Merlin's Supernatural Academy: Complete series (Books 1-4) : A Young Adult Supernatural Academy Series

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Merlin's Supernatural Academy: Complete series (Books 1-4) : A Young Adult Supernatural Academy Series Page 10

by K L Rymer

  “One... one week of d-detention, s-sir...” Matthew stutters and I look around at him for the first time.

  Geez, he really does look like a scared little boy right now. He’s nothing without his magic.

  “That’s right, Mr Humphrey. And would you mind elaborating what detention involves at this school?”

  I imagined it would involve writing lines over and over during our free periods, but judging by the pale look on Matthew’s face, I would say it’s far worse.

  “It... it involves us being without our... m-magic for a whole week, sir.”

  Myrddin smiles and holy shit... I’ve never seen anything so twisted. “Well done, Mr Humphrey.”

  I don’t see what the big deal is. If that is detention at this school, then I guess I’ve been in detention my whole life. Seriously, I only just found out that I have powers.

  Matthew looks as if he’s about to cry, and it’s worth it just to see the look of horror on his face. Serves him right.

  “Miss Ambrose, you helped Mr Humphrey attack Miss Williams. So I’m afraid I will have to take your powers too.”

  Angelina dips her head. “Yes, sir.”

  Myrddin holds out another vial and sucks the powers right out of Angelina, and I see that swirling blue making a temporary home inside.

  I wonder what kinds of powers she has. There is super strength, speed, senses, but what kind of magic does she possess? Dracula could levitate his victims if I recall. Can Angelina do some messed up shit like that too?

  I guess she also has super beauty, but to my frustration that stays. And here I thought it was the blood of all her victims keeping her young and beautiful. It’s in her genes, and you can’t take someone’s DNA.

  Merlin’s not that powerful. That’s God’s work.

  I look to the once-powerful beings beside me, watching how they deflate. I suppose they’re just like any ordinary mortals now. Will Matthew have to do things by hand? And will Angelina have to ditch the blood-sucking and go vegan? (I suppose she could always get her steak rare.)

  For goodness sake. It’s like someone died in this room, and I shift uncomfortably in my seat. At least I’m stone-cold sober now. Nearly being killed by a sadistic mage boy can do that to you I guess.

  Headmaster Myrddin chuckles next, and we all glance up horrified. He produces a crazed smile, and it makes his eyes crinkle at the corners. “Sir Lancelot, Queen Guinevere, and the great and powerful Merlin... You may now all be excused.”

  Startled, we all stagger to our feet and rush toward the door. I suppose that means he approves of our costumes then.

  Just as Matthew’s hand closes around the handle, Myrddin says, “Oh, and you all lose ten scores for each of your houses. However, you, Bryn, lose an extra five for bringing humans to the academy. Humans are forbidden from entering this school unless I give them special permission.”

  I can almost hear Matthew and Angelina sneering. It looks like Myrddin didn’t completely suck the whole life out of them then.

  Fantastic. I just made things worse for our measly Mendacious House.

  Chapter 16.

  We all got our powers back after a week, but I couldn’t rejoice.

  For one I had lost the paltry fifteen scores that our house did have (seriously, that’s all we had. Fifteen frigging scores), but my Mendacious family didn’t throw any blame my way. After all, we snuck Sophie, Megan, and Jonathan onto campus together, and some of us even made out with them—I’m looking at you, Felicity and Jack.

  Myrddin had performed a memory spell on each human, then sent them back to Bangor via Shankfoot. All they remember is going to my secret drama club. That’s all.

  It seems like forever since Shankfoot brought me to the academy. I will have to give him and Princess Sparkle Hooves a visit some time. He has a cottage in the woods. A little creepy, but it should be fun.

  After I returned from the headmaster’s office on Halloween, I was attacked by wisps of white-blond hair, and when I looked down there was Felicity back in her original form, crying into my chest.

  She thought I was going to be expelled. They all did. Even Damien looked a little relieved when I claimed that I wasn’t going anywhere.

