sun 251; Toland Shame 94 (back to text)
31 Belote and Belote 36-38; Toland Sun 251; Beck 31; Friend 207; Baldwin Battles 37-38; Hersey 40-41; NTT 12/26/1941; Lee Pacific 125; Whitney 19 (back to text)
32 Toland Sun 258—59 (back to text)
33 Whitney 19; Belote and Belote 36; James II 38-39 (back to text)
34 Baldwin Battles 36-37, 122; James II 26 (back to text)
35 Toland Sun 253; MacArthur Reminiscences 125; Gavin M. Long 71 (back to text)
36 Belote and Belote 36-37 (back to text)
37 Whitney 18-19; Toland Sun 253; Baldwin Battles 122-23 (back to text)
38 Toland Sun 253; MacArthur Reminiscences 125-26; author’s observations 1/21/1976; Whitney 19; Willoughby and Chamberlain 34; Belote and Belote 39-40; Townsend 11, quoted in James II 35 (back to text)
39 Toland Shame 135; Beck 38; Huff 36 (back to text)
40 Huff 36; Beck 24-25; David J. Steinberg 30; Quezon Fight 195-96; Friend 211 (back to text)
41 Sayre 225; Hersey 39-40; Huff 37 (back to text)
42 Lee and Henschel 70-71; Huff 37 (back to text)
43 Sayre 227; Huff 5 (back to text)
44 Huff 38; Hunt Untold 240 (back to text)
45 Toland Sun 251; Friend 208; Pogue II 235; Toland Shame 115 (back to text)
46 Friend 208; Brereton 62 (back to text)
47 Quezon Fight 208; Huff 39 (back to text)
48 Toland Sun 252 (back to text)
49 Bernstein 175; Huff 39-40; Hunt Japan 46 (back to text)
50 “Escape from Corregidor,” New York Times Magazine 5/2/1943; Hunt Japan 46; James II 62-63; Chunn 1; Henry G. Lee 81; Hough Pearl Harbor 182; Falk 33 (back to text)
51 Beck xiii; Baldwin Battles 127-29, 131 (back to text)
52 Lee and Henschel 70-71; Ind 300; Huff 44 (back to text)
53 Huff 42 (back to text)
54 Huff 43; Hunt Japan 48; Lee and Henschel 70-71 (back to text)
55 Quezon Fight 244-45 (back to text)
56 Bernstein 175; Willoughby and Chamberlain 41; Huff 44-45 (back to text)
57 Quezon Fight 253-54 (back to text)
58 WM/Carlos Romulo 10/18/1977; Baldwin Battles 133; Toland Shame 123; Quezon Fight 224 (back to text)
59 Belote and Belote 133; Ind 53; Huff 49 (back to text)
60 Beck 48-49; Huff 47-48; Rutherford 93 (back to text)
61 Hunt in Saturday Evening Post 5/13/1944; Sayre 232; Huff 45; Lee and Henschel 72 (back to text)
62 Friend 216; Belote and Belote 39-40; Huff 45-46 (back to text)
63 Lee and Henschel 234; Willoughby and Chamberlain 49-50 (back to text)
64 James II 91; MacArthur Reminiscences 136; Rovere and Schlesinger 61; Baldwin Mistakes 74—75; Considine Magnificent 16; Francis T. Miller 239; Whitney 26 (back to text)
65 Toland Sun 245; Toland Shame 266; Baldwin Battles 132, 155 (back to text)
66 Belote and Belote 56; Toland Shame 145; Huff 41; Hersey 124; Sayre 239; Quezon Fight 327^8 (back to text)
67 Hersey 123-25; WM/Romulo 10/18/1977; Beck 56 (back to text)
68 Romulo Fall 61; Beck 38 (back to text)
69 Toland Shame 217; Elting E. Morison 49 (back to text)
70 Toland Shame 217-18, 243-45; Francis T. Miller 263; Hunt Japan 80; Churchill Hinge 92 (back to text)
71 Toland Shame 260; Gavin M. Long 83 (back to text)
72 NYT 12/18/1941; Chennault 237 (back to text)
73 Friend 217—18; Beck x; Kenney Know 80-81 (back to text)
