Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN Page 11

by Sheri L. Swift

  Bo had shaken it earlier and now released his thumb from the top spilling the soda all over Lizzy. “Aw, did I get little Lizzy wet? That’s from my brother Billy who said he didn’t want ya missin him today.” He grinned and walked down the hall.

  Everyone passing couldn’t help but see Lizzy soaking wet and tears filling her eyes.

  She didn’t say a word, she took off her sweater and threw it into her locker and ran to the bathroom to clean up. How can anyone be so mean? She thought as she tried to clean the soda from her hair, face, arms and top.

  Another girl came in that had seen some of the incident. “Do you want me to get one of the faculty?” She asked with concern.

  “No, I’ll be fine, I’m used to it.” Lizzy tried to smile, but couldn’t help but let a few more tears slip.

  “They used to pick on me too, I hate bullies!” She smiled again and gave Lizzy a hug. “My name is Ellie and I’m a senior, you just call on me and I’ll take care of him.” Ellie grinned.

  “Thanks Ellie, my name is Elizabeth, but all my friends call me Lizzy; you can too. I’m glad to meet ya.” Lizzy gave an exaggerated hand shake.

  “I’m also in Robbie’s Physics class.” Ellie smiled and then she removed her pink headband from her black hair and offered it to Lizzy, “Here I don’t need this, you can wear it.”

  “Gosh, are you sure?” asked Lizzy so thankful for the offer even if Ellie might not have really meant it.

  “Yeah, I’m perfectly sure.” Ellie took out a hairbrush and also offered it to Lizzy.

  “Thanks!” Lizzy smiled and took Ellie’s brush and brushed her wet hair as quickly as she could and placed the headband on her head.

  “See, it even matches your outfit.” Ellie Smiled.

  “I’ll give it back at the end of the day.”

  “No, just bring it back to school tomorrow. You can give it to Robbie and he can give it to me.” Ellie took her brush back and headed out the door to class.

  I’m glad to see there’s also people who can be so nice, Lizzy thought as she looked in the mirror and cleaned up the last of her make-up and then went to her class.




  The buzzer sounded and Jedediah leapt from the starting block and into the water. He stretched out his arms and scooped the water between his fingers as quickly as he dared. He turned his head to the left to take a quick breath of air and smiled at Robbie beside him as they two raced the Beacon swim team in the 400 meter freestyle.

  Rose Prentis watched from the sideline and hoped and prayed, as she always did, that Jedediah wouldn’t let his ego get the better of him and swim too quickly or not take enough breaths even though she knew he really didn’t need them. This was always the conflict within her and she knew it was in Jedediah also; was it fair for him to compete with his unusual swimming abilities he had inherited? Should he be able to go faster and win all the meets? Was he endangering the lives of the mer with every swim competition he had where he might slip up and blow-out his time? Would one of the officials insist on a drug test that might detect something different in Jedediah? The more he advanced, the more these possibilities might occur; on one hand she was so proud of him and wanted him to have the fame and glory he deserved for being such a unique swimmer, but on the other hand she knew it would only lead to heartache the higher up he went and Cole never let her or Jedediah forget it.

  After the fourth turn, Robbie began to feel his arms and legs burning with exhaustion, but he had to keep up the pace as he always had. They took their team to Regional last year and now he felt like he and Jedediah could take them all the way to State if they kept their focus and to their training schedules. Now all he had to do was help Jedediah win this one and possibly place himself. Robbie knew he could never beat Jedediah, but he also knew that Jed made him a better swimmer and even he was able to beat most of their opponents.

  Jedediah sensed Robbie beginning to wear down and so he glanced to him one more time with a grin and picked up the pace. Tom Dalton had always been one of the best swimmers for the Beacon swim team and it was time for Jedediah to take him down a few notches. Jedediah sensed the thoughts of his mother as he passed her.

  Slow down Jedediah, not too fast, Rose thought and gripped the bottom of her T-shirt with her hands and bit her lower lip as she feared, but cheered him on. She looked up to Cole in the stands with Willy and Lizzy who had just finished her meet before Jed’s.

  Cole grinned with understanding as he felt the same.

  Jedediah slowed just to a slight lead on Tom and on the last turn Jedediah kicked off the wall and then dolphin kicked beneath the water and looked at all of the opponents above as they kicked off the wall. Then he rose to the surface and stretched out his legs and arms, but still held back the raging spirit within him and swam to the wall and touched ahead of Tom. He heard all the cheers from his teammates, friends, family and especially that of his mother; even though she was his coach. He couldn’t help but grin to her after he took off his cap, goggles and then his second cap and read his time.

  “Way to go Jed!” she called as she went over to him smiling.

  “Just like you taught me Mom!” he chuckled.

  “Man, am I ever beat,” said Robbie as he leaned over the ropes between him and Jedediah. He also removed his caps and goggles.

  Jedediah remembered that he needed to look winded and he took a few fast breaths and gave Robbie a fist bump. “You did good Rob!”