  To be honest, I was relieved too. I couldn’t bear to say goodbye to the academy or Mendacious. They’ve become like family now, and for the first time I’m glad I never got sorted into a more popular house. I would rather have friends like Zahara and Felicity than a bunch of mean assholes like Matthew and Angelina who would happily kill me.

  I’ve just finished gym class, and now I’m on my way to see Headmaster Myrddin.

  I’m still a little bruised. Myrddin doesn’t have us using our powers yet. Instead, he has us physically fight, and I’d got teamed up with Zahara. Trust me, that bitch is ruthless.

  It’s still one of my favorite classes. But I go in the hopes that I may get teamed up with Matthew. Any chance to kick his ass.

  My only fear is that I’ll get teamed up with Felicity. The last thing I want to do is bruise her little china body, but from what I’ve seen, the pixie’s pretty tough. She’d sent Thomas onto his back one time.

  Just as I walk down the hallway to the headmaster’s office, I hear those footfalls—four of them in fact. There’s no mistaking the sound of dog claws, ones that have long needed trimming by now, and I sigh, turning around.

  A large deerhound gazes back up at me. His head nearly reaches my chest, and I entertain myself with the idea of allowing Felicity to ride him one day. Compared to her, he’s a horse.

  “What are you doing here, Gelert?”

  The dog whines and barks. The sound reverberates off the walls.

  I roll my eyes and step forward, stroking him behind the ear. He closes his eyes in satisfaction, lolling his tongue out.

  “You don’t have to follow me everywhere, you know? I’m perfectly capable of defending myself against the wolves...”

  Gelert whines and paws me with his leg, and I kneel down and rub the sides of his face now. He groans in relaxation.

  “Who are you talking to?”

  Ice seizes hold of me instantly, and I jump upright, turning around to find the smug face of Matthew Humphrey.

  “No... no one...” I reply, trying to hide my ghost dog.

  Yeah, Gelert’s my dog now.

  Matthew scoffs. “I always knew you were a little crazy.”

  That’s rich coming from him. He nearly tried to blow my head off! The psychopath.

  He narrows his eyes as if he can read my thoughts, and I return the gesture. Fuck him, looking so hot in his scorching red blazer right now.

  Damn, he really is one beautiful-looking guy. He has sculptured lips, a strong jawline, and thick, voluminous hair. Also, he looks as if he was molded by angels with those chiseled features, but I know better. He may look angelic, but deep down I know what he truly is. A killer.

  He held no qualms about attacking me the other day, using the word “justice” to defend his actions. So I brought a couple of humans to the academy? No big deal. No one got hurt. Well, no one except for me that is, and I know he’s still pissed that he never got to finish the job.

  He yearns to see the day when my eyes shut permanently, and the feeling’s still mutual. I’d love to put an end to his deep, piercing grays too.

  The White Dragon on his blazer shines a little brighter than the Red, just as the Red shines brighter on mine, and I fold my arms so he can’t see my emblem.

  Matthew catches on and he grins that awful smirk of his. He’s so slimy. Even Gelert knows it, who growls behind my legs, but Matthew doesn’t hear.

  It seems he’s not so good at everything after all. He can’t see spirits. I can see spirits...

  “Hm, it appears that I was wrong about you after all, human. Turns out you’re not so talentless after all.”

  I return his smirk. “You got that right. You just better not get in my way in future. I will stop you, Matthew. I won’t let you get an inch near me or any of my hous
emates. You’re the real scum of this school. You and Vampire Barbie.”

  He steps forward, and now he leans in close to my face. I hold my breath. Mostly because I totally helped myself to a buttload of red onion at lunch earlier, so I stink right about now, but I don’t want him stealing my oxygen either. I wouldn’t put it past him.

  “Is that a threat?” he whispers, his voice deep and thick.

  I grit my teeth. His breath is minty fresh. Of course. Evil people always smell great.

  We lock gazes, my hazel against his cool gray, and lord knows how much time passes. I’m probably late for my meeting with the headmaster, but for some reason, I can’t stop peering into those steely eyes.

  I see the challenge, and I see the hate. But I also see a little fear, and... is that pleading? Nonsense. Matthew Humphrey IV doesn’t plead. That’s for commoners. He’s no commoner. He’s first in line to inherit his father’s big ass estate after all.