74 Beck 66-67; Hersey 256; Ind 237; Baldwin Mistakes 73; James II 53; Wainwright 49-50; Romulo Fall 148-49 (back to text)
75 Ind 299; Malay 54; Beck 66; James II 55; Quezon Fight 244-45 (back to text)
76 Baldwin Mistakes 73; Bowers in Esquire 1/1967 (back to text)
77 Townsend 17-18, cited in James II 59; Hough Pearl Harbor 182; James II 62-63; Lee Pacific 134 (back to text)
78 Malay 68; MacArthur Reminiscences 133 (back to text)
79 Toland Sun 310; Baldwin Battles 135; Manchester Glory 265 (back to text)
80 Ernest B. Miller 193-94; James II 66 (back to text)
81 Ind 280; Robert E. Sherwood 454 (back to text)
82 Ind 33; Hunt Japan 63; Stimson and Bundy 398; Pogue II 246; Friend 217; Beck 119-20 (back to text)
83 Beck 40; Toland Sun 267; Hersey 256 (back to text)
84 Pogue II 241; Beck 34
(back to text)
85 NYT 12/29/1941; Rovere and Schlesinger 57-58; Bernstein 176; Toland Shame 135; Eyre 54-55; Lee and Henschel 146 (back to text)
86 Whitney 29-30; Burns Roosevelt 207-08; NYT 12/29, 12/30/1941; James I 49 (back to text)
87 Gavin M. Long 76; Toland Sun 263; Eyre 54-55; James II 56-57; Ernest B. Miller 13-14; WM/Laurence E. Bunker 4/20/1976 (back to text)
88 Hersey 257; Lee and Henschel 151 (back to text)
89 MacArthur Reminiscences 133; Eyre 55; Rovere and Schlesinger 57-58; Beck 86; James II 86; Ind 280; Willoughby and Chamberlain 27 (back to text)
90 WM/Dwight D. Eisenhower 8/27/1964; Weigley 460-61; Eisenhower Crusade 14, 22-23; Ind 14-15; Pogue II 238; Beck 22; Gavin M. Long 66 (back to text)
91 RG 2; Romulo Rise 108-09; Eisenhower Crusade 22; Ind 15; James II 19; Pogue II 236 (back to text)
92 Pogue II 242; Beck 34; Ind 15 (back to text)
93 RG 4; Ind 16, 147, 151-52, 225; Burns Roosevelt 206; Mayer MacArthur 73-74; Lohbeck 159-64; James II 83; NYT 2/8/1942; Pogue II 232-46; Chynoweth 44, cited in James II 83 (back to text)
94 Ind 46, 75 (back to text)
95 Beck 119; Toland Shame 260 (back to text)
96 Quezon Fight 264; Toland Sun 266; Toland Shame 187 (back to text)
97 Quezon Fight 259 (back to text)
98 Rovere and Schlesinger 57—58; Whitney 33 (back to text)
99 Quezon Fight 265; Friend 218 (back to text)
100 Friend 219; Toland Sun 266-67; Burns Roosevelt 208; Eisenhower Crusade 26; Stimson 398 (back to text)
101 Stimson 398 (back to text)
102 Burns Roosevelt 208; Eisenhower Crusade 26; Friend 221; YUMA, Henry L. Stimson Papers, Stimson diary 2/8/1942 (back to text)
103 Friend 222; David J. Steinberg 41; Eyre 41; Beck 104-05; WM/Romulo 10/18/1977 (back to text)
104 Friend 223; Stimson 404-05 (back to text)
105 Pogue II 248 (back to text)
106 Lee and Henschel 148; Beck 90, 130; James II 51-52 (back to text)
107 Beck 120; Hunt Untold 253; Hunt Japan $g; Lee Pacific 234 (back to text)
108 Huff 8; Hunt Japan 257 (back to text)
109 Beck 127-28 (back to text)
110 Lee and Henschel 155; Beck 130; Pogue II 249 (back to text)
111 Pogue II 374; Beck 127 (back to text)
112 Robert E. Sherwood 509 (back to text)
113 Grattan 178; Robert E. Sherwood 961 (back to text)
114 Baldwin Battles 133; Sayre 241; Beck 116, 125; Churchill Finest 108 (back to text)
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