  “Hey, lets all go for pizza to celebrate!” said Lizzy as she walked over to them.

  Robbie and Jedediah got out of the pool and took their towels and began drying themselves off.

  “Sounds good to me, you guys can ride with me in my pick-up if you want,” said Robbie and then he kissed her on top of her head.

  “You three go on, I’ve still got some work to do here and I know dad wouldn’t mind a quick burger on the way home.”

  “Thanks Mom,” Lizzy said with a smile.

  “Great job Son,” said Cole as he came and patted Jedediah on his shoulder. “And you too Robbie.”

  “Thanks Sir.” Robbie grinned.

  “Way to go JED and ROBBIE!!!” yelled Willy as loudly as he could.

  “Thanks sport!” Jedediah wrapped one of his arms around his neck and shook some water still left in his hair into Willy’s face.

  Willy expected and loved it as he gave a big grin.

  “Yeah, thanks Willy.” Robbie grinned once more.

  “The boys and Lizzy are going to celebrate by going out for Pizza. I told them I had a little bit of work left to do and then we’d probably grab a burger on the way home.” Rose smiled.

  “Oh, I see,” Cole said as he gave Robbie a, you better take care of my daughter, sort of look.

  “Yeah Dad, Jed’s going with us and we’ll be home right after we eat.” Lizzy smiled to Cole.

  “Okay, sounds like a plan. Guess you better hurry if you’re gonna catch the next ferry.” Cole grinned.

  “I wanna go too!” whined Willy.

  “Not this time Son,” said Cole as he looked down to him.

  The three teens went out the side exit of the Aquatic Center.

  Cole watched them go and then looked to Rose and said, “Where did the time go?”

  “I don’t know, it slipped by too quickly for me too,” she said with a smile and then hugged Cole.


  Breakers Point Pizza and Wings was always packed any night of the week. It was one of a few restaurants on Safe Harbor Island and all of the swimmers and surfers liked to hang out there. The crowd erupted into cheers as Jedediah and Robbie walked in.

  “Thank you, thank you,” Jedediah grinned and gave an exaggerated bow. He looked across the room and saw one small table in the back and the three of them walked to it while they received high fives, fist bumps and pats on their backs.

  Lizzy hadn’t really been able to go there very often as Jed had, but having him a
nd Robbie as an escort, she was pretty sure her dad would allow it and was glad he let loose a little of the reins for tonight.

  “Robbie, I missed your parents at the meet tonight,” Lizzy said as they all sat down.

  “Yeah, dad is pretty busy with the lobster business and mom’s helping him tonight. She’ll be happy that you also won your meet Lizzy.”

  “I’m glad we all won!” Jedediah grinned.

  “You know it.” Robbie also grinned and gave Jed a fist bump.

  “Hey Jedediah and Robbie, heard you guys beat the Beacons,” said the waitress as she came to take their order.

  “Yeah, we shut em down!” said Lizzy, knowing she hadn’t mentioned her.

  “I think we’re gonna order two large Hawaiians and three rootbeers,” said Robbie, but the waitress knew them enough to know that was what they would most likely order. “And this one is on me,” said Robbie as he grinned to Jedediah.

  “I’m not gonna fight you on that one Rob, I consider it chaperone payment,” Jedediah chuckled.

  “Jed, Robbie you don’t have to do that, I can even pay for part of it,” said Lizzy.

  “No, it’s my pleasure.” Robbie smiled down to her.

  “Hey Lizzy!” called Ellie as she walked from across the room and over to their table.

  “Hey Ellie, what’ve you been up to?”

  “Nothing much, I’m here with a girlfriend, but I think she’s a little busy.” Ellie smiled and glanced to the corner table across from them where a couple was making out.

  “Jed, this is my friend Ellie from school and Robbie I know you know her from class.”

  “Hey Ellie, why don’t ya join us,” said Robbie with a grin.

  “Yeah, why don’t you?” Jedediah smiled.

  “If you guys really don’t mind, I think I will,” Ellie said as she pulled out the empty chair and sat down.

  The four talked as they all enjoyed Robbie’s generous gift, which also included a fourth rootbeer for Ellie.

  Jedediah couldn’t help but smile as he found Ellie to be altogether different than he imagined her to be. Although he had never talked to her before, he had pretty much grown up with her and several of the other teens from Safe Harbor that was in his grade.

  “Do you think she’s nice?” Lizzy asked Jedediah in her mind.

  “Knock it off Liz, I’m just talking to the girl,” said Jedediah in his mind, a little angry that his sister had to hear every thought he ever had.

  “Sorry Jed, I’ll try not to do it,” Lizzy said in her mind once more and gave a slight smile.

  Jedediah didn’t answer, but continued the conversation with Robbie and Ellie.

  “Oh no, here they come,” said Ellie as she looked to the front door across from them and then looked to Lizzy.