  It is hard to believe that I’m destined to kill this guy one day. Especially as I keep stealing glances at his luscious lips.

  Why am I wondering what they would feel like against my own?

  I’m so close now; I can see those perfect lines running down his bottom lip. And that dimple is just too cute beneath his nose.

  Ah, yes, the philtrum... The most erogenous part of the body. Or so the Ancient Greeks believed.

  Well, Aphrodite kill me now.

  I’m the first to break contact. If I don’t who knows what will happen, especially as Matthew keeps gawping at my own face with similar, childlike wonder.

  I close my eyes and move around him, and now I head up the corridor again.

  He seems to take some time to compose himself, but he soon follows after me, and I pick up the pace.

  Wait... is he following me?

  When I’m about two steps away from Myrddin’s office, I whirl around, making him flinch. “What’s your problem?!”

  He keeps those impassive gray eyes on me, pointing at the plaque of the door. “The headmaster has summoned me to his office.”

  I widen my eyes. Wait? Now? But... I’m meant to see him... Unless...

  The door swings open and Myrddin appears, wearing a wide smile on his bearded face, and it’s like that somber headmaster from Halloween has vanished.

  “Ah, Mr Humphrey, Miss Williams. Just who I was waiting to see.”

  He moves aside and allows us entry, and Matthew and I step into that eccentric office like a pair of dogs with our tails between our legs. After all, the last time we were here, Myrddin had taken our powers. I can see the sweat beading on Matthew’s upper lip already, and the hard clench of his jaw.

  Wow... losing his powers for a week must have really been torture for him. He is having symptoms of PTSD now.

  Myrddin laughs good-naturedly and throws a fatherly arm around the young mage. Matthew visibly recoils. “Ah, come now, Mr Humphrey. There is no need to be so nervous. I’ve merely summoned you here for a chat. But between you and me,” he whispers, leaning closer to Matthew as he gives me the side-eye. “The ladies don’t care much for a sweaty man. Well, maybe when they’re working out. Here, wipe your lip...”

  He passes Matthew a frilly pink handkerchief, and I see the red blush over my rival’s cheeks. Quickly, he dabs his philtrum and I look away, pretending that I don’t notice.

  Instead, I busy myself with Myrddin’s bookshelf, trying not to envision myself wiping the sweat off his upper lip for him, and I cringe.

  What the fuck’s wrong with me...?

  “Now, both of you, sit. We have much to discuss.”

  Mine and Matthew’s eyes meet briefly, and ever the gentleman, he lets me be the first to take a seat.

  So I sit myself down, folding my hands over the pleats of my skirt, and glance at the mountains outside the window.

  Ooh, snow. Growing up in Texas, I never saw a lot of snow. Well, except for the infamous Snowpocalypse of 2017.

  Myrddin takes his wingback chair and offers us some tea and biscuits. Matthew and I both decline.

  We try to avoid looking at each other, but I can’t ignore the feeling of his body heat right beside me, and I close my eyes, thinking of something else.

  Where have these sudden sensations come from? I hate the fucking guy. I would rather cut his lips with a knife than kiss them.

  How romantic...

  The headmaster takes a prolonged, tortuous sip of his pretty porcelain cup, then sets it down, giving us both a pensive look. “Now... where to begin with the two of you...”

  I glance up. What’s that supposed to mean?

  Myrddin places his fingers against his temples, releasing a long, hearty sigh. “Ah, just what will the senior faculty members say when they find out two students of mine were duelling?”

  It’s hard to believe that anyone could be any more senior than Merlin at this grand old school, but I’m all ears.

  He opens his eyes again, and the hazel has grown a little dewy now. I can’t look away. “I know it is a little optimistic of me to expect my students to get along all the time, especially with the factions that I enforce. But never would I have dreamed that two students would try to kill each other. Not at my school...”

  To be fair, I acted out of self-defense, and I still stick to my justification. But still... he really is delusional if he believes the setup at this school would ever lead to anything other than hostility, exclusion, and downright bullying. There is only so much shit one kid can take, and that is how fights are caused.

  Thank god we all have each other at Mendacious. We may be a small house of seven, but we’re mighty.

  “Miss Williams... Mr Humphrey... would it be too much of me to ask you both to get along? Work with each other instead of against?”

  I gawp at him, my mouth agape. Is he serious? Wasn’t he the one several weeks ago who told me I had to defeat Humphrey in battle? Stop him reigning terror on the White Dragon?

  If I recall, he never actively told me that I should kill or hurt Matthew, just... stop him.

  Now I think I finally understand the headmaster’s game.

  He wants us to try and become friends, not enemies. Over my dead body. And I’m sure Matthew feels the exact way.

  Carefully, I steal a glance in his direction and catch him staring at me. His gaze is prolonged and searching once more, but then he sticks his nose up and focuses his attention back on Myrddin, and the moment’s gone.

  For a minute, I actually thought that... Ah, forget it.

  I’ve never felt more awkward sitting there, next to the guy I hate most in the world, as my headmaster begs of us to get along.

  Well, I’m not going to be the first to agree. Screw that.

  Headmaster Myrddin gives a mischievous smile next, and Matthew and I watch him curiously.

  “Are... you okay, Professor?” I ask with a nervous quiver to my tone.

  Merlin’s sure creepy when he wants to be...

  His green eyes twinkle, and a knot forms in my stomach. Why do I get the feeling I won’t like what he has to say next?

  “I’ll personally see to it that you both receive training from me. I’m sure the faculty won’t mind. After all, that was some powerful magic I saw from both of you. Very rare too. Of course, it’s not so surprising for you, Mr Humphrey, given who your family is, but Miss Williams... you never told me you harboured such ability.”

  What? Is he for real? I knew something was fishy the day that I, human Bryn Williams, was invited to attend Professor Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters...

  The headmaster gives a lopsided grin. “Perhaps you’re descended from a very special magician yourself?”

  The knot returns in my stomach. Why had I not thought of that?

  I know my mom’s no one special, and Larry’s not even my real father, so that scratches him out. All I know of my real father was that he left my mother when she was pregnant with me, so I’ve never really cared much for him. He’s just the Sperm Guy as far as I’m concerned.
  I shake my head, getting a little distracted by my disgusting thoughts, and meet my headmaster’s eager green eyes. “I couldn’t say, Professor. I’ve never really given much thought to who my real father is.”

  He deflates, and the prominent smile vanishes. “Oh, well... that’s pleasant to know I suppose. At least Mr Humphrey and I can take solace in the fact that you’ve never wondered who the other half of your identity is.”

  What’s his problem? I know he never knew his father too since learning about him in Professor Jones’ History and Legends’ class, but I couldn’t give a shit.

  I’ve never needed my father, and I don’t need him now. Myrddin just needs to get over the fact that we’re not all sappy like him.

  Another uncomfortable silence passes between the three of us, the pendulum of that grandfather clock swinging as always.

  After what feels like an age, Matthew draws a breath. “I’ll do it. It would be an honour to receive one and one training with the greatest wizard of all time. If all I have to do is get along with Miss Williams, so be it.”

  Myrddin beams. “Splendid!”

  Now they both look to me, and I groan. “Fine... If Captain Asshole agrees, then so do I.”

  It’s a shame I can’t cross my fingers behind my back. I’d be too obvious otherwise. All I care about is the one and one training. Fuck getting along with Matthew.

  The headmaster claps his hands and jumps to his feet. “Then it is settled. You will both meet me here every morning at six before class. That should give us two and a half hours.

  Wait... six?! And... the both of us?

  Myrddin comes around and hauls us out of our seats. It seems he just wants to get rid of us.

  “H-hold on a moment, Professor. You... you said we would receive one and one training. Why do I have to meet with Bryn?” Matthew asks.

  That’s the first time he’s actually used my name, and I hate myself for loving the way it sounds on his gorgeous lips. We are already at the door, and now he kicks us out onto our asses. Well, not literally, but he may as well have done.

  I sure feel like I’ve been kicked up in the ass.


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