  Lizzy’s heart began to race as she saw Billy and Bo Baldwin enter the restaurant. She hadn’t let her thoughts give away anything about the incident on the first day of school. She hadn’t even told Robbie.

  “Lizzy what’s wrong?” Jedediah asked her in his mind as he could tell that she was frightened.

  “Trouble that’s all,” she said in her mind as she tried keeping all her thoughts hidden on the matter.

  “Is there something I should know?” asked Robbie with concern as he saw the look on Lizzy’s face and then looked to the Baldwins.

  The Baldwin brothers both had a grin from ear to ear and they just happened to get a table next to Lizzy and the others as the previous customers were leaving.

  “Just let em try something,” said Jedediah in his mind as he gritted his teeth.

  “Jed no, that’s just what they want you to do,” Lizzy said in her mind as she bit into her pizza.

  “It’s gonna end here and now Lizzy if they even so much as breathe on us.” Jedediah sipped on his straw as he looked to Ellie and could tell that even she seemed disturbed by their nearness.

  “I just love me a good soda don’t you Bo,” said Billy as the waitress was coming towards their table.

  “Yep, soda’s my favorite thing of all,” said Billy with a Cheshire grin as he looked to Lizzy and then gave the waitress their order.

  “Hey Jedediah, heard you and Robbie took down the Beacons!” A dark haired girl waved and gave a flirty smile.

  “Yeah Josie, you should’ve been there,” said Jedediah with a half grin.

  Lizzy was just glad that it broke the ice for a moment and hoped all would be good.

  “You know how it is, gotta be on that water as much as I can before the cold weather sets in.” Josie flashed a big grin and then headed out the door with some of the guys from their school.

  “I better be heading home myself,” said Ellie and she gave a look of concern to Lizzy.

  “Glad you could join us. Don’t worry about us, we’re good,” said Lizzy trying to convey the message to Ellie without Jed or Robbie catching on.

  “Okay, see you guys at school.” Ellie pushed in her chair and started walking away.

  “See ya,” said both Jedediah and Robbie in unison and Lizzy smiled and waved.

  “You know, I don’t like the crowd in here tonight. Why don’t we go down to the Harbor,” said Bo Baldwin and stood up.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right about that. I think the Harbor sounds much more interesting,” said Billy as he also got up and both the boys grinned to Lizzy as they left.

  The waitress brought the Baldwin’s order, and shook her head seeing that they were already gone.

  “I think they changed their mind,” said Jedediah to her and then he realized that it might have been Ellie leaving that caused them to change their mind. “I’m gonna go make sure Ellie gets home okay.”

  “Jed, if you think there might be trouble, I’ll go along,” Robbie said.

  “No, you’ve done your share, it’s my turn and besides, you gotta take care of my sister,” Jedediah said with a grin. “I’ll meet you at home later Liz.”

  Lizzy knew better than to try and stop Jedediah, what he said was probably true; she could see how the Baldwins might try and gang up on Ellie.


  Jedediah tried keeping his distance from the brothers as they walked down a small lane, but he also knew it was near where Ellie lived, so he stayed as close to them as he dared without revealing himself.

  The Baldwins kept up their pace, but wasn’t able to catch up to Ellie.

  Jedediah figured she must have practically run home to avoid being their latest victim. He watched the boys turn down an ally and saw them kick over a trash can.

  When the owner came out and yelled at the boys, they took off down the ally.

  It was misty now as the fog was rolling in, Jedediah thought about turning around but decided to walk a little further to see what other mischief they were up to.

  Jedediah walked one block more and knew he was nearing the docks of the Harbor. He started to turn around and then he heard…

  “Well, well, if it isn’t Jedediah Prentis walking all alone late at night,” said Bo Baldwin.

  “Does your daddy know you’re out here?” laughed Billy Baldwin.

  “Just wanted to make sure you creeps weren’t bothering anyone,” Jedediah said sternly.

  “Did you hear that Billy!”

  “Yeah, I heard Bo. I think we ought to teach this Prentis a lesson just like we did little Lizzy on the first day of school.”

  With that Jedediah felt heat rush up into his face; now he knew they had done something to Lizzy and that she kept it a secret. He rushed towards them and was amazed how easy it was to grip each of them by their necks and lift them off the ground and over his head.

  The Baldwins were in complete shock and tried to hit Jedediah with their fists, but they were only met with air as he dangled them like little rag dolls.

  Jedediah took them over to where he knew the dock was and could hear the water. When he walked to the end of the dock, he said, “I must be stronger than I thought, because I’m kinda particular about my sister and who causes her

  Both boys were kicking and gasping for air. Bo barely got out the words, “Put us down, we didn’t mean anything.”

  Billy whispered, “I’m sorry Jed, we won’t do it again.”

  “You guys kinda say that a lot and I’m getting tired of hearing it.” Jedediah held them out over the water.

  “Please,” was all Bo could whisper.

  “Please what?” Jedediah asked.


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